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lt took some time before the filly changeling-pony noticed that was being talked to and raised her head up to look at thepony adressing her with a sad face. She shook her head and stood up and shook her head to clear her thoughts away and smile. "l am fine, mister colt, l was just thinking about... heavy stuff, btu never mind that". She sounded very unlike what her size and body would tell were her age, more mature, more experienced with the things that life brought. Nightfrost hopped off the edge f the fountain with a "Thank you for your concern" and walked towards the entrance of the cafe where TickTock and Spellbind sat to enter it. It was at that moment that a waiter of the earlier mentioned cafe came out through that very same entrance and saw the changeling. "Hey, we don't want any trouble here, beat it, insect!". Nightfrost reacted to that by hastily taking a few steps back and falling on her butt while looking freightened...

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Ticktock smiled for a second before giving Spellbind another longer hug before pulling away, again except this time slower and after the hug had finished Ticktock had found himself blushing a bit "How was then Spellbind? feeling better now?" Ticktock gave Spellbind a warm smile

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Ticktock smiled for a second before giving Spellbind another longer hug before pulling away, again except this time slower and after the hug had finished Ticktock had found himself blushing a bit "How was then Spellbind? feeling better now?" Ticktock gave Spellbind a warm smile

Spellbind hugged Ticktock back when he hugged her. She loved this moment and wished there could be more like it...


But then that would diminish her interest in doing that...thing...she kept thinking of doing. What was that? Well, let's leave it at this: the success rate is 90% from six storeys.


She looked to her side to see a small Changeling getting abuse from the waiter. She got angry and stormed up to him.


"They're not all monsters," she told him, getting right in his face.@@Silver Snow,

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Ticktock cocked an eyebrow at what was happening at the entrance "Well I don't know that for sure but I would think that there has to be some good changlings out there and on that subject can we call them bad all they did was what they knew basic survival instinct also they were just following the orders of their queen." 

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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She looked to her side to see a small Changeling getting abuse from the waiter. She got angry and stormed up to him.   "They're not all monsters," she told him, getting right in his face

Nightfrost saw a pony rushing towards her direction and backed away even more, turning around with a freightened look and starting to run away, not hearing what was being said. This was driving the 19-year old filly cahngeling to tears as she ran away...

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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@@@Silver Snow,


Spellbind watched the changeling gallop off in tears. She stood there for a few moments thinking over what she should do and decided to apply the same criteria she had done with Ticktock.


"If you want to help me with this, it's very welcome," she said, then ran after the filly.

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Ticktock nodded "Of course." Ticktock then started teleporting from roof to roof looking for the changling occasionally catching a glimpse of her but then not seeing which way see went and he continued the cycle until he got in front of her "Wait! I am not going to hurt you I just want to talk."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Blaze could only watch her leave. He understood , that some pasts, are unmentionable. He looked back at the fountain, and was met with the same shades he had worn for a whole year. He heard some shouting ,and turned around to find the changeling filly he just tried to comfort run away. Blaze swore to himself and ran after the poor mare. She was unfortunately forced in to a corner by what looked like 2 royal guards. He walked up in front of the guards "Gentlecolts, why are you chasing a poor filly? What had she done to you?" asked blaze with a polite tone. "This changeling scum must be banished! And not even you will stop us, Blazedtime former commander of the secret ops. You don't have the authority to!" Blaze cursed under his breath "Ok here is the deal, leave her alone or comfront me, i don't care if celestia throws me to prison. But i will be damned if i let a child get hurt!"

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Nightfrost had just opened her small wings to fly away when she heard a pony say that they did not want to hurt her. She wasn't entirely taking this for the truth, but if she could find some new friends or at least sympathetic ponies, she would be a lot happier. The point was that she did not know if they were telling the truth, so she took a safety measure and flew onto a nearby, extended sunscreen that extended from one of the buildings and lay down while looking over the edge to see the ponies running towards her a bit further down the road. When the changeling thought they would be able to hear she asked hesitatingly; "What do you ponies 'want' from me?".

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Ticktock tried to do the most calming voice he could "I don't want anything I just want to help you. Just because you are a changeling  doesn't mean your bad Innocent till  proven guilty that's what I say and all you seem to be guilty of is being hated so why don't you come down from there and we can figure this out."  

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Injured with a broken leg and a gash over his shoulder, Blaze sat there and looked at the guards, he had knocked out. It pained him to do so, hurting ponies was in his past. He got up and limped to the medical wing in the castle "at leaset the kid got away" He thought to himself as he made his way  to the castle. He wondered how spellys and that poor guys conversation whent. Who knew maybe she made another friend. He got to the medical department of the castle. A nurse walked up to him and asked him about his injuries. He immediatly got a room. For 10 minutes he just laid there till he fell asleep. His final thought being. "Be safe kid, please find a caring family"

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@@Silver Snow,


"All I 'want'," said Spellbind soothingly, looking up at the other pony's level, "is reassurance that you're safe, sound, and happy. See all these ponies that are genuinely concerned for you? Whatever you poor thing have been through, you can count on me to be your shoulder to cry on."

Edited by Littlecandylulu903
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Nightfrost swallowed and tentatively opened her wings to glide down to the two ponies below. She landed with a few skiddingg steps and sat down in front of them. She looked up, seeing as how her head was about as high as where their legs connected to their bodies. "l... you startled me. You know... It's not uncommon for me to be rejected because of my changeling nature". Her tone was still hesitant as she tried to make for conversation. Her voice, as Blazedtime would have allready noticed, was not one of the age her bodysize suggested, but instead more richly layered with adultness and sadness of life. This was usually the aspect of her that freightened most ponies away or drive them to call her weird.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Ticktock was a little puzzled by Nightfrost's voice but decided not to say anything "Well my dear trust me when I say I am not scared or have any hatred towards you. In fact I have always wanted to meet a changling without being cocooned or mind controlled."  

