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Two Ponies, One Lamiapony (No Pun intended :p)


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Two Ponies, One Lamia Ch.1 (No Pun intended) ~ The Meeting

~ By Matthew The Skunk

      It was a glorious day in Ponyville as Red Star, a unicorn with many special transformation magical abilities from Princess Twilight Sparkle herself that she went and leanred from. She was just relaxing just outside of town near the Everfree Forest when his friend Boltblood Thundercloud appeared next too him as if from nowhere making him jump a little and stumbled into the lake as he said “Hello!” He sighed as he got out of the lake shivering a little seeing that the lake was a bit cold even though winter has already passed. “Geez, Bolt, I keep tellin' ya not too do that!” Red said as he shook himself too get all the water out of his mane & tail. Bolt chuckled with a light giggle trying too hold in his laughter with a hoof. “Heh, sorry about that, Red. I was actually looking for you because I've got a friend that I want you too meet, and I think you'll love her!” Bolt said too me as she started dragging me towards the Everfree “Now wait a minute, Bolt. Were gonna go into the Everfree Forest. The most DANGEROUS place known too ponykind all too met a friend of yours? You gotta be joking” Red said as Bolt shook his head “I wish I were, Red. I wish I were, now come on!” he said pulling him along again as Red used his magic too teleport out of his grasp just a step away from him. “Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt, but how far would we need too go?” Red said as he trotted back over beaing weary that Bolt wouldn't drag him along. “Not too far, just a little secret spot that no one knows about except for me and my friend that I'm gonna introduce you too. It's just a neat little spot where I left my wagon so no one would find it. I'm still kinda wanted around these parts, but I wanted too wait till you came out here so I wouldn't haffta disguse myself and try too look everywhere for you. It's just before the old Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters” Bolt said explaining how he's still wanted for numerous occasions. “Well, you could've said so in the first place, but let's wait till Nightfall, I'm not even prepared for the woods, and I sorta get scared when the creatures come out in the daytime.” Red said shivering a little remebering his previous endeavor into the Everfree, all for his Cutie Mark. “Alright, meet me back here at 8 sharp, no later, promise?” Bolt said with a wink as Red nodded and said “Cross my heart and hope too fly. Stck a cupcake in my eye!” he said making a Pinkie Pie promise in which he heard that bad things would happen if he were too ever break one. “Get that from Pinkie Pie, huh? Nice too know that our other friends haven't changed.” Bolt said as Red nodded “Well, aside from Twilight becoming a princess with her own castle and all. It's a shame though, I miss the Golden Oak Library. Curse Tirek for his destruction...” Red said thinking back too that one time. “He's gone now, and so are the other baddies that Twilight and her friend fended off in the past, plus you get too see her almost everyday, me? I just hang around my cart most of the time with me and my friend.” Bolt said as Red gave a chuckle heading back into Ponyville too kill some  time. “Don't forget, 8 sharp!” he called out too him as he called back “I won't forget!” he said as he mumbled under his breath “I wouldn't want too know what happens if I break a Pinkie Promise...” as he then trotted off into town as Bolt went the opposite way back into the Everfree. Time passed by as Red was a bit tired from his errands with his friends in which the time was now at least 7:45 P.M. so he had 15 minutes too kill. “Man, I didn't think that everyone needed so much help.” Red said as he eyed the clock tower making his way out of town towards the Everfree. “I've still got some time too kill, so I guess I'll wait for Bolt just outside here.” he said as about 10 minutes passed when all of a sudden he got knocked out cold. Unconcious, he awakened moments later too his eyesight where he came into contact with Bolt. “Gah, darn it Bolt, you did it again. I keep telling ya too stop that.” Red said with a groan as he rubbed his head with a hoof. “Heh, it's like I said, I just can't help myself sometimes. Anyway, I had too get you knocked out and tired out because my special friend that I'm gonna introduce you helps other ponies, like myself relax, and you'll see what I mean. C'mon” Bolt said leading Red into some sort of clearing just near a off-beaten path before The  Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. “Almost there, not far now. Just right near this tree.” Bolt said placing a hoof down on a stump sitting on one side as Red then sat next too her eying the wagon “That must be your wagon if I'm not mistaken?” Red said as Bolt nodded “Mmhmm, and now time for you too meet my special friend.” said Bolt as then all of a sudden, something wrapped around Bolt bringing her up into the tree which made Red jump up in shock “Whoa! What the heck...? Bolt, wh-where'd you go? I don't wanna be alone! Not in here!” Red said panicing as Bolt said from up the tree on a branch “Just trust me on this. Sit back on the tree trunk and let the thing take you.” he said as Red nodded trusting his friend as he sat down on the trunk as the thing that took Bolt had Red in it's grasp as well, but Red didn't panic, he just stood still with his eyes shut, as he was brought up the tree too where Bolt was, but the thing that had Red kept itself wrapped around him as Bolt announced “Don't be frightened, Red. This is my special friend, Ruby Scales. Ruby, meet one of my other special friends, Red Star. Red for short.” as Red overheard, but when he opened his eyes, he was in shock too what he saw...


Red Star © Me

Boldblood Thundercould & Ruby Scales [Mentioned, but not seen yet] © Jamiboi on DeviantArt

Edited by RedStar2015
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