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private Assasians and Guards


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/129949-1x1-solo-romance/?view=getnewpost


Echo stood at guard at the door to Twilight's palace. Night had fallen over the small town of Ponyville, making it the prime time to strike. She hefted her long spear up again, looking around and making sure that no pony, and that meant absolutely no pony at all was going to get inside of this place, unless she was dead.

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For the twentieth time, he pulled on the sleeve of his black body suit.  He wasn't used to wearing coverings, but Ennex had insisted.  "What if you were seen?" his brother had said, "Nopony will recognize you in this, if you get away quickly enough."  He knew the suit was important, but he still didn't like wearing it.  It's just for tonight, he told himself, once I check out the castle, I can return home and get out of this thing!  Creeping around at night wasn't too high on his bucket list either, but if he could do this small favor for his brother, it was worth it.  All he wants is to know how many guards there are, and where they are.  It's not like I have to break in or anything.  He followed the path away from the other houses, and stared at the castle rising in front of him.  With a gulp, Random Action lowered his head and crept forward, trying to stay in the bushes or behind trees, keeping as quietly as he could....





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Being a bat pony meant that Echo had special senses. Every so often, she breathe out. It looked like a sigh, but in reality she was letting out an echolocative beam to test the area. Whenever there was a disturbance, the wave that came back wasn't right, and she would look to that area. For the majority of her run, she'd gotten nothing of any real value, just leaves and such.

However, suddenly it bounced off of Random Act. She whipped her head in his direction, holding her spear a little closer. She growled to the bushes, "If somepony is there, show yourself and you will be spared."

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He froze in mid-creep.  Uh oh, Random thought, as he tried to figure out how he was spotted.  This sort of thing just wasn't his specialty.  Ravage tried to teach him, but now that seemed pointless.  Caught already!  Ennex isn't going to be happy about this!  After thinking a moment, he decided to just keep still.  Maybe, if I don't move, the guard will think it was just an animal or something, and I can slip away!  Yes, that was the answer.  And he could try again another night, so as not to let his brother down....





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Echo kept using her echolocation, trying to get his location. Yet when he stopped moving, it instead casued her to look in other directions. She whippepd around, seeing a tree branch snap. She moved towards it, thankfully away from the assassin and held it away from him.

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It worked! his mind shouted, as he listened to the guard move away from him.  Maybe I can go the other way and slip down the hill.  He gave her a few more moments, then started to crawl the opposite direction.  If I can just get to the road...


He almost knew it would happen before it did.  *SNAP!* went the twig under his hoof.  Panicking, he struggled to his hoofs, and tried to run down the hill.....

Edited by nx9100





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Growling, she snapped around and spat, "STOP RIGHT THERE!" She flung herself towards the noise, now able to get a read on his location. She thrust her spear out in front of her, ready to catch him on the end of iit when she met.


That, luckily for him, did not happen. The spear hit his jumpsuit he wore and pinned him to a tree gorwing into the side of the hill. By the time he'd pulled it out of his coat, she was on top of him.

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My suit!  Oh Luna, Ennex is going to be so mad! he thought, staring at the spear pinning his suit to the tree.  Using his teeth, he struggled to pull it free, finally succeeding.  But as it fell to the ground...


"Oomph!" he grunted, feeling the weight of the guard on his back.  "Please, let me go!" he cried out, "I wasn't doing anything!  Honest!"  He struggled under the guard, desperately trying, and failing, to remember the brief lesson in combat Ravage gave him...





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Looking down at his struggling form, she had half the mind to bit his neck at the moment nd drain his blood. Yet when she saw something in his hooves, she looked down and growled.


"You're going to have to explain why you were sneaking around here in the middle of the night." she spat in his ear, taking his small bag away from him, "Now, get up quietly and we'll have no issue. Fight, and I might get clumsy and push my spear into your throat."

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"Ok, ok," he cried, struggling to his hoofs.  "Just please, you don't need to hurt me."  He noticed his small bag was missing.  Oh no!  His eyes glanced around, and noticed that she had pushed the bag away from him.  At least I left Ennex's notebook at home, he thought.  "Umm, I kinda need my bag back," he muttered, eyes looking down.  The poor stallion was clearly out of his element....





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She looked down, seeing the strange distress in his eyes. She growled, not sure what to actually though. She picked him up, pulling out some hoof-cuffs from her back. She latched his front hooves together and spat at him, pulling him along. She yanked him to the castle, holding his bag within her grasp.

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"Hey!" Random cried out as his hoofs were cuffed.  "What are you doing that for?  I didn't do anything wrong!"  As he let her drag him along, the only thing he could think of was how upset his brother was going to be.  I just hope Ennex can get me out of this, he muttered, as they approached the castle.  Well, at least he was going to get a good, close look at it....