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Nightfrost's smile became bigger upon hearing this and slowly extended her holed hoof towards the ponies in front of her, holding it in the middle because she was not sure who she was aiming it at. "l... l never thought l would meet ponies that would be so nice to me, l spent my life dodging dangers and watching my back. It is nice to know that there are moments where l can live as if l had a choice". She sounded happier than she should be with what she said, not knowing the full extent of what she had just said.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Ticktock met her hoof and shook it all the while smiling in a way a foal would "So what is it like to have holes in your legs? And how are you able to fly with wings that have holes in them and are you changelings hive minded? And... what do you mean 'as if I had a choice?"

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Silver Snow,


Spellbind shook the hoof that Nightfrost extended out, then she knelt closer to Nightfrost. Hearing the changeling's past and backstory made Spellbind feel that her problems were a minor inconvenience by comparison.


"We're sorry to hear that, and our greatest sympathies to you," she said.

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Nightfrost kept on smiling and walked closer to the two ponies, now more at ease. "Thank you for your kindness, l do not receive much of that around here, except for in the castle maybe. l am Nightfrost, the changeling that will 'not cocoon you when she sees you". She flashed a smirk towards Ticktock and made a bow, or rather, she would sink through her knees for a few centimetre, because she was so small. She maintained the sly grin and the twinkle of humor in her eyes...

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Blaze got his hoof patched up, and his long gash mended. He rotated the hoof a bit, to test if it's perfect. Satisfied with the result, he got up and checked himself out, of the hospital. "Time to explain this mess to celestia..."."Explain what mess?" asked a perfecltly calm Celestia. Blazed turned around and said "Well...I might have knocked 2 guards out, because they were chasing a changeling foal, and i couldn't let that happen". He left out the detail about her voice, it wouldn't help her situation if Celestia ever met her. Celestias eyes widened "You mean nightfrost!? I told the guards to leave her alone, and protect her from others"."Funny that you are the only one who did his job correct and your retired!" Blaze let out a relieved chuckle "Well that's unacceptable, But you have my word that i'll protect her if i can." said Blaze with a hoofstomp "Thanks, commander Blaze" Said Celestia with a wink. Blazed eyes widened" NO no no no, i do not want to kill ponies again!" Celestia chuckled "Don't worry, i'm only giving you the authority to stop this kind of situation" Blazed let out a relieved sigh "Phew, and here i thought i was gonna go through that again" said Blaze while instinctively touching his shades. He got up "Well Celestia i will have to make my visit short, i need to check if the filly got away. Her name was Nightfrost right?" Celestia offered a nod. "Ok i'll see you till next time!" Blaze ran out the medical wing and headed for the streets. He heard a very enthutiastic stallion, so he ran towards the sound. There he saw Nightfrost talking with the stallion and spellbind. So he walked towards them. "Did you miss me?"

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Ticktock replied to Nightfrost by tipping his hat "Ticktock Starblast one of the (if not the most) powerful unicorn's in Equestria. I am not compared to anypony in magical and mental power... well maybe one but I don't talk about her. Anyway it is nice to meet you my dear."

Edited by NexusBrony2312

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Ticktock replied to Nightfrost by tipping his hat "Ticktock Starblast one of the (if not the most) powerful unicorn in Equestria I am not compared to anypony in magical and mental power... well maybe one but I don't talk about her. Anyway it is nice to meet you my dear."


Having been completely ignored, Blaze took cover and chose to listen to the the hearthwarming scene instead. Looks like she found some ponies she can relate Thought Blaze with a smile. Looks like i wont have to make sure she is ok. Blaze got up from the cover and turned to leave

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Nightfrost walked to Blazed and tapped him against the leg before she sat down, saying; " Wait please, l want to thank you. You have been kind to me by the fountain and l just walked away like that, l am sorry". She looked down and asked in a pleading tone if the colt would stay and enjoy some time with her and her new friends, meaning Ticktock and Spellbind.

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Nightfrost walked to Blazed and tapped him against the leg before she sat down, saying; " Wait please, l want to thank you. You have been kind to me by the fountain and l just walked away like that, l am sorry". She looked down and asked in a pleading tone if the colt would stay and enjoy some time with her and her new friends, meaning Ticktock and Spellbind.


Confused by the unexpected poke on his leg, he looked down, and saw the mature sounding filly aksing for an apology. Blaze chuckled "Don't apologise, i know that feeling all too well"."Spending some times with your friends, eh?, that sounds fun". He turned around "Oh, and your welcome"

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Ticktock suddenly realised something and began to talk to Blaze "Hey um excuse me? Out of curiosity what is your name? I think that I have seen you somewhere before or maybe heard of you." Ticktock had also had a warm fuzzy feeling inside himself at being someponies friend.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Ticktock suddenly realised something and began to talk to Blaze "Hey um excuse me? Out of curiosity what is your name? I think that I have seen you somewhere before or maybe heard of you." Ticktock had also had a warm fuzzy feeling inside himself at being someponies friend.


Blaze walked over to the 2 ponies. One of them being the guy, he encouraged spellbind to talk to. Suddenly the guy, spoke."Hey um excuse me? Out of curiosity what is your name? I think that I have seen you somewhere before or maybe heard of you." Blaze looked at the guy and answered "The name is Blazedtime, have you heard of me? were?, oh and what's your name?

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