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private 1x1 romance (Private with Vinylwubs)

Love Doctor Blaze

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Colossaeus pushed the jacket back "No need. I'm quite used to mother russias harsh winters. But tourists on the other hoof aren't" He sat down at his desk, and began signing documents "So how did you end up in Moscow? Tourists usually travel in groups" Said the military veteran as he stamped another document.


Alice cleared her throat gently. "Well.. My special somepony and I was Travelling to Moscow for a vacation with all the drama that have been going on around and uhh.. Long story short we started heading towards a hotel to stay in, I tripped over and lost him and then found you.." Alice explained as she felt very lonely without Crescendo by her side at all desperate times. Alice then, puts back on the jacket and zipped it up.

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Colossaeus nodded "I see... Hmm, that is quite the bad situation you are in sweetheart. Moscow is a huge city, and loosing someone in it isn't a good thing. Could you perhaps give me the name of your special somepony?" Asked Colossaeus as he rubbed his chin in thought

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Colossaeus nodded "I see... Hmm, that is quite the bad situation you are in sweetheart. Moscow is a huge city, and loosing someone in it isn't a good thing. Could you perhaps give me the name of your special somepony?" Asked Colossaeus as he rubbed his chin in thought

Alice sighed and looks at Colossaeus. "His name was Crescendo Star.." She said, not looking sure of herself but knowing that she can't turn back to fix her mistakes. Alice looks down and sighed.. "What would Crescendo say about this.. Me losing him and getting lost in a huge city surrounded by lots of ponies.." She mumbled to herself, feeling homesick.

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Colossaeuses eyes widened Crescendo Star?! My best friend?! He shook his head quickly, and wrapped a hoof around her "Hey don't worry. I'll help you find Crescendo, you said that you were on the way to a hotel before you got lost right? So how about we check there?" Asked Colossaeus.Sounding very eager to find Crescendo

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Colossaeuses eyes widened Crescendo Star?! My best friend?! He shook his head quickly, and wrapped a hoof around her "Hey don't worry. I'll help you find Crescendo, you said that you were on the way to a hotel before you got lost right? So how about we check there?" Asked Colossaeus.Sounding very eager to find Crescendo

Alice smiled gently, accepting the favour. "Sure! I think crescendo is still there, calling for me.." She hoped as she got herself embraced for the cold in Moscow. Alice looks around the home one last time before looking at Colossaeus. "You have a very nice home Colossaeus.." Alice said, being nice to him. "Oh! How rude of me.. Names Alice Cookie.. But you can call me Alice cause of my last time.. It attracts fillies to thinking I have cookies.." Alice giggled gently and smiled.

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Colossaeus let a big smile cross his features "Thank you. This room is everything to me, and it is priceless" Colossaeus smiled "Excellent! Let us depart at once!" Said the giant stallion. He took Alice by her hoof, and yanked her out the room. He seemed more eager to find Crescendo then Alice was

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Colossaeus let a big smile cross his features "Thank you. This room is everything to me, and it is priceless" Colossaeus smiled "Excellent! Let us depart at once!" Said the giant stallion. He took Alice by her hoof, and yanked her out the room. He seemed more eager to find Crescendo then Alice was

Alice giggled at how excited the stallion was, seeing Crescendo again felt like beauty and the beast except.. Ponies. Alice smiled and held his hood gently, running towards the town.


(Renee's point of view!!)


Renee was walking across the beautiful city of Moscow, although it smelt like rotten eggs, she has gotten used to it. Renee smiled gently as a few ponies waved to her and said hi. Since Renee was a fixer, she was called for all kinds of jobs to repair.. Vases, robots, TVs, Radios, lamps, kitchens.. Think of something technical, she does it. Renee sees an unfamiliar face at the hotel and decided to investigate. Renee tapped the stallion by the hotel. "Excuse me.sir.. Are you lost?"

