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private A journey into land Incognito

Wicked Funky

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/137954-a-journey-into-land-incognito/#entry4094196">https://mlpforums.com/topic/137954-a-journey-into-land-incognito/#entry4094196">https://mlpforums.com/topic/137954-a-journey-into-land-incognito/#entry4094196</a></a><br/>

Celestia let out an depressed sigh and turned to look out of the window only to realize Luna had entered the room, "Have they yet to return sister?" Celestia had a regretful andsorrowful expression, "Yes, but I do not think they will. The future does not look bright, We might have to give up this expedition."

Celestia had already sent three teams of explorers all in vein since non of them ever returned from this unknown land. "No! This is our last and only chance!" Luna almost shouted in desperation, She was certain this land contained something that could help. Celestia looked at her sister with a frown, And then out the window, "Can we really risk loosing more the we already have? Can we take this risk?". Luna was certain, She took a deep breath "I will take on full responsibility for this expedition, And hoof pick the ones joining in it myself. With your permission of course.". Celestia was in distress, She knew that Luna would go full out on this, And could they really risk loosing all the resources she would put in to this?


The only answer she could come up with was that they had to trust each other in a time like this, "Very well, Then you have work to do. I'll notify princess Twilight and Princess Cadence." Luna had a slight smile as she watched her sister walk out the room. She got the nearest quill and scrolls and began writing. She already had most of the members she wanted in mind.


This team will need, A leader. Someone confident, yet collected.

A guardian, A body guard of sorts, Someone who surely would protects their teammates in the worst of times.


A warrior, Goes without saying that a place like the one their going to is a place where they'll need a trusty sword at hand, Always ready to attack.

Someone highly intellectual, A clever and collected one who can think clearly at the most intense of times to ensure survival.

And last but not least, Someone who can gather information, Since that after all is the main goal here. Some with cultural and scientific skills.


After hours of writing, Thinking, And making a great deal of hard decisions her team was ready.



About 5 days later. The great Equestrian harbor.


Audacia had recently come to dry land after almost a month out at sea, She knew her way around these parts and was heading for the nearest place she could grab something strong to drink. She fallowed the long wooden and stone pathways fallowing the steep cliffs above the rather calm ocean. The smell of fish rans and salt filled her muzzle, But it didn't really bother her, She was used since long ago.


Further along the path way there was two white stallions and a rather large gray one all in blue armor clearly waiting for her, Starring at her as she slowly approached. The first thing that came to her mind was that someone was after her, Not really anything unusual given her profession. She wanted to avoid a fight for as long as possible in a place like this, So she turned around ready to hide in the nearest alley way, But another two armored white stallions stopped her in her tracks. As she dashed backwards to distance herself she realized she was surrounded. "Seriously? You're doing this now, And here? Well, I guess I don't have a choice then...". She put her hoof on her blade, Slowly dragging it out of the holster. "No need for that miss, We're only here to deliver a message. Princess Luna requires your aid." They gray stallion said in a very polite manner. Audacia lifted an eyebrow in distrust, "And what exactly would she need my help for?" The gray stallion approached her and reached out his hoof with the letter on it. Audacia quickly grabbed the letter and read it, She didn't really understand why Luna wanted her, But she was defiantly up for the mission."So, Where are we heading exactly?" She said now with a slight smile on her face. "If you'd please come with us we'll escort you to the castle in Canterlot where you and your future will be given further instructions by Princess Luna."

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The giant stallion known as Crescendo star, or his preffered nicknamd old Crec. Was sitting and casually drinking a cider. "Today is going to be great day!" Said Crescendo with his slightly broken english. He took a large sip of the cider and let out a sigh of enjoyment. The strong liquid burning his throat. He noticed some guards approaching his house. They both had blue armor, so they were a part of Luna's guard. Just like he was. "Excuse me sir Star?" Asked what looked like the leader. Crec let out a hearthy chuckle "Hehe, life is good, no?" Said Crec. Completely oblivious to the fact that they had a message for him. The other guard stepped up to Crec. "We have a letter for you, from princess Luna" Said the guard with a neutral expression. Crec grabbed the letter and read the content. He let a massive smile cross his face. "Crec is on the job!" Said Crec. He went inside his house and put on his blue armor that he used when he served the guard. Next was his shield. A big shield with a dragon's face attached to it. The dragon looked alive. He took the shield in one hoof and exited the house. "Let us go" Said Crec. They boarded the chariot. "Are you sure you're up for the challenge Crescendo?" Asked the leader as they were flying. Crec let out a mighty chuckle "No time for worrying" Said Crescendo "Mother always said: don't loose" and with that sentence they arrived at the castle. Crec jumped out of the chariot, which the guards who carried it appreciated. Crescendo entered the throne room. "If they insist on fight, i'll oblige them you're majesty" Said the giant stallion as he bowed down before Luna. He then noticed what looked like a pirate. So he decided to approach her. "Greeting from Crescendo star, young lady. What might your name be?" Asked Crescendo with a polite smile

