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private A Heroes Battle Of bloodlines RP

Wicked Funky

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From here begins the battle.


OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/144155-a-heroes-battle-of-bloodlines-humanaction/page-1


Alex was standing on the verge of the teal signs carved into the cold stone floor of the basement, on the other side of the signs a tall man was standing. He reached his hand out towards her, in it was an old tattered card containing a large amount of text. "She's your responsibility now." Alex took the card and looked down on it, "Thank you, father.". "It's up to you to restore our reputation back after my brothers disgraceful performance last time." her father said with disgust to his tone, "Of course, Father.". Alex's eyes weren't leaving the surface of card, she carefully studied the text and thought hard about what she had in her hands. Her father had been very strict with her not being allowed to have the card before this moment as he did not completely trust her with it.


The room was dark except for some candles on shelfs and crates around them. "I believe it's time." Alex suddenly tore her eyes of the card and on to her fathers serious face "O-of course.". She carefully stepped onto the teal signs adorning the floor and took a deep breath. Bowing down her father removed teal gemstone form a necklace around his neck, when he laid the gemstones onto the signs they started glowing intensely coating the room in a teal shine. With both her hand she held the old card against her chest feeling her hearts fast beating. The almost blinding light spread onto her legs and worked it's way upwards soon covering her whole body. "Don't disappoint us yet again.".


As her eyes slowly opened again she found herself on a small meadow surrounded by large oak trees and tall grass. She felt the warmth of the sun and let out her breath looking down on the card again to make sure it was really there, "I've sure been waiting for you..." she quietly said to herself slightly smiling towards the card. "Arnorna Thorlikdottir" she now assertively spoke with suspense in her eyes as the card dissolved and formed a human figure. First came the armor, after came the actual body, long blond hair furled out and started blowing in the wind. Arnorna jabbed her sword into the ground in front of Alex and bowed down on one knee, "At your service.".


(You DO NOT have to fallow my example of how my character ascended into the realm, do it how you imagined it would work.)

  • Brohoof 2


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Amina looked down at her card. A picture of what looked like a proud viking was on the card. She looked up at the distant sunset and was suddenly struck by a flashback


"Remember Amina, soon a battle will come, where you'll have nobody who can help you, except for this card"  Said an older looking lady as she handed Amina a card. Amina looked at the card "What's this mom? What do you mean? When is there going to be a war!?" Shouted the usual calm and collected girl as she looked at her mother pleadingly. The mother looked down "You'' find out when the time comes... But Amina" The mother had a more serious look now "Remember. To summon a hero, you have to shout his/hers name." Lectured the mother, Amina looked down "Ok..." Answered Amina meekly. The mother smiled, patted her on the head and left.



She looked down at her card again "Thorbjörn" She muttered weakly. Seeing that it had no effect, she shouted louder "Thorbjörn!" Nothing. She inhaled "THORBJÖRN THE SOUL OF THE HYDRA!" Shouted Amina with full force. The card started to glow. It began forming in to a big muscular figure that stood on what looked like a ship of some sort. She instinctively covered her eyes from the shining light, and backed off. After the transformation, she could hear a laugh.


"HAHAHA, I AM THORBJÖRN! THE SOUL OF THE HYDRA! WHO HAS SUMMONED ME? PLEASE STEP FORWARD, I MEAN NO HARM!" Shouted the viking. The ship dissapeared and Thorbjörn walked around. He was about to yell again, but stopped when he saw a young girl step out behind a tree. "It was me!" Said Amina determined. "I Amina Crimsonshield, have summoned you Thorbjörn. My family told me that you could help me in a war" Said Amina, her usual cool demanour returning. The viking flashed her a toothy grin and his bald head was illuminated by the sunset "Hehe, Of course my lady! If i backed out from this i would be breaking the code of a viking!" Amina looked at him confused "The code of a viking?" She asked curiously. "Fear none, slay all" Said Thorbjörn with a predator grin

  • Brohoof 1
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*sigh* So this was is then? After all these years, and all those tales about he would have never been good enough for this, he was now supposed to just meet up and accept this... Well, trial sounded fitting right about now, did it not?


Russell wandered slowly past the rooms of the old mansion, taking it all in one last time before he would have to wander to the lands beyond, from where none were sure to return. A place that was never meant for him, but instead for the one whose door he now passed, though the glares from the guards in front of it stopped him from slowing down further and see to him one last time.


Not that it mattered. The looks on the guards faces already told him what his brothers would too if he were not still too delusional to do so: That he weren't supposed to be walking here. That he wasn't good enough to take this mantle, and represent their family.


