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private [1x1 Private] Magical Encounters!


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@Wolfeus Silverpaw

OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/135732-1x1-magical-encounters/?p=4025122






“What… What do you think we’ll do when we die?” Remix Blitz mumbled, her eyes focused on the sun that rose steadily in the distance, painting the sky a myriad of colours. The pink unicorn glanced over at her grey Pegasus companion, who was comfortably settled on the grass next to her, and waited patiently for an answer in the pre-dawn calm.


“… Who knows, Remix. Who knows.” Jazz responded, shuffling her wings underneath her a little bit to get more comfortable. The duo had both struggled to sleep that night – staying the night in an unfamiliar place always had that effect. For once, Remix was the one called to a gig, and Jazz had come along knowing how lonely Remix would get.


They fell into an exceptionally comfortable silence, just enjoying each-others company as they watched the sun rise, before Remix sat up.


“Jazzy? You’re like the sister I never had.”


“Same for me, you dumbass.”



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"You were right, cousin," Silvia remarked, yawning. "The forest is a beautiful place in the morning."


The blue pony yawned in response to Silvia's yawn, and smiled. "Yes. It's the perfect place to see the sunrise. All alone in nature..." Nightlight sighed, content.


Silvia's ear twitched. She sat up straighter. "I think it's perfect too, but we're certainly not alone here..." She glanced around, searching for something -- or somepony -- that could be the source of sound she so remotely heard. "Follow me."


Nightlight obeyed, and a while after, they came across two other ponies watching the sunrise. "ooh! New ponies! Let's go meet them!"


Nightlight hesitated, but his outgoing cousin was already introducing herself to the unknown ponies.


"Hi! How are you? My name's Silvia Silverstring, and I'm a musician. Oh! And from the looks of your cutie marks, it seems you two are as well!" Silvia beamed, holding out a hoof for one (or both of them) to shake.


Nightlight watched Silvia from behind a tree, too afraid to go meet the strangers.

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Remix and Jazz were still sitting when, out of seemingly nowhere, another pony approached. Jazz, or course, had heard her from pretty much a mile away, but Remix was too wrapped up to even notice. A firm elbow to the side soon snapped her back to reality, and her eyes lit up almost instantaneously when the landed on another pony.



“Oh my gosh, hi!” She quickly exclaimed, her face breaking into a grin. “Silvia, huh? Well, my name’s Remix, this is Jazzy!” she continued, pausing to gesture to herself and Jazz who nodded in response. “Don’t mind her, she’s just a little shy. A musician as well? What are the odds! What do you play?” she asked, rambling a little bit in her excitement as she took Silvia’s hoof, shook it firmly and used it to pull herself up.



Jazz simply stood somewhat more gracefully, before shuffling her wings and flicking her mane out of her eyes, glancing once at Nightlight before turning her attention back to the two ponies before her. He’ll come when he’s ready.


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Silvia wobbled a bit when Remix used her to stand up, but soon righted herself. She giggled. "Take a wild guess," she said, beaming. Then, just in case Remix actually wasn't sure, she added, "The violin!" Silvia laughed. "Who knew my last name would lead to my special talent? Oh, and it's very nice to meet you two, by the way." She smiled and waved at Remix, and then to Jazz.


Nightlight hid behind the tree completely when Jazz caught his eye. D-did she see me? he thought to himself. He peered around the tree again, but Jazz was no longer looking his way. He'd recognized the pony with her right away. I'd know that face anywhere. I haven't seen her since Manehatten... Nightlight wasn't sure how to feel about this pony. On their last encounter, he'd gotten feelings for her, but he had run off that fateful night when Remix went to that club. He just couldn't take it there. The anxiety got to him, and he left without seeing her ever again. He'd been too emotional to even say good-bye. He dared to peer around the corner again.


Silvia looked behind her. "Nightlight? Are you coming?"


Nightlight shook his head, then hid behind his tree again. But after peering around yet again, and finding Silvia's confused eyes, he sighed, and reluctantly stepped toward the group, worried about what Remix would say, and having general anxiety about the other pony he'd never met before.

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“The violin? Neat!” Remix chirped, and Jazz hummed appreciatively to herself. “Jazzy here plays the guitar, but I’m just your average, run-of-the-mill DJ. Also, that’s not too abnormal! I know a lot of ponies who have names tied closely to their talents. Weird how things play out, huh.”



Jazz simply amused herself with listening to their conversation, while also glancing at the beautiful sunrise occasionally. She was, rather oddly, decently comfortable with the new ponies – probably due to the presence of Remix beside her.