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Audacia was amazed by the contraption that was the castle in Canterlot, She had never really seen anything quite like it before. She had never even been this far into Equestrian before, And Canterlot was like  a whole other world to her. As the guards escorted er through the giant hall ways where stained windows lit up the whole room with all the colors imaginable. When they had reached the throne room and she saw Luna, She was a bit unsure of what to do, So she simply didn't say anything. She had just stood there, Until one of the guards approached her and whispered in to her ear "Bow.​". Audacia felt quite stupid and hastily bowed down to the princess, Luna just swiftly nodded once and gave her a slight smile. 


"So, What happens now?" Audacia said with a rather excited tone, "We'll wait for your teammates to arrive, And I will explain evrything" She said with a very determined and serious tone. So Audacia just stepped a bit to the side and waited, But it didn't take long before what she presumed to be a giant entered the room and approached her, She looked at him in awe and he gave her a big smile back. "Greetings from Crescendo star, young lady. What might your name be?". Audacia collected herself, "Crescendo star huh, I'm Audacia Ventus, But you can just call me Audacia." She said with a big smile and trying to sound as polite as possible. She had noticed his armor, "So, You're in the guard?".

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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     The final notes seemed to break the captivating hold upon the audience, and Aria Rosewood allowed the applause to cascade over her. The audience was sincere, she was sure, but there were many areas of her performance that she felt needed perfecting. Having taken a bow to appease their enthusiasm, she promptly cantered off the stage. Back in the dimly lit backstage, she let go of the tension she had been holding throughout the performance, which resulted in her nearly missing the cushions for which she had been aiming.


     It was not that she was particularly nervous whenever she performed. She merely wanted the audience to appreciate every note—every subtle, emotional, beautiful dynamic—as she did, and that was no small feat. She had long ago attempted to define the line between art and technical execution, but since came to realize that perhaps art itself was a science of its own. It could not help but instill in her a sense of wonder whenever she pondered it, and it was in the midst of this pondering when she was interrupted by an inconspicuous stallion that looked wholly misplaced.


     His attire was more fitting of a castle than a symphony hall, as was his demeanor. The armour he wore had a dark luster about it that seemed to diminish the already subdued light of the room, as if the guard belonged to night itself. Their was only one conclusion to draw from the sight, yet Aria was unsure whether or not she should draw it. It was unlikely that he was a classical connoisseur, so what reason would he have to be here? Before she could inquire, however, he preemptively answered by holding out a gray hoof, and in that hoof was a scroll.


     "Ms. Rosewood, if you please, I am to escort you to Her Majesty, Princess Luna of Canterlot. It is of utmost importance that we leave in haste." 


     Though the letter raised only more questions, Aria knew that he would not be the one to answer them. She merely allowed herself to be escorted to an awaiting chariot, drawn by the most peculiar ponies upon which she had laid eyes. Her gaze lingered on the leathery wings for perhaps a moment more than it should have, for her mind swiftly began to calculate the odds of her demise in mid-flight. After several mentally-taxing seconds, rationality won—though not without contestation—and she clambered into the the golden chariot. Though initially a jarring experience, the chariot was soon smoothly gliding through the skies away from Manehattan, and the wind carried away any doubts she may have had about the soaring coffin.


