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@@DancesWithEggs, this topic doesn't belong to Welcoming Plaza, as you are asking a question about certain function of this site. Welcoming Plaza is a section where you present yourself to other people, so I will move this to Site Questions & Tech Support, where you'll get an answer to your question c:



With that out of the way, editing your profile is incredibly simple. All you have to do is to go to My Settings, which can be accesed from here:


From this point, you'll have multiple options to your disposal. You can edit your About Me, change your birthday date, add contact information to your profile (Skype, Steam, etc...), along with more options, and, if you are a Donor or a Suscriber, you can also edit your Member Title into a custom one. Once you have edited everything you want, click on Save Changes (except with the About Me editor, where you'll have to press the Finish & Save button inside its own window:



Did this resolved your doubt? c:

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