“Nightlight…? I swear I know that name somewhere…” Remix mumbled, her eyebrows furrowing a little as she fell into contemplation. Distracted as she was, she totally missed the appearance of the pony.



Jazz noticed, however, and fell into a small pensive analysis of her own. I could have sworn Remix spoke about him before. Eyes narrowing slightly, the grey Pegasus looked him up and down, trying to connect the ideas in her mind, before she realised. Oh. He abandoned her in Manehatten, that’s right. She frowned slightly, and glanced at Remix who was seemingly still in deep thought. She was really hurt over that. After all, she lost a friend. Looking forward once more, Jazz set her thoughts and her eyes burned with determination.



Like hell if I’ll let her get hurt again.


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"Oh, that's true... I guess I hadn't thought much of it before." Silvia smiled.


Nightlight felt his heart break a little when Remix couldn't even remember his name. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. Now it wasn't just Twilight he fantasized about being with; it was Remix too. He was about to speak to her when he noticed the gray pegasus eyeing him again. When he saw her glare, he latched onto Silvia's hind-hooves and hid under her tail. Wh-why doesn't she like me? he thought, confused and scared by Jazz's judgement.


Silvia noticed the pull on her hooves straightaway. "Nightlight?" She addressed him, seeing the look of concern on his face. "What's wrong, cousin?"


Nightlight ever-so-slightly gestured toward the gray mare, and Silvia looked up. Upon seeing this gaze of hatred, she became angry. "Hey, do you have a problem?" She asked, daring to approach her, glaring a passionately furious gaze of her own.

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Remix glanced back up at the sound of the pony coming forward, and locked eyes with Nightlight. However, her face registered nothing but a blank stare, soon to be replaced by a smile. “Oh! Heya! Name’s Remix, I guess you’re Nightlight?” she chirped, chipper as always and not even noticing that he seemed down. “I knew a pony named Nightlight once! He was real fun to talk to, and a great friend, but then he left… You won’t do that, right?” Remix asked, tilting her head a little as she looped around to behind Silvia.



She’s done it again. Jazz paused the intense eye contact to simply watch her friend, a somewhat saddened expression on her face. When someone hurts her, she normally completely dis-associates them, and, in extreme cases… Wipes them completely. At least she still remembers him. I guess… That’s something.


Remix had, of course, noticed the intense gaze of Jazz, but decided not to question – in the past, it had never been without good reason, so she let it be, and focused on talking to Nightlight instead.



Jazz stiffened slightly as the mare approached her, somewhat intrigued by the gaze of just as intense fury. Seems we both care deeply for our counterparts. She contemplated forming words, but decided that her now sahara-state throat would not let her say more than maybe one or two. No. I have to do this. For Remix.


“Maybe. Does… It matter?” she stumbled out, contemplating elaborating before realising her voice-box was simply stubbornly refusing.


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It broke Nightlight's heart that Remix couldn't even remember his name. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about her, and had spent many an hour regretting fleeing her presence that night. Now it wasn't just Twilight he would fantasize about being with; it was Remix too. He just shook his head a bit at Remix's question, suddenly unable to meet her gaze. He forced himself to anyway, and when he did, he could feel tears coming to his eyes. He gently held on to Remix's hooves, and wept silently, not knowing weather he should confess.


Upon seeing the Jazz's hesitancy, Silvia's gaze softened a bit. She responded firmly, but decided not to yell. "Yes, it does. Nightlight is very important to me, and I don't appreciate that some mare he doesn't even know is already giving him a hard time on top of his social anxiety." She took a calm, deep breath, waiting for Jazz to respond. She was so absorbed in protecting her cousin that she didn't realize he was now crying in front of Remix.

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Remix’s eyes widened when Nightlight suddenly gripped her hooves and started to cry. She resisted the urge to pull away at the strangers contact, but, noting her had been seemingly fine minutes ago, felt a wave of crushing guilt. “Oh my Celestia, I’m so sorry! Did I do something? Say something?” she exclaimed, panicking as she began to flail her hooves aimlessly.



Jazz was grateful that she could have this civil conversation. Huh. I’m surprised she didn’t blow her top at my comment. The more she listened to this pony, the more she could feel a sense of respect growing with herself. “Sorry. Likewise… With Remix. Uh…” she mumbled, glancing around, shuffling her hooves. “He… Hurt her.”



Social anxiety, huh. Takes one to know one, I guess.