     It was after a blissful hour of contentment that the majestic sight loomed into view, recognizable from any distance. The castle of Canterlot was clinging to a mountainside, a solitary sentinel protecting the hopes and dreams of not only the city below it, but of all of Equestria. Shortly thereafter, Aria found herself with her hooves regretfully touching the ground, a feeling of insignificance stealing over her as she beheld the resolutely towering architecture. As she was led up a flight of steps leading—presumably—to the throne room, she marveled at this feat of engineering in all of its complexity. Greater still did her wonderment grow when she ultimately found herself in a room of impossible height and hues of light, for the ceiling and windows gave the impression she had stepped into the most immaculate cathedral.


At last having drank their fill, Aria's eyes were drawn to that mare who took upon herself the fate of Equestria. With as much poise as her body could demonstrate she crossed the room, coming to a stop before the princess of the night. With unassuming grace, she dipped into a bow. "I am honoured that you would demand my presence, but if I may: for what reason have you sent for me?"

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Banner was tracking a killer how said he was about to murder a group of ponies in a building "miss your not in armor, captain said-" "I don't need the captain, I have my own way of dealing with things" she passed by the fellow guard and walked into the dangerous killers sights "another little pony to join in are party!" "yeah, yeah" she pulled out a sword to him "lets get this over with" "ah, ah, ah, wouldn't want these ponies to feel my blade like I might feel yours" he pointed a knife to a mares neck "I guess if that's what it takes, you got me" she let go of the sword and started walking toward the hostages as the crowed was speechless to what she just did. As she passed by the crazy pony she started to bring something out of her bag "what ever it is, I'm going to need it in my hoof right now" he said noticing her do this "fine with me" she stabs his hoof with the knife making the crowed speechless yet again. She hit him unconscious as he was in pain "this guy really needs to work on specifics" she said walking out of building hearing cheers that there loved ones were back.


As she walked back home she was stopped by what looked like a midnight guard "Ms. Banner I would like to to come with me for a urgent-" "stop, right, there, I'm in" "well your chariot awaits" he showed a chariot and she happily goes on "I assume you know that a message to Chain would be in order?" "yes, we already sent a guard to your home in case this happened" "good thing they know about this stuff" she sits on the chariot as it takes off towards Canterlot. She arrived at last in the throne room "did you royals want me again, I mean I never saw you like this, mostly just throw messages or ponies you send me on missions sometimes but this, whats going on?" she asked wanting to make things clear then looked around "how are these ponies?" she asked maybe making it come out the wrong way. She was trying to remember what to do again with royalty when meeting them like this then bowed quickly "also your majesties" 

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Archimedes U. Reka.... Hated his name, parents thought they had been clever, the only funny thing about it was that his parents thought they had a sense of humor. Not that he dwelt on his name too much, it was only when he saw it in full did his mind grumble and groan. On this occasion for his hilarious namesake appeared on the heading of a letter. Looking between it and royal guard that had gave it to him "So, the Princess wants me?... and not my brother." the guard just nodded and Archimedes sighed. he wasn't one to shrug of duty but field work... he shuddered at the thought. Field work meant working with others, working with others meant dealing with ignorance and he had become a archivist. He worked with martial not with ponies. True he did enjoy working with virtually anyone who wasn't a pony, but he highly doubted he princess would go to such lengths .


"And seeing how this is a immediate summons means I have to go now right, I can't get anything together?" once again the guard just nodded, at least he was straight forward, Archimedes could handle that "Alright then, tally ho, wouldn't want to miss the expedition now would we?" he was about to try to be chipper when he had remembered he hadn't had his tea for the day, how miserable. The chariot ride was mundane, Equestria, so...so..so... familiar. At least he thought to himself I'll finally be able to see new cultures... this could be exciting, if his future teammates didn't ruin it that is.


Without any pomp and circumstance he was lead in, he bowed curtly, looked at his future "teammates", and inwardly groaned, not exactly the cultural types, which meant he was going to be under valued... He sighed and payed his respects "Your highness... you summoned?"

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Audacia was amazed by the contraption that was the castle in Canterlot, She had never really seen anything quite like it before. She had never even been this far into Equestrian before, And Canterlot was like  a whole other world to her. As the guards escorted er through the giant hall ways where stained windows lit up the whole room with all the colors imaginable. When they had reached the throne room and she saw Luna, She was a bit unsure of what to do, So she simply didn't say anything. She had just stood there, Until one of the guards approached her and whispered in to her ear "Bow.​". Audacia felt quite stupid and hastily bowed down to the princess, Luna just swiftly nodded once and gave her a slight smile. 


