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A New Life in Ponyville


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Midnight frowned, something was bugging him, he had something similar to the pinkie sense, "the cliff? why in the hay... OW okay okay im going im going."

midnight shut off the stoves and bolted out the door "my midnight sense is tingling"

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Once he got to the top of the cliff, Electrobolt saw Scopes as he began to fall. "NO!!!" he shouted as he jumped forward, trying to grab Scopes in time before he fell. Unfortunately, Electrobolt barely missed as he just hung over the edge of the cliff, seeing Scopes plummet towards the ground. "SCOOOOOOOOOPES!!!!!" Pulling himself away from the edge, Electrobolt simply laid on the top of the cliff, pounding the ground. "Why... WHY Scopes... Just... WHY!!!"

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notices the speck falling off the cliff "midnight sense you done me good." he frowns then unwraps his wing, "only have one chance at this."

galloping to the edge nearby, opens his wings and jumps, the air catching both wings, and he cries out in pain, the broken wing telling him its not fully healed yet, but a life is worth more then a wing.

flaps his wings as hard as he can and catches scopes by his tail inches from the ground, and lightly plops him down, before midnight himself crash lands.


(there X3, now no more suicide scopes, we have to keep this family friendly kay ^^)

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME." Scopes said crying. He was infuriated. He was so close.

Life is one sick game. One moment I smile as I fall to my death, the next cry as I'm saved.

Jesus Christ, that was close. You had me worried there for a second.

I can't believe this this. I was so close. I would be out in an instant. No pony would know. I would be happy. I would be dead. I had this amazing freedom. This sense of relief that was never felt before. And now Midnight saved me. I have to live my life knowing that whenever I am happy, I probably would have never felt this feeling if I had taken my life.

Come on, he ju-

Every time something bad happens. It was almost like I could have avoided it.

"Why midnight, why did you save me...You bastard." Scopes ran to Midnight as slapped him.

"I was going to die, rid myself of the randomness of this universe and then you come flying in and try to save me!"





Idiot. No I refuse to believe this stupid pony. He cannot understand my predicament.

"I don't care what anypony thinks. They might say. Life has meaning or We all love you but no one does. In a hundred years time, we will all be dead but the universe will keep on going. We are nothing but order from chaos. We are so insignificant, so tiny that the universe will not care for our departure. Life is random, confused. It's a dog chasing a car. It doesn't know where it's going or what it's doing. It just does and that is what we are something that was just done. I beg of you. Let me go. We are nothing but a dot. One dot. No one would miss me because you can't take away a dot from a dot. Life is without point or merit. I don't even know if I'm dead or not. Life is how we perceive it and maybe this is how I perceive death."

Scopes wrestled out of Midnight's grip and began walking up the hill.

"Maybe I'll break that second wing. It won't be hard. It would take one second and splat. It would be gone but see. I'm not going to do that...I'm making a point. I'm showing the world for what it truly is. It is savage and without any goals. It does not seek to help but neither does it seek to hinder. I'm not a sad pony. I'm just ahead of the curve."


(I'm really feeling this way now guys so this is coming from the heart)

Edited by Scopes


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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midnight frowned and winced at his re broken wing, but walked over and pinned scopes down so he couldnt bolt "Committing suicide is NOT the answer to ANY problem, GOT IT?!"

as scopes tried to look away midnight frowned, "look at me." he said in a commanding tone, dispite all the pain he was in, it never showed.

"i tried suicide almost a year ago, beacuse i thought nopony loved me, or cared for me, but all it took was one hoof, one pony to help me realize i was being an idiot and i had alot going for me."

he frowned at scopes, "if i have to drag you back to honeys house by the tail, i will, i realize your angry at me now, but YOU WILL thank me later."

at that he grabbed scopes by the tail and began dragging him back to ponyville and back to honeys house.


(heh, this comes from personal experience.)

