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After seeing the pegasus flutter away, Muddy turned back to Solitude. "Looks like I should head back to the settlement. The place is Foaling Green, here's a map of sorts," she said handing her hoof-drawn map on a scrap of paper. "I've got to get back, been gone a bit too long, feel free to pick your way through what's left in the library. If you're still interested in that meal, then don't be a stranger."


With that Muddy, left Solitude with the map and headed the short walk back to the settlement. Wasn't but a few steps into camp that she saw the trail of reddish blood that led up to the canteen. In a panic, Muddy galloped to the door and threw it open with knife a blazin'. Only to see that all was as it usually was and Copper Cup was giving her a rather displeased look. "I know it took me too long, I'm sorry. I should have been here hours ago. I got held up with a unicorn who actually wanted to read the books and not use them as kindling for once." With a desire to be forgiven, Muddy grabbed the book of plants from her saddle bags and gave it to Copper cup with a hopeful grin. " He said he might be by with some meat for you steeeeee-eeew!"

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As Shadow was sipping his Tea,he saw sight of muddy hooves.''You were that Pony and the Library who thought I was bad!OW!When am I going to get a Stimpack for this Injury?'' Said Shadow.''I still don't see why you had that Knife.Cutie Marks really don't show anything about the real you,and I wanted to read something...'' Said Shadow in a Frustrated Tone.

Edited by Calirolls
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CopperMane's eyes fluttered open at the disturbance and he sluggishly sat up and walked into the kitchen. "Is it to much to ask for a little sleep?" He asked sleepily.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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''Oh Hey Copper.Just greeting a little ''Friend'' said Shadow In Disappointment. ''razza frazzin muddy hooves'' whispered Shadow to himself.

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"Oh well looks like I'm not going to get any sleep anytime soon." Copper sat down at the table and held his hoof to Muddy Hooves. "Hello, my names CopperMane, this here is Ace" Copper said gesturing to his dog


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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With the two pegasi gone, Solitude finally managed to explore the library. There was a single reception desk, a set of stairs upwards, a back room, and of course, books. Rows upon rows of bookshelves circled him, blackened and burnt books spilling from the sides. However, there were also many hardback covers that still kept their colours, and therefore, were intact. Solitude wasn't sure how they survived and others did not, but paid more attention to gathering them up. Every piece of priceless pre-war knowledge was rounded up and put into his saddlebags, until he had no more space. He took them off and placed them on top of the reception desk, before having a further scavenge.


Next to his placed saddlebags was a terminal. "Don't be password protected." He muttered to himself. Thankfully, it wasn't. It had an archive section and incoming/outgoing shipments of books logged on. "History section, second floor, third shelf." He took a peek into the back room behind the desk, and was pleased to see, among janitorial equipment, a large woven sack. "Extra storage space".


About an hour later, he emerged carrying his saddlebags, and a sack full of books about the same size as him on his back that was supported by magic. He marked the library on the map Muddy Hooves had given him, and looked towards Foaling Green. "Need a place to read, I guess." He started walking off slowly, heavily over-encumbered by the amount of books he had stored. A radroach accompanied him, mocking his struggle.

Edited by Celestia'sScribe

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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Taken aback by the hostility of the pegasus from earlier that was saddled next to the intro from the other, Muddy decided to tread lightly. " Woah now fella, hold your horses. I meant no harm. In these parts I've got to trust on instinct first and I meant no offense. If I wronged ya by judging your cutie mark a tad early I apologize but I won't apologize for defending myself against possible danger." Turning from the hurt pegasus to Coppermane, "Nice to meetchya, I'm Muddy Hooves but you can call me Muddy. Nice to have you and your friend here for a bit of a stay." Setting down the her bags Muddy came up to Copper cup with a pout. " This you can forgive me Cuppy Poo?" Muddy through in some eyelash flutters for good measure. All she got in return was a narrowing glare. Muddy shrugged, grabbed a bowl and joined the disgruntled pegasus to eat.

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Muddy smiled at the new pony, " Nice to meet you as well." Then she noticed the dog, really looking at him now instead of the simple glance that she had given him earlier. He was this unique robot/dog-flesh hybrid that made a very interesting creation. Mesmerized she left the table to get a closer look. He was sort of rhythmically panting the same way a biological dog would. It was fascinating. "Where'd you pick him up?"

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"Who, Ace? I got him from my dad back in the vault, he used to belong to my grandfather back before he died. I've known him since I was born and he's always been around." Copper patted Ace on the head.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Copper Cup had long ceased to be fazed by this latest bout of chaos. It seemed to follow her like the flu some days, and she had simply learned to live with it over time. She walked around the kitchen, making herself busy by sorting herbs and stirring soup. Her ears perked up when Muddy Hooves and Coppermane began talking about the robotic dog. "Sugarcube, what are you thinking?" she asked, seeing that there was clearly something brewing in the mare's head. She looked up once again at her fellow travellers, and asked "How did you all end up here? Where are you going? Because if she's thinking what I am, we might need some help."