Not that he blamed them. He saw the same looks from his parents, from every servant but a few, and for the last few weeks, whenever he looked in the mirror as well. He knew as well as them that if there had been other options, he would not have been it, but there were no others. Not since his brother had fallen ill...


The thought of him laying there made Russell want even more to stop and try and gain access. Use the power of his family name to gain access and see him for one last time, even if it was pointless, but what use would it be? Even if he looked up greatly to his brother, and felt that at times his teasing and tormenting were only to harden him so he could manage if something happened to the only one in his family who gave him some ounce of attention beyond scorn, they would rather let in a filthy rat than him.


And why? Because he had been with his brother when he had suddenly fallen down and begun to ramble incoherently. Because as far as they were concerned, he was to blame for this. For not being the one who was wandering near the edges of death's door so that all the time they had spent preparing his brother for this day would not be in vain...


A tear rolled slowly down his cheek, but Russell moved onwards with his head lowered.


It wouldn't help thinking on this. They had ignored his words when he had screamed at them for finding it a greater loss that the competition was at stake than their eldest son perhaps not making it through the next week, and he had nearly lost his voice in vain when he had protested the harsh three weeks he had now been through to try and prepare their last child of competing age for this pointless challenge. It had not helped, and he was tired of protesting.


Truth be told... He was tired of everything here.


He hated the pompous lifestyle and back-stabbings they draped as traditions. Felt disgust when they tried to teach him time and time again that meeting anyone with a smile and good intentions were pointless, and that he should be thinking on how best to use them.


Hell, were it not for his brother, he would be able to turn his back on everyone here without a second thought and wander into the wilds like he had dreamed about for as long as he remembered.


A bitter smile went over his face as the irony of him now getting exactly that came to his mind, though not the wilderness he had wanted. He wanted a life of hunting and peace, yet now he was bound on hands and feet to instead seek power to rise the house of Bones to greatness. A role he had never envied his brother, but would now have to hold in his stead.


Another sigh went over his mind as he stopped before the large, black door that lead to the inner sanctum of their home, where this would all begin, and made sure to place the scarf around his neck so that the family signet could not be overlooked, before finally pressing down the handle and walk into the silent room.


Not a word was said as the stern, greying figure of his father stepped forward from the shades, donning the same kind of high-end suit that he had worn for the past 30 years or more. Not from Russell, not from his father, and certainly not from the others who looked down upon them from their high seats around room, though he could feel their steel gaze bore into his scalp.


An old card, preserved beautifully in a silk holster that held room for several more and was meant to clasp unto his belt was handed over carefully before Russell headed towards the centre of the room, where the mechanism to send him away with were engraved into the old stones.




Surprised, the boy turned around and faced his father. It had been long since last he had heard his name uttered by the man without an insult or a comment about how he could be better, and even though his father's face didn't show any care for him now, and his eyes held the same glimmer of only barely wanting to look at him,the fact that nothing more followed were as surprising to him as if the man had uttered that he was proud of him.




The elder man swayed his hand as Russell tried to take a look towards him, signalling that the boy was not to approach him, but only listen.


"I know you wander into this with resentment, but if you get through this, and manage to bring honour to our family..."




"...He will be free to go with you."


Russell's eyes went wide and his heart raced. Were his father really offering that which he had asked for those many times? To give his brother the chance of wandering away from all this as well, and find a life somewhere new, where no-one would know who they were and they could start on a better foot?


His brother were cruel and merciless when he needed to be, but beneath it all he had a good heart that he was just taught to hide away, and at rare times the iron-willed man had let his guards down and told that given the option, he would chose to try for his own life, but couldn't because the family willed that he stayed, and would take up the name with pride like many a generation had before.


They had other children in the household that could take over the bloodline if it were. Twins, barely out of the crib, and as cruel by nature as the witch of a woman he didn't dare to call mother to her face again, so they would not die out, but they had still not wanted two children out of their grip. Especially not when they needed one to be ready for this fight, and the aftermath could be a grand feather in their hat every time one of the other houses saw their victorious boy amongst them.


Russell had been given up upon a while back, and were only kept around these days because his brother had threatened to stop his training if he was told to go before he was ready, so there was little holding him there beyond needing more time, yet Matthew... He was bound in chains, and now he was being given the chance to deliver the key to him, and let him finally chose his own fate.


"I... I understand father."


He bowed before the man and stepped into the middle of the circle, feeling his spirit rise as the lights embraced him and he went away, to the land beyond.


