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open Emerald Wave's Horror RP

Emerald Wave

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(OOC link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/131905-emerald-waves-horror/)


Emerald Wave stormed out of the schoolhouse as soon as the bell rung. The rain poured down on her and she trotted over to the shortcut, mumbling to herself. "What was that thing in the window...?" 


Emerald was having a normal day in class until she saw a dark figure of a pony outside the classroom window. It seemed to be looking at her.


She walked down the shortcut path to her house, and heard a snap. She twitched and twisted around.



Remember to smile! 

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Laughs maniacally careful to make only low noises moves across the way to stalk from behind a building to closer get a look at the green mare. whispers "Where are you going dear?" Laughs evilly creeps around the corner as not to be seen. throws black hoodie to disappear with the night sky despite lunas light..

"Whats wrong dear? dont wanna speak" (has a demonic undertone due to magically changing it) " come on its no fun if you dont play along" laughs manically as thunder from the rainy night strikes. All is still and silent to an annoyance. you feel a hoof tap from behind you and then i disappear in the shadows once more.  

Edited by Firedusk
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Looks around frantically, my diamond colored eyes wide.


Shivering, from the tip of my mane to my hooves, in fear.


"Wha..," just runs down the path even faster. Horrified, I stop by a building, and lean against it, shaking. "What in the name of Celestia is going on..?" I say to myself.

Remember to smile! 

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(From all sides) laughs again " aww are you scared"? Appears in from of you. My hood shielding my face so you can't see it in the night sky lightning strikes illuminating my faces for a second my dark grey face appears only do a second then I teleport out. "Hahahaha thats all of me you get to see" my voice demonic as ever

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Stumbles back, falling on my hind legs and looking around. I stagger to my hooves and wobble, but keep my balance. I stare at you, terrified.

Bolts past, my turqoise tail and mane flowing behind me quickly.

"LEAVE ME ALONE, CREEP!" I shout, running even faster.

Edited by Emerald Wave

Remember to smile! 

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"Hahahahaha!!! We'll meet again, I can promise you that..." I say fading my voice to a low whisper that only you'd be able to hear even if other ponies were around you.  I then, without your knowledge, follow you to your house sneaking in to see what lurks behind the closed doors. A gust of wind blows past you as you realize that the door is not properly closed. I hide out of site, quiet and waiting for you to go to sleep.

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I slam my hooves against the door, shutting it.

My heart pounds inside my chest as I trot up to my room, turning the hallway light on.

"Oh my Celestia..." I mumble, my breathing heavy and shaky as I go to my room.

The room has light blue walls and a sea green carpet. Pictures of me surfing and swimming hang everywhere.

I lay down in bed, and, with some struggle, eventually fall asleep.

Edited by Emerald Wave

Remember to smile! 

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I sneak though the house careful not to hit anything that would cause noise. I map out the house and look for anything i can use as leverage against you. I go room to room and search ever so quietly and carefully. I find your little sisters room and silence her with a spell that makes her stay in an everlasting sleep. I tie her hooves and tape her mouth. I then go to your room and place a note that says:


I have your little sister. If you want her back, you will come to the Everfree Forest at midnight. Do not be late. Each minute that you're late will result in one cut to the little filly that is with me now. I will have a list of tasks that you will complete. if they are not completed by the given time, well you know the what happens if you're late. And just so you don't ask, I chose you because you seem smart. I really hope that you don't fail me. Or rather I hope you make it for your sister. I have set an earpiece in the top drawer so that I may stay in contact with you. And don't do anything stupid like calling the royal guard or consequences will be faced. Now you know what to do, good luck and don't fail.


I then take your sister to an undisclosed location where wait to see if you come.

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I wake p to the crash of lightning after a horrible dream. I look over at the clock and see that it it is extremely early. I sigh and roll on my side, about to close my eyes, when I see a note on my end table. Confused and curious, I pick it up and read it out loud.


"I have your little sister.." My eyes widen and my heart pounds against my chest, I am horrified, and I bolt to Symphony's room, holding the note in my teeth.