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Unfortunately for Electrobolt, he could not see that Midnight had saved Scopes from making a terrible mistake. He just stayed on top of the cliff as he continued to pound on the ground. "Dang it Scopes..." he blurted out, tears forming in his face. "Why did you just go and do that???" Some time later, he got back on his hooves as he once again slowly began his descent down the cliff.

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shakes his head and follows, "well, you jump again, i have to go after you again, thats just the way it is, im now included." he messaged his limp left wing, "mabey i can still fly with one wing."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"not sounding too grateful there, champ." overdrive droned. He didn't look up from his guitar and continued to repeat a simple riff so he could have a conversation. "so, I know that you fell because you were drunk, but why were you flying over ponyville in the first place? There's plenty of large cities with more opportunity than this place."


"I tried all of those places. Hoofington, Fillydelfia, Manehatten, all of them, everypony in every town and city I visited ran away from me on sight, because of what I am."

*She raised her bat wings, flicked her ears with the extra tufts on them, and flashed her small fangs.*

"And then I came here and met you, you are the only one who has shown me any kindness, other than the few ponies that share this rare mutation of mine."

*Scwartz folded her wings back up against her sides.*

"Many ponies judge us because we are different, but I found acceptance among Princess Luna's personal guards. I was a loyal soldier and fought my way through many difficult missions, until I reached the rank of Captain of the Lunar Knights. But then I screwed it all up. I lost an entire squad of my closest friends on a crutial mission. Not only did the mission fail, but I was the only one who had made it out alive. Following all of this was a scandal, I was accused of leading my squad into the trap that cost them thier lives, fortunatrly, I was found innocent, but just barely. I was removed from my position, and from the entire unit, and became an outcast.........."

*Schwartz looked down at the bed and sighed.*

"I dont know why Im telling you all this, I must be uber depressing. Sorry about that."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"I tried all of those places. Hoofington, Fillydelfia, Manehatten, all of them, everypony in every town and city I visited ran away from me on sight, because of what I am."

*She raised her bat wings, flicked her ears with the extra tufts on them, and flashed her small fangs.*

"And then I came here and met you, you are the only one who has shown me any kindness, other than the few ponies that share this rare mutation of mine."

*Scwartz folded her wings back up against her sides.*

"Many ponies judge us because we are different, but I found acceptance among Princess Luna's personal guards. I was a loyal soldier and fought my way through many difficult missions, until I reached the rank of Captain of the Lunar Knights. But then I screwed it all up. I lost an entire squad of my closest friends on a crutial mission. Not only did the mission fail, but I was the only one who had made it out alive. Following all of this was a scandal, I was accused of leading my squad into the trap that cost them thier lives, fortunatrly, I was found innocent, but just barely. I was removed from my position, and from the entire unit, and became an outcast.........."

*Schwartz looked down at the bed and sighed.*

"I dont know why Im telling you all this, I must be uber depressing. Sorry about that."


Overdrive set his guitar down and moved over to sit down on the bed. "i don't like to judge ponies for things beyond their control. Besides, I think I like these wings better than feathered ones. They give a sense of darkness, but coupled with elegance." he smiled warmly. "I'm sorry to hear about your friends though..." he gave her a reassuring pat on the back.

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Midnight frowned and grabbed scopes by the tail again, slowly dragging him back into ponyville, then sees electro, "electro, l-little help here?" he groaned


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Overdrive set his guitar down and moved over to sit down on the bed. "i don't like to judge ponies for things beyond their control. Besides, I think I like these wings better than feathered ones. They give a sense of darkness, but coupled with elegance." he smiled warmly. "I'm sorry to hear about your friends though..." he gave her a reassuring pat on the back.



*She said quietly. She looked at Overdrive and saw the kindness in his eyes.*

"I think Im ready to make some new ones."

*After sayong this she grabbed her duffel bag and took out a stange object. It was like a claw with a long wire attatched to it. She strapped the claw onto her left hoof and plugged the wire into her ear. She then picked up Overdrives guitar, and played "Carry on my Wayward son" by Kansas without a single mistake.*

"Will you be my friend OD?"