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Nightlight released Remix from his grasp and wiped his tears away. "N-no, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything." He paused for a few moments. "...Perhaps I'll tell you later," he said, looking at the ground once more. He shifted his gaze to Silvia and Jazz's conversation.


Silvia tilted her head. "He did? But why would Nightlight...?" Nightlight hid behind Silvia again. Wait. Remix! Remix Blitz! Manehatten! Nightlight told me about this! Silvia's eyes widened. "Oh! He... he did... He didn't mean to, though." Silvia's expression was now apologetic. "When he followed Remix into that club, he felt uncomfortable and over-aroused by all the noise and the sketchy ponies. He felt like he had to get out of there, and he wasn't able to tell Remix good-bye..." Nightlight nodded along with what Silvia was saying. Silvia's gaze had lowered to the ground. "I hope you can forgive him. He didn't mean any harm; he didn't know what else to do. He felt like he was in danger."


Nightlight looked back at Remix. It seems I don't have to say anything after all...

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Remix simply frowned, before nodding. “Okay, if you’re sure. But if I screw up, I give you full permission to punch me in the face!”



Jazz could literally see the gears turning in Silvia’s head, and she smiled when the lines all connected. “I have… A feeling he didn’t, but… He still did. It was enough… Remix erased him.” She explained, hoping her somewhat disjointed words would make sense. She hadn’t spoken this much to someone who wasn’t her best unicorn buddy in a long time. “Clubs aren’t… My favourite place either.” She mused, smiling a little at the cowering Nightlight. “I do forgive, but whether… She can, is another matter.” Jazz continued, bowing her head in acknowledgement to Nightlight and sighing a little.



Remix had stayed still throughout the entire exchange, listening intently. She felt like a little something was beginning to surface from inside, and, if she was honest with herself, she didn’t like it one bit. Her outer demeanour remained calm – worryingly so – as she felt herself crumble on the inside. No. No no no! This can’t be right, I… Her mind was getting flooded, and she suddenly felt like she couldn't think straight anymore. “Jazz.” Remix stated, her voice a low, uncharacteristically soft whisper.



Jazz immediately got the message, and nodded in consent as she watched her friend turn tail and begin to walk away. She just needs time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nightlight looked confused. "Um, I-I fail to see how that would remedy any situation we might find ourselves in..."


"She... erased him?" Silvia tilted her head.


Nightlight smiled uneasily at Jazz, hoping she would be friendly to him. When she was finished speaking, he understood and sighed. "She... she doesn't remember..." He sat down on the ground and decided to stay there a while, poking his hoof around in the grass. He watched Remix leave, sighing once more. "I-I don't know what to do other than apologize..."


Silvia sat next to Nightlight and draped her wing over him, pulling the feminine pony close. "I know, Nightlight." Silvia looked around the scene awkwardly, from Remix's departure, to Nightlight's somber expression, to Jazz's silence. "So..." she began. "What kinds of songs do you like the most?"
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Jazz hummed, shrugging a little bit. “It’s her defence mechanism. Her way of coping.” She said, her voice wavering a little bit less as she got a little more comfortable. Hm. Seems I’m getting more comfortable.


The gray pegasus remained standing when the other two sat down, shuffling her feathers and running a hoof through her mane on instinct. “No, she doesn’t.” she said, smiling rather sadly at Nightlight. “She just needs time. I don’t think she’d accept your apology. Not right now.” She continued quietly but firmly, hoping her explanation didn’t crush her spirit further.


The sudden question caused Jazz to blink twice, stunned a little by the topic change. “Uh… I’m partial to most things.”

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Nightlight tried to fight back the tears that threatened to spill the more he thought about the whole situation. "I-it's okay. I-I understand," he replied, turning away from Jazz so she wouldn't see him cry again. He allowed a single pair of tears to spill from his eyes down his cheeks. He thought about turning to Jazz and asking if it was okay if he wanted to cry, but he immediately dismissed it as a ludicrous idea.


"It's okay, Nightlight." Silvia did her best to comfort Nightlight with words and nuzzles, and he was grateful for it. "ooh! Do you like pop songs? Or musicals? I think those are my favorite." She smiled, trying to focus on the positive. "Is there a genre of music you're partial to that stands out from all the others?" she asked, giving Nightlight a sort of back massage while she kept her focus on the conversation.

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Jazz’s heart went out to the stallion. She couldn’t relate to this idea, since she had never really made enough friends to lose them, but she imagined herself being eased by Remix and the thought made her almost want to cry herself. Somehow, I get the inkling that his… interest stems deeper than just friendship.