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''Me?I don't really have anywhere to go...My Ship was destroyed and I just travel Town to Town,Settlement to Settlement,Anything that will get me in Protection.'' Said Shadow as jumping off his chair.

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"I'm looking for a faction, some old friends of my great grandparent's I believe they call themselves The Steel Rangers, Have you heard anything of them?" Copper asked.

Edited by thesteampunkninja


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Muddy gave him a quizzical look. "Can't say that we have. I'm afraid what Copper Cup meant was that I'm interested in the robotics of your dog because I could use a little artificial mending myself." Gesturing towards her right wing she went on to say, "I had a bit of a spill a few years back that got me some shrapnel permanently embedded in my wing. I've never been able to fly much higher than about 12 feet in the air. It makes a girl mighty slow and I've been trying to find a way to fix that for a while now. I was hoping you might have a bit ah know how on how Ace here was made so I could figure out how to get it fixed up right quick."

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"Well, I've given Ace here a few tune ups myself, if you have any scrap metal around I might be able to help out a little... No promises though, I've never done anything like that on another pony, especially a pegasus. You would be taking a huge risk in asking for my help" Copper said, "still want it?"

Edited by thesteampunkninja


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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"Then I guess I'll take a look at your wings, if you'll go get me some of that scrap metal I'll set up in here," he took off his saddle bag and set it down next to the ruined sofa. He pulled out a first aid kit and some varying scalpels, forceps, and medical scissors. He attached a jeweler's monocle to his goggles and laid out his equipment on a a stool in front of him while he waited for Muddy Hooves to return with the scrap metal.

Edited by thesteampunkninja


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Solitude had reached Foaling Green after what felt like an eternity. He was still tugging along the sack of thirty-or-so books, sweat dripping from his black mane. He had given up carrying it on his back; it was tiring using magic, so he went for the Earth pony approach: dragging it across the floor with his mouth. He spoke through gritted teeth and between exasperated breaths, "I. Am such. An idiot. So. Many. Books."


There weren't many people currently around, much to Solitude's pleasure. The few who were there paid little attention to the stallion carrying a giant sack and his radroach companion. Strange how it followed him,"More meat, I guess." The canteen appeared to be a main hub of sorts. No people going in and out, but visible was plenty of plant life around the back- a great source of food.


The blood leading up to the door was slightly disturbing, but this was the Wasteland. With a few more mighty pulls, Solitude dragged the sack of books next to the door and sat on it. He reached a hoof to the door and knocked. "I probably look pretty stupid". He thought, comfortably relaxed on his makeshift chair. The radroach circled him several times, and he attempted to kick it, with no success.

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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''I'm going to get some fresh air outside.Wish ya luck Muddy Hooves'' Said Shadow as walking out the door,he then noticed Solitude carrying the bag.''You need help sir?'' Said Shadow as walking up the the tired pony.

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"Sugarcube, let me get the metal." Copper Cup said, rising. She went out to the shed in back and dug around a bit. The scrap metal was slowly rusting in a pile as the remnants of old and broken garden tools. She took a few of the biggest peices that were still in good condition and dragged them inside in a pile next to Coppermane. "Be careful, please. We can't hurt that wing anymore than it already is." She anxiously paced about while the pegasus set up, until Shadow got up and opened the door onto yet another strange guest with a dirty radroach for a pet. She forced down the urge to kick this new guest in the face for adding yet another measure of chaos into her day, and went up to examine him. "Hello." She said in a wearied voice. "And who are you?"

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Muddy, trying to distract herself from the tools that Coppermane was handling, got a peek of Solitude, who was resting on a large stack of books. " That's the pony I left at the library. His name is Solitude Serenity. I invited him before I knew we'd have so many guests." Copper Cup gave Muddy a disapproving look. "You better let him in before he faints of exhaustion."

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''HE HAS BOOKS?! LEMME READ'EM!'' Screamed Shadow as taking out a book.'' ''Tales For Young Fillies'' err...Good enough'' Said Shadow as he opened the book and began to read.

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"Ok. Yeah." Solitude simply said."Not exactly my preferred topic, anyway." He thought as he watched the intimidating pegasus walk away with one of his books. "What Muddy Hooves said. I thought you ponies might have something to eat? If there's any free space in this town I'd like to buy a quiet room to read in as well." He wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Maybe some water too, if you don't mind."


He watched the radroach as it shuffled into the canteen. "Hey! Bad!" The radroach paid no attention and simply looked around the interior. "Sorry! I don't know why it's been following me! I think I killed it's brother." He said, levitating out a bunched up group of radroach meat.

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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