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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/130640-exploring-and-settling-new-lands-ooc-open-world-rp/


Aspen Swift awoke to the smell of salt.  Over the course of two and a half years, one would think that anypony could get used to waking up on a boat, but to Aspen, it was a shock each time.  The blue earth pony rubbed his eyes and sat up. Light filtered through the porthole above Aspen's bed, and the ceiling creaked and groaned.  

As Aspen stumbled out of bed, he glanced through the pothole.  "The fog really did roll in last night, didn't it?" he thought, staring at the sea of cool grey mist.  Aspen had never flown before, but he imagined that this is what flying through clouds feels like.  He was shaken from the mesmerizing sight by the sound of voices.  As he was one of the few passengers to stay on the floor directly under the deck, any ponies walking around above were very loud.  Especially in the morning, when the rest of the boat was asleep.

After a quick breakfast, Aspen opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.  Most other passengers ate at the mess two floors down, but Aspen was normally working at that time, so he took food to his room the night before.  He trotted down the hall, taking a moment to listen if there were any other ponies up yet. So far, all he heard was silence.  He opened a wooden door to the main stairwell, where a few other ponies were making their way up and down.  Not too many, though, because it was still dark outside. Aspen started up the stairs and went through another door, out into the cool air of the deck.  The sun was just peeking over what seemed like the edge of the world, and it's faded beams illuminated the towering mast.  The billowing grey sail seemed to compliment the grey fog that enveloped it.

There weren't many other ponies on deck at the moment; just the helmspony, the lookout, and a few fillies ponies running around.  Fillies normally weren't aloud to be on deck, but Aspen decided to let it slide this time.  He may have been handpicked to be a leader by the authoritative figures in Canterlot, but he didn't particularly enjoy chewing anypony out.  Aspen climbed the ladder of the mainmast, up to the crow's nest, where a dark purple stallion lay, asleep.  

Aspen prodded his shoulder with a hoof.  "Wally, get up!"

"Wha-what happened?"  The young pony's head shot up, and started to look around frantically.  He noticed Aspen and relaxed a bit.  "Oh, it's you.  Thank Celestia, if Buster found me asleep again, I'd have janitorial duty for the rest of the trip."  Aspen chuckled.  Buster's real name was Cloud Buster, and he'd been a weather pony back in the mainland.  Now, most ponies called him "Buster" behind his back, based on his tendency to punish "harshly."

"You know, I also have the authority to give you any job I want." Aspen jokingly threatened.

Wally snorted.  "Aspen, you've been on this boat for two and a half years, and I've never seen you even talk sternly to anypony.  Not even when fillies try to get you to make their friends "walk the plank." Aspen was about to respond when he realized that Wally was right.  There were five thousand ponies on five very big boats, but there were only a handful who were given leadership positions.  Aspen happened to be one.  

He remembered seeing the notice in Ponyville's town square:

"Don't You want to be an explorer?  Equestria has gotten big.  Too big, in fact, and we have decided that it's time to expand our borders.  We will need a lot of ponies who are willing to start a new life in a different land.  Up to the task?  Send a letter to (Aspen couldn't remember the address) explaining why you should be a founding mother or father of Equestria's newest lands!"

"So, how'd you even get to be so important anyway?" asked Wally.

"To be honest, I'm not sure myself," replied Aspen, "I sent in a letter like you and everypony else.  I explained that I lived alone on an orchard, where I made an honest living.  I had friends, and I enjoyed being near Ponyville, but I just wanted...more."  Aspen stared out into the distance, where he could barely make out a break in the fog.  "I quickly got a letter back that I was to meet with the Princess herself with some other specially selected individuals.  I took the train up to Canterlot, and met with the Princess.  She explained that she needed some ponies to serve as leaders both on the journey and at the settlement.  We would organize everything, from assigning jobs to creating a primitive form of government."

Wally was dumbfounded.  "You met with the Princess!?  Actually her, not just somepony speaking for her?"

Aspen smiled, "Yeah, and it was pretty cool.  She was very nice, and spoke to us like equals."

"Wow, that's amazing!" replied Wally.  The two figures sat in silence for a moment; two figures alone in a sea of fog.  "So, have you met with any of the other members of the authority?" said Wally after a while. 

