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private NightMare Night in Ponyville

Fiery Shadow

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/127579-halloween-in-ponyville/









Nightmare Night has arrived in ponyville. everypony was excited for the event.

Some ponies just went out as they were, some had costumes.

The moment Nightare Night started, our dear princess luna arrived as Nightmare moon except she was able to control Nightmare moon.

However the greetings lasted very shortly as a thick black mist approached ponyville.

the Mist sweeped over Luna and before anypony knew what happend, she was gone.

they just though it was another prank played by her.

until lightning striked the ground where she stood.

standing there was a black/orange alicorn.

everypony still thought it was nother prank played by luna.

this thought was shortlived as the mysterious 

Alicorn Used His telekinetic powers to crush the Statue of Nightmare moon into small bits of rock.


The Alicorn gave away a large laughter.

Citizens of ponyville! Your precious Nightmare moon is no longer here!

and the power of the forerunners will cleanse this world from its sins!


The Alicorn Dissapeared into thin air.

Everypony started running around in panic and fright.


Nopony has ever seen this alicorn before nor do they know who it was.

But somepony managed to get a view of its cutie mark.

That somepony was Fiery Shadow. he rushed to his home trying to find out what that was.


Edited by GSGT Michael Brock

When life gives you space lemons, you make space lemonade. Wait, why am i speaking good of lemons? GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN SPACE LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?



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caliber, dressed up as Nyron the great, had just barely missed the mystery alicorn with his sword strike, before it disappeared into thin air. "damn!" he looked at violet. "do you know who that was?!"



violet, dressed up as a royal guard, shook her head, "no, iv never seen him before."


they decided to walk to the town square, and think on it. 


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Shadow rushed towards caliber in panic

Caliber! hey! i know what that was!

I saw his cutie mark! it was a forerunner symbol!

*Brings up book* this is the Forerunner Symbol for "Reclaimer"

he is of forerunner origin! do you know what that means?

He Put his book in his backpack.

Edited by GSGT Michael Brock
  • Brohoof 1

When life gives you space lemons, you make space lemonade. Wait, why am i speaking good of lemons? GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN SPACE LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?



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caliber spun around. "forerunner...?" he swiped the book, and started flipping through it. 


violet narrowed her eyes. "and just how do you know about these 'forerunners'?" she asked suspiciously, "sounds rather...convenient." she started hovering a bit, ready to fight.


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Shadow awnsered Violet in an angry tone

Because i've seen them before! i know of their origin!

you HAVE to trust me! do you have ANY idea what they are capable of?


*Walks around in distress* Oh dear celestia! oh dear no! this is NOT good!

WE HAVE to find that forerunner!

When life gives you space lemons, you make space lemonade. Wait, why am i speaking good of lemons? GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN SPACE LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?



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After the whole humdrum with the alicorn stallion that had very unexpectedly showed up, Spellbind was just walking around in a daze. She saw two ponies discussing the situation, and apparently it was something to do with 'Forerunner'.


She walked over and waited for them to acknowledge her.

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"calm down, vi," caliber commented, still flipping through his book.


violet looked at him. "did you just call me Vi?" she asked, "why?"


caliber shrugged. "you call me cutsy" he replied, "its only fair."


"only because its a combination of "cutie" and "cut"!! its genius!"


"right, well, we can argue later. we gotta find out where this guy went." he turned to the guy who had given him the book. "so, got any ideas where he might be?"


violet turned around, and saw herself face-to-face with another pony. "why, hello there." she said, trying to be friendly in all this chaos, "my names violet."


(mitch, whats your OC's name? :blush: )


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Shadow noticed the Mare approaching him.

Who are you?

he asked in a angry and irritated tone.

Do you have ANYTHING to do with the forerunner stallion?

*Irritated* This is PERFECT! just PERFECT!

Shadow rushed home to his house trying to find an awnser to the forerunner stallion.

Edited by GSGT Michael Brock

When life gives you space lemons, you make space lemonade. Wait, why am i speaking good of lemons? GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN SPACE LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?



