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private Beast taming academy

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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/133016-beast-taming-academy/


The Leader of the academy, thunder watch the wise was walking through the corridors. Today he has picked 4 students, from all around equestria, to teach them the art of beast taming. He saw the said students arrive, at the platform, thunder walked over to them "Greetings! Welcome to the Beast taming academy! Or B.T.A for short. I'm the leader of this establishment. Today you will all pick your beast, now if you will follow me..."


They arrived at an arena with 4 creatures. "These here are 4 creatures of immense power, i will allow you to choose one". "Who will you pick?



Slashing inferno looked at them all Hmmm, i want someone to match my love for fire He walked around and stumbled upon Nefarian. A dragon eh? That can have a super form, were he literally becomes covered in fire? I'm sold Slashing inferno walked up to the dragon. "Nefarian. The guardian of fire, the harbinger of fire, i want you to be my companion, my ally." The Dragon gave a roar, and then chuckled which sounded more of a rumble "Challenge accepted, young hatchling"

Edited by blazedtime
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Midnight Aurora held her family's stone in her wing. It was glowing with an awesome power. That glow faint but strong. Soon she wore an armor incredible in its right and unique in it's structure. "Awaken within White Silver Dragon." Was what she said when she changed.


she walks around the creatures a Sword of mighty strength held in its sheath.


All the creatures, save one, backed away from her as if afraid to come near her. She draws and points her sword at a tall langy creature (see pic one.) and even it cowers.


A smaller much younger Dragon, with a cannon on its back, seven wings and a big eye with smaller eyes around it, walks up to her.


"A living legend. A dragon only a dragoon can hope to tame. The divine dragon. You are who I chose. May we be friends and fly together always."


The dragon looks to her and nods. Its roar cowers most of the others. Its small size means big surprises.


Aurora says, "It is a female. Her name is Divindra."


Pic one.




(I know it's not one of the four but makes for a good show. It also heavily fears the divine dragons.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Remix was ecstatic. She could hardly keep still, and, as soon as the headmaster finished speaking, let out a woop of excitement, before bouncing along after the other three student ponies. Two of them made it to the arena before her, and, by the time she had entered, it seemed they had already selected their creatures. Out of the two that remained standing, one was situated off to the side, glancing every now and then at those who entered. It was a small, ice blue wolf, and, feeling drawn to help the creature that seemed so alone, she trotted over. As soon as she looked in its eyes, she gasped a little – it’s eyes were trained on her, and she felt like she was being thoroughly examined from head to hoof by something of great power and intellect. She heard the chatter of the other ponies as they selected their creatures, and watched as the wolf turned its head to the others with a somewhat wistful expression. Instantly, her heart was set.



“Heya! My name’s Remix, and uh… I don’t have any big fancy words. I don’t know what you can do, or even whether or not I’ll be a good partner for you, but I’ll try my best to learn about you! I hope we can be friends.” She said, awkwardly shrugging a little. The wolf in front of her stood up, and, tilting its head ever so imperceptibly in acknowledgement, turned away once more. Huh. A cool character? Well, I’ve had experience with those before. She thought, before looking at the nameplate that lay at its feet.



“Taiglacin. That’s beautiful.” She breathed, and the wolf turned to her in response to its name. “Did I pronounce that right?”


A nod.



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Midnight Rose gazed at the other three ponies, now having chosen their creatures. Each of them seemed so calm, perfectly in tune with their intimidating counterparts. As if pony and beast were meant to be. Now only one of the four creatures were left.

She was a huge creature, covered in red scales, with yellow and orange spines running down her back and piercing green eyes. She looked like a dragon, with her reptilian body and enormous wings, but when Rose peered beneath her form, she saw only two powerful legs.

It's a Wyvern... Thought Rose. She had read about them in books, huge fire-breathing beasts that kept to themselves in small clans, or prowled the northern mountains alone.

The young unicorn stepped towards her, gazing into the creature's deep green eyes. It felt like they were looking into each other's souls, each one sizing up the other. Rose smiled, feeling that maybe, just maybe, she and this beast were more alike than she first thou-

A huge stream of fire shot towards Rose, the wyvern's breath burning hotter than the sun. The unicorn was able to conjure up a magical bubble on instinct just before the fire reached her, though a few strands of her mane were left singed.

The flames evaporated as quickly as they had appeared, and Rose hesitantly dropped her shield. She looked up at the wyvern's face, wondering if the beast had actually meant to kill her.

But the creature showed no menace or fury, just what seemed to be a playful grin as she whipped her thick tail back and forth excitedly. Her green eyes sparkled with mischief. This is going to be fun... She seemed to think.

Rose stared the beast down, clenching her jaw. But the Wyvern wasn't intimidated. If anything, she was amused, and let out a deep roar as if she was laughing.