Aspen nodded.  "We have meetings each morning.  It's not officially a secret, but we keep it on the down low.  That's why you never see me at breakfast."

"Not that I get to get breakfast either," grumbled Wally, "I'm usually stuck up here like a kite in a tree."  Aspen smiled. "Want me to take over for an hour?" he asked.

Wally looked thankful "I'd appreciate it," he said, "I really owe you one."

Aspen shook his head.  "Nah, It's cool.  I honestly just want some time to think."

"Well, in that case, imma go eat!" said Wally as he started down the ladder.

Aspen Swift suddenly noticed that the wall of mist was fading rapidly.  He looked ahead to see that it was clear ahead. It was hard to see in the fog, but Aspen now could see two ships that they followed.   The ships shared the grey sails of the ship Aspen was on, and looked almost identical.  Behind, Aspen could see two more ships, both also looking very similar to the rest.  These boats held the rest of the passengers, each carrying one thousand ponies.  Turning back to the front, Aspen thought about all the ponies on the ships.  Though they were very different, they all shared the trait of wanting to get away.  Of wanting to do something important.  And he has to help lead them?  Impossible.  Before all this business, Aspen had practically never held a leadership position, other than being class president of his small elementary school.  Now he's traveling to a place where he will feel just as estranged and be just as clueless as the ponies who will travel with him.

Suddenly, a noise sounded from ahead.  It sounded like a trumpet, but a thousand times louder and very deep.  It sounded like..."Like the magically powered alert horn!" he realized.  It was a horn that each ship came equipped with.  It took five unicorns to power, but it produced a sound that could be heard for miles.  It was only to be used for very important situations.  Aspen, from the crow's nest, looked around frantically.  "What did the ships ahead of us see?  Are there sea monsters?  Or maybe...he squinted, trying to make out something on the horizon.  Suddenly he realized exactly what it was.  He slid down the ladder, not even trying to climb down.  Across the deck he galloped, throwing open the door and flying down two flights of stairs.  He went through the iron door and through the first door on the left.  Inside, the other ponies with leadership positions were just sitting down.  

Their heads turned simultaneously.  "Aspen, what's going on?" asked Ocean Moon, a beautiful mare with long dark blue mane.  "Land," said Aspen, "land has been spotted."

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"Ugh" Omar said as he woke up from his once peaceful sleep. The feeling of the ship rocking back and forth made his stomach feel off. "Two and a half years and I'm still not used to this..." Omar thought to himself. He got up and went towards the window curious to see what time of day it was. Looking out the window he could tell that it wasn't fully morning yet but it was harder to see since everywhere in sight was covered in fog. 


Taking a step outside his room he could feel that the air was cold and full of moisture. Still almost half asleep, Omar stumbled down the hall towards the mess hall to get his morning coffee (that's cannon right?). Suddenly, completely breaking the silence, there was a huge blast of what seemed to be a trumpet. Omar startled and now fully awake from the sound, started to run in the direction of the deck. 


He could now see why the alert had been sounded. Out off in the distance he could see a faint outline of land.

Edited by Omar
  • Brohoof 1
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On a boat to the port side of the center boat, Blitz heard the trumpet call from far away on the other boat, and almost immediately a similar call was played on her boat.


Blitz rushed out onto the extremely crowded deck. A pony with a megaphone was shouting, "Land!" That was all any-pony needed to here, and all were suddenly shouting in glee.


Blitz was silently pleased. Finally, I'm getting off this wooden wreck. She had gotten quite tired of the constant rocking and the same food, over and over again. But she had met some interesting ponies, including several that were going to start farming, which would be very good for her. If she could get some of those ponies together, she could start a little establishment.

  • Brohoof 1
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(Coool! I'm gonna be starting playing Chrono Trigger soon!)


Spellbind got herself up out of bed. This was not the first time she had been on a ship. Nor the second. But it was the first where it was just for transport, not an adventure.


With her mane frazzled, she went outside to the overcrowded deck. She curled her body up a bit because of the coldness of the air.

  • Brohoof 2
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Sparkle Sword was manning (or womaning) the helm when she heard a distant horn "LAND HO!!!" she yelled out too the explorer's deck 


White Wing was in the depths of the cargo hold cleaning a green lamp when he heard his girlfriend / captain anounce the sighting of land. quickly he flew out onto deck and looked around " careful Sparkle try not too wreck us... again"

"ha White your sailing with Captain Sword my initials are S.S tell me i wasn't born for this job."