*She asked with a big smile.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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*She said quietly. She looked at Overdrive and saw the kindness in his eyes.*

"I think Im ready to make some new ones."

*After sayong this she grabbed her duffel bag and took out a stange object. It was like a claw with a long wire attatched to it. She strapped the claw onto her left hoof and plugged the wire into her ear. She then picked up Overdrives guitar, and played "Carry on my Wayward son" by Kansas without a single mistake.*

"Will you be my friend OD?"

*She asked with a big smile.*


"I'll consider it" he smiled and gave her a quick hug. "I've gotta go and repay a debt, feel free to hang around here. Inroduce yourself to everypony. I'll be back in a few hours." he smiled warmly and grabbed his guitar. He left the house and headed for Octavia's house.

(be back in 4-5 hours)

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"I'll consider it" he smiled and gave her a quick hug. "I've gotta go and repay a debt, feel free to hang around here. Inroduce yourself to everypony. I'll be back in a few hours." he smiled warmly and grabbed his guitar. He left the house and headed for Octavia's house.

(be back in 4-5 hours)


"See you later."

*She said as he left the room. After he was gone and the door was shut, her face turned from a dark greyish-blue, to a beet red.*

"Geez," *She mumbled.* "I havent felt like this about anypony since...... her."

*Schwartz looked at the ceiling remembering her ex-marefriend.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"I'm sorry Midnight, you're sense of morals is not right. No morals are. Life is without meaning and if you want to live a life, deluding yourself into thinking that is does have meaning. Well that's your own business and I don't want anypony stopping me from falling again so I'm sorry midnight."

Scopes quickly used his magic to break Midnight's second wing. Bones cracked. Blood flowed. It was awful.

"So Electro, do you really want to end up like Midnight over here or...?"

Electro stepped aside.

"Thank you."

Scopes had arrived at the top of the cliff.

Listen Scopes. If you aren't going to listen to me listen to your friends.

Not you again.

Why must you fight me on this? Shut up.

No, I will not let you try to kill yourself again. It's just not right.

We had this conversation before. It's just not worth it.

Scopes walked towards the edge.

Ok, let's face the bare facts. We all know this is because of Fear and Honey.


You're shouting just confirms it.

How do you think Honey will feel if she finds that you're dead.

Nothing. Maybe everything.But it matters not, she'll die and that'll be it.

Stop being so cynical.

Life is cynical.

That's because life is objective and looks at the bare facts but we are not objective and it's without doubt that we are subjective beings. We weren't made to think, we were made to act.

So what? Just because that's true doesn't mean we can't think in the long term and-

Scopes paused. He started to cry. He had been holding in for a long time.

I just don't know man. I just don't know.

It's ok. We all feel this way sometimes. It's normal.

I guess you're right... I need to think this through properly. Taking my life isn't going to help.

Thank Celestia you are finally listening to me.



(Props to Midnight and Electro for making me feel better. They spent a whole hour in real life trying to cheer me up. I'm still depressed but not as bad as before. I wuw you guys!)

Edited by Scopes
  • Brohoof 1


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Midnight cried out in pain, he whimpered but still tried to follow him, both limbs burning in pain, "y-you t-thinnk.....ugh....breaking....both my wings....w-will s-stop me?" taking another step he collapsed falling unconsious from the pain.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Electrobolt looked back when Midnight called to him and said, "Oh... Hey Midnight... Hey Scopes..." As soon as he turned back around to walk off, he stopped. "Wait... Scopes???" He turned around to help Midnight, before seeing Scopes break Midnight's other wing. Shocked and a little scared, he just let Scopes go by. Once Scopes went away, Electrobolt just hurried over to Midnight's side and held him up to his body.