The young unicorn rolled her eyes, turning back to the other ponies. They were standing a short distance away, so they weren't harmed by the blaze, but they still shot Rose some strange looks, as if it was her fault the beast had almost killed her.

She glanced from pony to pony, and each seemed to have chosen their creature already. The pegasus mare and the fiery stallion with their dragons, and the small icy wolf who seemed to have found its soulmate. Only one was left. And it was hers.

Rose gazed up at the scarlet Wyvern, her scales shimmering like flames. Her green eyes danced and sparkled in the light, shining with laughter and mischief and a tendency not to do what one was told.

The unicorn mare sighed. She looked up at the beast and gave a little wave. Looks like I'm stuck with you...


:)  Nova12 here, who has an acute case of Pinkie Pie Addiction! Check out my OCs, Midnight Rose and Sunny Melody - Toodles!  :lol: 

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Thunderwatch stood, and witnessed. As they all chose their companion. He cleared his throat when they were all done. "Alright, since you have all chose a beast, how about we take them out for a walk?"


Inferno was too caught up in a conversation, with the wise beast. "So you burned a whole country down, because of your emltions? Cool!" Shouted Inferno. Nefarian smiled "Well young hatchling, looks like it's time for your first ride" Said nefarian "Oh and go fire mode Inferno" Inferno looked confused "Why?" Nefarian gave a develish smirk, he was enveloped in flames. He began to lift off the ground while roaring, then with a flap of his wings, the fire was cleared. And there stood Deathwing. "Because, otherwise you would die from my fire" Inferno was wide eyed, then he smiled "Oohh, i like you already my friend" He changed to his 'fire mode' and climbed on deathwing "See you guys at the mountains!" And with that Deatwing spread his wings and took off, leaving a trail of fire behind him

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Aurora grinned at her dragon and both took off flying to the place.


Aurora was happy to have a legend as a friend.


However the legend looked at deathwing and shook its head. A giant ball of water attempts to land on top of death wing. "Uh oh....Umm Divindra that wasn't nice."


"No it wasn't ment to be. It was ment to be a challenge." Divindra says.


Divindra flaps all six of her seven wings and gives chase. Aurora latched onto her back just to keep up.

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Aurora grinned at her dragon and both took off flying to the place.


Aurora was happy to have a legend as a friend.


However the legend looked at deathwing and shook its head. A giant ball of water attempts to land on top of death wing. "Uh oh....Umm Divindra that wasn't nice."


"No it wasn't ment to be. It was ment to be a challenge." Divindra says.


Divindra flaps all six of her seven wings and gives chase. Aurora latched onto her back just to keep up.


Deathwing was flying through the air with his fellow companion "So how do you like a dragons eye view? Asked Deathwing with a chuckle "Heck yeah!" Shouted Inferno over the roaring winds. He then saw a bubble over them, Deathwing smiled " You are on Divindra" Said Deathwing with a smile. Turned around and went into a dragon combat stance

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Divindra grins, "From one legendary dragon to another. Let's see who is stronger."


Aurora steps away knowing she can't yet stop this. She needed time. The time to summon.


Divindra chuckles. "I am surprised you haven't moved yet. I know the water will douse your flames."


She lets the water drop.

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Divindra grins, "From one legendary dragon to another. Let's see who is stronger."

Aurora steps away knowing she can't yet stop this. She needed time. The time to summon.

Divindra chuckles. "I am surprised you haven't moved yet. I know the water will douse your flames."

She lets the water drop.

Slashing inferno hopped off, and let the fire descent his fall, he knew this wasn't something you just stopped. Deathwing stood still, and let the water drop on him "My fellow Legend, do you really think water can harm me? " said Deathwing with a chuckle, but then he flew with surprising speed despite his size and landed a headbut to the dragons chest. Nothing that would harm her, just to show that she would have been heavily punished in real battle.


(Deathwings fire can't be doused, sorry :/)

Edited by blazedtime
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A walk? Remix couldn’t help but find that idea exceptionally appealing. Glancing at Taiglacin, by her side, she expected to find the wolf lying on the ground, indifferent to what was occurring around him. To her surprise, however, he had perked up immediately, tail thumping on the ground as his tongue lolled out of his mouth.


“Still a puppy, huh?” she asked, amusement clear in her voice. He simply looked up at her, grinning wide and nodding. “Well, I don’t see why not. Come on!” she cheered, trotting off herself. In the blink of an eye, he had dashed past her, looping back and repeating the action. The icy breeze that followed him made Remix shiver a tad, and her eyes widened at his speed. “A fast one, aren’t you? Well, you can run ahead. I’ll take my time.” She smiled, watching him run off.