"Sparkle you weren't."



Sparkle looked forward "OH SHOOT!" sparkle turned the explorer just in time too avoid a rock 

"told ya sparkle..."

  • Brohoof 2
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Ocean was down in the mess hall eating his food when he heard the alarm go off. He moved up to the deck of the boat to see what was going on. There he saw what everypony else was seeing: Land. Finally after two and a half years on this boat, they would final be able to go and explore this new land that they had set out to find.

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Omar's mouth agape in disbelief. "It's.. wuh.. how... Land?!?" said Omar rubbing his eyes trying to see if it was just an illusion. "It really is land! After all these years on this dreaded boat, finally, land!" he exclaimed while tears of joy started to build up in his eyes.

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Peregrine was in the middle of the half-finished bowl of porridge she had mooched off of a sea-sick passenger when she heard the horn. Not knowing what it was, she opted to go to the deck and find out. She made her way up the decks without stumbling, she had finally stopped doing that a month ago, and poked her head up onto the main deck, squinting her eyes against the garish light. "I really need to spend more time up here," she mumbled as she clambered up onto the deck.


A moment later she heard an elated declaration of land sight. "Land? Oh goodness, I don't think I've ever said this, but I'll be glad to be getting to our destination!"


@ @Littlecandylulu903


Seeing a passenger she remembered from the lower decks, Peregrine hovered above a dozen ponies before reaching down with a hoof to bat at the periwinkle unicorn. "Hey! Spellbind, right? Excited about finally seeing land?"

Edited by Ochre_Dust
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Aspen exited from the conference room.  Though they were trying to keep the sighting of land a secret, as to keep things controlled, it seems that everypony had heard the alert from the ship ahead and had flooded the deck.  The cheers were deafening, and ecstatic hugs and hi-hooves were being shared all around.  Aspen couldn't help but smile as well, sharing in the overwhelming sense of joy that hung in the air and swelled in the hearts of those on board.  Honestly, Aspen was just as happy as most everypony else.  He may have received some special perks from his position, such as having his own room and access to the entire boat, but the boat had recently become very confining.  He wanted to feel dirt under his hooves, and unsalted air in his lungs.  Ocean Moon stepped out of the hatch to the stairs behind him, and trotted over to Aspen's side.  

"Should we make an official announcement about the sighting?" she asked.

Aspen snorted.  "I doubt there's anypony on board that doesn't already know."

Ocean nodded "fair enough."

The boat had gotten close enough to the shore to make out some minor details on land.  A white sandy beach was faintly visible, and a some green behind it, probably a forest.  The two boats in front were starting to slow a little.

"How are we supposed to depart the ship?" asked Wally, who had just came up from behind the other two, "the water's probably not deep enough to pull up right to the shore."

"Actually, we decided that everypony's going to swim to shore." replied Aspen.

"Wha-seriously?" said Wally, looking astonished.

Ocean suppressed a smile.  "Just kidding," said Aspen, also smiling, "we're sending out ferries for the passengers."

"Sweet Celestia," said Wally, punching Aspen lightly on the shoulder, "I thought you were serious."

Aspen chuckled and walked to the back end of the ship, where there was a small building.  He unlocked the door with a set of keys he kept around his neck on a lanyard, and walked inside.  There was a long table with countless buttons and switches, none of which made sense to him.

"Hm, nopony else here," he thought, "better make the announcement myself."  He went to the opposite end of the control panel.  He found a small microphone, and a glowing green button.  Aspen held down the button and spoke.

"Well, folks, as most of you know, land has been sighted-" a legible cheer was heard from the mass of ponies outside.  "-and we are preparing to set up small ferries for departure.  Please gather your family and your belongings and meet on deck.  I'm sure that I speak for the rest of the crew when I say that it's been a pleasure to have you on board, and good luck with your new life."  Aspen let the button go, and smiled.  Suddenly, his heart started to race.

"What was this new place going to be like?" he suddenly thought.  He had wondered about his new life on the island often, of course, but it was suddenly growing real.

