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Full list of all Mlp Comics (and/or books)


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Does anybody here know were to find a full list of All created mlp comic books to date? Chapter books would be nice too but isnt necessary.


Id prefer not using the wiki page, because thats just one straight list. I don't need descriptions and a story synopsis, just the names in a simple and easy format.


It would be ideal for a list or table that contained categories for each separate series (I.E. Fiendship is magic, EQG annuals, micro-series), and listed them all under each. But really any conplete list/table that is easily readable without scrolling through walls of text will do.

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Only know the comics, might throw my thoughts on some of them...


Friendship is Magic #1-4: The Return of Queen Chrysalis

Friendship is Magic #5-8: Nightmare Rarity

Friendship is Magic #9-10: Zen and the Art of Gazeebo Repair(2-part arc starring Big Mac, easily one of the best)

Friendship is Magic #11-12: Neigh Anything(2-parter centering based on when Shining Armor and Cadance first met)

Friendship is Magic #13-14: My Little Pirate: Friendship Ahoy

Friendship is Magic #15-16: Bookworm

Friendship is Magic #17-20: Reflections(Arc surrounding a mirror world(not really and Celestia's relationship with an AU Sombra)

Friendship is Magic #21-22: Manehattan Mysteries(2-parter featuring Trixie and Babs Seed)

Friendship is Magic #23: Solo comic featuring the pets(pretty fun despite dumb ending)

Friendship is Magic #24: Solo comic adventure with Fluttershy, Discord, and the CMC

Friendship is Magic #25-26: The Good, the Bad and the Ponies("Western arc" that you should avoid at all costs)

Friendship is Magic #27-28: The Root of the Problem(Everfree goes crazy, secret society within the Everfree, and there's a shitty environmental vs big business message in there)

Friendship is Magic #29: Ponymania XXIX(Unofficial Title. This comic heavily features Cheerilee as one of the central characters/ Also really fun)

Friendship is Magic #30-31: Ponyville Days(Celebration of Ponyville gone bad...and so is this arc)


Micro Series #1: Twilight Sparkle(pretty underrated imo)

Micro Series #2: Rainbow Dash(only use for this garbage is toilet paper and spare firewood. Otherwise, don't read it(even out of morbid curiousity), avoid it at all costs. Don't waste your money, it doesn't deserve it)

Micro Series #3: Rarity(easily the best comic of the Micros, and one of the best overall)

Micro Series #4: Fluttershy(honestly didn't mind this comic compared to most people, even if I thought the moral was poorly worded)

Micro Series #5: Pinkie Pie(actually a really heartwarming story)

Micro Series #6: Applejack

Micro Series #7: CMC

Micro Series #8: Princess Celestia(another really good one)

Micro Series #9: Spike

Micro Series #10: Princess Luna


Friends Forever #1: Applejack and Pinkie Pie(really dumb comic...and not in a good way. If you wanted a bigger turn-off, the villain is literally a recolored Fluttershy)

Friends Forever #2: Discord and CMC

Friends Forever #3: Spike and Princess Celestia(another really good comic for Celestia)

Friends Forever #4: Twilight and Shining Armor

Friends Forever #5: Fluttershy and Zecora(not enough Zecora imo)

Friends Forever #6: Rainbow Dash and Trixie(...actually liked this one a lot)

Friends Forever #7: Pinkie Pie and Princess Luna

Friends Forever #8: Applejack and Rarity(meh...)

Friends Forever #9: Granny Smith and the Flim Flam Bros(reeeeaaalllly boring imo)

Friends Forever #10: Fluttershy and Iron Will(another meh comic for Fluttershy)

Friends Forever #11: Rainbow Dash and Spitfire(probably my favorite of the FF series)

Friends Forever #12: Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle(ridiculously funny and wacky)

Friends Forever #13: Rarity and Babs Seed(one of the most random pairings...yet it's also awesome, probably the second favorite)

Friends Forever #14: Spike and Princess Luna(Mainly a Spike Comic featuring Luna, which was disappointing,otherwise it's alright)

Friends Forever #15: Applejack and Mayor Mare(really surprised by this one, thought it'd be boring..but had a ton of fun with it. Probably my third favorite)

Friends Forever #16: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon(decent, though pretty disappointing, since not much is expanded on the two)

Friends Forever #17: Twilight and Big Mac(another really funny one, albeit weird. Tons of great facial expressions)

Friends Forever #18: Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy(like FF#14, it's mainly Fluttershy comic ft. Rainbow Dash, though unlike that one RD gets great moments to shine. Anyways, Fluttershy finally got a decent FF, ridiculously cute)


Annual 2013: Equestria Girls/Fall of Sunset Shimmer Mini(worth getting for the Sunset Shimmer comic alone. EQG comic itself is meh)

Annual 2014: Power Ponies/Mane-iac Pony/EQG Paradox(really fucking fun)

Holiday Special 2014: Equestria Girls(kind of fucking sucks)


Fiendship #1: King Sombra(Best of the bunch)

Fiendship #2: Tirek

Fiendship #3: Sirens

Fiendship #4: Nightmare Moon

Fiendship #5: Chrysalis(second best)


Out of all of them, I'd say FF is my favorite, as I tend to find those consistently good

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