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Echo took him into the castle, then immeditaly went into a stairwell. They'd (being the castle staff) had made a dungeon in the botton of the castle. She dragged him into it and put him in a small holding cell, right next to the larger on. She sat down next to him on a stool, growling, "Let's go through your things." She turned it upside down, pouring out the contents.

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Random gulped again, as the bag emptied onto the floor.  There wasn't much, just a small pencil, his map of Ponyville (having moved her only recently), some bits to buy a late dinner with, a small blue notebook with a grey delta on the cover...


Wait!  Why is that there! he screamed in his mind.  I left that at home!  didn't I?  At least, he thought he did.  But there it was, sitting in plain site on the cell floor.  A lump formed in his throat, knowing that the guard couldn't have missed the shock that hit his face the moment it fell.  My instructions are in there!  All the things he wanted me to find out about the castle!  While spying on the castle looked very suspicious, at least there wasn't anything in the notebook about breaking in or hurting anypony.  But what Random didn't know, was his scouting mission was only the first trip to the castle his brother had planned for him....


(OOC: notebook does NOT mention anything about assassinations....)





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Looking at the things, she analyzed each of them, leaving the notebook for last. She wasn't willing to let him get away, and everything had to be done. She looked down and began to look through the journal, seeing his list of insturctions in order to look around the castle.


"So you came here to spy, eh?" She looked to him, not sure what to even say to him. She hissed at him, getting in his face.

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Random gulped again, his head facing down, but eyes looking up at her.  He'd never met a bat pony before, and was getting nervous.  Say something! his mind screamed, as she leaned even closer.  "S-spy?" he stammered, "What do you mean?  I was just.... just coming home.... from a... a costume party!"  Even he new how lame the excuse sounded, but it was the best he could come up with....





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She looked down at him and she laughed, "Are you serious with that? That's the lamest excuse that you've ever come up with." She laughed again and suddenly smacked him, looking down at him. She smirked, "Tell me why you were really here and I may lighten up your sentence." She laughed.

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He recoiled from the smack, but at the sound of her laughing, a weak grin formed on his own face.  Just play it cool, he thought.  and maybe I can get out of this.  "It was kinda bad, wasn't it?" he asked quietly.  "Well, the truth is.." Don't mention Ennex!  "...I was, hired.  Yeah," his confidence rose, "hired, to watch the castle.  That's what he wanted."  Smooth, he thought, just keep feeding that to her, and maybe she'll let me go...





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"You were hired to watch the castle?" She looked ot him and then pulled him out of the smaller cell. She sat him down on a small stool and sat across, shining a little light on his face. She leaned in, smiling a little bit andl ooking down, "Tell me, who hired you? nd why does he want you to watch the castle?" She pulled out a small sheet of paper.

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He blinked under the light.  "Well," he gulped, "it was just some pony, see."  Lying wasn't a talent of his, but Random was determined not to implicate his brother.  "He came to me at... at Sugercube Corner.  Said if I did a job for him, he'd pay me."  I hope that's good enough for her!  He forced his eyes to look up at her, and tried to give her his best "I'm sorry" look.  It had gotten him out of a few jams in the past, maybe it would work on this bat-mare...





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Echo made a note and called over a bird. The bird took it and flew it up, presumably to another guard. She sat down, "I've dealt with almost thirty stallions and mares alike in here. Don't lie to me. I don't like when ponies lie and sometimes my hoof get twitchy." She growled.

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Random gulped.  Clearly, she wasn't going to fall for his 'sweet and innocent' routine.  "I..." he began.. "I can't tell you who it was.  I'm sorry..." he voice faltered, eyes falling towards the floor.  "He wanted me to find out how many guards there were, where they stood, any patters, and such."  He looked back up at her.  "That was all.  Please..." the big eyes again, "... believe me."





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She blinked a little bit and she nodded, writing it down, "So you were sent to spy on the castle and fiture out some of our defenses. That's all?" She looked inot his eyes and saw a true sincerity she hadn't seen very much. She nodded, "Alright then." She lifted him up gently, "Though you won't be leaving here tonight."

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"What?" he asked, "But... I told you what happened... I mean..." He remembered one of his brother's rules.  "When you don't know what to say, say nothing."  He nodded, and wondered how he was going to get out of this.


"So," he said, after a moment, "where do I sleep, then?"




One of the other guards who witnessed Echo bring in her prisoner (but not her questioning him), was outside, attaching a scroll onto a messenger bird.  Glancing around to make sure he was alone, he send the bird aloft.  After watching a moment to make sure it was on its way, he returned to his duties....

Edited by nx9100





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Smling, she laid back and groaned a little bit. "Sleep in there. Oh wait, here you go." She grabbed a small handle and a bed came up fro mthe floor. She smiled, "go ahead, sleep. I'll be right the entire time, so don't even think about leaving. I'll be here with you all night, little sweetie." She repeated i tjust to make him squirm.

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