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private Broken glass and a mares past Backstory romence RP


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(OOC Link) https://mlpforums.com/topic/142547-ooc-of-broken-glass-and-a-mares-past/


After a long night of fighting with rouge clouds the bat pony was glad he was flying home. Cresents Blue eyes gazed out ahead of him for the night he had planed at home, hopping to get somewhere on his map of the Forrest, he was trying to remember where he left off on it he began to fly if not faster then lower until he saw a very nice looking window....hurtling his way....

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Sparkle was washing up after dinner when bang! She looked up her window was cracked. She opened up the door. Some poor stallion flown into her window almost shattering it "oh Luna... Are you okay?" She said trying to lift him."I'm so so sorry is there aanyway Ican make it up to you?"

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Crescent looked up head pounding feeling be picked up he saw a very pretty blue mare. "Your fine um...miss... Um..." Crescent hadn't had a mare friend in a long time so the feeling of a blush around his cheeks forming was new to the batpony. Then again he didn't make a habbit of running into windows often

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"Oh...umm thank-you I guess..." Sparkle took him inside and set him down on the couch. " are you bleeding? Are you hurt anywhere? " she looked around for a first aid kit and set it down next to him " you hit that window pretty hard you could have a couple of cuts so I'll just bandage you up okay?"

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On the couch cresent noticed a small trail of blood seem to start at the forhead and trail down his nose after putting a hoof to his head, pulling it back to see his blood. His instinct was to lick ot himself but he knew that would weird out most other ponys. Checking himself out he noticed it was more just a scarpe or two on him more then anything else.


"I think my head took the most of it" he said now looking at the mare.


He then tested getting up, yet one of his legs gave out but he was able to catch himself from falling, and then sat back down on the couch. "ok maybe im still a bit shaky" he joked trying to clam himself

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Sparkle began to bandage his fore head when she noticed his wings "oh sweet Luna..." She cut some of his mane whilst cutting the bandages she was that focused on his wings. Eventually she couldn't keep quiet about it any more. "Your a bat pony aren't you...? " she said nervously

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He didn't mind the mane cut, he needed one soon anyway hearing her react to his wings he said "yep im a bat pony..." he answered nervously, it wasn't the fact of the mare it was his experience of other ponys freaking out a bit seeing the wings. Not many batponys leave ever shades so he was still a rarity.

"I know, you don't see many of my kind out of ever shades do you?" he asked trying to sound calm, yet a nervous side was herd wondering if he should bolt now or not

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"No not normally... But I have met one and we we umm... Well... He was very attractive. We fell in love but then one day he just uped and left so now I'm alone" Sparkle looked sad really damn sad "I don't know why he left he just did... Probably me or something... Everypony says I'm insane..."

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cresent raised an eybrow as she continued her medicine 'carful cresent' he thought


He looked at the mare hopping to confert her as her blood was singing like a bblue dog"insane for falling for a bat pony? now that's just plain racest, also I cant speek for him, he probably had an emergency or something that came out of the blue. Or I'm probably gussing to hard. Then again im over paranoid so I cant say much on mentel helth" he laughed a little trying to bring up the mood

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"I'm so sick of blue puns! I know that I'm bright blue that doesn't mean everypony has to keep saying it! I have dye in seventeen different colors but do I use them? Noooo why I don't know! Probably because I'm as everypony else says 'an insane bitch (hope you don't mind the swearing) that'll do anything for a coltfriend' "

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Cresent closed his eyes hering the mare letting out a breth and gave her a hug, she needed one. After holding her a bit he looked her in the eyes  

"something tells me you get a lot of jelly ponys around you a lot. I don't care if your blue im just glad you didn't freak out after hitting your window. so relax" he gave her another hug

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Sparkle blushed harder than she ever had before "mabye... You'd want to stay here tonight? I'm worried about your head and staying here for a night will let me keep an eye on you" Sparkle said "my bed is big enough for two " she smiled at him "your in no state to walk home"

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"I think that'll work knowing my luck i'll probably run into another window, the names cresent by the way" said cresent letting the mare go holding out a hoof to shake. He wondered how much she knew about bat ponys in general.


With not many of his kind leaving ever shades he could hopefully learn more about his kind himself aside from what he knew via his parents.

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"The names Sword, Sparkle Jasmine Sword... I'm so sorry" she shook her head in embarrassment "anyway I'm gonna go get changed into my night clothes. There should be some male night things in my wardrobe. Like I said my last coltfriend was a batpony. I think he was your size..."

