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The Fierceness of Frost

The Pixelated Pony

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A train thunders through the mountains on board it a pegasus mare is sleeping on a case containing armour when the compartment gets colder, she wakes up and looks outside to see massive planes covered in a thick layer of white snow


(If you could introduce yourself than that's great)

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Lily rolled over restlessly in her bed, the bumping and turning of the train car keeping her away. She had decided to spend part of her check early on her own private car, but it didn't seem that the privacy was exactly accomodating her comfort at all. Monster hunting was far from the jobs she had been doing the last couple of years, in her darker days though she did have her fair share of battles so she figured if she could handle it then she could handle it now. Besides the pay was better than anything she'd seen in years, several months paychecks all wrapped up into a two week journy, and with her daughter attending camp for a few weeks she should be back before she was even missed. The bits would keep them sitting nicely, at least for a little while anyway, she'd come up with a story to cover what she was doing later.


She mumbled some words that no nice pony should hear as a particularly nasty jolt threw her out of her bed and onto the floor below. Rubbing her wings to make sure nothing was broken, she stood up and turned on the small latern above her head. It didn't provide much light, just enough to cover the table below it, but at this point that was all she needed, though she hoped that the town itself wasn't that dark she wasn't about to get her hopes up at all. The frozen north was notoriously black this time of year. 


Lily pulled out the small map her contact had given her, she'd never met the pony that had actually hired her. She made notes of several locations around town such as the general store and the blacksmith. Rumor had it that the monster didn't like the wind anymore than most ponies did so as long as the storm didn't break she should be able to explore the town somewhat safely while the monster stayed in the caves below. Though the rumor was just that, a rumor, she was willing to take the chance on getting some extra supplies. 


She felt the train level out meaning they were on the last long straightway to the abandoned mining town. Lily sighed deeply not knowing her team or exactly what she was getting herself into and shut off the latern and climbed back into bed. "Might as well try to get some sleep" she mumbled to herself, having no idea what the day before her would hold she covered herself up back in the thick blanket and slept until their arrival.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Steel was on top of the train the light grey Pegasus had been up there a while he had a ball of fire on his hoof as he looked around he climbed back inside his privte car and after a few moments he stretched his wings he went over everything he knew in his mind as he left his car to wonder about the train he was walkin aimless and passed through other privte cars without care he had light armor on but it didn't make any noise as he walked he stepped into a dark care his quick silver eyes glowing in the darkness he looked around seeing a pony under the blankets he silently moved on

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Mist sat on his bed in his private train car and cleaned his family sword. As he finished cleaning he admired his work. 'That's a fine looking sword,' Mist thought to himself, 'It'll be quite a shame to spill monster blood on it.' He put away his sword and picked up a set of Royal Batpony Guards Armour. This armour had been past down to him by his father and his father before him. He would someday wear it when he joined Princess Luna's royal guard. But for know he would be  wearing it to hunt a savage monster. He put the armour away and lay on his bed and went to sleep. After all he would need a lot of energy if he was gonna catch a monster.

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The train slowly pulled into the station and the porter announced "Gelida, End of the line!" Only four ponies we're on board the first out was the same blue pegasus mare who upon stepping from the train ran into the waiting room for the little warmth it supplied. She then took out a letter and began to read it whilst watching the three other coaches for the ponies that were going to join her

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Mist woke to the sound of the train coming to a halt. He heard the porter announce, "Geldia, End of the line!"

'That's my stop,' Mist thought to himself. Mist gathered all his gear and exited the train. He then took his gear to the waiting room. There he saw a blue Pegasus mare reading a letter. Mist walked up to the mare, "Cold enough for you?" He asked the mare.

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Mist woke to the sound of the train coming to a halt. He heard the porter announce, "Geldia, End of the line!"

'That's my stop,' Mist thought to himself. Mist gathered all his gear and exited the train. He then took his gear to the waiting room. There he saw a blue Pegasus mare reading a letter. Mist walked up to the mare, "Cold enough for you?" He asked the mare.

Sparkle jumped as the stallion talked to her " oh... Umm yeah? Actually I hate the cold... And this might be the warmest we're in for a while I feal like my blood's turned into ice... Which would mean I'm dead... Am I dead? If I'm dead are you dead wait this is confusing..." Sparkle said "sorry... I'm confusing aren't I?"
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Sparkle jumped as the stallion talked to her " oh... Umm yeah? Actually I hate the cold... And this might be the warmest we're in for a while I feal like my blood's turned into ice... Which would mean I'm dead... Am I dead? If I'm dead are you dead wait this is confusing..." Sparkle said "sorry... I'm confusing aren't I?"

Mist smiled at the mare, " maybe a little confusing, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing." The mare was right though, it was significantly warmer in here. Mist took a moment to enjoy the warmth. " If you hate the cold so much," Said Mist to the mare, something really important must have brought you up here."

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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Mist smiled at the mare, " maybe a little confusing, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing." The made was right though, it was significantly warmer in here. Mist took a moment to enjoy the warmth. " If you hate the cold so much," Said Mist to the mare, something really important must have brought you up here."

" I've been hired by the mayor of this town to do one of the most dareing task a pony of my capabilities can which is Monster hunting! Aye! And this is me weapon " Sparkle draws her Sword it's not to extravagant but the hilt was plated with brass and there was an S.S engraved into the blade is self "what do you think?"