"Where will I live?  What if I hate it here?  What if we can't live here, where will we go?" the thoughts crashed down upon Aspen like waves, and a nervous sweat broke out on his forehead.  But, then, he thought of his home.  He thought of all the ponies home counting on them to settle this new territory.  Aspen honestly had never had too much attachment to homeland Equestria.  Sure, most of it's citizens were kind and friendly, and things absolutely couldn't be more peaceful.  But it seemed too...ideal.  Aspen knew that he needed to be by these ponies side, not at all to order them around or control them, but to support them in branching off and making this a diverse and healthy community.  With this newly found since of purpose, Aspen took a breath and walked outside.  The ship had now stopped parallel to the two other ships.  He looked at the side of the deck where ponies were making a line to get on board a ferry.  He looked around for Wally and Ocean Moon, but they had disappeared, probably already on a ferry.  Aspen trotted to the hatch to the stairwell, and made his way down a flight to his room.  He expected to have to carry a few bags with him, but after looking around, Aspen realized he actually hadn't brought a lot of stuff with him.  He put on his saddlebag, and packed up some quills, ink, paper, a pillow, some blankets, and a towel.  Always know where your towel is, his mother had always taught him.  Aspen shut his door for the final time, and went up the stairs and back on to the deck.  The day had brightened up, and the sky was cloudless.  For the first time in what seemed like forever,  there was no wind.  The air was calm and still, and sun washed over everything.  Aspen got in the back of the line, next to two fillies who were skipping around there mother jubilantly.  Aspen took the time to calm himself and survey the situation.  The two boats that had previously been behind them were pulling up parallel to them now, creating a line of five hulking ships all pointed at the island.  @, However, Aspen noticed a smaller boat pulling in between his boat and the ship beside it.  It seemed like there were just two ponies on, which confused Aspen, until he remembered the Princess mentioning something about some ponies taking their own boat.  

Finally, Aspen, along with five other ponies, climbed inside one of the small vessels, which was then lowered into the ocean.  Aspen and another colt took the oars, and they started towards the island.

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The captain of Blitz's ship announced the sighting of land, but they'd all heard the announcement on the center ship, so every pony already knew.

Blitz had found a place beside some other ponies to lean on the railing of the ship. She hung over the railing slightly, front legs draping over it, the breeze rustling through her short mane.

Finally, land. Finally, she could truly start a new life. A new life where every pony around her was earnest and gullible-- a life where she would be the top. She smiled slightly to herself.

  • Brohoof 1
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Aspen exited from the conference room.  Though they were trying to keep the sighting of land a secret, as to keep things controlled, it seems that everypony had heard the alert from the ship ahead and had flooded the deck.  The cheers were deafening, and ecstatic hugs and hi-hooves were being shared all around.  Aspen couldn't help but smile as well, sharing in the overwhelming sense of joy that hung in the air and swelled in the hearts of those on board.  Honestly, Aspen was just as happy as most everypony else.  He may have received some special perks from his position, such as having his own room and access to the entire boat, but the boat had recently become very confining.  He wanted to feel dirt under his hooves, and unsalted air in his lungs.  Ocean Moon stepped out of the hatch to the stairs behind him, and trotted over to Aspen's side.  

"Should we make an official announcement about the sighting?" she asked.

Aspen snorted.  "I doubt there's anypony on board that doesn't already know."

Ocean nodded "fair enough."

The boat had gotten close enough to the shore to make out some minor details on land.  A white sandy beach was faintly visible, and a some green behind it, probably a forest.  The two boats in front were starting to slow a little.

"How are we supposed to depart the ship?" asked Wally, who had just came up from behind the other two, "the water's probably not deep enough to pull up right to the shore."

"Actually, we decided that everypony's going to swim to shore." replied Aspen.

"Wha-seriously?" said Wally, looking astonished.

Ocean suppressed a smile.  "Just kidding," said Aspen, also smiling, "we're sending out ferries for the passengers."

"Sweet Celestia," said Wally, punching Aspen lightly on the shoulder, "I thought you were serious."

Aspen chuckled and walked to the back end of the ship, where there was a small building.  He unlocked the door with a set of keys he kept around his neck on a lanyard, and walked inside.  There was a long table with countless buttons and switches, none of which made sense to him.

"Hm, nopony else here," he thought, "better make the announcement myself."  He went to the opposite end of the control panel.  He found a small microphone, and a glowing green button.  Aspen held down the button and spoke.