"Midnight... Come on Midnight, stay with me..." he called out to him. He knew he was still alive, but needed immediate medical attention. "Hang in there..." he whispered, working Midnight onto his own back before hurrying to Honey Dew's house. *Visiting my parents can wait one more day...* he thought, hoping Midnight would be safe on his back.


(OOC: Sorry for the delay, had to get my niece from school)

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(didnt expect you to reply right away so your good x3)


"huh......so this is what unconsiousness feels like." midnight blinked,

"youve been unconsious before midnight." alex smirked and nosed his neck,

"well, not from pure pain....i mean it felt as if my body was gonna fall apart, then im here, at the drop of a hat, i hope scopes, and electro are alright, i dont want either of them hurt."

alex smiled and curled around him "dont worry, im sure both of them are fine."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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After a bit of walking, Electrobolt could see Honey Dew's house in sight. "Hopefully somepony's awake..." he whispered to himself as he walked up to the door of the house. He didn't wait around to knock, though, as he opened the door and walked inside. Closing the door behind him, he took Midnight to the bathroom. Looking around, he sighed. "Where are the bandages now..." he asked to nopony in particular.

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opens his eyes, the first thing he noticed was he was in honeys house again, in the bathroom, electrobolt scurrying all over looking for bandages, the next thing he remembered was scopes breaking his other wing, and thats when the pain coursed through his body.

he couldnt speak, so he just bit his lip and whimpered, "dangit all."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Scopes looked over Equestria. Death was just a few inches away from me, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

It is most certainly a good thing.

I- I don't know.

Let me tell you something Scopes, Electro and Midnight is nowhere to be seen. You can jump off right now and you will die.

I just don't know. STOP IT!

No, you stop it. I don't know what happened but you walk to Honey's house and get some sleep, you need it. Then we'll talk about this.

You're-You're right.

Scopes made his way to Honey's house.

He walked past Midnight. He walked past Electro. He did not say a word.

He got into his bed and slept..


(OOC:I'm not sleeping IRL)


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Electrobolt continued to search for the bandages and, after some time, finally found them. "Ah, there we are..." he whispered, pulling them out. He then turned around to see Midnight, his eyes open. "Oh, hey Midnight... Awake now, huh?" he asked. Letting out a sigh as he began to wrap both wings up, he said, "I... I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to stop Scopes from hurting you... I... I was surprised when I saw him still alive... But seeing you there, I... I bet you had something to do with him still being alive, huh...?" Electrobolt stopped talking for now as he continued to wrap up both of Midnight's wings, one at a time.

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Midnight nodded "y-yeah.....dispite a broken wing, i-i couldnt....just sit and do nothing."

after both of his wings were wrapped up and feeling a little better, and leaned up and nuzzled his cheek against electros "thanks, i-i guess im just the pony that happens to get hurt all the time." he smiles.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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*Schwartz found herself wandering through the house. She walked into a room and saw the two colts, one bandaging the others' wounded wing.*

"Ouch, I know that feel bro."

*She said to the pegasus.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Electrobolt couldn't help but blush as Midnight nuzzled up against him. "Heheh... Don't say that, Midnight..." he whispered back to the pegasus. However, as soon as he heard the other pegasus speak up, he jumped out of shock. Looking over, he saw Schwartz standing there. "Oh, um... Hello..." he spoke up, shaken up a bit and still blushing. "Um... How long have you been standing there...?"

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Electrobolt couldn't help but blush as Midnight nuzzled up against him. "Heheh... Don't say that, Midnight..." he whispered back to the pegasus. However, as soon as he heard the other pegasus speak up, he jumped out of shock. Looking over, he saw Schwartz standing there. "Oh, um... Hello..." he spoke up, shaken up a bit and still blushing. "Um... How long have you been standing there...?"


"Long enough."

*She said with a smirk.*

"Its cool, by the way, is there any food in this house? I havent eaten in a week."

*To emphisize this point, Schwartz's stomach growled, very loudly.*

Edited by Gilda the Griffin

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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