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ooc: https://mlpforums.com/topic/138101-the-op-off-open/


Particapants of round 1 

@@reader8363: madness cloud (https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/madness-cloud-r8716 )

Tentative arena battle themehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4de0m4ivUXA
An abandoned warehouse. A single blue, white orb hovers above a large, tall podium. Heroes OP OCs are gathered around the podium. The blue orb taps a mic with a tendril and speaks:
A place between dimensions, a place that lies outside time and space, where the greatest heroes, villains and couch potatoes alike compete in a battle for... apparently a single wheel of cheese.
NEVERTHELESS, you all will battle it out in free-for-all combat, but since you're all op as hell you all will never die and in that case, the d20 will decide.        
HOWEVER, TO MIX THINGS UP, i'm giving you all the opportunity to form 'teams' AND piss each other off before the match starts and i throw you all into an arena. There's punch and cookies at the side.Have fun! The match starts once everyone is ready.
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Derkerler is flying above arena and shoot boig farebill et madness for every reasen evar created "I MA ULTIMATE RULER OF ALL LAND"says derkerler ez he throws messive farebill at everything. then boom the forset is fire! AND  EVeRYTHING BURN WITH FIRE AND LAVAS!!! derkerly telepert to all the oder ponie  using supr haxxor skillz and kill all of everything! PEW PEW PEW BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!forset is burning and fire now. you new know. derkerler then eat cheese whale and bounce up end down becase he is ultimet reler of evarthing and supr amazing and he eat chaese and he liek chese and he also like kelling thang becuse of his mum dieing of a deth that is dieful and dieing and die. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Spikus woke up from the nap he had been taking before he got transported here. "Are you freaking serious I have to participate in ANOTHER tournament? I thought I was done with these." He looked around seeing that he was once again in the space between dimensions. "Huh... Been a while since I've been back in this place. Not since I killed that one guy who lied about keeping the dimensions stable when really he was the one screwing it up. Oh boy that mean another god-like entity wants me to fight for his amusement... (sarcasm) I can't wait! (/sarcasm)" His formed changed from his human disguise form to that of his actual body. "Alright who do I kill this time?"

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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derkerler niotices tha spikey ball. he piked it op on hois supr sencing robet thingy end thaen he send ELECTRIC et him. with full furryies tha electric bellset kill spikeball. tha keys of it flaw everwhare maeking everthiong esplode and catc to fire (haha git it? becase derkerler sacratly eppers in tha berk catcing fare shh, thas is supr secart). but thoin he flil his erms in tha ski and craet supr matix green numbars rain from ski. this maed all pant live in forset sed. than everythoing turn anto graen nombars and tha werld wes actoally the matix! :o wat a plet twist. m naght shemeleh wes ectally behond thois. derkerler new thois end tryed te escap throg gep in whole bet cloldnt end fell end fell to teh grend casing a messive ertqake making pants mer sed. 

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"You do realize the fights haven't even started yet right?" Said Spikus as he moved out of the way almost instantaneously. "So I assume that you're the mortal I'm slaughtering?" He rolled his eyes. "So what can you do other than be a robot? I like knowing that way I can taunt better. Makes it more fun for me."

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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Madness teleported in and started sharpening his knife, then said,


"So It's just us four. So, who do you think is going to give me a fun time. Been away from action for so long, I forgot how to fight, hopefully I get it back when the tournaments begins"


He made a seat and sat down

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"Oh so it's not just the cyborg and I then and there are actually 4 of us. Well this is going to be a lot more interesting then." He looked at the knife that the dark blue alicorn was sharpening and began rolling on the floor laughing. "You HAHAHAHA call that HAHAHAHA a weapon HAHAHAHAHA!" Spike calmed himself down and stood back up. "This... Is what you call a weapon." He snapped the fingers in his right hand producing a colossal sword that was more than three times bigger than he was. "I may not use it very often but it does do a good job with obliterating things in half. I would say cutting but with how big this thing is it doesn't cut so much as break. This is what I really use most of the time." He snapped his fingers again and the monstrous blade vanished as quickly as it appeared followed quickly by another snap producing a much smaller sword with a blue blade. "Sometimes I call it Steve other times I just call it the-one-that-burns-things-as-it-cuts but you can call it the Figaran Blade like those boring people did in that one dimension."

