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Love is Insane (Private 1X1)

Dapper Charmer

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"Don't worry sir," Bedlam said to Ellie, "your daughters in good hooves." Bedlam walked out the door and grinned wickedly to himself, (at least for now,) Bedlam thought to himself.

"What are you planning?" asked Hooligan {who's in Bedlam's mind}

"Nothing I'm just gonna ask Dark Shine to be my special some pony," replied Bedlam.

"And why would you do that?"

"So that it hurts even more when I break her heart." Bedlam quickly ran to meet Dark at the spot Ellie was talking about, "It's beautiful," said Bedlam looking into Dark's eyes, "and I'm not talking about the view."

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"Now your just trying to please me, and before you ask, it is working" Dark giggled and looked to the sun cascading orange light over the clouds "Other than the stars of the night, I think this is one of my favorite views to see" Dark looks back at Bedlam "Look like you got something to ask" Yeah, bet he wants to know when to leave and sleep in your bed again like a perv. Taking shots again I see. I don't have anything to shot with, cannon or hooves. Just be quite so I can listen.

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"Well I actually did want to ask you something," said Bedlam pretending to be emabarassed, "it's just well we've been hanging out for a while and I think it's been made clear how I feel about you. So I was wondering if maybe, and you can say no if you want to, you might want to officially be my special some pony?"

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"You know what the answer is" Dark kisses him on the lips. After a second or two she pulls her head back "Now the thing is, what happens now? I mean most of are problems have been solved and we are together...I feel like something should happen" She sighs "That or I don't want to go back to my boring job that I need to get to tomorrow" She chuckles "Would you mind helping?"

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"I'd love to help," said Bedlam giving Dark a small kiss on the forehead, "after all what are coltfriends for?" Bedlam looked out at the sunset and smiled, "I was wondering if since we're officially together you might want to move in with me. It's just yoir place is pretty small. And we dont have to share a bed you know unless you want to," Bedlam said with a flirty smile.

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"Even if I would have to commute, I would love more space" She smiled at Bedlam "When can I move in?"


Ellie was watching from a distance. Memories were flooding his head about the place Badlam and Dark were, as well as memories of Spirit saying he was to overprotective when around Dark. I'm not overprotective, I just want to know more about her. He responded to the memory as if it would respond back.

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"Well i was thinking you could move in as soon as you want," said Bedlam with a smile, "if you're really eager you could even move in tommorow. But even if you dont want it to be tommorow i'd still love for you to come over cause i'll have a surprise waiting for you."

"What are you planning?" asked Hooligan.

(You'll see,) Bedlam thought to himself, (you'll see.)

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"That actually sounds nice, I'd really rather be there than my house and its not like I need to take anything but some books and a few potions as you have everything better than mine at your place" She thinks about the bed she slept in and the kitchen he had "Plus the surprise sounds nice"

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"Then it's settled," Bedlam said, "you get your things ready tonight and meet me at my place tommorow. I get your room and surprise ready." Bedlam gave Dark a kiss, "until tomorrow," he said before teleporting home. Bedlam removed his mask and started gagging, "I can't believe I kissed her," he squealed."

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@@Dapper Charmer,

The kiss didn't feel the same to her and she thought about one thing after his goodbye "How am I going to get home that fast?" She walked back to Ellie's house and walked throw the door "How did it go? Where's Hoolie?" "I think he went home, he must have forgot I cant teleport like him to get home" "Dame...I have a teleport potion left if you need it" "Fine, but I'm not going to use the whole thing" Ellie got it for her and Dark drank it. She focused and teleported home, it took a lot less effort with the potion but she still needed to sleep. She packed a few things before face planting into her bed.

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Bedlam tore off his mask and walked down the stairs to the torture room. All the while he had a wicked grin on his face.

"Just let me back in control and we can forget this whole thing," said Hooligan as they came to and empty room with a lone chair in the centre.

"Not a chance," replied Bedlam, "I'm gonna scare Dark off once and for all." Bedlam then teleported away to prepare Dark's 'Surprise'.


(Skip to day)

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After another day of business, which was way more than normal as ponies must have heard more about the Luna event, she was closing. Dark could not wait to take her small bag and live with somepony she loved. On her walk there she remembered the surprise, she thought it would be something sappy like the pancakes she had on there first date or chocolates. I bet its dead pony heads. Its not going to be that, leave me alone for a second. Please, I can't leave but really you should try those coins to see if you'll get something about it. But why would I need to worry? Maybe it could be a spell that was meant for something else completely positive but made you collapse and about to die? W-what? Dark started to worry now but tried to keep it calm, she only had a few of the coins as well so she didn't want to use them. Dark approached Hooligan's house and knocked on the broken doors "Can I blink in or are you still preparing the surprise?"