"So, What happens now?" Audacia said with a rather excited tone, "We'll wait for your teammates to arrive, And I will explain evrything" She said with a very determined and serious tone. So Audacia just stepped a bit to the side and waited, But it didn't take long before what she presumed to be a giant entered the room and approached her, She looked at him in awe and he gave her a big smile back. "Greetings from Crescendo star, young lady. What might your name be?". Audacia collected herself, "Crescendo star huh, I'm Audacia Ventus, But you can just call me Audacia." She said with a big smile and trying to sound as polite as possible. She had noticed his armor, "So, You're in the guard?".

Audacia was amazed by the contraption that was the castle in Canterlot, She had never really seen anything quite like it before. She had never even been this far into Equestrian before, And Canterlot was like  a whole other world to her. As the guards escorted er through the giant hall ways where stained windows lit up the whole room with all the colors imaginable. When they had reached the throne room and she saw Luna, She was a bit unsure of what to do, So she simply didn't say anything. She had just stood there, Until one of the guards approached her and whispered in to her ear "Bow.​". Audacia felt quite stupid and hastily bowed down to the princess, Luna just swiftly nodded once and gave her a slight smile. 


"So, What happens now?" Audacia said with a rather excited tone, "We'll wait for your teammates to arrive, And I will explain evrything" She said with a very determined and serious tone. So Audacia just stepped a bit to the side and waited, But it didn't take long before what she presumed to be a giant entered the room and approached her, She looked at him in awe and he gave her a big smile back. "Greetings from Crescendo star, young lady. What might your name be?". Audacia collected herself, "Crescendo star huh, I'm Audacia Ventus, But you can just call me Audacia." She said with a big smile and trying to sound as polite as possible. She had noticed his armor, "So, You're in the guard?".

"Yes the name is Crescendo star. But please call me old Crec" Said Crec with his positive smile and signature chuckle. He then planted his shield down into the ground and leaned against it. "I WAS a guard one. But Old Crec didn't like to sit and stare at a wall for a whole day" Explained Crec. He took a moment to admire the stained glass. Such beautifull art is not avaivable in ponyville. He looked at Audacia. "Beautifull name. What wil your role be, miss Ventus?

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"I'll be the leader of this expedition." Audacia said with a proud and confident voice to the huge stallion.


"It seems you have all gathered, And i'm grateful you all came in this time of need." Luna stood up from the throne, Took a deep breath and got ready to explain. "As you probably know, Equestria has been suffering in an economical way for some time now. And all other nations has denied help."


​These were news to Adaucia, Since these kind of things weren't anything she really bothered to take the time to research on. And anyway, She was out at sea most of the time.


"The letters you have all hopefully received should have contained some basic information, That this is an expedition for example." Luna sounded very serious, Almost a bit concerned as well. "You'll be traveling to a land, Possibly never seen by Equestrian eyes. We have sent three previous research parties, But none ever returned, So we don't know if they even reached the destination. Your first objective will be gathering information about this land, And as a secondary mission you will be assigned to search after these already lost explorers."


Audacia was getting excited, Was there really land unexplored this far in to dry land? This was very different from what she was used to, Since the places she usually explore are islands. 


"​You all have been entitled to a role for this expedition. You all should know what your place is, But we will go through all the positions again. So, An expedition like this one will of course need a leader, For this I called in Audacia Ventus. For protection, We have Crescendo star as a guardian, A body guard of sorts. A shield will only protect you from the enemy though, A sword is what kills it. Banner, A great warrior will be joining you. You will not just need brute force though, Also intellect and someone who can think fast to get you out of trouble fast. For this, Aria Rosewood will be joining you, She is what you might call a mastermind. Last but not least, Archimedes U. Reka, Since your main goal is gathering information after all. He has a lot of cultural knowledge as well as sceintific. The will conclude our meeting, Rooms have been prepared for you. We leave in the morning, So be sure to get a lot of rest. You will now be given time to get to know each other as well as prepare for the long journey.​Luna exited the room, Leaving the ponies with the guards.

