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Officer Strike

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Welcome to the royal guard academy. I Officer Strike train here and develop my skills. Over here anything got to do with the royal guard is welcome. You can do training role plays here and I can share my adventures with you.


Until then get your spears ready and your armour on and get ready. I can teach you a bit about royal guard life and perhaps my commanders can give you lots of tips!


Officer Strike- young guard Junior Officer

Officer Strike made her way towards the training grounds. The courtyard was full of colts training for the royal guard. Captain Shining Armour was a little easier on her because she was younger. She held her spear and got ready for training and as she did Captain Shining Armour came forward.


"Great to see you Officer Strike. Right brandish your weapon and get ready!" he cried.


"Yes sir!" she said.

At first Officer Strike found it hard to fall into her familiar rhythm but she knew that she was good with a spear and she had been in the Junior Officer ranks for quite some time. She teamed up with another colt and had a duel against them. The colt was much bigger than her as she flapped her wings tense.


"Fight!" roared Captain Shining Armour and there was a bash from the colts from either sides and Officer Strike felt herself being thrown backwards by the powerful white colt that was in front of her as his spear fell onto hers. She held on trying to push the royal guard back as sweat poured down her forehead as she bashed right into the wall which was behind her.


"Tough luck Strike..." said the guard shrugging as he pointed his spear to Officer Strike's chest and then it was followed by running around the courtyard lots of times and some salute and spear drills. Officer Strike was used to it. Obviously the Senior Officers went to war when needed and the Junior Officers did not because they were younger but they still had been taught to fight and they would guard the castle for a minimum of hours.


Captain Shining Armour came forward towards Officer Strike who took her helmet off and was tired after training. Her spiky hair was all over the place and he patted her on the shoulder as Officer Strike was handed lots of parchment,


"You are still a kid so that means lots of practice and write me an essay on the royal guard history...." Captain Shining Armour said giving Officer Strike the homework.


"Charming" she said frustrated and galloped off to start her 4 hour shift for guarding the village in the morning.

Officer Strike was looking for some friends. She wondered if after her shift perhaps if she could find any of her friends and perhaps race Rainbow Dash and she wondered if there were any more recruits that perhaps she could teach in the royal guard academy!

  • Brohoof 1



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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Thunder Dash was also observing Striker. Being a Major of the Equestrian Military Air Force, he decided to enroll so that way he could help the junior ranks quickly leveled up. However, he believed that every junior ranked member should remain humble, meaning that they shouldn't talk so much, only to get shown up at a certain event. 


Thunder happened to be taking a stroll when he saw Striker on her shift. "Ah...so you're the one who Shining Armor was flustering about...I overheard that he gave you an essay to write..." Thunder stated as he slowly walked around the mare. "Rule #1 of the Royal Guard...always remain humble...that's how you can get up the ranks easier." Thunder stated. "By the way, I'm Thunder Dash, Major of the Equestrian Military Air Force. Celestia approved me of becoming a mentor to the junior ranks of the Royal Guards. Besides, we could use a lot more Senior Ranks..." Thunder said to the mare. 

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"Senior Ranks Sir?" asked Officer Strike looking up at the colt that was in front of her. She gave him a salute and stiffened her body as she knew that he was elder than her and she had to submit to him.


"Oh that is great. A mentor well I really have to write this essay about the royal guard history but sure I could use some more spear training and things like that sir.........is there anything you want me to do sir?" asked Officer Strike. Her yellow and blue hair falling all over her face as she brushed it away.


She breathed and waited for the reply



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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"Keep on patrolling this area. If you see anything suspicious, report it to me. If the threat is greater than what I can take care of, I shall report it to Shining Armor. Tomorrow, be prepared, for I will run you through a history quiz tomorrow." Thunder stated as he swung his mane around. 

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Officer Strike gulped. A history quiz? She needed to read everything she could but she nodded.


"Yes Sir! If anything happens......" Officer Strike said. She loved her job as a royal guard as the young pegasus pony began getting to work and looked around flapping around Canterlot Castle. She knew that she was needed. As a Junior Officer her job was to report what was happening to older officers to so they could deal with it and help out with small problems.


