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private [1x1 Private] Magical Encounters!


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Nightlight listened to the words Jazz spoke, and nodded somberly in response. Then he noticed Remix return. He wanted to greet her, but he decided not to. He wasn't sure that he would be well-received at the moment. So he kept staring at the grass, plucking a blade out with his magic now and then.


"Hi," Silvia greeted apprehensively. Normally, she would have spoken more, but she decided that this situation called for no other words at the moment.

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Jazz sighed, feeling the atmosphere change. Remix remained quiet, seemingly oblivious to the atmosphere and the tension. "Come on Remix, you gotta greet them." she whispered, jabbing her still unresponsive friend lightly with her elbow.


Remix sighed, before looking up, a somewhat fake smile on her lips. "Hello!" she exclaimed, her usual chipper voice having an odd, unnatural tint.

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Silvia noticed Remix's facade instantly, but decided not to question it. Nightlight took notice, too, but his conclusion was based on inference. "What's your favorite kind of music?" Silvia asked.


Nightlight waved at Remix in response to her greeting, but still dared not say anything. So he stared at the ground some more.

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Remix placed a hoof to her chin in thought. "I dunno, I like a lot of things. Probably anything with a good beat!" she said, smiling and trying to act as natural as she could - an act that made it altogether more unnerving. She made a point to not wave back to Nightlight, and smiled some more.


Jazz just sighed, her heart breaking a little bit as seeing how much her friend was pushing herself. This really can't end well.

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Silvia inwardly cringed at Remix's response. Why is it that that was all it took to impress ponies these days? She kept smiling on the outside, though her smile now was somewhat forced. "How do you feel about other aspects of music, such as lyrics or rhythm?" This social interaction seemed to be on the rocks, but she remembered what Nightlight would say: The show must go on.


Nightlight sighed, seeing Remix ignore him. "Silvia?" he addressed, looking into his cousin's eyes.


It was apparent to Silvia in Nightlight's gaze that he wanted to leave. And she knew exactly why: If there was one thing that upset her friend most, it was being ignored. Perhaps sometimes it's best to let the curtain fall, rather than pressing on... She laid a hoof on him gently. "You may go. I'll meet up with you later." she whispered to him.


Nightlight nodded and began to depart, forcing himself not to look back. He didn't care if he never saw Remix again. He didn't need another mare pretending he didn't exist. He'd already been scarred once from such a situation when he was younger.

Edited by Wolfeus Silverpaw
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Jazz noted the increasingly tense atmosphere, but continued to suffer through it, unsure how to remove it herself – generally, Remix was the one who burst the awkward bubble.



“Hm… Lyrics are great! And the rhythms gotta be fairly fast, or else how do you dance to it? I can’t work with anything with a bad beat or a slow rhythm – the clubs don’t like that sorta stuff.” Remix explained, shrugging as her voice wavered a little.



Jazz, on the other hand, watched the two of them interact and Nightlight begin to walk away. Internally battling with herself, she chewed on her lower lip, before making up her mind and gently flying after him. Hopefully Silvia can bring Remix back, but for now… she thought, stopping beside him gently and matching his pace, I think he needs some company.



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"Oh, I see..." Silvia remarked, feigning interest, her smile now very much forced. We seem to be on completely different pages when it comes to music... "Are you into fashion much?" Silvia herself wasn't all that fascinated by fashion herself, but it was the only change of subject she could think of on the spot.


Nightlight noticed Jazz walking beside him. He slowed to a stop and turned to her. "May I help you?" he asked politely, his innocent eyes searching hers. Being the actor he was, he always liked to pretend his problems didn't exist, rather than face them.

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Remix smiled apologetically. "Sorry, it's just... My music is limited to what I can run at clubs. They don't normally let classical music slip by." she said, her eyes drifting to the floor. "Fashion? Nah, ain't nobody got time for that." she continued, attempting to crack a joke before failing miserably. With a sigh, she sat down and rested her face in her hooves. "I'm sorry, I'm really just... Conversation isn't ideal right now." she mumbled, her voice cracking. 


Jazz stopped when he did, and faced him also. "You just seemed... Lonely." she said, smiling somewhat and shuffling her wings absentmindedly.

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"Ah, I see..." That does make a bit more sense...


"I know what you mean." Silvia looked up at the sky, opting to lie on her back next to Remix. "Usually I love talking, but right now..." she sighed. "I'm sorry. I wish I could help you somehow... I-I may just be a stranger to you, but if you want to talk... I'm willing to listen."


"Ah. That." Nightlight's gaze shifted to the ground. "It's... Well...   .........I'd rather not talk about it, if that's all right with you. But thank you. I appreciate it." He smiled.