Back with the others, the voice of an old woman broke the silence once more once Russell was gone.


"It is done. The boy will do as we tell him, and perhaps finally be of some use."


The people started to wander out, mumbling amongst themselves as the greying man approach their matron: Victoria D. Bones, Russell's grand mother.


"And what do we do if he returns in victory?"


The icy gaze on the old woman's face almost made the man turn his eyes from hers over the stupid question that he should already know the answer to


"He won't know his brother didn't die whilst he was away instead of two days ago. He can pay his last respects at the tombstone, and then we will be done with him. For good."





Elsewhere, Russell woke up with a minor headache from what looked like a branch he had hit whilst travelling. The place he should have hit were not as described exactly, so it had let him off up in the air a meter or so above and dumped him on a low hanging branch that had not been able to support his weight.


Rising up and dusting himself off from the worst of things, his hand went to his belt and closed around the old card that he had seen his brother handle a few times prior to this. Yet now it was his turn to recite the words and let the woman free instead. Hopefully it would go well.


Words were spoken and the card unravelled, for a second leaving little more than dust in the air in front of him before a flame more intense than even the most scorching of ovens he had seen burst in the middle of it and blinded him with it's glare briefly.


"Well I'll be a Dragon's uncle, if it ain't my favourite little pipsqueak."


The voice came before he could see again, but when he could, the woman already stood next to him, leaning her elbow on his and showing him that carefree grin that she mostly seemed to have plastered on her face.


Jane wasn't a woman he had seen that often, as his brother had been the keeper of the card for most of the last 5 years, and though she tormented him as much as anyone, he found hers to be nicer and generally meant in a good manner. Even when she had stolen his clothes and dressed up an improvised scarecrow with them for the heck of it. An action that wouldn't be so bad if said clothes hadn't been on him at the time, and it had been winter.In the forest. Whilst his brother was laughing himself to pieces.


"Say, this place doesn't look like home.What gives champ? And where's Matthew?"


Russell cleared his throat and got away from her grip for a second so he could face her.


"Brother is still ill and in his absence, I have been chosen to take his place."


Jane blinked a few times, barely noticing the flaming bird landing on her shoulder, before breaking out laughing.


"Oh man, this is priceless. You are gonna be the *Big baddie* of the branch now and try and conquer all here? You, the boy who can barely get himself to whack a spider?"


"I admit, it is not ideal for anyone, but... Yes, I am to take the mantle, fight in this competition, and then perhaps in the end..."


The woman didn't let him linger and came poking his head pretty fast after that, looking at him with searching eyes.


"Come on sugar, spit it out. You can't hide nothing from ol' Jane here."


Russell let out a sigh, then took a deep breath and looked her in the eye with a little more confidence.


"If we win, he will be free."


He wasn't sure what Jane was gonna do by the news, but the short wince going over her face wasn't it. He would ask what this was about as his paranoia told him that perhaps it meant something else to her than to him, but before he had the chance she took a step backwards, nodded and ruffled the feathers on her bird, then uttered a few words before starting to wander up the hill they were on.


"We should get going then."


It was worrying to Russell, as normally Jane seemed more high in spirits and not so *To the point* as she had just been, yet he tried to tell himself that it was just another wave of paranoia, and he should pay it no heed as he followed her pace. Surely she was just gritting her teeth and letting it sink in that she had him to protect now instead of Matthew, who tended to do well in keeping himself out of harms way when he had to,and that they now stood at the beginning of a great battle that could take them anywhere, and into any danger. Danger she had to think about how to approach if it were.


No, nothing was wrong and she would be herself again soon, he was sure of it. Or well... Perhaps if he told it to himself often enough, he could begin to believe it at least. That would be as good a start as any.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Alex carefully inspected her newly summoned hero's armor, weapon and face, "Now, let's see what you can do!". Arnorna looked up at Alex who was now scouting the area, soon she laid her eyes on a large tree at the other side of the meadow. "Destroy it." Alex assertively said and pointed towards the peacefully resting oak. "A-are you sure? We wouldn't want to give away our loc..." Alex cut her warning short, "Just do it". Leaving Arnorna with no choice, she with a troubled face tore the sword out of the ground and turned towards the tree. Jabbing one of her feet into the soil she took a few seconds to gather power before flying towards the tree with immense speed blowing up dirt and wads of sprawling grass. She within a second was in the near vicinity of the tree, preforming a quick spin with her sword pointing outwards she was able to blow a portion of it to shreds. The large crown of leaves crashed towards the ground creating a storm of leaves and blown up dust. 