She thought about the test. She knew she did not know much about the history of the royal guard.


She sighed.


"As soon as i get home i have to open up my book......" she thought.



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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Thunder Dash took to the skies for his second of four daily air patrols. He flew over the base and noticed a couple of young trainees in the fighting arena. He stopped by there for a short while to watch. Two juniors were having at it. One looked a little smaller than the other. After that, he flew back to his post, where he saw Striker walking about. He thought about asking Shining to cut down Striker's time on duty so she could study. If she failed his quiz, her rank will be compromised. 

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So Officer Strike patrolled the area and hoped that Thunder Dash would not tell her off for she deeply respected the mentor that Thunder Dash had assigned for her as she looked around. Her golden armour was weighing her down as thin young mare looked around but there seemed to be no sign of danger.


She bent down as she saw a little pigeon and threw some bread at it. She loved animals but she quickly stopped as an older guard came right passed her and she stopped and continued looking around and practiced her spear drills. She was quite a good fighter.

Captain Shining Armour spotted Thunder Dash.


"What do you want Thunder Dash. Are you not supposed to be back in training the young guards?" asked Captain Shining Armour. 


He was quite cross as he marched forward and confronted Thunder Dash.


"I have some important news for you Thunder Dash....." he said looking gravely at Thunder Dash and breathing hard.


"One of the junior officers are deeply injured and there as thought to have been a break inside the academy! We are going to need the most officers that we can get including the Junior Officers so do not argue with me and go and consult all of them right away!" cried Captain Shining Armour.


There was a yell from Officer Strike as she spotted something suspicious and she came running right up to Thunder Dash along with other Junior Officers as she held her spear ready for any attack. She was always determined and ready.


"Sir I think we need your help!" she cried.



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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"Got it! On my way!" Thunder proclaimed as he bent down spreading his wings. He took off with a small explosion due to the fact he gathered some electricity. He got to the scene in a matter of seconds and landed with a skidding halt. He looked at the scene. "Oh no..." He said grimly. 

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The sight was horrendous as Officer Strike gasped but she kept cool. She knew that this was the time that she had to remain calm. There was a young pony sprawled onto the floor and he was not moving and another one was panicking.


"What in the name of Celesita happened!" cried Officer Strike jumping back.


"I don't know it was just......a dark mare and then......he is he dead!?" cried a unicorn neighing.


Officer Strike breathed and put her hoof on the young officer's back.


"Hey say this to yourself. And so i will stand courageous for it is better to stand against your fears with boldness and truimph! So do that. Someone once told me that........" she said quietly looking up at Thunder Dash.


"So sir! What must we do?" Officer Strike asked.

Officer Strike breathed and decided that she would leave Thunder Dash with the emergency and instead she galloped off as she was dismissed as she had to study for the history quiz.


She flew as fast as she could with her armour on even though it was weighing her down and looked back. Thunder Dash was sorting out the place as she headed straight home and breathed.


"What a day!" she cried before she flung right onto her bed and began studying hard. She studied all night and just hoped that whatever had happened was finally all sorted



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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@@Officer Strike,


Thunder smiled at the mention of his name, because that's the quote he made and stood by in his journey into becoming a Major in the EMAF. He then went and kneeled by the young Officer, after signaling some senior guards to start an investigation. He gently put a hoof on the motionless young guard.  

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Officer Strike studied her head off. After she was dismissed she knew it must have been because Captain Shining Armour had taken Thunder Dash's idea into consideration and as Officer Strike read through the books on her bed she realised that she had learnt enough and then got outside and ruffled her wings.


Pony Ville was nice and spacious as she reached for the skies and took a deep breath before flying around. Lightning struck out of her tail as she was very fast before she came back down and did lots of drills and worked on her spear skills.


"I hope that pony is ok...." she thought.



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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Thunder picked up the body of the motionless young guard and examined it. There were some bruises. Thunder wondered who was responsible for this. Could it have been that one Senior guard who was jealous of this particular junior guard? Thunder was angry. He went to Shining Armor. 

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Captain Shining Armour murmured something and nodded curtly picking up the body of the young guard and calling some veterans to take them away. He went over towards Thunder Dash and shook his head.