Edited by Wolfeus Silverpaw
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Remix just nodded, lying down also and matching Silvia’s position. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” She said, smiling before crossing her hooves behind her head. “Alrighty. Here goes,” she paused, inhaling deeply, “I’m afraid of letting Nightlight be my friend again because it hurt when he left but I don’t want to pull everyone apart because I feel like that’s what’s happening and I don’t know what to do and I was maybe romantically interested in him a little bit but now that’s never going to happen because I can’t trust him enough again but I would still like to be friends but I think he still likes me!” she gasped out, her sentences all linking together into a rapid-fire rant as she ran out of breath.



“Phew. Felt good to get that off my chest. I normally do that with Jazz, but… Normally I don’t have to stick around the pony.” She shrugged, a genuine grin gracing her lips.



Jazz nodded, tilting her head slightly to the side. “As you wish.” She hummed, falling into a contented silence.


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Silvia nodded, hoping she understood at least most of what Remix had said. Seeing Remix grin produced a smile of her own, but it quickly faded because of what she had to say. "...H-he does still like you... He hasn't been able to stop talking about you, in fact. He mentions you all the time and how guilty he feels that he left you that night. I understand you're upset. You have every right to be. I just hope that, someday, even if it's years from now, you can forgive him." And with that, Silvia slipped into silence, staring at the clouds, mimicking Remix's style of putting her hooves behind her head, awaiting a response.


Nightlight started shaking a bit. He never did enjoy silence with newly-met ponies much. He sat down, and paused for a bit, thinking of what to say. "...What brings you two here this morning?"

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Remix’s grin faltered. “Ah. That complicates things. Welp!” she paused, stretching, “I do forgive him now, don’t worry about that, but… What’s the best way to romantically reject someone nicely? I just can’t imagine being with him anymore. I guess the feelings have faded. But, especially for Nightlight – I feel like he’s fragile, and since you know him best…” she trailed off, hoping Silvia would get the point.



Jazz noticed his shaking, and raised an eyebrow but said nothing. When he sat, she remained standing, and smiled at his innocuous question. “Well, Remix was asked to be the DJ for a night or two at a club here, and I came along because she’s… Well, she gets lonely, let’s just leave it at that.”


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Silvia smiled when Remix said she forgave Nightlight, but her look turned somber as the topic changed. "Yes, he is rather fragile... I... I don't--" Silvia's eyes widened as she realized what Remix was asking. She sat up abruptly. "S-surely, you don't mean...?! You want me to tell him? Uh, I don't know... M-maybe you should...? Y-you're the one he likes, after all... and it isn't very respectful of you to ask me to do your dirty work..."  Silvia's voice got quieter the more she spoke. She didn't want to be the one to break Nightlight's heart. She could scarcely imagine it. It wouldn't end well at all, and she was sure Nightlight would be left wondering why Remix couldn't have just told him herself.


Nightlight nodded gloomily. He understood all too well what it was like to be lonely, but he decided not to discuss it. Not yet. Not now. "You mean that club that everypony tries to keep secret?"

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Remix’s eyes widened, and she gaped at Silvia. “Woah woah woah woah! Calm down! That wasn’t what I was implying at all! Though in hindsight, I see where you’re coming from. What I meant was, I was hoping you could maybe help me word my rejection, or like give me advice on that!” the pink unicorn explained hastily, hoping she hadn’t ruined the relationship too much. “After all, I think if I didn’t tell him he’d probably get more hurt.”



“Club? What club, I have no idea which one you’re talking about.” Jazz chuckled, sending him a meaningful wink as she played along.


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"Oh!" Silvia's face turned red. "Ah, y-yes, of course..." She smiled, and took a deep breath. "That makes much more sense. I think I can help with that. Now, the first thing is, you have to let him know that just because you're not interested in him romantically, doesn't mean you don't care about him. I think you could say something like... 'I'm flattered that you like me that way, but I don't feel the same way for you, and it wouldn't be fair of me to lead you on like that. I still want to be friends, though." And then smile and keep in contact every so often. I don't think we can avoid breaking his heart a little, but at least he'll know the truth. And, this way, he'll be a bit happier because he'll know you care about him as a friend." Silvia grinned. "Does that make sense?"


Nightlight smiled and giggled a little. She seems pretty nice. I'm glad she's not mad at me anymore. They fell into silence again, and this time, Nightlight was okay with it. Humor always seems to light up the atmosphere.