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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Madness got up and said, 


"there is one thing that will probably get you killed, and that's underestimating your opponent."


His horn glowed and dark red, then shields, covered in spike, appeared around him, and five scythes appeared on the outside.


"I may not look like it, but I'm old enough to be Discord's long lost brother

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"A. I can't die permanently gods and demonic gods have literally been trying for billions of years even exploding multiple dimensions in the process. B. You act like spikes impress the guy whom is literally made of them. C. Really only five scythes? I am disappoint. D. I have absolutely no idea who discord is as I'm certainly not where any of you are from seeing are you are all equines while I am bipedal and humanoid. E. You seem to be doing a fair bit of underestimating yourself." He twitched his hand creating a sofa for him to lay on. He lay down upon it suddenly having sunglasses and a Hawaiian vacation shirt on. He snapped his fingers twice more for the sword to vanish and for it to be replaced by a milkshake. "You seem kind of tense why not relax a bit before we have to start attacking each other. Like I said I can't die permanently so even IF I somehow end up losing it's not like I'll stop existing. I'll just reconstitute myself when I feel like it."

Edited by SpikusFyre
  • Brohoof 1

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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Madness said, as he made a lounge and sat down


Let's just say I'm more than a thousand years old. Well, this might be fun, after all, I haven't had fun for awhile. If I wanted to, I can make hundred thousand missiles, but I don't want to make it easy."


Madness took off his cloak, showing his cut up wings and his missing cutie mark

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"Easy their tiger it's gonna take more than that to dent me... even though I technically can't be dented because of how this armor was made and what it was made from but I digress... Nice battle scars by the way. I don't scar seeing as I don't really have flesh when I fight with full strength amongst other reasons." He continued just lying on the sofa he made drinking the milkshake refilling it every time he ran out.

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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derkerler awoke ferm der daem had he had. than he siad "hallo pones" and flialed hais hoeves erend tha berx hae was an maeking a ternado of pelm traes in hais berx. thais maed him feraet aboot his 5sed3me beckestry abooyt mum and alems. thon he say "r u reede to fun time wit da chaese wale and tha forset?" thaen a wave of sed creshed his fac whan seaying chaese maed hom tik aboot mum and he cri end cri entil his berx is water. so sed ;C

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"Oh great one of the victi-I MEAN competitors is a complete and total moron. On the one hand he will be interesting to watch on the other he doesn't seem to really posses anything other than being a cyborg and possibly magic seeing as he has the horn... I'm thinking out loud again aren't I? I hate it when I do that." Said Spike as he sitting up on the couch and creating a floating TV and console to play games while waiting for the fight.

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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As the sun rised, a TARDIS materialised untop of the arena. Missklang opened the door and took a quick look around.


"Hmmm, I better go prepare myself" he said as he desapeared back inside

In a second , a shadow layed upon the arena. Hanging in the sky, was located a Death Star. Missklang looked down from the observation desk and poured himsel a nice glass of orange juice while waiting for the final start command to be able to push the shiny red button with "certain doom" written all over it.

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"Woah who turned off the whatever the light was coming from?" He looked up to see the thing hanging over head. "Oh great a black ball in the equivalent to the sky currently." He put his hands up towards it and shrunk it as if it were an image on a touch screen. "Wait I think there was someone inside of there..." He snapped his fingers and Missklang appeared in the lobby of the tournament with the rest of them. "I don't care who you are or what you can do just don't make the shades more redundant than they already are."

Edited by SpikusFyre
  • Brohoof 1

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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"Woah who turned off the whatever the light was coming from?" He looked up to see the thing hanging over head. "Oh great a black ball in the equivalent to the sky currently." He put his hands up towards it and shrunk it as if it were an image on a touch screen. "Wait I think there was someone inside of there..." He snapped his fingers and Missklang appeared in the lobby of the tournament with the rest of them. "I don't care who you are or what you can do just don't make the shades more redundant than they already are."