“Pop songs are alright, musicals are pretty good too. I don’t really… Play a specific genre, I just strum and mess around on my guitar.” she explained, contemplating how to express herself before stopping and letting her words rest in the air.

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"You play the guitar?!" Nightlight and Silvia simultaneously exclaimed. Nightlight hastily wiped his tears away as he turned to look at Jazz. He'd never met a pony that could play guitar before.


"Omigosh, that is so cool!" Silvia shouted, jumping to her hooves. "Do you play Rock 'n' Roll? Oh, hey! Maybe we should form a band!" Silvia beamed, thoroughly excited.


Nightlight just stared at Jazz, still in shock.

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A look of bewilderment crossed her face. "Yea...?" she said rather hesitantly, her voice trailing off. Ever since she could remember, she had always been surrounded by musical ponies, and both her parents could play a whole myriad of instruments, so the guitar didn't seem like too big of a deal.

"Ah, thanks." the mare mumbled, her face turning pink at the honest compliment. "I play most things, but generally not Rock 'n' Roll. That's more suited for an electric guitar, and they're sort of... A pain to carry around." she explained, chuckling a little bit. "A band? Not sure how that would work out." Talking about her passion always got her to open up.

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"I could sing!" Silvia volunteered. "Nightlight likes to sing too, don't you, Nightlight?" she asked, looking at him.


Nightlight blushed and turned away in response. "I-I do, but not for such small audiences... I get nervous. You know that, Silvia."


"I'm not asking you to sing right now, silly." Silvia ruffled his hair, then turned to Jazz. "You should really hear this pony sing sometime. He's phenomenal! In fact, just the other day, he--MMF!" Silvia suddenly found her mouth sealed shut. She noticed the color of magic around it, and looked at Nightlight. His horn was glowing.


"Please stop," Nightlight said with a pleading expression. "I don't like it when you talk about me..." Nightlight cancelled his spell, hoping Silvia would listen.


"Oh, of course... Sorry, Nightlight."

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Jazz watched their antics with an amused expression, noting how similar they acted to herself and Remix. "Sure sure, my vocals are a bit... Well, the only pony who could give you an honest opinion on them is sitting over there right now deeply contemplating her life. I've never sung in front of anypony else."


"I would like that." she said, smiling gently at Nightlight. I think we may have gotten off on the wrong hoof earlier but I hope maybe it'll get a bit better. He seems apologetic at least. She couldn't suppress the grin that crossed her face at the sight of Silvia with her lips bound shut by magic, and hastily brushed her mane in front of her face to hide the growing smile. 

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Nightlight's blush deepened. He wasn't used to other mares smiling at him aside from Silvia. "M-Maybe I could arrange something sometime..." he said, looking down, hiding one of his eyes behind his mane. He reminded himself of one of Twilight's friends, Fluttershy.


Silvia giggled a bit, noticing Jazz's attempt to hide her smile. I suppose it was rather funny, wasn't it?


"Is Remix going to be okay?" Nightlight asked, looking in said mare's direction.

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"That would be amazing, but I know what stage fright is like. No need to push yourself." Jazz said, shrugging a little.


"Remix? Yea... She'll be fine. I think. Just give her a bit, she's probably mulling many things over right now." Jazz murmured, partially to herself and partially to the two ponies in front of her. I hope she will be okay. 

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Nightlight shook his head. "N-no, it's okay. I'll perform for you someday. Not now, but... sometime." He smiled. He always did enjoy sharing his talent with others. ...In the right setting, of course.


"O-okay, if you say so..." Nightlight said, not fully believing Jazz's words.


Silvia sighed.

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"Alright, if you're sure."


"I'm positive - it's happened before, just... The last time was a while ago. Normally she doesn't trust ponies fast enough to warrant getting this hurt." she mumbled, concern flickering across her gaze for just a second before she smiled a little. "I predict she'll be back in a couple of minutes."

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Nightlight thought it best that he wasn't around when Remix came back, but he said nothing. "Oh. Okay," he responded, now examining the grass with what appeared to be great interest.


"I hope we can find a way to make things up to her," Silvia said, smiling sadly as she spied Remix in the distance.

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"I think... Just let her interact as she likes. Don't push it - if she doesn't trust as much as before, don't take it personally." Jazz explained, her ears dropping a little as she smiled with a bittersweet tint to her expression.


"Ah. Speak of the devil."


Remix approached from behind, her gaze to the ground as she came up next to Jazz. She met the eyes of no-one, and shuffled her hooves in silence.

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