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 Colossaeus POV


He gently pushed through the crowd. Making sure that he didn't accidently hurt someone with his size. He saw a stallion that looked like the embodiment of panic. He was however approached by a mare, who seemed to calm him down


Crescendo POV


Were did she go!? Nonononono, this can't be happening! This was supposed to be a nice relaxing break. He paced around the streets, thinking of ways for him to retrieve Alice. He was snapped out of his thoughts, by a mare "Huh? Oh yeah i'm good" Said Crescendo half heartetly

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 Colossaeus POV


He gently pushed through the crowd. Making sure that he didn't accidently hurt someone with his size. He saw a stallion that looked like the embodiment of panic. He was however approached by a mare, who seemed to calm him down


Crescendo POV


Were did she go!? Nonononono, this can't be happening! This was supposed to be a nice relaxing break. He paced around the streets, thinking of ways for him to retrieve Alice. He was snapped out of his thoughts, by a mare "Huh? Oh yeah i'm good" Said Crescendo half heartetly

(Alice POV)


Alice saw Crescendo with widen eyes. "Crescendo!!"' She called out, running towards the unicorn and hugging him never letting go. "I-it's so good to see you again!!" Alice then turns her head to the mare who was calming crescendo down. Her eyes widen.. It's cant be.. Surely it is.. Renee? Alice's eyes shrunk as she remember her Long lost Friend.. "Renee!!" She cried, hugging the unicorn besides Crescendo.


(Renee POV)


"Renee!!" A voice was called out as a familiar mare hugged her. "Alice! Long time no see!" She said, smiling and high hoofing her. "How have you been girl!" She joked as Renee ruffled Alice's mane. "H-hey! What did I Say about touching my hair!" Alice pouted as Renee giggled gently. "I know I know.. Don't play with my mane.." Renee smiled as both of the mares did their usual high fiver, only higher.

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Crescendo POV


Crescendo was suddenly ground tackled my someone, and he was about to give her a piece of his mind, but stopped when he realized who it was. He hugged her back, and watched her with an amused smile as she exchanged pleasenties with her long lost friend. Now if i only i could find MY friend...He accidently walked in to a stallion with the same massive muscle build as him. He looked him in the eye, but stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed who it was


Colossaeus POV


Colossaeus chuckled at Crescendo "Hello my friend" Said Colossaeus. Crescendo laughed, and they exchanged hoof bumps and did a martial arts sequence in perfect synchronization. "Hahaha, we still got it comrade" Said Colossaeus with a massive smile. Glad to be reunited with his long lost friend

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Crescendo POV


Crescendo was suddenly ground tackled my someone, and he was about to give her a piece of his mind, but stopped when he realized who it was. He hugged her back, and watched her with an amused smile as she exchanged pleasenties with her long lost friend. Now if i only i could find MY friend...He accidently walked in to a stallion with the same massive muscle build as him. He looked him in the eye, but stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed who it was


Colossaeus POV


Colossaeus chuckled at Crescendo "Hello my friend" Said Colossaeus. Crescendo laughed, and they exchanged hoof bumps and did a martial arts sequence in perfect synchronization. "Hahaha, we still got it comrade" Said Colossaeus with a massive smile. Glad to be reunited with his long lost friend

Alice POV


Alice smiled and looks at the two stallions that reunited as friends again. "It's great to have such Long lost pals back.. Isn't it..?" She asked Renee as she rolled her eyes. "More like best pal buddies!" Alice giggled and punched her shoulder. "I'm pretty sure it's Pal buds.." "Best pal buddies"... "BEST!" "PALL BUDDIES!" The two of them started arguing over the title of their Friendship.


Renee POV


Okay, I gotta admit that Alice can be annoying at times.. Especially now. As the two ere continuing arguing, Renee cleared her throat. "Would you please be quiet!" She yelled at the unicorn. Alice obeyed and listen. "Look.. Arguing won't take us anywhere.. So.. I'm sorry.."

The other mare looks down. "Same here.." A smirk appears on their faces as a small smirk begins to appear.