She isn't there.


My vision starts to get blurry and I get dizzy. This happens when I have a panic attack. I take the note out of my mouth and continue to read.


"If you want her back, you will come to the Everfree Forest at midnight. Do not be late. Each minute that you're late will result in one cut to the little filly that is with me now."


"No... Symphony..," I whisper to myself, holding back tears.


I finish reading the note and collapse on my bed in tears. I put on the earpiece and cry myself to sleep. The next night comes, and at midnight, I bolt as fast as I can to the Everfree Forest, coming one minute late.

Edited by Emerald Wave

Remember to smile! 

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Over the ear piece I say " oh poor emerald, You came late by a minute. You know what this means" A muffled scream comes from the symphany's mouth. "i said don't be late. I will test you about the mane six. if you answer correctly you will pass. if you don't, you might as well be late. Again." you hear laughing over the microphone.  "On the tree directly to the right of Zacora's house is a note. find it and read it. These will be the new instructions. You will say the answer to the question at the place given. they will be in the form of riddles so think hard. And remember, DON'T be late. And don't bring anypony else into this either. And if you wish to be early then do so. I will call in one hour exactly. Don't fail." You hear Symphony in the ear piece "please, hurry sis!" then nothing...

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My heart races as I hear that I was late. When I hear Symphony scream I yell, "NO!"

My breathing is heavy over the earpiece and I am shivering intensely.
"Okay," I whisper, sounding scared. I wander around until I find Zecora's house, and take deep breaths to calm myself down.
I find the tree to the right and pull the note down with my teeth. I hold it in my shaking hooves and read it.

Remember to smile! 

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In the ear piece you hear, "this one should be easy" it reads:

All mane six have an important trait 

became announced to be there fate

The Elements of Harmony make them stronger 

but what traits are these ponies ponder

Go to the place Twilight once lived.There a hooded Pegasus will wait for the response. She will then give you another note. Don't be late or your sister suffers.you have one hour. GO!!!

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I hold my breath and fold the note up, putting it in my saddle bag.
I repeat my answer to myself and walk around Ponyville, eventually finding Twilight's house. I hold my breath, thinking to myself, 'I should ignore this jerk, call the Royal Guard.' then I remember what the note said if I were to. I groan and walk to the pegasus.
I bite my lip, hoping to get the answer right.
"Loyalty, kindness, generosity, honesty, laughter, magic."
I expect to be told I was wrong, and feel guilty for letting my sister be hurt.

Remember to smile! 

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The pegasus nods in approval and says "correct." She then says "All clear" its assumed that shes talking to the same pony you are.


I reply "Good thats number one." If you continue like this you will be able to continue this with out your sister getting hurt" 

The pegasus says "yes sir" then hands you a note with a key on it. the key is in the shape of a heart and is small. the note reads:

loyalty honesty 

kindness generosity

magic laughter

life is costly

destroyed by one

saved by another 

make chocolate rain 

dances in window panes

fields of corn 

has two horns 

who is he

Go to the place there luna was banished in the everfree forest and say to she who is he. (the castle) Meet the pegasus and retrieve another letter. 

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I read the note and smile to myself. I knew the answer to this. I nodded my head and started trotting.
My diamond colored mane bounced in my face. I started feeling more confident in myself. I said quietly to myself, "I will get my sister back... Whatever it takes."

When I arrived, I walked up to the pegasus and said, "Discord."

Remember to smile! 

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"good" she replies Then says "all clear" then hoofs you (hands you) a small box "good luck" the pegasus says. with this one. I enter on the mic. you may have to compleat tasks in order to get the next note Heres a hint Remember the key. That is all the help you get for this. Good luck

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"..." I slowly walk off into the distance. "The... key?" I whisper to myself, tilting my head. My diamond-hued mane bounces over my left eye, and I brush it away with my hoof.

After a while of walking, I plop myself down on the ground, staring at the box.