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Bedlam grinned wickedly as he stared at the pony tied to the chair in front of him. He was the usher who had forced Hooligan to remove his mask. Bedlam punched the pony hard in the stomach. The usher tried to scream but the gag prevented any noise from escaping. Bedlam heard Dark outside and his smile widened.,He teleported up stairs. "You can come in now Dark Shine." he said.

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@@Dapper Charmer,

Dark blinked in "Hey, I'm glad that I'm here" Dark welcomed herself in and put her bag down on the table in the living room. Dark looked to Hooligan "So I see that you don't have chocolates or anything, what's the surprise?" Here comes the skeletons, lets see the closet! Spirit sang Just, shut up for a second.

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Bedlam smiled. "Don't worry its just down here," said Bedlam monotonely. He led Dark Shine quitely down the stairs towards his basement. When he got to the bottom he gestured towards the usher. "Surprise," he said with of horrible grin. He walked over and picked up a spiked bat. He held it out to Dark, "I thought you could take the first swing."

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@@Dapper Charmer,

Dark sat there, what would she do? Obviously run in panic was a big one but she just couldn't understand, there was no way this was Hooligan...or was it? She couldn't tell what a monster looked like but the grin of Hooligan's face made her think he was one. Uh...I-I. Going to rub it in my face? You were right. He's...I don't know what he is, I thought I loved him, I thought this was different. Maybe it is. Maybe I'm just and idiot how didn't see it, maybe I'm insane to not tell right from wrong. Hell, I practically sell drugs, I study in what most ponies think is evil magic and now I got myself in this mess with a psychopath. Dark started to tear up and break down. Maybe...I should take the bat and make it official that I'm evil. Light dray magic started to levitate the bat. I won't let that happen, I'm sorry for this. Spirit pushed her way into control, dropping the bat in the process as Dark couldn't focus. Glad you shut up for a second about joking and being evil. She's still my daughter, even corrupted I can understand that. Do you think I should be the part taking control? Yeah, you know her best. Glad we can agree.


Dark's body looked up stretched as if getting used to the feel of a suit "So, wild assumption but..." Dark's body looked to Hooligan's "Bedlam is it?" Spirit thought she pieced it together.

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Bedlam grinned, "you figured it out huh," Bedlam said to Spirite, "guess your not as thick as your daugther." Bedlam began pacing around Spirite, "it feels good doesn't it? Being in control? Probably the first time you've been in control of a body in years." Beldam laughed, "well i think you should just give your daughter back control and let her kill this stallion. Then i can let Hooligan back in control. Or you can just leave. Because guess what this wasn't my idea. I may have acted it out but deep down this is exactly what Hooligan wanted and i know that if Dark did what you stopped her from doing. Well Hooligan would probably propose."

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@@Dapper Charmer,

"Deep, deep down he wanted this? That just sounds like negativity and dark thoughts, something you personally put my daughter throw" Spirit stopped Bedlam in his tracks by putting a hoof in front of his prancing "She's having a crisis because of you and now I can here her in my mind saying things to make her calm and happy because she needs to do so. She knows how hard the world is and its standards, she has to remind herself that being different is ok. Like Hooligan, not a monster how envelops his dark side like you!" Spirit shot daggers into Bedlam's eyes "You know since I heard her thoughts, she was going to pop the question. She could not see why Hooligan wouldn't want to be with her because she was in true love and she could tell he was too"  Spirit backed away from him "Leave Hooligan to be himself, you are not him" Spirit felt the magic now in her again, she readied a counter spell that would knock Bedlam back if he did anything

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"The thing is," Bedlam said to Spirite, "this is who Hooligan is. Or at least who he was before your daughter step in and ruined it," Bedlam shouted. Bedlam stood back and calmed himself. "Shouting isn't gonna help so let me talk to you diplomatically. If you care for Dark you'll take her away from us. If she's doesn't know I'm in control keep it that way. She'll hurt for a while but she'll cope. Or if she does know its me then tell her I'm never letting Hooligan back out."