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"by all means, Sword Sparkle, do you prefer sword or sparkle? I stink at remembering other ponys names so ill do my best to remember yours" said cresent half nervous and half jokeingly. He took a look at his surroundings awaiting the mare reaction, seeing everything was nice and organized it would make his place look in shambels honestly with how well this has been keept up on

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"C'mon Crescent I was trying to be cool be referencing James Bond. You know that really damn hot spy? " Sparkle said changing "if you could date anypony in the world who would it be? Mine is defiantly Bond. Oh and don't even think about looking through the keyhole. Or I'll rip you a new one. And I don't like doing that." She laughed "I'm joking okay? But not about the looking part. That's creepy"

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Cresent laughed glad to do so at something finaly "im too broken to look remember?  lets see if any pony it.....you know Luna or twilight pops in my head for dating, but if you had to go deep i'd go for Sterling hoovs (lindsy stirling knock off) wonder if she could sing like that violin of hers?" he mused out loud wondering how he could play one with his wings

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"Probably Crescent... And I'm pretty sure ponies can't play songs on their wings... Only on instruments " Sparkle said letting her hair loose which reached to the end of her wings and possibly even farther. She picked up the key and opened up the door. "Okay Crescent now you" her speech was muffled slightly as she had a key in her mouth "oh and take the key with you!"

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Cresent blushed a bit seeing the key in the mares mouth wondering of not from kissing the mare how he would be good at taking the key. He stood up stiffly trotted over to the mare bit the key side of the key faceing him seeing her green eyes made him blush more then he would like to admit, he slowly pulled the key from her mouth but ended up kissing her just a bit before hoof he didn't realize it tho.


"no problem" Cresent said key in mouth he stifley walked towards the closet closeing the door behind him and see a wide selection. He had a thought occerd to him while looking at a robe and a sleeping hat "how did you know I was thinking about using wings for music?" he called back


He wondered if the mare was...nah pegisi are not mind readers...ok he hasn't herd of one being that

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"Umm uhh... I take it holding the key in my mouth was a bad idea?" Sparkle said blushing a tad "about the music thing. Most pegasi or batponies try it at some point." She walked into the bedroom and lay in the bed still blushing. "And turn off the lights when you're done I don't want to do a light run."

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cresent trotted out with a simple sleeping cap on his head, hearing about the lights he found the switch and used his wing to switch it off. Having night vision it seemed to make things crisper to see. So it was no bother looking at the bed he saw the mare still blushing, he wasn't sure if it was because of the hat or something else. The bat pony trotted over to the bed laying next to the mare he took a moment look at the mare again his blush around his cheeks were just about matching Sparkle's  


"t-thanks again for doing this and not freaking out I real mean that" Cresent hugged Sparkel again "is there any way I could pay you back?" he asked half thinking of kissing her there this time or just stick with the hugs for now

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"Not really... " She rested her head on Cresent's shoulder "sorry. But your just really warm I can't help it. Why? Because I'm cold.which explains the amount of extra sheets on the bed." She yawned as she was tired "enough talking can we go to sleep now I'm really tired it's been a long day."

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cresent blushed at the warm comment smiling "really, I thought you were warmer" feeling her head rest on his shoulder he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of the two together. "sweet dreams" the word love nearly left his lips he snuggeled closer hopping to warm her up more. Soon as the tiredness finaly sweeping over him he was soon asleep.

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Sparkle fell asleep almost instantly when Crescent said "sweet dreams" she was having her normal dream of her old coltfriend coming back. Because of Crescent being there sjhe actually thought that her coltfriend was finally home meaning that she snuggled up even closer to Crescent

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Cresents dreams started...well...it was a place no matter what he would do could not get out of his head.


Ash was falling around him, he was standing in what looked like an old frame of a house he knew once. It seemed to snow as well, that or the ash was still in the air cresent couldn't tell. Following the path from his used to be bedroom to the use to be living room he found a pony on the ground facing away from him. He trotted closely to the boddy.


Sparkel could feel the batponys body shaking a little while asleep in her own dream, she didn't notice it too much tho


'uh..mister...are you ok' the very younger cresent said to the pony on the ground. The ponys coat was dirty, the cuti mark covered in burns and then Its head turned towards the batpony A skull still on fire yet could still see the muscles moving a sickening voice was herd "Cresssseennnntttttttt"


The bat cried out in shock ponys eye's flung open wings raised and he found himself standing in a defense stance and somehow without his knowledge hovering. Seeing Sparkels look of confusion and a little terror he glided back down off the bed he was quit for a bit 


"sorry...j-just...a bad dream" he said looking at the ground embaressed, he didn't realize he was shaking

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