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Crescendo POV


It was awesome to have Colossaeus back with him again. Just all the stallion things they could do together, the posibilities were limitless! "So how are you Colossaeus. It's been kinda 10 years since our last encounter" Asked Crescendo


Colossaeus POV


Colossaeus smiled "I'm good. I have been in the military all the time, and i rose to the rank of general but nothing more has happened" He looked over at the two mares "How about we celebrate our reunion with some good old fashioned vodka?" Asked Colossaeus with a devious smile. Crescendo matched the smiled with his own "Yeah, i'm game. How about you two?" Asked Crescendo

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Crescendo POV


It was awesome to have Colossaeus back with him again. Just all the stallion things they could do together, the posibilities were limitless! "So how are you Colossaeus. It's been kinda 10 years since our last encounter" Asked Crescendo


Colossaeus POV


Colossaeus smiled "I'm good. I have been in the military all the time, and i rose to the rank of general but nothing more has happened" He looked over at the two mares "How about we celebrate our reunion with some good old fashioned vodka?" Asked Colossaeus with a devious smile. Crescendo matched the smiled with his own "Yeah, i'm game. How about you two?" Asked Crescendo

Renee POV


Renee looks at her watch. "Well.. I do have some work to do right now.. But since it's for Friendship.. I'm game.." Renee smiled as looked over at Alice, the face on her tells Renee that she's more excited than ever to get rolling. Renee giggled gently and looked at Colossaeus. A blush forms across her face as she looks away.


Alice POV


"This is the perfect time to get her back for what she's done.." She grinned as she trotted over to Renee. "So.. You like Colossaeus Hoof.. Don't you Renee?" Renees face turns red with embarrassment as Alice laughed. "I do not have a crush on him idiot!! What gave you the opportunity to say that?!" Renee argued. "That little blush across your face Renee!" Renee looks away and punches Alice's shoulder. "Ow!" Alice called out gently. "Never tease me.." She growled gently.

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Colossaeus POV


Colossaeus was oblivious to the two mares antics. He was too busy talking about the good old times with Crescendo "Remember when we started training martial arts? That was good times. I remember how we beated our sensei at the first day there" Said Colossaeus with a laugh, which Crescendo joined in on


Crescendo POV


"Haha yeah. We should totally train martial arts together, imagine all the new things we can teach each other since last" Said Crescendo with an excited grin "That's a brilliant idea my friend!" Agreed Colossaeus with an equally bright smile

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Colossaeus POV


Colossaeus was oblivious to the two mares antics. He was too busy talking about the good old times with Crescendo "Remember when we started training martial arts? That was good times. I remember how we beated our sensei at the first day there" Said Colossaeus with a laugh, which Crescendo joined in on


Crescendo POV


"Haha yeah. We should totally train martial arts together, imagine all the new things we can teach each other since last" Said Crescendo with an excited grin "That's a brilliant idea my friend!" Agreed Colossaeus with an equally bright smile

Alice POV


As she was rubbing her shoulder, she sighed.. Feeling the urge to cry, she hugged Renee crying. "R-renee you need to help me.. I can't even think probably! I had so much drama going on in ponyville, Canterlot and in appleloosa!" She cried, closing her eyes as she nuzzled renees fur gently.


Renee POV


Poor Alice.. Being famous is quite a huge deal with all the drama.. And those guys ain't even going to even bother to cheer this mare up! Renee strokes Alice's mane and smiles gently. "Who needs those karate boys who fights other ponies.. Just let it go Alice.. You'll be okay once it's all over.." Renee smiled as Alice smiled. "y-yea.. Who needs them when you got...." Both startied to crack up.. "COFFEE BUDDIES!!" Both startied laughing their socks off.. Oh wait.. Ponies don't wear socks.

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Colosseaus POV


He looked up at the bar "Looks like we are here my friends. Head on in!" Said the giant stallion as he opened the door for the rest of the crew


Crescendo POV 

Crescendo hoof bumped Colosseaus on the way in "Alright, let's see if the vodka is as good as you claim" Said Crescendo, a challenging smile on his face

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Colosseaus POV


He looked up at the bar "Looks like we are here my friends. Head on in!" Said the giant stallion as he opened the door for the rest of the crew


Crescendo POV 

Crescendo hoof bumped Colosseaus on the way in "Alright, let's see if the vodka is as good as you claim" Said Crescendo, a challenging smile on his face

Renee POV


She smiled gently as she made her way towards the entrance, Alice right behind her. Once they were in, the first thing both the mares can see is dozens of ponies playing pool. "Fun fact Alice.. Pool is very popular here.."


Alice POV


Looking over at the pool table, a lot of ponies were shouting, scoring, jumping, singing etc. Alice didn't really felt confident to see the real deal of the bar but she didn't really want to disappoint the stallions.

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