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Sparkle who was confident in her abilitys immediately dropped her Sword and hid behind mist "uhh Mr guy? Are you as scared as I am or are you braver than me? Because I'm not " She wimperd terrified at what had just walked in before she said "umm Mr scary guy? Please don't eat me!" And moved under the table

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Steel smirked "relaxe I'm not that dangerous" he said as he looked at her aiming to look into her eyes "I'm stained steel head of the steel clan I was hired to hunt a beast here" steel said "I was told that if have the help of three ponies are you two hunting as well"

" oh! So you're one of the three mentioned in this letter" Sparkle gave steel the letter (-1 monster dicripton)"our target is on there as well as me! Try guess which one I am! C'mon there are only two mares on there and spoiler alert I'm a mare!" Sparkle said coming out from underneath the table

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Lily groaned lightly as she more or less fell out of bed. After she went to sleep she had dreamed of a huge horrifying presence in her car. When she woke up and looked around there was nopony there so she decided to let it go however. "I should probably lock the doors on the return trip, just to be safe." she said aloud, mostly just to reassure herself. 


She put on her coat kept her armor and pickaxe in her saddlebags, she figured it was better to not let her travling companions know she was any sort of prepared just yet. Especially after the dream she had she wasn't sure if any of them could be trusted just yet, even though she figured they were all here for the same reason. 


Lily walked through the other cars slowly and shuddered in one when she felt the same presence she had in her dream. She got to the front of the train and carefully stepped down, her coat not allowing for the usual use of her wings, and hiding that she's a pegasus at all. 


She stepped off of the platform and into the waiting room "I'm late as usual, figures." she mumbles completely to herself and picks a bench on the far end of the room away from everybody else, though there were only three other ponies in the waiting room at that time she wasn't sure exactly who was who yet and wasn't about to go asking around. 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Steel took the paper and looked It over "you're very trusting" steel noted " that could be dangerous you assume I'm telling the truth but you just met me" steel said a slight edge to his voice "Anypony can tell a lie" he said putting the paper in his bag(+ 1 monster description)

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Steel took the paper and looked It over "you're very trusting" steel noted " that could be dangerous you assume I'm telling the truth but you just met me" steel said a slight edge to his voice "Anypony can tell a lie" he said putting the paper in his bag(+ 1 monster description)

"Oh steel how you doubt me if I was lieing I bet you couldn't tell huh? Or maybe you could? Sadly my employer prevents me from experimenting on co-workers... That might be for the best though...considering that the office would be more of a crazed doctors surgery...I blame my science days others blame the fact I can never hold a relationship..."

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Steel shook his head slightly confused "never mind that were supposed to have one more pony with us " he said he noticed the other pony sitting onon a bench on the far end of the room he walked over to her motioning for the other mare to follow him he stepped up to her he slowed once he was about 100feet away he slowed walking very slowly as she would feel his evil presence

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Lily suddenly felt something was very wrong. She felt as if all of her blood had turned to ice. She looked over to where she felt the disturbance and saw two other ponies standing there, a stallion and a mare. She looked them over once and immediately noticed the stallion was causing the problem, she wasn't sure if she should fight, run, or break down crying. "Uh...he..hello..?" she manages to get out. 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Sparkle followed Steel and looked at the mare "hi miss! Or is that to formal? What do you think Steel? Anyway I'm S.J.S also known normally as Sparkle! But you can call my whatever you want miss its cool " Sparkle smiled friendly before nudging Steel and saying quietly" first impressions are everything steel"

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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Lily looked at sparkle as best as she could through her thick coat. "For a mission such as this I think miss is a perfectly fine start. My name is Fire Lily but I usually only ever go by Lily. Only ponies that call me Fire are on business or really don't care for me. I'm going to stick with calling you Sparkle though since you seen nice enough. Who's your friend?" She asked and hid a little more inside of her coat while looking at steel.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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"Oh him? I wouldn't really brand him as friend just yet. We've only just met and no offence Steel but your kinda creepy... Anyway it's nice to meet ya Lilly! But what are you doing here? You must be pretty serious about what your doin' to come all the way up here either that or you missed your stop... " Sparkle said laughing "naw I know you ment to come here your dressed for it"

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"Terrorising naw the mayor told me in that letter I gave you which YOU DIDN'T READ!! said that the monster had been dormant until the crystal mines came to the town which awoke him all like raar! And then the mines closed but the monster stayed, which is why we're here! I think..." Sparkle said

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 "Most ponies that know me pretty well wouldn't put it passed me to sleep past a stop or 3. But something tells me we're all here for the same thing. Including Captain Creepy over there." She says with a small smile. "So how much do you know about why we're here?All I know is that there's a monster and the pay's good...Not too sure he's not the monster though." She says while giving a quick sly look at Steel. "I wasn't given any sort of letter other than my contract and what the shady pony in the dark cloak told me while he was handing me my first part of the payment."

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Steel smirked "oh who cares I have a description of the monster I don't need to know it's past to kill it" steel said he looked over at lily he wasn't sure why but he liked her "so I assume you want me to call you fire lily then" he said "and you both seem to be used to the my aura, impressive"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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