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private 1x1 Romance with Yoshikupo

Love Doctor Blaze

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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/137724-1x1-romance/#entry4096465


Blazedtime was in the zone. He had a burning vinyl in one hoof, and the other hoof on the turntable. The crowd was cheering and the atmosphere was amazing! Nothing could spoil such a glorious night. 


The speakers were playing at such a high volume that they were about to burst. Blaze was wearing his signature cloak and mask to conceal his identity

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"alright, ready to make my entrance, I cant wait to see there faces when I tell them my entrance came from dark magic!" she placed a book down in front of her as she started to cast a spell when the books pages flipped "wait what was the next step" her horn started glowing brighter "oh no" it glowed until she got engulfed in light, next thing she knew her ears were ringing, she was on the ground and he head felt like hell.

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There was a sudden earth shattering bam as the wall exploded. The blast didn't harm anypony, but it broke the wall. Behind that broken wall laid a unicorn who looked like she had just performed a spell. It didn't take long for the ponies to connect the dots and when they finally did. They went total panic mode and ran away. Blaze how ever ran to the pony's side and took her to the nearest hospital.

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"leave it to Dark to ruin a party" "that girl needs to learn something other than that evil magic of hers" "maybe she'll finally get arrested" some ponies said as they ran away then saw Blaze pick her up "he's a goner"


Dark felt a pony pick her up "what are you doing?" she said in a weak voice then looked over to the night club "wait...that's my only book on dark magic, let me down" she said trying to get out of his grip 

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"leave it to Dark to ruin a party" "that girl needs to learn something other than that evil magic of hers" "maybe she'll finally get arrested" some ponies said as they ran away then saw Blaze pick her up "he's a goner"


Dark felt a pony pick her up "what are you doing?" she said in a weak voice then looked over to the night club "wait...that's my only book on dark magic, let me down" she said trying to get out of his grip


Blaze took off his mask and revealed his cocky smile and bravado. "I'm saying ya you dummy" Said Blaze. He took the book into his mouth and went airborne. He wad flying towards ponyvilles hospital. He was flying as fast as his strong wings could carry him. He landed not far away from the hospital and checked her for any major damage. He smiled when he found none.

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"how are you?" she said looking around to see it was like some sort of attic "where am I?!" she yelled getting up making her headache hurt more "ah...I wish I was at my shop" she said collapsing again on the floor "why would you even help me? I thought almost everypony hated me in this town"

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"how are you?" she said looking around to see it was like some sort of attic "where am I?!" she yelled getting up making her headache hurt more "ah...I wish I was at my shop" she said collapsing again on the floor "why would you even help me? I thought almost everypony hated me in this town"

"Your are next to ponyville hospital" Said Blaze with a smile. He once again lifted her up on his back. "Now lay still, or else i'm going to patch you up myself, and trust me you don't wan't that." He went inside the ponyville hospital. "Hey could you please look after this mare? She overloaded some spell or something" Said Blaze

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"of course its Dark, its always Dark" the receptionist said putting her hoof on her face "trying to raise the dead again?" "Ive said on many occasions, I am not a necromancer" "how cares, lets just patch you up so you can go" a nurse says picking her up off of Blaze "so what did she do?"

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"of course its Dark, its always Dark" the receptionist said putting her hoof on her face "trying to raise the dead again?" "Ive said on many occasions, I am not a necromancer" "how cares, lets just patch you up so you can go" a nurse says picking her up off of Blaze "so what did she do?"

Blaze grabbed the receptionist hoof and gave her a menacing look. "Now you talk nicely to her or the phoenix guard wil have a nice long talk with you" Said Blaze and revealed his missing eye. He then changed back to his happy go lucky attitude. "She casted some sort of spell that blew up a wall" Said Blaze as though nothing has happened

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this physio is perfect for her! she thought then heard the last part "you know she could be arrested for that, how many ponies were in there? were any others hurt?" she asked getting serious while the nurse took Dark to a examining room where they could see inf anything inside her was wrong

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this physio is perfect for her! she thought then heard the last part "you know she could be arrested for that, how many ponies were in there? were any others hurt?" she asked getting serious while the nurse took Dark to a examining room where they could see inf anything inside her was wrong


"Nope. No injuries what so ever except for the wall" Said Blaze. He then followed the nurse to the examination room. To offer all the moral support that he could. He sat down at the bench and let the doctors do their work. He eventually drifted off to a dreamless slumber

Edited by blazedtime
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"think however owns that place should sue her" the receptionist mumbled as Blaze walked off. about 20 minutes later "sir your marefriend is fine in the other room" a nurse was shaking Blaze a little. "your fine Dark, as fine as you'll ever be" "thanks doc" she said in her natural bubbly attitude again "you have to learn the spell better before using it next time, I don't want you to be hurt, I mean I'm basically your doctor now" "I know...I just hope I can pay for all this"

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"think however owns that place should sue her" the receptionist mumbled as Blaze walked off. about 20 minutes later "sir your marefriend is fine in the other room" a nurse was shaking Blaze a little. "your fine Dark, as fine as you'll ever be" "thanks doc" she said in her natural bubbly attitude again "you have to learn the spell better before using it next time, I don't want you to be hurt, I mean I'm basically your doctor now" "I know...I just hope I can pay for all this"


Blaze was shook awake by the nurse. He slowly opened his eye. "Yeah 2 seconds" Said Blaze. He got up and stretched his sore back. He then looked at the unicorn who was discussing something with her doctor. He walked up to her. "Since you are alright, i suppose that i can leave you here with the doctors" Said Blaze with a smile "See you! I hope that our path cross again so that we can formely meet each other" Said Blaze

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"wow really? you just leave like that? no 'thank goodness your not hurt, what were you thinking? or what were you trying to do?' not even 'what is your name?' by the way its Bright" she says kind of confused by the stallions lack of questions "also I'm fine, the doctors healed me up" she stands on four hooves off the bed she was on "wait I thought you two were marefriend and coltfriend" the nurse says while coming in the room hearing Bright

Edited by Yoshikupo
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"wow really? you just leave like that? no 'thank goodness your not hurt, what were you thinking? or what were you trying to do?' not even 'what is your name?' by the way its Bright" she says kind of confused by the stallions lack of questions "also I'm fine, the doctors healed me up" she stands on four hooves off the bed she was on "wait I thought you two were marefriend and stallionfriend" the nurse says while coming in the room hearing Bright


Blaze offered a sheepish smile. "Well i suck at talking with ponies because i prefer to stay anonymous." Said Blaze. He let out a sigh. He shook his head. "Any ways. What were you doing? I haven't seen such a distructive spell before" Said Blaze. He then looked at the book he took. "Also why do you have this book?" Asked Blaze

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"well what I was trying to do is make an entrance with a spell that would make the room go darker than it was, then I would make a light from the sucked up light on the front doors, I would cast another spell to make mist...it was so cool in my head, didn't expect to have the pages turn not on my command though" she answered "also that book in about dark magic, the only copy I got since everypony thinks its evil, when used the right way it is not" she said in a almost speech telling voice.

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