Emerging through the haze Alex ran towards the now worried Arnorna who was scouting the forrest for any unwanted spectators. "That was..." Arnorna raised her hand signaling her to be quiet, Alex's facial expression quickly changed from excited and happy to a blank one. After Arnorna felt confident that there wasn't anything lurking in the shadows she turned to Alex, "We should move...", "Then lead the way. You've been here before, right?". Arnorna looked surprised before letting out a heavy sigh, "It's different every time..." she then proceeded to holster her sword. "Names Alex by the way." "Very well, I presume you already know who I am..." Arnorna said before starting  to walk into the woods with Alex a few steps behind her, Alex simply nodded in response.

  • Brohoof 2


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Amina looked at Thorbjörn with a blank expression. Her ice stare was getting on Thorbjörns nerves. “What are you staring at?” Asked the Viking. This girl was creepy “You” Answered Amina. The Viking face palmed “Care to explain why?” Amina continued to stare at him. Thorbjörn let out a weary sigh “Could you please NOT shut your trap?” Asked the Viking. This girl was nearing a death sentence…. Amina looked at him puzzled “But I don’t have a trap” Thorbjörns eye twitched and he collapsed “Never have I met a girl so terrible at conversations! It was supposed to mean that you have to fucking say someting, Just how the hell are you going to win this war, when you don’t even know common sense?” Asked Thorbjörn, he was nearing insanity. “I don’t want to win”


This response caught him off-guard “I don’t want to kill anyone…” Thorbjörn face palmed again. Why did the family send this girl out in a war?! He got up and walked to Amina “Well sorry to break it to ya sweetie, but this war is going to be a bloodbath,” Said Thorbjörn with a fierce grin. He swung his hammer over his shoulder “You do the thinking I do the fighting, ok?” Why did I say that? This girl isn’t capable to think normally in a bloody conversation!



Amina nodded. She still had her icy stare fixed on Thorbjörn “Oh for fucks sake, remove that stare!” Amina didn’t move an inch “But then I will have to close my eyes” Thorbjörn gripped his hammer tightly, if he put more pressure on it, it would break for sure. He suddenly relaxed and started to laugh “HAHAHA, OH I CAN’T STAND YOU. WE ARE GOING TO BE GREAT ALLIES!” Shouted Thorbjörn. Although he hated her lack of common sense, he couldn’t help but love it either.

Edited by Gentleman Blaze
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"Say, why do you wear that?"


Jane had been silent for the past 15 minutes or so while they had wandered on through the forest trail, thinking, before finally breaching it and pointing towards Russell's scarf.


"Well, it's kinda chilly, and I would really hate to get a cold."


Jane promptly gave him a minor punch on the shoulder for the comment.


"Yeah yeah, I know what you mean. You ask why I still show the mark of the house."


Russell let out a sigh and kicked away a rock. He knew that this was coming, but frankly, he didn't expect it to come so soon. He had assumed hours, perhaps even days, of Jane using her time to mess with him or scout out the place. It wasn't what he had thought, yet that was life. You didn't always got the time you thought you had.


"Truth be told, I don't know. I don't like what it stands for, and I know that it will give me some instantaneous enemies, yet still, I feel like I have to. For Matthew, if nothing else."


"Yeah, I figured..."


Jane chewed her lips for a second. She wasn't one for hesitation normally, and it had brought her against many a member of this messed up bunch of rejects that were the Bones family generation after generation, yet for once she was torn on whatever to open her yap or not. Or at least about what she knew.


"Just saying, I hope I don't need to protect you too much from your own stupidity as well as this place. You'd be a pretty poor excuse for a rug, so I ain't much for that."


Russell didn't think much on it when Jane started to mix some sass in, but for Jane, things weren't as simple. Whilst she masked herself in a mischievous little grin and got around to messing a bit more with her payload, her head was filling up with some thoughts that she was gonna have to think about for some time. Something that she didn't care much for, since that wasn't something she was supposed to do as far as she was concerned.


Her job was to protect her payload and help Russell out, and frankly she'd rather be focused on that than fighting with her own sense of morality like this, but considering how quiet it were right now there wasn't anything to distract herself with. What happened with the good old days when something nasty would try to eat you before you managed to draw breath?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Love Doctor Blaze


Thin walkways through the forrest made it easier to get through, surrounding them was a cluster of trees and bushes. Arnorna was on the watch, carefully listening always double checking the darker parts of the forrest as they passed, Alex on the other side walks carelessly and took in the beauty of the strings of light breaking through the roof of leaves. 