"What could have caused this?" he asked to himself and to Thunder Dash and it looked like Thunder Dash had no idea. Captain Shining Armour thought of younger Junior Officers like Officer Strike and wondered if they were in danger or not.


"Thunder Dash I leave you in charge of finding out what had happened and rally some colts. Meanwhile the history quiz. I have listened to you and Officer Strike was dismissed so she could study. Her shift has been shortened to guarding only Canterlot Castle in the morning and the rest of the day for study and leisure!" cried Captain Shining Armour.


Officer Strike spotted something happening in the village after she had finished studying and looked dead alarmed as she flew forward in her armour and held her spear close to her. There was something there that did not look good at all.


A shadow was all she saw.


Not good, Not bad but worst.






                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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Thunder saw the shadow as well. He then dashed for Shining Armor to tell him about the shadow. "Shining. I believe that I have found the problem. That shadow...do you see it? It is hovering over that village. This is far worse than I thought. Somepony must be exhibiting dark magic." Thunder stated. 

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Captain Shining Armour bit his lip. As if there were not enough problems now days and then there were evil shadows around and there was a pony doing dark magic. Still he thought, it could have not been any of the former villains and he knew that the young officers and not just that but Princess Celestia and Luna and every guard and citizen that lived was in danger!


"Thunder Dash i want you to organize a squad of guards to go and investigate and ask ponies all around Equestria. If you fall into heavy combat then I have backup. As for every younger guard they need to be called back on duty once and for all!" cried Captain Shining Armour.


Somewhere far away. Officer Strike knew that something was wrong and that the younger officers needed to be on the lookout and warn them about it and she hoped that Captain Shining Armour approved of her.


"As for Officer Strike, she will join them too........." he said grinning.



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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"Alright. I shall let her know at once." Thunder stated as he went to where Officer Strike was. Thunder had his Major Uniform on, since this was a situation. "Strike! Report down here immediately!" He called out. He did not have time to wait and hoped that Strike wasn't too busy. 

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Officer Strike spotted Thunder Dash and grinned. She fitted on her armour plate and her helmet with her blue plume and nodded coming forward with her spear and asked Thunder Dash what was going on.

"Yes sir!" she said coming forward and she was happy.



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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"We've got a situation. A junior officer is down and out and there seems to be some sort of dark force lurking around here. I want you to make sure that nopony else is acting strange. If they are, bring them to see and I'll see what I can do. If I'm not around, bring them to a high-official unicorn guard. They may be able to help." Thunder stated. 

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"Yes sir!" she cried and investigated the village and looked around. She was young and so she was good with the locals and started asking questions but none of them seemed to know. She needed to look around and see if anything was strange or not. Her armour weighed her down once more but she stood up.


"Right" she thought as she went up to a cottage that she found at the end of the ever free forest.


"Oh um hello... I am Fluttershy...." she murmured. She was very shy.


"I just wanted to know if you have seen anything strange lately......I am Officer Strike. Young Officer in the royal guard. No need to be afraid.......do you know about any dark forces around?" asked Officer Strike and Fluttershy was silent.


"You had better come in...." she said in a small voice.


She went in


The evil moved on...



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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  • 2 months later...

Thunder was continually flying through Ponyville in search of hints. He soon found himself on the edge of the Everfree Forest. There, he saw something mysterious. It looked like some black mist. He gasped. "This could be it." He said to himself. He then went to find Strike. He eventually found her in Fluttershy's cottage, where he swung the door opened. "Strike!" He called out. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Sir?" Officer Strike asked. She had been dismissed off her duties and she was wondering what her general was doing here.


Thunder Dash looked grave and Officer Strike knew that there was something wrong. She couldnt do to much but she could help. After all she was quite good at spotting things. She turned to Fluttershy.

"Looks like I have to be back on my job. Well goodbye....." Officer Strike said trotting away from the cottage.


"Yes sir? What do you suggest I do?"



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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  • 4 weeks later...

"There's some mysterious black mist at the edge of the Everfree. Perhaps this is why those guards who tried to enter came back severely injured. We've gotta find a way to block this mist form spreading. If it spreads, we'll have to evacuate the entire town of Ponyville." Thunder stated. 

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