Edited by Cruki
  • Brohoof 1


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Crec let out a hearthy chuckle. "Don't worry princess. You can always trust Crec!" Said Crescendo. He looked at Audacia "I guess that we are stuck on this expedition eh?" Said Crec. He looked at their professor. "Please come join me and Audacia! We would like to get to know each other!" Said Crec to the seemingly introverted professor. When he didn't get an answer, Crec simply shrugged. He looked down at Audacia. "So! What do you do for money miss Ventus, if i'm allowed to ask?" Asked Crec. While he was mostly casual, he wanted to remain quite and civilized. Crec hefted his massive shield on his back.


(Forgot to quote or mention. But this is for the down trotten and Cruki, incase you couldn't tell)

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Crec let out a hearthy chuckle. "Don't worry princess. You can always trust Crec!" Said Crescendo. He looked at Audacia "I guess that we are stuck on this expedition eh?" Said Crec. He looked at their professor. "Please come join me and Audacia! We would like to get to know each other!" Said Crec to the seemingly introverted professor. When he didn't get an answer, Crec simply shrugged. He looked down at Audacia. "So! What do you do for money miss Ventus, if i'm allowed to ask?" Asked Crec. While he was mostly casual, he wanted to remain quite and civilized. Crec hefted his massive shield on his back.


(Forgot to quote or mention. But this is for the down trotten and Cruki, incase you couldn't tell)


"I guess we are" Audacia met Crec with a friendly smile. Crescendo turned his head and was looking at the professor, He called him over but the pony didn't answer. "What I do for money? I'm a pirate, And I sail the seas in search of treasures and new lands. How about yourself? You're a retired guard after all.".


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"I guess we are" Audacia met Crec with a friendly smile. Crescendo turned his head and was looking at the professor, He called him over but the pony didn't answer. "What I do for money? I'm a pirate, And I sail the seas in search of treasures and new lands. How about yourself? You're a retired guard after all.".

Crec smiled "A pitate eh? Crec can't tell that he has encountered those before" Said Crec. Crec laughed "Haha, yes. I'm a retired guard. Right now Crec works as a bodyguard" Said Crescendo. "Sadly little to nothing happens. Ponyville be peacefull town" Said Crec "I enjoy the thrill of a good brawl" crec looked at Audacia "So miss Ventus... What type of fighter are you? I noticed your mastercrafted dagger behind your cape" Said Crec with a smile. No hostile intentions, only curiosity

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He followed the two chatting ponies semi silently and rolled his eyes. A pirate? great, just what they needed for a leader. He sighed and called to the other two ponies "Hey come on you two, it seems we're having a little hottenanny or something." he moitioned for them to follow and coaught up with the other two "did you say pirate?... You can't be seroius can you? As in steal from other ponies, do illegal actions, pirate?... Sorry, but one's credentials are important for this sort of thing" 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Crec smiled "A pitate eh? Crec can't tell that he has encountered those before" Said Crec. Crec laughed "Haha, yes. I'm a retired guard. Right now Crec works as a bodyguard" Said Crescendo. "Sadly little to nothing happens. Ponyville be peacefull town" Said Crec "I enjoy the thrill of a good brawl" crec looked at Audacia "So miss Ventus... What type of fighter are you? I noticed your mastercrafted dagger behind your cape" Said Crec with a smile. No hostile intentions, only curiosity


"My style of fighting? I guess it would be an agility and speed based style, The dagger is an item found on a previous expedition. Judging by that shield you got there, I guess you're quite different when it comes to fighting? I have never seen anything quite like it...​" Audacia was looking at the huge shield with a dragons head on it in awe. It really looked like something she would see on a treasure hunt. All the pirates she ever fought all used swords, Sometimes axes or crossbows, Things like this shield would be to hard to fight with on a ship.