"Well, folks, as most of you know, land has been sighted-" a legible cheer was heard from the mass of ponies outside.  "-and we are preparing to set up small ferries for departure.  Please gather your family and your belongings and meet on deck.  I'm sure that I speak for the rest of the crew when I say that it's been a pleasure to have you on board, and good luck with your new life."  Aspen let the button go, and smiled.  Suddenly, his heart started to race.

"What was this new place going to be like?" he suddenly thought.  He had wondered about his new life on the island often, of course, but it was suddenly growing real.

"Where will I live?  What if I hate it here?  What if we can't live here, where will we go?" the thoughts crashed down upon Aspen like waves, and a nervous sweat broke out on his forehead.  But, then, he thought of his home.  He thought of all the ponies home counting on them to settle this new territory.  Aspen honestly had never had too much attachment to homeland Equestria.  Sure, most of it's citizens were kind and friendly, and things absolutely couldn't be more peaceful.  But it seemed too...ideal.  Aspen knew that he needed to be by these ponies side, not at all to order them around or control them, but to support them in branching off and making this a diverse and healthy community.  With this newly found since of purpose, Aspen took a breath and walked outside.  The ship had now stopped parallel to the two other ships.  He looked at the side of the deck where ponies were making a line to get on board a ferry.  He looked around for Wally and Ocean Moon, but they had disappeared, probably already on a ferry.  Aspen trotted to the hatch to the stairwell, and made his way down a flight to his room.  He expected to have to carry a few bags with him, but after looking around, Aspen realized he actually hadn't brought a lot of stuff with him.  He put on his saddlebag, and packed up some quills, ink, paper, a pillow, some blankets, and a towel.  Always know where your towel is, his mother had always taught him.  Aspen shut his door for the final time, and went up the stairs and back on to the deck.  The day had brightened up, and the sky was cloudless.  For the first time in what seemed like forever,  there was no wind.  The air was calm and still, and sun washed over everything.  Aspen got in the back of the line, next to two fillies who were skipping around there mother jubilantly.  Aspen took the time to calm himself and survey the situation.  The two boats that had previously been behind them were pulling up parallel to them now, creating a line of five hulking ships all pointed at the island.  @, However, Aspen noticed a smaller boat pulling in between his boat and the ship beside it.  It seemed like there were just two ponies on, which confused Aspen, until he remembered the Princess mentioning something about some ponies taking their own boat.  

Finally, Aspen, along with five other ponies, climbed inside one of the small vessels, which was then lowered into the ocean.  Aspen and another colt took the oars, and they started towards the island.

(sorry for the late reply just woke up)


"ugh......." starlight tasted the really salty water as he woke up on what to him at the time seemed like a normal equestria seaside probably due to how dizzy he was...

as things started to become more detailed he noticed a very large forest much like the everfree forest but only it seemed a bit more tropical and seemed to have a couple of bee hives ahead......

suddenly he sees what seems to be ships in the distance "wha...wait...um....where...ugh?" he proceeds to pass out again being woken up by a bug bite


"Ouch!" the ships seemed much closer now..... his dizzyness seemed to be lightening up as well "wait...a...minute where's my ship......oh don't tell me that i want over board.... great..... now i might never be able to find this legendary dragon's egg... that's clearly marked on this map......aw well it was probably fake anyway but hey it was a excuse for adventure right guys?...... oh wait they must of went overboard as well......well i hope those boats don't bring bad news......" he just watched as the ships got closer and closer and his dizzyness wore off more and more... until finally they were almost ashore..... "better stand back as to not get hit by them also probably best put my bow thats just laying here in my saddle pack... as not to invoke any form of violence.....

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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After being on the crowded deck for a few minutes there was finally an official announcement that it was indeed land that we saw and not an illusion. "Not like we needed an announcement for this." Omar said chuckling to himself. Quickly, Omar ran down the stairs to grab his few possessions.


Levitating objects into his saddlebags hurriedly while going over his items in thought hoping that he won't forget anything. About to leave his door he stopped himself mid-step and looked back at his room. "I really spent two and a half years in this room... It feels like it's been shorter than it really was." He thought to himself, "Well, goodbye old room." After saying this he started towards the deck for the last time barely keeping in the excitement of being near land (and wondering why he had spoken to his room as if he was saying his goodbyes to an old friend).