Arnorna stopped dead in her tracks as she could hear a vague dark voice ahead, Alex bumped in to her back "Hey!" "Shh, Someones up ahead." Alex heart skipped a beat, How exciting! They carefully tread the path trying to avoid making any sound. The forrest had come to an abrupt end, the sunlight made it hard to see but Arnorna could make out two human figures standing on the sun coated meadow ahead. The larger of the two was loud, and made continuously sudden gestures. "You'll stay here, observe. Do not intervene by any means. If i'm to be severed beyond help you flee. Is that understood?" Alex looked upon the powerful woman, her hair had the texture of polished gold in the sun. "Y-yeah..." Alex answered, Arnorna gave her a slight smile in return as she unholstered her sword slowly and relied herself. She took her stance and didn't move an inch, she stood there for about half a minute before Alex started to wonder what she was doing. "Are you not going to attack?" "I can only attack on command." Alex looked surprised before a second before remembering that she had been told this before. "O-okay, You're free to attack..." With that Arnorna let out a single heavy sigh before, just like before, she with a loud bang blew up a cloud of dirt and dust behind her and flew towards her target. Alex started coughing as she inhaled the haze, as she squinted in between the coughing she saw the regal warrior fly towards her target and was left in awe.


(If we're doing this a 3 players i'm picking up the pace.)


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@@Wicked Funky,


Amina looked up as she saw a woman leaping at Thorbjörn. "Behind you"  Muttered Amina. Thorbjörn managed to barrel roll out of the way just in time. He observed the woman before him, and lowered his weapon "I refuse to fight you woman. Back off before i change my mind" Said Thorbjörn. All friendliness and and laughter was completely gone from his voice as he said that. Amina didn't say anything, she just walked over to the bushes this woman jumped out off "Anybody there?" Asked Amina, as she cleared away some bushes

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


She stood up and turned around towards the opponent. Arnorna wasn't surprised that the man was able to dodge her attack, he was to a fellow hero after all. "Back off? Do you have no pride as a hero?" she had an angered tone, "I won't loose to a savage like you." her voice intensified. She lifted her sword and peeked it towards the sky, the golden cross adorning the sword started glowing and after a few seconds flared blinding everything in her vicinity. This was her chance, the opponents chest was completely open, a deadly mistake in her mind. With her sword peeked forwards she once again dashed for the mans bare chest with a strike delivered to kill as he was hopefully still blinded. 


Alex could hear the cold voice calling for her, she started slightly panicking as she didn't know what to do. With no where to run she stepped forwards to the girl, "H-hey....".


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@@Wicked Funky,


Thorbjörn grinned "I do have pride... That's why i don't fight girls" Suddenly Thorbjörn was blinded. He figured that he couldn't regain his senses in time, so he just decided to protect the only area that could actually spell death for him Fucking women... Was thorbjörn's thought as the woman charged him.


Amina tilted her head at the new girl "Can you stop your hero? She is not nice to Thorbjörn...." Said Amina totally stoically.

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They had wandered for a while along the narrow path through the forest when suddenly, Jane stopped up and signalled to Russell to keep quiet before he had the chance to utter his surprise at their sudden halt


The seconds ticked by before Jane finally spoke, though low as to not loose track of what had given her pause.


"There's something... There."


She pointed in a direction and waved Russell along it, though keeping in front of him in case whatever was making the faint noise turned out to be hostile. She could take the blunt of an attack, the Human couldn't, and it was her sworn duty to keep his arse safe out here. Which, considering she were leading them towards a strange sound, might seem a bit contradictory.


To her it was just part of it though. As far as she were concerned, they were gonna run into bad things out here no matter what, so why not meet it head on instead of trying to ignore and avoid it? They were gonna need more power during this whole thing, which would have to include taking it from the sort of things that liked to guard such items, as well as taking care of members of the other houses that likely wasn't gonna play nice in this if they ran into them first.


Besides, though it might lead them to a few ambushes, she would take that over being stalked by either house representatives or locals here. An ambush she were used to dealing with, and she could retaliate well, but being the hunted? For a huntress like her, that was not only a bad position to be in, but also a personal irritation as she loathed having the roles changed like that. It wasn't right.


But nevermind that. They were getting nearer now as they continued wandering through the wilderness silently, and she could start to make out something more specifically than just the *something* that had caught her attention before, yet still nothing specific enough to tell her exactly what was going on. They would see soon though, and then they'd find out if they had run into the first challenge of this place yet, and whatever or not it was something local or one of the houses.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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