All of a sudden, she heard a roar from above, and looked up to see the two dragon riders seemingly battling it out in the air. “Woah…” she murmured, nothing preparing her for what came next. Without warning, a huge bubble of water formed and splashed down on one of the dragons, which, surprisingly, came out unharmed. However, Remix was not to be that lucky.


“Wah! Shoot!” she exclaimed, glancing around in panic as the water started to rain down. There was nowhere to run, and that huge bubble looked like it was going to drown her. Welp, Celestia save me. She closed her eyes to prepare for the impact, but, when it never came, opened her eyes to see Taiglacin standing over her, fur bristling. The water around her had formed into a disc of ice, and the wolf had grown slightly larger, his eyes glowing.


“Taiglacin… Thank you. Also, that’s a hella neat power.” She murmured, watching as the ice melted away and the wolf shrunk back to his previous size and smiled smugly at her. Cracking a smile despite the near panic experience, she petted his head a little, marvelling at the icey, smooth, yet soft feeling. “We’re going to be amazing friends.”

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- Corona's POV -

What an adorable little pony! Thought Corona, smiling mischievously. A nice new plaything for little old me. The tiny unicorn seemed to be annoyed, staring at Corona with an odd expression on her face. But the enormous beast was not fazed. Though she was only a few decades old, very young for a Wyvern, Corona had met many ponies. When she was just an egg, she had been stolen away from her nest and sold on Canterlot's black market. Eventually she turned up owned by none other than Princess Celestia, and hatched by a young unicorn as a test of his skills. The colt had wanted to keep her as a pet, but that wasn't in her interests. Unlike ponies, Wyverns are born strong and wild, ready to fight and run and roar. Right there in the palace, Corona burnt the wall to ashes, crashed through it, and escaped into Canterlot. She caused quite a riot there in the streets, until she was caught and detained. But it was only a few days until she escaped her cage and fled from the city, ending up in Ponyville. From there it was an endless cycle of being caught and escaping, of excitement and fleeing and fire. That was how Corona got her name, in fact. Whenever she ran to a new corner of Equestria and scorched a town or two, every pony with a pen and paper wrote urgent letters to the palace. Most had never seen a Wyvern, so they could only describe the huge creature wreathed in flame as a corona of light and flames, burning like the sun. But every sun must set, and eventually Corona was caught once more, and put into the Beast Taming Academy, hopefully to be trained by a pony. But no pony alive could tame Corona, and she knew it.


- Rose's POV -

Midnight Rose narrowed her gaze at the Wyvern, trying to stare her down. She'd learned that from her father when he was explaining how to train wild animals. But it didn't seem to work on the beast. She just stomped one foot, then the other, blew a puff of smoke, and lazily waited for something to happen.

It's hopeless. She's untrainable! Thought Rose. She would have resorted to magic use, but as a very shy mare, with the other ponies in the arena, she was feeling very self-conscious as it was.

"Hey! Um... hey, you." Rose yelled quietly, If one can do that. It seemed to have caught the wyvern's attention, and she bent down her huge head.

"Um... I would call your name, but I don't know it..." Midnight Rose spoke, but as she did, she caught sight of a plaque beneath her feet. It said 'Corona, Wyvern'

"Is that your name?" asked Rose. "Corona?" The Wyvern nodded, grinning. "It's nice." said Rose. But Corona gave no response, just stomped her feet harder and threw back her head, and spread her wings out as if to say 'I don't care, you can't tell me what to do.'

Rose sighed, staring into Corona's big green eyes. The Wyvern let out a huge burst of flame right into the sky, a pillar of fire shooting up from her open jaws. Then she crouched low to the ground and spat out a single ember that landed at Midnight Rose's hooves.

No one can tame me, thought Corona. And I'd like to see you try.

Edited by Nova12


:)  Nova12 here, who has an acute case of Pinkie Pie Addiction! Check out my OCs, Midnight Rose and Sunny Melody - Toodles!  :lol: 

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Slashing inferno hopped off, and let the fire descent his fall, he knew this wasn't something you just stopped. Deathwing stood still, and let the water drop on him "My fellow Legend, do you really think water can harm me? " said Deathwing with a chuckle, but then he flew with surprising speed despite his size and landed a headbut to the dragons chest. Nothing that would harm her, just to show that she would have been heavily punished in real battle.


(Deathwings fire can't be doused, sorry :/)

(But still the magic would hurt the fire bound. Element's opposite.)


Divindra roared in defiance as he came crashing into her. She bearly moved. "Legend to legend our strength is even. But you have made a mistake."


The pallets in her chest open and begin to pelt Deathwing with her divine strike. An attack that can drop cities. When the last of them fire an explosion pushes them apart. The divine unharmed by its own attack.