Pushing himself into the crowded deck, he tried to run as fast as his hooves could carry him towards the ferries.

Edited by Omar
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They were swiftly approaching land. Blitz decided that now was the best time to shamelessly advertise. Turning away from the railing, she went to the captain's lodge under the steering patio (I know no nautical terms). She knocked on the door politely, informed him that it was her, and entered.


The first thing she had done when getting on the ship was befriend the captain. The next thing she did was make herself known to everyone on the boat, so as to get as many ponies as she could to like her.


"Hey, captain," she said, smiling at the grizzled unicorn, "are you excited to be getting to land?"


It took several miminutes of boring pleasantries for her to get to her point.


"You know that many ponies will have no idea what to do in the new land," she said, lightly. "I have a dream of setting up a little town. Perhaps one day it can become the center of the new government." Her voice had changed to a tone of all-business. "Don't you think that starting a town would be a good idea, so we don't all approach land in a giant mob?"


The captain thought about this. "Yes, you could try a hoof at it. But starting a town will be no easy task, Miss Blitz. But of course you would know that-- you're a very smart little pony. I can let you use the speakers, if you like."


Blitz allowed her face to light up. "Oh, would you? You're such a dear!" She quickly kissed him on the cheek and moved to the button she knew controlled the speaker system on the boat.


She pushed the button. "Hi everypony," she said happily. "I'm Star Blitz! I think most of you know me. Maybe you know my sister, Star Glider." More ponies knew Glider than her, actually, because Glider was just so nice.


The ponies on the deck had lowered in volume so as to listen to her, much to Blitz's satisfaction. "I just wanted to tel you all that I intend to form a town! Obviously, we all feel the thrill to explore this new home of ours-- but we must remember that it isn't ours yet! There are almost certainly unknown dangers on this island.


"Once we have started a town, we can get organized. Start a farm or two, set up a market. We can set up a traditional Equestrian town. Then, we can set off teams of explorers-- but explorers with a home to go back to.


"I will try my best to make this happen, so we can live without dangers. But I will need help! Ponies who are ready to settle into a calm new life, come with me! I look forward to seeing you all on land! Thank you all for your time!" She lifted her hoof off the button. That had gone well. She was a little less confident than she sounded, but hopefully, things would turn out for the best.


She beamed at the captain. "I can't thank you enough! Not just for letting me use the speakers, but for captaining this ship so patiently and always being such a good friend."


She sat back down at his invitation and chatted with him. She was restless and desperately wanted to go out to see the island, but she didn't want to start her new life based on ungratefulness to the captain. Anyway, she would have the rest of her life to see the island.

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They were swiftly approaching land. Blitz decided that now was the best time to shamelessly advertise. Turning away from the railing, she went to the captain's lodge under the steering patio (I know no nautical terms). She knocked on the door politely, informed him that it was her, and entered.


The first thing she had done when getting on the ship was befriend the captain. The next thing she did was make herself known to everyone on the boat, so as to get as many ponies as she could to like her.


"Hey, captain," she said, smiling at the grizzled unicorn, "are you excited to be getting to land?"


It took several miminutes of boring pleasantries for her to get to her point.


"You know that many ponies will have no idea what to do in the new land," she said, lightly. "I have a dream of setting up a little town. Perhaps one day it can become the center of the new government." Her voice had changed to a tone of all-business. "Don't you think that starting a town would be a good idea, so we don't all approach land in a giant mob?"


The captain thought about this. "Yes, you could try a hoof at it. But starting a town will be no easy task, Miss Blitz. But of course you would know that-- you're a very smart little pony. I can let you use the speakers, if you like."


Blitz allowed her face to light up. "Oh, would you? You're such a dear!" She quickly kissed him on the cheek and moved to the button she knew controlled the speaker system on the boat.


She pushed the button. "Hi everypony," she said happily. "I'm Star Blitz! I think most of you know me. Maybe you know my sister, Star Glider." More ponies knew Glider than her, actually, because Glider was just so nice.


The ponies on the deck had lowered in volume so as to listen to her, much to Blitz's satisfaction. "I just wanted to tel you all that I intend to form a town! Obviously, we all feel the thrill to explore this new home of ours-- but we must remember that it isn't ours yet! There are almost certainly unknown dangers on this island.