"Dont be so rude my friend!" Said Missklang spilling his orange juice into SpikusFyre's face.


"This should cool you off a bit... I don't mind the Death Star though. I didn't quite knowed how it worked. When I stole it, there was that funny guy with a bucked on his head who tried to choke me. It was so fun that I choked him too.He didn't seemd too happy about it though, but who cares! Fiiine, I'll kill you last, you are just too cute..."

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"Oh good a third crazy... well entity is really the best I can say. Well at least this new one appears to at least be somewhat bipedal." Spikus grabbed the liquid orange juice off of his face and put his hands around it opening them up to a solid orange which he immediately threw at the floating TV transferring it into the game he was playing. "Logic is overrated."

  • Brohoof 1

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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"Oh good a third crazy... well entity is really the best I can say. Well at least this new one appears to at least be somewhat bipedal." Spikus grabbed the liquid orange juice off of his face and put his hands around it opening them up to a solid orange which he immediately threw at the floating TV transferring it into the game he was playing. "Logic is overrated."

"Good! I like you! Whe should get along just fine!"


As he said that, he grabbed the air before him and opened a frige, grabbing a bottle with a label "Baby's tears" on it.


"Want some?" he asked, while pouring the drink into vine glasses that were floating besides him.

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Dennis was still sleeping on a mini sun he summoned that he uses to sleep on.  Every time he snored it sounded like the growl of a daemon. He also let out a puff of fire each time. Not too long after he hear the sound of laughed, talking and destruction. When he woke up he pit down on the mini son he was sleeping on and started eating it. 


When he was done he let out a large burp, flames burst from his mouth. It burned the atmosphere around him. When it settled down he looked at the others around with. His face was angry and his eyes burned like a billion suns.  His eyes trailed around till they landed on the refreshment table.


Each step he took burned the ground turning it into hoof shape of brimstone. When he got to the table he picked up a hoof fool of cookies and started eating, not paying anyone the slightest attention.


((My OP OC is more metal then you're guys. Yeah I said it!))

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Madness took off his hat, then smiled, showing off his pointy teeth and said,


"Well, this looks like it's going to be fun. It's been fun showing off, but I need to work on my magic before"


He teleported over to the table and pour himself a drink, then pulled out a book, and started reading

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The orb on the pedestal shone with a brilliant light and expanded rapidly, casting every being into a void of whiteness.And suddenly, every...thing in the room teleported.






HELL: @@reader8363@@Gloomfury,


FOREST: @@Missklang


SNOW: @@SpikusFyre,


DESERT: @@Darkly SteamGear,




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Derkerler fernd he stad in desert. then he continue to cri ernd cri, making send to gless. thne hae eat cectes end gein it pewers end spat cerctes everware creting spikes thet liter ther desart kalling everthang ert toches except derkler. wow dis is 3 egdy 5 me

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"Well this is happening already." He looked around at the snow and ice surrounding him "Eh I've been in colder before." he held up his hand and the ice and snow flew picked up of the ground and flew in front of him creating the shape of a tank. "Alright step one completed. Now for step two." He climbed inside of the ice tank causing it's engine to roar to life. The tank then began moving shedding the excess snow revealing an actual tank made of ice beneath it. "First made up rule of my combat: Always have fun screwing around with stuff."

  • Brohoof 1

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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"A forest! How convinient!"


Missklang went to the nearest pond..


"And into his own reflection she stared,
Yearning for one whose reflection he shared,
And solemnly sweared not to be scared
At the prospect of being doubly 


The pond glowed with magic as Missklang dived in it. After mere moments, hundreds and thousands of Missklangs started crowling out of the water and start running in all directions. They were coming, and coming, slowly filling the entire map with their OP chaos magic...

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Madness grinned and said,


"This is going to be fun."


He shed his skin to show his pure black armor, just to be sure it would work he smacked his knife across it. a spark flew from the armor to his knife. Then he created thousands of himself, as dragons, bears, snakes, and himself. Then he sent them out, except the clone that looked like him, he kept them surrounding him, armed with 1 foot spears and 4 ft by 4 ft shields.

Edited by reader8363
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