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open Canterlot High (Reboot!)


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@@Ochre_Dust @@Pucksterv


"Aye, certainly taller on the outside," Tyra muttered confusedly, starting to get a little frustrated at being unable to find the room.


She overheard Trivy's suggestion, frowning. She was unsure whether to take that risk, given her weakness to magic.

However, Trivy was her friend, so she could take that risk!


She nodded with a wide smile. "Very well, Trivy!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Cirrus held out a hoof to Trivy. "No thank you, Trivy," he said as he peered around another corner in his search for more stairs. "It can't be more than two flights of stairs." Looking down another hall, he saw that it turned a corner. He headed down, wanting to make sure it didn't lead to the elusive stairs. As he rounded the corner however, he smiled brightly as he saw the stairs...

((You two go ahead and teleport if you like.))

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The stillness of the Canterlot High faculty parking lot.3


Was shattered by the blaring of an air horn playing "la cucaracha."


Soaring off the nearby hill like a ramp was Miko in her horseless carriage. She crashed to the frozen pavement below, skidding and drifting on the ice. Against the impossible, she managed to backslide int a vacant spot, smacking into the parking block with a shudder. 


Miko didn't' even bother opening the door. She just bolted through the sun roof. She saw her room 6 stories up. Could she make it up there in time? 


"Only if I hardcour parkour!" She back up to the hood of her vehicle. Before springing into a bound and jumping. She caught herself on a third story windowsill. She looked up. Then forward. She jumped to the next window sill. Then to the next, before jumping off that one and up and catching and pulling herself up to a 5th story sill. She then jumped one, two, three, four spaces to the right. She looked up. "One more stop." She leapt vertically up and landed like a cat on the windowsill. She nuzzled it open and stepped down into her empty classroom. She looked to the clock. "12:10. Looks like I have enough time to set things up."

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