He followed the two chatting ponies semi silently and rolled his eyes. A pirate? great, just what they needed for a leader. He sighed and called to the other two ponies "Hey come on you two, it seems we're having a little hottenanny or something." he moitioned for them to follow and coaught up with the other two "did you say pirate?... You can't be seroius can you? As in steal from other ponies, do illegal actions, pirate?... Sorry, but one's credentials are important for this sort of thing" 


The professor had approached them after all, "Heh, I'm not a pirate in that sense. I do not steal from any innocent, The opposite actually. I Can't say the same about other pirates though, Them I raid and kill if needed. But I would never attack something like an innocent fishing vessel just for the sake of gold.". She smiled to the seemingly aggravated and annoyed professor, "So, Now that you're here, What was your name again?" She tried to sound polite.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Archimedes U. Reka.... But I would prefer if you just called me some form of Archimedes please.... I don't mean to pry but, if you don't do the things a pirate does, why call yourself a pirate? Its very misleading, and could lead to trust issues." he gave her a look of honesty "But I suppose it shouldn't matter right, the Princess chose you and I must follow you to the ends of the earth, literally in this case" he looked at the two Ponies behind them and wonder if they had any untasteful occupations



The professor had approached them after all, "Heh, I'm not a pirate in that sense. I do not steal from any innocent, The opposite actually. I Can't say the same about other pirates though, Them I raid and kill if needed. But I would never attack something like an innocent fishing vessel just for the sake of gold.". She smiled to the seemingly aggravated and annoyed professor, "So, Now that you're here, What was your name again?" She tried to sound polite.
Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Aria watched the proceedings with dry amusement, ruefully wondering if she were the only reserved pony of the group. It was certainly going to make for a tiresome journey with 4 extroverts incessantly chatting to the ends of the earth. Casual conversation was a mere formality, as far as she was concerned. It was not that she held the others in distaste, but she was not going to needlessly volunteer information she had never been asked, as talkative ponies were wont to do. Instead, she trotted over to one of the nearby stained-glass window and poured over the intricate design, all the while keeping her ears trained on the conversation for any new developments.

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"well, if everypony is introducing themselves, I am a guard in ponyville, the state of the town has been suffering due to all this and well...somepony has to fix it, glad its us" Banner says noticing Aria look at the stained-glass "what about you? I mean you will be are 'mastermind' of the group, do you use a weapon" she asked. I hope this pony will actually be of use, smarts don't win brute force sometimes, no matter what strategy

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"My style of fighting? I guess it would be an agility and speed based style, The dagger is an item found on a previous expedition. Judging by that shield you got there, I guess you're quite different when it comes to fighting? I have never seen anything quite like it...​" Audacia was looking at the huge shield with a dragons head on it in awe. It really looked like something she would see on a treasure hunt. All the pirates she ever fought all used swords, Sometimes axes or crossbows, Things like this shield would be to hard to fight with on a ship.


The professor had approached them after all, "Heh, I'm not a pirate in that sense. I do not steal from any innocent, The opposite actually. I Can't say the same about other pirates though, Them I raid and kill if needed. But I would never attack something like an innocent fishing vessel just for the sake of gold.". She smiled to the seemingly aggravated and annoyed professor, "So, Now that you're here, What was your name again?" She tried to sound polite.


Aria watched the proceedings with dry amusement, ruefully wondering if she were the only reserved pony of the group. It was certainly going to make for a tiresome journey with 4 extroverts incessantly chatting to the ends of the earth. Casual conversation was a mere formality, as far as she was concerned. It was not that she held the others in distaste, but she was not going to needlessly volunteer information she had never been asked, as talkative ponies were wont to do. Instead, she trotted over to one of the nearby stained-glass window and poured over the intricate design, all the while keeping her ears trained on the conversation for any new developments.


"An agility fighter eh?" Crec shook his head. "How i fight with my shield? That's very simple! Protect ponies with shield, and if there is no one to protect, smash them in the head!" Said Crec. He saw someone he hasn't met before walk over to the stained glass. Crescendo decided to join. "This is a very beautifull piece of art, eh? No such art can be found in ponyville" Said Crescendo. He looked at the picture that represented a bulky stallion holding a shield for a group of soldiers. Crec got a tear in his eye. "That picture is my great grandfather. A wonderfull stallion. He is the reason that Crec is doing what he is doing." He showed her his shield. "This has been passed through many generations" said Crec. He shook his head "Sorry about that. That picture brings back memories" he looked at the mare "What is your name? If i may ask" Asked Crescendo politely

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Aria could sense the mare had doubts about her skills. Calmly looking over the supposed warrior, she curtly replied, "there are few weapons outside of the realm of mastery for one who understands the kinesthetic nature of such things. I, for one, prefer the precision of a Rondel. It is almost as sharp as I am."