"Once we have started a town, we can get organized. Start a farm or two, set up a market. We can set up a traditional Equestrian town. Then, we can set off teams of explorers-- but explorers with a home to go back to.


"I will try my best to make this happen, so we can live without dangers. But I will need help! Ponies who are ready to settle into a calm new life, come with me! I look forward to seeing you all on land! Thank you all for your time!" She lifted her hoof off the button. That had gone well. She was a little less confident than she sounded, but hopefully, things would turn out for the best.


She beamed at the captain. "I can't thank you enough! Not just for letting me use the speakers, but for captaining this ship so patiently and always being such a good friend."


She sat back down at his invitation and chatted with him. She was restless and desperately wanted to go out to see the island, but she didn't want to start her new life based on ungratefulness to the captain. Anyway, she would have the rest of her life to see the island.

as the ships started to get closer. starlight started to wonder who it was and decided to shout "HEY! WHO ARE YOU GUYS? WHAT DO YOU WANT!" starlight then looked at some of the ship workers faces they seemed very surprise that starlight was on the island before them and starlight knew that they were probably thinking that he lived on the island "OH GOOD GRIEF! JUST TELL ME WHO YOU ARE I'M STARLIGHT! IF YOUR WONDERING I WASHED UP HERE A LITTLE OVER A HOUR AGO!" simple proceeded to stop for some air and then continued "WHO'S YOUR LEADER/CAPTAINS!"

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the explorer - a small scouting boat not ment for long distance - was dwarfed by the boats alongside it. but being small has an advantage you can get closer. White stopped Sparkle just short of land and switched the lamp from red too green signalling too anypony on board that land was found

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Spellbind looked around the island and wondered what she could do. She had heard some ponies say something about forming a town, though how long would that take?


Hmm, what was a pony to do... could Spellbind go out exploring? There was certain to be new things to be discovered here. But it could also be quite dangerous.


She would need some supplies. Such as a weapon, and the knowledge of how to use it. Also her magic could come in handy.

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sparkle noticed somepony fermiller and flew next to them " spellbind how you doing?" sparkle said giving her a hug " god it's been ages. have you seen Caramel? we've got so much catching up too do " sparkle said hugging her again "i missed you" White landed next to sparkle "hey spellbind" he said looking at sparkle

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sparkle noticed somepony fermiller and flew next to them " spellbind how you doing?" sparkle said giving her a hug " god it's been ages. have you seen Caramel? we've got so much catching up too do " sparkle said hugging her again "i missed you" White landed next to sparkle "hey spellbind" he said looking at sparkle

"WELL! WHO'S YOUR CAPTAIN!....huh?" starlight noticed sparkle and his supposed friend caramel. he decided to approach them he didn't want to be alone on this island so he might as well become friends with them "HEY!" starlight got over to them very quickly and said "would you know where we are i just kind of washed up here and i want to know where the god damn i am........."

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"WELL! WHO'S YOUR CAPTAIN!....huh?" starlight noticed sparkle and his supposed friend caramel. he decided to approach them he didn't want to be alone on this island so he might as well become friends with them "HEY!" starlight got over to them very quickly and said "would you know where we are i just kind of washed up here and i want to know where the god damn i am........."

sparkle turned to starlight " i don't know where i am either. some captain right not knowing where she's sailing too" sparkle looked ashamed of herself " at least i've got White "

"huh?" White was opening up a hatch that lead into the cargo hold 

"mind yourself White" sparkle said too him

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sparkle turned to starlight " i don't know where i am either. some captain right not knowing where she's sailing too" sparkle looked ashamed of herself " at least i've got White "

"huh?" White was opening up a hatch that lead into the cargo hold 

"mind yourself White" sparkle said too him

"no its okay not to know where you are it doesn't really matter much as long as we get some food for the night" starlight smiled at sparkle  "do you want me to start hunting for some food" starlight proceeded to take out his bow and prepared some fire enchanted arrows. he looked at sparkle "so i'm guessing your looking for adventure, I WAS! looking for this ancient dragon egg but i will probably never be able to find it now...... it doesn't really matter though.... i think the main reason i believed the map in the first place was because i was getting bored of my old life ....." "this is a new beginning... i can feel it..... this is my home......."

