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The Fierceness of Frost

The Pixelated Pony

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"I don't know about you guy's," said Mist to the group, "but it's getting a little chilly in here. I'm going to go get changed into my winter clothes." Mist walked off and took out his winter armour. He put on his armour and sheathed his weapon into in his belt. Lastly he carefully attached his wing blades to his batwings. He walked back to the group. "So, how long until I can dig my sword into some monster flesh?"

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Sparkle pulled out the clock " considering that it's just after 1 and it goes dark at about 5 around here... Than we have four hours to find a safe and secure base of operations where we won't be yeah... You know what I mean so we best get going then! Unless you like the old train station waiting room?"

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Sparkle pulled out the clock " considering that it's just after 1 and it goes dark at about 5 around here... Than we have four hours to find a safe and secure base of operations where we won't be yeah... You know what I mean so we best get going then! Unless you like the old train station waiting room?"

Mist looked around the train station waiting room, "exciting as this place is, i think we should look for a change of scenery."

'it was lovely and warm in here though,' Mist thought to himself, 'suck it up Mist it's not that cold outside.' Mist walked up beside

Sparkle, "Lead on fearless leader."

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Steel listen to the conversation "I'm not sure if you to noticed but we are trapped and the wind speed is to harsh to fly in and it's to cold to just walk it" steel said "so how do you propose we find a base when we can't even get out" he asked looking at sparkle while throwing glances at lily

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Sparkle sighed" Steel there is an entire town out those very doors all we have to do is find a building that we can store our stuff inside "

Mist looked around the train station waiting room, "exciting as this place is, i think we should look for a change of scenery."

'it was lovely and warm in here though,' Mist thought to himself, 'suck it up Mist it's not that cold outside.' Mist walked up beside

Sparkle, "Lead on fearless leader."

Sparkle blushed " as sweet as you are Mr you're not my type sorry " Sparkle turned back around "but let's go!" In seconds she was in her armour (sentimental armour equipped) and ready to go... Kinda " right so has anypony got a map I can borrow? Just for a bit?" Sparkle said looking at the group
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"Okay so let's go umm? That way? " Sparkle pointed towards where an extremely narrow track lead into a sealed mine shaft presumably the town is in that direction" Sparkle turned around "Hey what do you guys think? " but Sparkle didn't care she walked over there anyway

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Lily followed the others looking around, her map seemed to be reletively close to what was actually there with only a few buildings in th wrong place or not marked. Her coat kept her quite a bit warmer than the others. "I'm not too sure about going into the mines just yet, what about the monster?" She tried her best to yell out over the snow, but still following feeling she'd be needed either way.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Lily followed the others looking around, her map seemed to be reletively close to what was actually there with only a few buildings in th wrong place or not marked. Her coat kept her quite a bit warmer than the others. "I'm not too sure about going into the mines just yet, what about the monster?" She tried her best to yell out over the snow, but still following feeling she'd be needed either way.

"Yeah that's probably for the best Lilly! " Sparkle shouted back shivering before she checked her clock " cripes! Guy pick up the pace there's only 3 hours left! " Sparkle put her clock back in her saddle bag "I think I see something up ahead! It looks like a light? " Sparkle said exited

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Steel followed staying quit as he did he was fairly warm under his armor it held heat pretty well plus his orgins made him naturally warm although he'd need to get something to stay warm soon "I agree using the mine is a bad idea until we're sure we're ready to fight the beast"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"I wasn't planning to use the mine!" Sparkle shouted snow going into her eyes "seriously we need to get a move on!" She then looked back towards the station which was to say the least about 5 meaters away the lack of progress was really something to laugh at... If there wasn't a giant monster on the loose

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Mist followed Sparkle through the harsh snow. Even in his armor Mist was still as cold as could be. "How long till we reach wherever we are going do you think?" Said Mist through his chattering teeth, "I mean I don't mean to be rude but I kinda lost the feeling to my legs."

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Mist followed Sparkle through the harsh snow. Even in his armor Mist was still as cold as could be. "How long till we reach wherever we are going do you think?" Said Mist through his chattering teeth, "I mean I don't mean to be rude but I kinda lost the feeling to my legs."

" umm about 7 minutes... And can you do me a favour? I can't feal my face... So can you like umm this is gonna sound strange but could you try and slap me? If you don't want to then that's fine I know it's not the typical stallion thing to do so yeah you know what just forget it... I don't mind"

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Steel followed and he heard sparkle "instead I could do this" summons fire in his hoof holding it near her to help warm her up he was cold to but he would trough it out for now he just wished that he could fly sadly the weather conditions won't allow it

"No you keep your magic fire or you use it on the others I've been colder... Probably basically what I'm saying is you shouldn't worry about me steel I'm like iron strong when cold. Plus that fires burning me... So yeah..." Sparkle said her cheek turning red not with embarrassment but heat

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Steel banished the fire "aright I'll no longer worry about you" steel said "and sorry if I burned you my magic isn't really of this world and it's hard to really control most of my magic deals in combat" steel said as he walked in truth he was getting antsy already he needed to fight to satisfy his demon half and its bloodlust

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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The strong wind blew vigorously against Mist's face. Any longer out here and they were going to freeze to death. Mist turned to Sparkle, "This snows really picking up. If with don't find somewhere to hideout soon we might just freeze to death." Mist spotted a small cabin in the distance, "Over there. Unless I'm going crazy that's a cabin over there," Said Mist as he pointed to the cabin. 

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The strong wind blew vigorously against Mist's face. Any longer out here and they were going to freeze to death. Mist turned to Sparkle, "This snows really picking up. If with don't find somewhere to hideout soon we might just freeze to death." Mist spotted a small cabin in the distance, "Over there. Unless I'm going crazy that's a cabin over there," Said Mist as he pointed to the cabin.


7 minutes later...

Sparkle opened up the cabin door to find a letter on the floor it read " dear the four hired (Steel,Mist, Sparkle and Lilly ). To my regrets I will not be able to greet you myself as for the sake of my children and wife we have evacuated. But I digress I have lent you my home and everything inside of it. As for your accommodations I am sorry but I could not afford separate beds so you will have to make do with the two beds that are currently in the house


~ sincerely Mayor"

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"This place seems decent enough I'll sleep on the couch or table or on anything really " Sparkle walked into a smallish room which had a radio and several other old pieces of equipment "hey guys" She shouted "I found something it like might be useful or something like that!"

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Lily wandered around the cabin wondering idly why the basement door was locked too, she decided not to say anything just yet to the others though. "Well since everyone else is being so generious I'll take one of the beds to myself then." She was halfway up the stairs to the bedrooms when she heard Sparkle call out from below and she decided to head down to see what she had found. 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Sparkle turned the radio on to catch the end of a local weather forecast it said "and the area around Gelida is scheduled for a blizzard overnight, stay inside folks we don't want you freezing to death (announcer giggles) 'course I expect you to know that but anyway this is Derby signing off"

(Wip oc cameo)

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Mist had heard Sparkle call and headed down to where she was calling from. He arrived just in time to here the end of the weather forecast. Mist looked over at Sparkle, "It's a good thing we found shelter when we did huh? I'd hate to be stuck out there during a blizzard."

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Lily threw her coat down on the couch ignoring the possibility of someone sleeping there shortly. "Well I guess we're stuck here for a while, I'm not sure that even I'd want to go out in that, at least as long as we have supplies anyway. There seems to be food in the kitchen and fuel for a fire so we don't seem to be in any immediate danger someone isn't telling us." She looked around the room at everypony trying to avoid the subject of the basement. 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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