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Blizzard had dressed up as one of the ice elementals he head fought before, making him look like he had ice armor with a mask. He had seen Caliber and wanted to surprise him, "Surprise bro!!!! Fear me! I am an ice elemental! How do I look?"


EWS on the other hoof was a shadow bolt and scaring ponies with lighting storms. "Haha! You ponies are so gullible! Hahaha!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Before Spellbind could make her timid reply to Shadow, he ran off. Thoroughly perplexed as to why anypony would suspect her, she looked at the ponies that remained. "Whats the matter with him? Was it something I did?" She sighed. "I  can't do anything right..."

Edited by Littlecandylulu903
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((congratulations, that is now a character trait.))


caliber and violet just shrugged.


and when ice blizzard pounced on caliber, violet kicked him off, thinking he was attacking him. "oh, hey, ice bliz- WOAH!" caliber said before the kick. he ran up to ice blizzard, "you okay, man?!"


violet gasped, "oh, im so sorry! im just used to reacting at the first hint of danger!" she noticed electron pranking ponies, and decided to throw a rock at him. she picked one up, and chucked it at him.


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*duck noise* "Ow. I'm fine, nothing the Blizz can't handle!" He then looks at Violet, "Oh, no problem, hey Caliber, who's this? Is this Violet?!  :pinkie: The pony who you said that beat you over 9000 times?!" Blizzard then looks at Caliber shyly, "Ooops, sorry if I made you feel bad there, but I'm glad to meet you. I'm Ice Blizzard!"


EWS was still causing trouble everywhere and was getting closer to IB, "Hey snowball! Over heree! *zaps IB with clouds* HAHAHA!" *flies off*"


"Damn you tron!  :baconmane: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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violet smirked at caliber. "not nine-thousand, but ninety-five times. he's beat me a couple times, though." she grinned. "it seems caliber spreads rumors about me." she held out her hoof, "my names violet, nice to meet you."


caliber watched electron fly around, wondering how he could hurt him somehow.


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Blizzard shook Violet's hoof, "Hi glad to meet ya! Caliber talks wonders about how you fight awesomely, and I notice you git a nice hoofshake grip. Pretty cool. Anyway, I'm Caliber's best friend and we love to fight. Not each other, but just as a team y'know? I hope you and I can be friends too. :D  Ok *lets go of Violet's hoof* Are we gonna try and get mountains of candy as a team or in competition? :sneer: "


"Zap! Pow! Take that! HAHAHAH!" 

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"sure, we could go as a team-" ZAP! violet's flank was burnt black. she glared at the laughing electron. and flew up to him. grinning, she punched his face, and attacked him as he fell down. "ill teach ya to electrocute me!!" she yelled.


caliber turned back to ice blizzard. "she was going to say 'as a team'," caliber said, 'but what about that alicorn...?' he thought


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Blizzard jumped for joy, "Oh boy! Let's do this! Capture the objectives fillies and gentlecolts! Whoopee! Who's house do we hit first? :sneer: "


"Get offa me you! Nopony touches Electron Wave Storm! HAHAHAHHAH! *flies off with more clouds* I'm fast as lightning, losers!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Shadow searched his house in panic for anything refering to forerunner.

he eventually found his armor set he salvaged once.

Well at least i can dress up tonight.

The armor is placed on Shadow automatically piece by piece.

Ah! there we go.

He headed outdoors again and went back to the festival.

as he was almost to the town square a voice whispered in his ear:

You... Have something... that belongs to me!

*Confused* um... yours?

A Black mist was flying over him.

Identify yourself!

*Laughter* Fool! you know who i am!

Shadow ran away as fast as he could.

When life gives you space lemons, you make space lemonade. Wait, why am i speaking good of lemons? GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN SPACE LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?



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Spellbind was having a bit of trouble keeping up wth everything that was going on. Suddenly, everypony was talking about going on trick-or-treating, which was kind of the aim of the night, but it was certainly quite the shift from the previous subject.

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