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"yeah finding food could be good " sparkle turned to White who dropped the platform on her pinning her into the sand "WHITE I TOLD YOU TOO BE CAREFUL YOU KNOW NOT SQUISHING ME WITH A PLATFORM?! I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND SHOW SOME CONCIDERATION. can anypony get this thing off me? please?"

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"yeah finding food could be good " sparkle turned to White who dropped the platform on her pinning her into the sand "WHITE I TOLD YOU TOO BE CAREFUL YOU KNOW NOT SQUISHING ME WITH A PLATFORM?! I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND SHOW SOME CONCIDERATION. can anypony get this thing off me? please?"

"I will!" simple removed the platform from sparkle "oh you two...... well.... i'm going to do some hunting" 4 hours pasted before starlight got back returning with some bear meat "there's no animals for a while its takes 2 hours to get to any form of animal life tomorrow we should move our campsite closer to the middle of the forest.....and closer to meat i also brought some berries for those who don't eat meat......." simple showed then a small sack of 20 berries  and placed the sack on the ground "with that lets eat" simple proceeded to take a nice big bite out of the bear meat

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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sparkle looked shocked "h...how can you eat a bear? " sparkle backed up slightly " are these berries poisonous? do you want too eat us too? w...well you ain't eatin' me " sparkle ran off into the cargo hold of the explorer and hid behind a large crate "please no please no" she said to herself " don't eat me i don't wanna die"

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sparkle looked shocked "h...how can you eat a bear? " sparkle backed up slightly " are these berries poisonous? do you want too eat us too? w...well you ain't eatin' me " sparkle ran off into the cargo hold of the explorer and hid behind a large crate "please no please no" she said to herself " don't eat me i don't wanna die"

"i won't eat you......." starlight walked up to sparkle he then proceeded to eat five of the berries to show sparkle there not poisonous "see..... being a hunter i know when berries are poisonous and these are perfectly good for your health" starlight sighed " i've always like meat... but i don't eat ponies.... i'm not a cannibal.......i generally eat cows and pigs but i can pretty much eat anything..... but i don't plan to eat ponies it goes against my standard of living and life......plus i barely have the guts to attack a pony let alone kill them...." starlight smiled hoping to calm sparkle down "now.....do you want something to eat or not"

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 Aspen and the rest of the ponies on the small vessel made their way to the island.  There were many other boats flooding from the hulking ships, and some were already landing of the sand.  The sight of ponies feeling land for the first time was enough to bring tears to any proud stallion's eyes.  Some were dancing, or hugging, or crying; absolutely overjoyed to have arrived.  It was a moment of pure bliss, a moment of being completely in the moment.  These ponies were clueless as to what will happen in the future, but it didn't matter. Right now, everything was absolutely perfect.

Aspen was startled by the boat shuddering and then suddenly stopping.  He looked over the side to see that the boat had hit the land. He and the rest of the crew waded through the water to the shore.  The moment that their hooves reached dry land, two ponies, who seemed to be a mother and daughter, stopped walking.  They looked around for a moment; at the trees, the beach, and the endless blue sky.  Suddenly they fell into each other's arms, crying and hugging.

"It's okay, we're here," the mother kept saying, "we made it."

Aspen smiled and got a bit teary-eyed.  He then shook his head to try to clear it of emotions.  He did his best to think logically.

"Alright, what needs to happen next?  The ponies will need a place to sleep tonight, and a place to eat..." however, he then saw a large boat pull up; larger than the others.  It was stacked with folded tents.

"Of course!  I forgot about the tents.  I just hope we have enough."  He walked over to the boat and helped the boatspony unload the tents.  He saw that similar boats were being unloaded farther down the beach, and were being handed out to the settlers.  After the tents were unloaded, Aspen turned to see that a line had formed in front of him.  Aspen picked up a rolled up tent, and handed it to the closest pony to him.

"If you could find two other ponies to share that with, we'd appreciate it. We're trying to make these stretch."  The stallion nodded and picked up the tent, setting it on his back.  And so it went on, handing out tents and that they needed to be shared.  Eventually, the line had diminished, and tents were springing up along the beach.  A large tent had been rolled out, and ponies were even starting to make food under it.  As the sun started to set, Aspen realized that everypony had a place to stay tonight but him.  He grabbed a tent, and went off to find some other ponies to share it with.

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