After her succinct explanation to whom she presumed was Banner, she inclined her towards Crescendo, unsure of why these ponies were suddenly keen on sharing their lives. "Aria Rosewood, as Her Majesty announced."

Edited by Wubtavia
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@, @,

"well that's a good weapon choice, need to use those myself sometime, mine is a sword and knifes for tactics but I could use almost anything" she sighed "thank and curse my stepfather for that" she looked at the picture and listened to Crescendo "I would do the same...wish I knew my father, or grandparents, life is cruel but now I'm here so I think that makes up for it" she thinks a little more "right now I do"

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@@Yoshikupo, @, @@,


Weapons, weapons, weapons, weapons... The Proffoser shook his head, this was an expedition not a war party. They'd be scaring whatever natives they came across with all there clinking and clattering of arms that he already began to worry. He also had to guess that the group before him respected toughness, something, that while he was no simple book worm, was not entirely inclined to say he had. Clearing his throat and raising his voice for all to hear "Why don't we have dinner together tonight? Get to know one another more personally, before we set out on this journey. It sounds to me that we have much to discuss in a short time frame" he winced as his somewhat nasally voice cracked as he had raised it to high. Great it was going to be collage all over again. And he hadn't practiced his boxing in a while.

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten,

Banner tried not to laugh at the way Arch said that they should have dinner together "yeah I'll be fine with that but I'm not much of a talker when it comes with anypony, also be more confident, your squeaking like Chain when he was in high school...oh right you don't know him, lets just say it was bad" she said trying not to go into detail "also what defense do you have or do you think me and Crescendo have to save your flank all the time if there's danger?"

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@@The Down Trotten,

Banner tried not to laugh at the way Arch said that they should have dinner together "yeah I'll be fine with that but I'm not much of a talker when it comes with anypony, also be more confident, your squeaking like Chain when he was in high school...oh right you don't know him, lets just say it was bad" she said trying not to go into detail "also what defense do you have or do you think me and Crescendo have to save your flank all the time if there's danger?"


It was like collage all over again, expect this time his detractors had swords instead of just hooves. Each one of her comments had further annoyed him to the point of anger. closing his eyes and taking a deep breath "and this is how you treat your party members? remember we are going to be living together for some time... I would hate for you to eat some unknown plant dying of throat closure, and the one pony who could save you is to busy thinking about how many times you insulted him..." he sighed and realized he hadn't contained is anger "Pardon me that was uncalled for. To answer your...question, no I do not carry a weapon and I guess I don't have a "defense" . But need I remind you, this is a exploration, not a war we are going on. Most of the dangers we are most likely going to face are going to be environmental. Where in a sword will have little use, unless you plan on being a cannibal, Miss Banner I presume?"


"whatever the case, please lets not be so petty, we are going to need each others help whether we like it or not. So yes I'm sure your going to need to save my sorry flank on more then a few occasions." he sighed at the hard truth

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten,

Banner knew she annoyed him now "sorry but that's how I talk to friends, I guess I could tone it down for you and no I will not become a cannibal, you never know what things are in the wild" she answered walking over to him "also just call me Banner, everpony else does and I assume you don't want to be an exception" she said extending a hoof with a slight smile trying to be more of his friendly  

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He took the hoof and shook it firmly "Well met Miss Banner, or something to that effect. Now... are we all in agreement on dinner? It doesn't matter if your not talkative either, at least be there... We're going to be seeing a whole lot of your mug in the weeks to come so we might as well start now." he tried throwing on a smile, but just sort of shrugged

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten,


Audacia had overheard the others conversation about fathers and family, It wasn't something she enjoyed talking about so she tried to keep away from getting dragged in. As the other ones kept talking, Now moving onto weapons she was getting more interested and stood nearby listening to them talk. 


As the professor had asked them all to join for dinner, Audacia felt relieved. "Sounds great, I could really use something to drink​." She had said as fast as she got a chance to join in on the conversation. She was getting a bit nervous after what the professor had said about them having trouble trusting her, So getting to know them before the expedition might help.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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