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planning Story of the Blanks: Continued


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We can protect you... we can save your... join us...


For those of you who do not know the story of Story of the Blanks, I'll give a little bit of a brief synopsis!


In the Everfree forest, Twilight and Apple Bloom went to fetch some things for Zecora. During the night, they were separated and Apple Bloom found a village named Sunny Town. The town was filled with ponies who all had no cutie marks. When Apple Bloom went to investigate an old cottage outside the town, she found that the bones of a foal were left in a smoldering fireplace. 

When she left the cottage, the village was completely dark. All the ponies had turned into decaying rotting corpses that sought out ponies who had cutie marks and killed them. The dead pony will come back as a zombie-like apparitions. Apple Bloom managed to find the spirit of the dead filly, who helped her to escape.


That's the story, but what's the rp?


Simply put, the ponies have decided to spread their 'protection' across Equestria. They invade Ponyville during the dead of night and begin to attack the innocent ponies. During all this, our two OC's manage to rescue Apple Bloom, who tells them of this fate. With the ponies turning against them, they flee as they branch out. Yet, during the day, they all seem to literally disappear.


What can stop this menace? 


That's the rp! If you're interested, please send me a PM!

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