Aurora is still channeling, but above the two a white silver gate begins to form.

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Deathwing recovered without being damaged thanks to his near undestructable shield. "This challenge will be more fun then i expected" Said deathwing while trying to hit her with an inferno strike, which she barely dodged. Deathwing wanted to use his strongest ability, but he very well knew he could do some serious damage the world with it (He means cataclysm' search Deathwing cataclysm on youtube to see it"

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Aurora continues to channel, thus making the summoning stronger. It is ready for release but if one doesn't finish the other before she releases both will fall to the White Silver Dragon Summoning.


Divindra smiles and says, "Interesting....You are as every bit the legend as the dragon high ones claim you are. Now feel my full strength!"


She lands on a mountain outcroping and the large eye focuses on Deathwing. Energy from all around gathers within. Magic most pure. Even with his shield he knows it won't stop all the damage.


As her head begins to fall he sees the cannon glowing. Pulses of energy travel down her neck and large amounts of energy gather within the cannon.


In moments the cannon fires as she directs the beam of raw magic at Deathwing. Even if he can evade the main hit it will still clip him dealing allot of damage.


Lucky for everyone it doesn't come close to the ground but still the force creates strong winds in its wake.


The dragoon form shields Aurora from the attack as the gate above the two solidifies. The gate is just now noticeable to the dragons, as its white silver light is brightly shining like a second sun in the sky.

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Aurora continues to channel, thus making the summoning stronger. It is ready for release but if one doesn't finish the other before she releases both will fall to the White Silver Dragon Summoning.


Divindra smiles and says, "Interesting....You are as every bit the legend as the dragon high ones claim you are. Now feel my full strength!"


She lands on a mountain outcroping and the large eye focuses on Deathwing. Energy from all around gathers within. Magic most pure. Even with his shield he knows it won't stop all the damage.


As her head begins to fall he sees the cannon glowing. Pulses of energy travel down her neck and large amounts of energy gather within the cannon.


In moments the cannon fires as she directs the beam of raw magic at Deathwing. Even if he can evade the main hit it will still clip him dealing allot of damage.


Lucky for everyone it doesn't come close to the ground but still the force creates strong winds in its wake.


The dragoon form shields Aurora from the attack as the gate above the two solidifies. The gate is just now noticeable to the dragons, as its white silver light is brightly shining like a second sun in the sky.


Deathwing watches as she channels her power into a powerful blast. Death wings knows that this is going to hurt a bit... 


Inferno watches the scene unfold, he needed to do something fast! He knew that Deathwing will use Infernodeath, and if that happens he will be uncontrollable. He saw the blast connect, and lost all hope, he quickly conquered a shield to stop the blast from harming him. 


Dithering took the impact head on. It did a lot of damage on him, even though he had his shield up. He began to grow angry. He could hear his corrupted thoughts shouting at him, trying to encourage him to kill the dragon. Eventually Deathwing went into a rampage... He flew up and began unleashing fury of hits on the other dragon, he was ready to kill if need be.

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The gate releases its held being a spirit emerges and takes the form of its former self. It's flies past and through both dragons. It's raw holy like power attempting to render both dragons unconcious.


Aurora looks to her other trainer and says, "I am sorry about that. Divindra is a playful overly egotistical challenger. I will make sure she learns when to fight and when not to. For now we should wait for them to wake."


The white silver dragon returns wince it came and not a trace of its appearance remains.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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The gate releases its held being a spirit emerges and takes the form of its former self. It's flies past and through both dragons. It's raw holy like power attempting to render both dragons unconcious.


Aurora looks to her other trainer and says, "I am sorry about that. Divindra is a playful overly egotistical challenger. I will make sure she learns when to fight and when not to. For now we should wait for them to wake."


The white silver dragon returns wince it came and not a trace of its appearance remains.


Inferno looks a bit flabbergasted when a dragon out of no were stops, the two legendary rivals. What the... What was that? Though Inferno with some confusion. Then his eyes lit up with realization Of course! The other trainer did it. That makes sense "It's no problem, i must thank you for stopping the fight. He would have killed her if you didn't While Deathwing is normally a dragon that doesn't hurt nor kill without a reason. His rage is what makes him do it."."Or so it said on the template when i chose him." Said inferno. He suck his hoof out. My name is Slashing Inferno, and who are you?"

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She accepts his hoof, "Call me Aurora. That was the soul of my Dragoon spirit, the White Silver Dragon. She is a hard one to summon when not a unicorn but the more I channel the stronger she becomes. However, she hurt them to unconsciousness and then healed them after. Her light magic is more healing based the destructive."


She them bows in the old Pegasus way. Her form of greeting one would guess.

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