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Remix nodded, her eyes lighting up as she tried to absorb all of the information she was suddenly being offered. “Alrighty, so… Let him down easy, and still offer to stay in contact afterwards? Gotcha!” she smiled, pumping her hoof. “Now I’m pumped! Real question is though, when do I tell him? I feel like I should let him express his feelings first but I doubt that would happen any time soon.”



Jazz simply whistled to herself, glancing back every now and then to check on Remix and Silvia. Seeing her friend back to her usual, bubbly, animated self, she couldn’t help but smile.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Silvia tilted her head, eyeing the ground. "Hmm... I could tell him to, but I don't want to get his hopes up..." If only there was a way to communicate this properly... Silvia gasped. "I've got it! We could write a song, and you could sing it to him! Music is the best language ever." Silvia beamed, awaiting Remix's response.


"Remix seems to be happier," Nightlight remarked, noticing Jazz's gaze and following it.

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Remix’s eyes widened. “OH! YES! You could play if you’d like, and Jazzy could guitar some stuff, and I could… I could sing! I’m not… Too confident about my voice, and nor am I good at lyrics, but I want to try!” she exclaimed, her speed increasing with her excitement. “Music is the best language! It just beats out laughter and kindness, I reckon.”



Jazz nodded, smiling. “Indeed. Takes a little push sometimes, but Silvia seems to have done the trick."


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Silvia beamed. "It's settled, then!" she exclaimed excitedly. Silvia summoned her lyric-writing notebook and a quill with her magic, and began writing ideas furiously. "Wanna help come up with the lyrics?"


"I..." Nightlight stopped himself short. He was going to suggest they go back, but he wasn't sure he wanted to. Not if Remix was going to keep ignoring him.

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Remix nodded excitedly, her eyes lighting up as she grinned. “Yes, of course! I’m… Probably going to be very bad at this, but I want to give it a try!” she exclaimed, shuffling close to Silvia so she could peer over her shoulder.



Jazz felt sympathy for the stallion – he was almost like a baby bird, wanting to take the leap but too scared to try. “Looks like they’re getting along smashingly.” She mused, before pausing slightly at the sight of the notebook. In fact, they seem to be in the middle of something right now. Gotta stall, I guess. “Well, why don’t we leave them to it? They both seem happy – we should probably give Remix a bit more time. I think she’s fine, but… You know. Just to be safe.”


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"I'll bet you're better than you think you are. And the only way to get better is to try, right?" Silvia smiled at Remix a moment, then went back to her notebook. She had part of a verse written, but decided to cross out the second line.


The day I met you was a special one indeed

We're both musical ponies


Hmm... "Do you have any ideas?" she asked, turning to Remix. She felt a bit pressured, seeing as how she usually worked alone.


"O-of course," Nightlight agreed. "...I wonder what they could be doing..."

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“Yes!” Remix exclaimed, glancing down at the book. The day I met you was a special one indeed…” she read aloud, trying the words on her lips. The time I spent with you was like a dream, but all good dreams must come to an end, and likewise, I’ve decided you’re just a friend…?” she rambled, before quickly flailing her hooves. “Oh my gosh no that last line is traumatic!” she exclaimed, laughing a little bit.



“Knowing Remix, probably writing a compilation of bad jokes.”


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Silvia smiled nervously, wincing internally. "I don't think we want to let him down so... Suddenly. Here, if we just..." Silvia's quill began whizzing across the page as she came up with line after line of possible lyrics.


Nightlight smiled wistfully, remembering the times he had laughed with Remix. He sighed, looking back towards town. I wonder what would've happened had we simply not come to the forest today... What opportunities would've been missed?

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Remix watched in awe as Silvia scribble line after line of lyrics, her eyes barely keeping up with the speed. “Woahhh, no wonder you’re a real musician! I just do beats, lyrics are… Really not my thing.” She chuckled somewhat sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck with a hoof.


Jazz raised an eyebrow at his suddenly pensive expression. “You know, I think the gods are on our side. If we hadn’t met today, you and Remix would never have worked out your differences.”

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A light blush dusted Silvia's cheeks as she paused for a moment. "I guess it's just part of my special talent," she said, laughing nervously. "And it's okay. I'm sure you have special talents too." She smiled reassuringly. "You remix songs, don't you?" Silvia winked.


Nightlight shrugged. Religion and lore about gods and such beings always intrigued him, but he wasn't quite sure what to believe. "I certainly hope they are..." Nightlight decided not to offer his input on how Remix and he weren't exactly working out their differences. He was pretty sure that was self-evident. He decided to just stare at the ground. After a short while, he summoned some parchment, ink, and a quill with his magic, and began doodling on the page.

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