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@@Dapper Charmer,

"...Fine, she'll leave you and your possessed body alone" She sighed "But on one condition, you let her down easy" She made a little pony with magic to represent Dark "You see, I know a spell to wipe memory so she won't remember what happened, it would be tricky as Dark would come into control the second I did it but it would still happen" She made a small pony to represent her taking place while the spell was cast "I don't want her to think of this moment when she falls in love again, this traumatizes ponies" She dispelled the tiny ponies and pointed to the Stallion tied up "Bit I bet you know because your not insane, your evil" She scoffed "Do we have a deal?"

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Bedlam smiled, "I'm glad we've come to an agreement," said Bedlam, "just give me a sec to get Hooligan out here so you can tell him what to say. I assume you heard all that?" asked Bedlam.

"Yes," replied Hooligan.

"Good. I'm gonna let you out and Spirits is gonna tell you what to say to let Dark down easy. And if you try anything I will kill her."

Hooligan nodded and was given back control. He looked up at Spirits, "okay how are we gonna do this," he asked sadly.

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@@Dapper Charmer,

"Well its late night tonight, if we did it right now Dark would wonder where her time here was for this whole endeavor down here, unless I make it seem like she was to tired to remember. I think we should do it in the morning for starters, it would make her sad for the day but we have already said she would be here so she would question it if she was not here when she woke up. I can't erase whole days or make different memories" She started to think of the reason "Tell her that the surprise in the morning is that your going to go throw tests to get your...insane side, fixed and that they said that you might not remember things that happened before, aka Dark and there love so Hooligan thanks Dark for the support and wants to break it up before anything happens" Spirit sighed "But I guess Bedlam will keep going with his wicked ways, just don't mess with her" Spirit looked dead into Hooligan's eye's, like seeing passed them to Bedlam "Seem like a plan?"

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Hooligan sighed sadly, "yeah it's a good plan."

"Better than than the alternative," chuckled Bedlam.

"Shut up you jackass!" he shouted at Bedlam, "I was happy with Dark! I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and you ruined it!" Hoolian calmed himself and turned to Spirite. "You better go and get ready," he said to her, "and promise me that you won't ever again let her fall in love with someone like me."

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@@Dapper Charmer,

"Her choice is not in my control" She said sadly. Spirit was in the guest room two hours later, pretending to sleep as Dark. No monitoring means my plan works...but just in case. She makes a lump that was about Dark's body size with the objects around. Spirit concentrated the most she could and teleported to the front of Ellie's house "Elemental, I need a potion" She knocked on the door and Ellie opened it "I know what you need" "Still spying?" "You know it...although I'm glad I did it today" Spirit sighed as Ellie gave her the potion "One question" He pulled back the potion from her grip "if I give you this, will I be able to see you again?" "Things change and Dark needs to be with Hooligan and if Dark unknowingly drinks this...I will be gone, but so will Bedlam" "I see..." "I know this isn't how you thought I would go out, or wanted me to go out" Ellie picks Spirit's chin up "Sorry I won't kiss you with that body but...Dark looks a lot like you and I'm proud of her" "Thank you" Spirit started crying "I am too" She grabbed the potion and concentrated "Goodbye" She said in a shaky voice before teleporting away


Spirit came back but needed to do one more thing before letting go of Dark. Spirit slowly went into the kitchen and filled some tea mixes with the potion, giving it its magical property then went to the bed, getting anything hard in the dummy on to the floor carefully. Spirit remembered the rest of the potion and vaporized it saving some magic for the next spell. She casted the memory and soul switch, making Dark forget about what happened.


The next morning. Hey sleepy head, wake up...I thought of a wonderful thing you could do before Hooligan does his surprise. Hmm? You practically pasted out when you got here, must have not been focusing when you blinked after that long day. Oh dammit, don't rub it in my face.  I won't, instead I think you should make some tea before Hooligan wakes up to tell you his surprise, I mean your thirsty too right? I guess I am. Dark gets up and starts to make the tea.


(Wall of text because I think this is ending and I like this ending)

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Hooligan awoke and was surprised to see that Bedlam was letting him in control of his own body, "what's going on?" asked Hooligan, "how come you're letting me use my body?"

"Because," replied Bedlam, "the deal was that you break up with Dark. Spirite will know if it's me."

"I don't want to go through with this."

"You have to. I mean do you want the alternative?"

"No i don't" Hooligan said thinkin of the aweful things Bedlam could do to Dark. Hooligan put on a fake smile and walked out to see Dark already up, "morning beautiful." he said to her.

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