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A New Life in Ponyville


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Electrobolt's blush only grew brighter as he heard Midnight say exactly what he was thinking about. "Yeah... I guess we are, hahah..." He had to chuckle at that moment, having the same thoughts in mind. Then when Midnight gave him a kiss, he smiled some more. He then leaned towards Midnight, giving him a kiss as well after hearing his comment. "If I wasn't blushing, I would be now..." he responded, before eating more of his pancakes.

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midnight giggled, "your cute when you blush dear." he smiled and finished his pancakes and waited for electro to finish, "you really are hun."

he smiled and pushed his nose into electros neck just nuzzleing it softly, "mm"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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*Schwartz woke up in the morning still in Overdrive's embrace. He was still asleep, so Schwartz carefully stood up as to not wake him and stepped outside of the tent. She jumped into the air and flew around to strech her wings a bit. She then landed on a cloud and used the moisture to wake her up and clean herself a bit.*

"Bluh. Clouds arent as good as a nice bath."

*She shook the last of the moisture out of her coat and mane and then dropped down from the cloud and glided back down to the camp. She landed softly and opened her duffel bag. She took out a set of light metal armor and put it on, instead of a helmet, the armor had a thick leather hood, which she left down. She then began her morning exercises.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Electrobolt smiles, unable to blush anymore, as he began to finish off his breakfast. As he continued to eat, Midnight began to nuzzle him in the neck. He stopped eating for a bit to kiss Midnight before taking his last few bites. Once he finished, he gave Midnight a deeper kiss as he hugged him. "Well, breakfast was wonderful..." he spoke after the kiss was broken. "What did you think...?"

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midnight grinned and wrapped his hooves around his lovers neck "it was amazing, i loved it..." he returned the kisses whole heartedly "thank you.."

midnight smiled and picked up the dishes fluttering over to the sink and began washing them, before neatly stacking them, "dont want old food dried on them when we get back, it can be so hard to wash off."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Electrobolt nodded as he dried off the cleaned dishes before putting them away. "I know what you mean," he said, chuckling a bit, before kissing Midnight again. After the dishes have been cleaned and put away, Electrobolt looked over to the door. "Well, if we get going, we should be able to catch them," he stated. Looking over to Midnight, he asked, "You ready to get caught up with them?"

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midnight smiled and went outside, his saddlebags and bow securely on his back, he lowered his wings, "we can get there faster if we fly."

he smiled "plus they might be easy to spot from the air."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Electrobolt nodded as he followed Midnight outside, getting on Midnight's back. He hugged Midnight's neck tight, but not too tight so that he could breathe while they were in the air. "Ready to go when you are," he called out, before kissing Midnight once more.

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midnight smiled and kissed back before making sure the house was locked up and taken care of before he propelled himself into the air and off in the direction schwartz and overdrive went, using clouds to increase his airspeed.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Electrobolt held on tight as he closed his eyes for the moment. He loved the feeling of the wind flowing through his mane as they soared through the sky. As he was going through the sky on Midnight's back, his mind flashed back to his dream and he sighed mentally. *If only I was born a pegasus...* he thought to himself. He opened his eyes again as he looked at Midnight, then smiled. *Oh well... I'm happy with Midnight, so I won't worry...* He then looked to the ground, keeping an eye out for Overdrive and Schwartz.

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midnight smiled, he knew the jealousy that electro was feeling, felt it himself once, but as long as he was happy, midnight was happy, he looked down then noticed some smoke off in the distance.

"that may be them." he smiled and lightly banked towards it, descending a bit to get a clearer view.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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*Schwartz looked up into the sky and saw a familiar blur of color.*

"Hey guys!"

*She shouted to them.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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After hearing Midnight saying he thought he saw the others, he looked down. Sure enough, he saw them, and heard Schwartz calling out to them. Still holding on, Electrobolt let loose of his left foreleg as he waved at the two. "Hey, you guys!!!" he called out, as Midnight continued his descent.

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midnight landed and came to a stop after planting all four hooves on the ground, he then said his hellos, "sorry was focused on flying." he chuckled


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Overdrive is still asleep. I was just finishing up my morning workout. So how are you guys doing?"

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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midnight streached his wings, "were good i think," he tilted his head back and kissed electro on the nose, "right?"

he smiled letting the green stallion off, and make his way to the pool to splash his face with some of the cool water.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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When Electrobolt got off Midnight's back, he returned Midnight's kiss and answered, "Yeah, we're good." He smiled as he saw Midnight go off to the pool of water before looking back to Schwartz. "He's still asleep, huh?" he asked, referring to Overdrive. "We saw the note when we were having breakfast earlier, so we decided to catch up after we ate." He then recalled he had never been to Manehatten before. "You know, I think this will be the first time I've been to Manehatten..." he thought out loud.

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midnight rubbed his face, wiping the cold water off, "ohh, thats cold, but it wakes me up," he smiled and yawned a bit, coming back over, "overdrive not awake?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Nah, he is quite the sound sleeper. Who knows when he will wake up."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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midngiht chuckled, "i can see that."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Electrobolt chuckled at the mention of Overdrive being a sound sleeper. Chuckling, he asked, "Do you think anything could wake him up?" A thought popped in his mind, as he began to wonder if it'd be possible to pull a prank on Overdrive as he was asleep. However, seeing as he didn't have anything to possibly prank him with, Electrobolt stuck the thought in the back of his mind for another time.

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midnight smiled, "i dont, do any of you?"

he looked through his saddlebags wondering if he had anything, but most of the things he brought werea few useful items of importance to him.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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