"The key..." I say again to myself. I groan and mess around with the box, observing its every detail.

This is going to be harder than I thought, I think to myself

Remember to smile! 

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As you look at it you notice that it has a key hole looking simular to the key you have It has gems embedded with gems and seems to be crafted with very fine wood from somewhere. This wood appears to be expensive. Like something you would see at Canterlot 

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My hoof twitches and I spring up from the ground. I gently put the box in my saddle bag and secure the bag closed to keep it safe. I trot back to my house, I search around for the key. I find the key and grab it in between my teeth and I put the box on the floor. I stick the key in and twist.

Remember to smile! 

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The box opens with a comforting click. inside you notice a neatly folded note. the inside of the box has a deep red fabric that is soft to the touch of a hoof. The note says:

A musical genius

cool calm and collected

A side character

Often times neglected 

She played at the gala

With a standing ovation

She has a room mate

That sparks her frustration.

Who is she???

Remember when Applejack ran away??? Do you remember where it was? If so, GO!!!

In the ear piece you hear, "you've done good. Keep this up and you'll have no problem getting your sister back." 

Do you want to tale to you're sister?? if so then press the small button on the ear piece and you may speak to her. But only for a moment" 

You hear Symphony's voice over the mic," Sister, are you there? What's going on? Where am I? He hurt me sister, He hurt me.What's going on?? 


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When I hear the word "hurt", my eyes widen, and start watering. "He... HURT you...? Oh, Symphony... I won't give up until I get you back, sis... I love you. Hang in there. I'll get you back. I promise... Oh, how I wish I could just bring in the Royal Guard... But I'm on my own.. Be brave for me sis." I blow a kiss through the earpiece and read the note.

After a while of thinking hard and long, the answer pops into my head.


"Thats it! Manehatten! Octavia!" I throw the opened box in my bag as well as the note and run to the train station, catching a train to Manehatten.

Remember to smile! 

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"I was told to give a note to a green mare with an emerald cutie mark. The hooded pegasus said it was some sort of game you all were playing."  you see the earth pony hand you the note. its folded into a heart.
The note says: 

"Go around the corner into the ally way. there you will see me. I have your next task."

When you go around the corner you don't see any pony. Suddenly a flash of light is before you and appears a dark grey almost black pony with fiery red and blue mane. 

He speaks, " You know, I didn't expect you to do as good as you did. congratulations on that part. But unfortunately for you, there is still things to be done. there is still tasks to be completed. And as for your sister. she's fine. she only has one cut and is healthy. I thought I would pay you a visit. See as a young filly I got bullied. when i grew up, Nothing change. Ponies everywhere mocked me because no one could see my cutie mark. Look close, it's a black anvil." You see how well his cutie mark is camouflaged in the dark, almost black fur.

"I decided to make everypony else feel my pain. I have no friends. I've never had any friends." looks down at the dirt. So i became this. I became a nightmare to everyone around me. I envy the mane six. I envy Octavia. I ency everypony with friends. I tried being nice. I did. BUT NO PONY CARED!!  THEY WATCHED EVERYTHING I DID. THEY TEASED ME EVERY SLIP UP!!   THE COUNSELORS I WENT TO JUST TO FEEL OKAY!! So now you get to see what its like to make a mistake. Now you get to see how it feels for somepony else to watch your ever move." 

After that I disappeared with a flash. And over the mic you hear "good luck" 

A note falls out of the sky and land in front of you. It says:

A princess not so far 

in the night like the stars

sent to the moon by herself 

guilt is always felt.

jealous by Celstia's day

she was then sent away. 

Nightmare moon is no more 

luna watches dream by dream

hush little filly 

dont you scream

Who is the first pony she helps for a nightmare

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  • 3 weeks later...

I frown down at my hooves and look around. I think to myself, 'I know this answer... It's on the tip of my tongue... darn it!' I think as hard as I can, knowing the answer in the back of my head.

"Think, Emerald Wave, think. You know this answer.."

Eventually the name pops into my head.

Remember to smile! 

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