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@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture looked up and said, 

Hm, oh, apart from bringing misfortune to everyone, I'm doing fine."

He returned his head back to looking at the sand. 

Ivy wasn't going to have any raiding happening. She took running and was greeted by a 2ft tall full-back scorpion. It swung  its giant pincer and batted her ahead of the group unconscious. Then the Scorpion sunk back into the ground, and started following, waiting for the perfect chance to strike
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"I'm gonna take that wisecrack as a no," Foray replied, frowning at his sarcasm. "You talk straight with me, or don't talk with me at all." Sighing after a pause, she added, "Look, Trav -- is it okay if I call you Trav? -- I'm trying to help here. You're clearly not feeling well, and I just wanna make sure that if you're not up to seeing what's left of your old village, you won't go bananas. I've seen it happen to more than one pony... hay, more than one at the same time. And heck, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all if I didn't trust you to be a good leader. Most of the time I just sorta take over by myself, but you're different. Maybe it's the species, I dunno."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,

"I'm fine, it just all the misfortune that I leave in my wake. I won't loose my mind. I've been in here for a few years and haven't yet."



Travelture stop, when he saw a pony in front one them. He said, 

"I think I found Ivy, and she's knocked out."

He bent down and picked up an eye patch next to her

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 "Cyan..." He said while looking at Second Sight and touch his thoath, not sure if it was him or the other weird fellow.


*Raider Storage*


Cyan quickly take bottle of water and canned beans, he didn't saw anything interesting  beside this


*Stuff that going on*


Most of the time Cyan was watching new member, he is new himself but he didn't shoot anypony to get in, and he still can feel metal claws on his neck, he watch him since they walked from that cave. 

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Foray frowned again. "Okay then, cut off our conversation short and cold, why don't you?" she muttered angrily under her breath, before turning her head rhythmically in semi-circles. "I'd stay wary, she looks like she got whacked recently, and whatever took a shot at her might still be around," she warned.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Second Sight chuckled at the sight of the downed pony. "Looks like she did come after me. Though, she might want to work on the execution." He laughed. His mirth disappearing as quickly as it started, he trotted warily around the pony, inspecting the ground nearby.


His keen perception yielded results as he noticed several disturbances in the dirt.


"Giant scorpion hole. They burrow underground. Nasty things. Must have been what took out Ivy" he said, audible enough for everypony to hear.


As if sensing oncoming danger, he slowly backed away from Ivy, motioning for the others to do the same.


"These scorpions, from experience, have learned to use other ponies as bait. " he explained. "In short, back off"

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@@reader8363,@, @@Meson Bolt, @,  


Cyan walked to the scene and looked at laying pony on the ground, at first he want to loot her for some ammo and check if she have a weapon. Then heard  Second "If she fight with that thing and now she's laying, she's probably dead and I don't see anything worth the risk on her, maybe we should go?" Cyan asked and looked at Travelture.

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@@Orbit,@, @@Meson Bolt, @,

Feeder said as he walked up to Ivy and pulled out syringes, 

"When I move Ivy, run really fast. Travelture could you help with Ivy?"

He placed the syringes under Ivy and then Travelture nodded and levitated Ivy onto Feeder back, then Feeder bolted off the spot.


The sand erupted after Feeder, but the syringes found their way into the scorpions armor and the scorpion sunk back into the ground. Due to the eruption, Agaricus stumbled back and fell into a different Tunnel, and slid down. 

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"There's no blood, nor any piercing wounds from the scorpion's stinger. To top it all off, she's just unconscious" Second Sight explained.


*agaricus falls down the hole*


Second sight rushed over to the hole Agaricus fell through, looked down, and let out a low whistle.


"Yup. He's gone"

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@@reader8363,@, @, @@Meson Bolt,  


"Yeah, why listen to me, getting back dead mare from obvious trap is tottaly save" Cyan sighed and looked at the hole "Well, I agree he's gone" 


He looked around at rest of the ponies "Maybe he survived, are we going to check that or just leave?" Cyan didn't know Agarius well, hell he barley talk to him but he don't deserve to go out like this, but he's not going to check if he still alive.

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Feeder said as he went to his bag,

"She's not dead, and I don't like it when any living creature is in harms way. Agaricus will be fine, let's hurry up and get to the village, I have some supplies that might help her. but I don't want to do it here."

He grabbed the bag in his mouth and headed the way they were heading. 

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@@reader8363@@Orbit@, @


"How far is the village, and about how long is it gonna take for us to get there?" Foray asked, trotting to catch up with Feeder. "If that thing's gonna follow us, I'd rather it attack us during the day rather than during the night..." Turning to face the other ponies, she added, "Anypony have water?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture said as he levitated a bottle of water,

"It's  about an hour there, and if they're no problems we'll get there in 3. Here Foray."



He levitated the eye patch to get a better view of it. He turned to Second Sight and said, 

"Hey, Second, I found an eye patch near Ivy, do you know the reason why she's wearing one?"

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@@reader8363,  @@Meson Bolt@,



"So, are we going or what?" Cyan looked at the hole one more time "Lead the way Travelture, ya know this road" He check his mag in rifle, 7 shoots remaining, should be enough if something will try something on us again. Cyan had a bad thoughts about this whole travel.

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"Ivy lost her eye in afraid with another raider gang, or so I heard. Some debris from an explosion blew into it and took out her eye."

Second Sight recalled. "Given my. Body's current rate of metabolism and many other things, I should be able to last around 4 hours before I have to eat and drink again, so we should be able to reach th village in time"

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Feeder listened and looked closely at Ivy's eye, there wasn't any marking around the eye, but he shrugged it off and kept heading there


@@Orbit, @@Meson Bolt, @,

Travelture said as he sat down in a doorway of nearby ruins,

"This was the a nearby ruins, even when I was young, you can look around, but I'm pretty sure you won't find anything useful. The next place we visit will be home."


Feeder walked into the house and placed Ivy on the bed. He placed the bag down and started looking over the body for any damage, then he checked her left eye. The socket looked completely intact, like there was never an eye. He looked at the cutie mark, three gears, He muttered to himself, "I need to make sure to keep her away from mechanisms."

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Foray glanced about the ruins. There was something about the atmosphere that she didn't like, but she couldn't quite pinpoint it. Whatever it was, she felt safer and more agile with just her crowbar. Setting down her battle saddle and assault rifle in the corner of the room, she announced, "I'm gonna go look around. Y'all should probably make a fire and start cooking. I'll be back before it gets too dark."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Second Sight walked into the ruins wiyh a trained eye, analysing every detail and yielding as much information from what he could see as he could.


Hoping to find something useful in the ruins, he decided to explore along Foray; "Foray, allow me to follow you" he said, trotting near the pony

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Foray didn't object to his following her, in fact, she didn't seem to respond in any way. She was obviously focused on cautiously rummaging through the ruins. Slowly she entered one ruined building, her unicorn horn glowing dimly. Stopping momentarily to search through a drawer, she flicked her ears backwards and listened, thinking that she heard something.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Second Sight followed alongside Foray, eyes open for anything of note. He examined an oddly sturdy door in the ruins of the house. He tried to open it, only to find it locked.




Second Sight looked around for anything he could use to pick the lock. He stopped short; he heard something.


"Foray, you hear it too?"

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Foray's ears perked up and her eyes bulged as she suddenly heard hoofsteps behind her. With a feral growl, she swung her crowbar wildly at Second Sight's head. Realizing her mistake just a split second before she made contact, the weapon smacked forcefully against his cranium, though with not as much power as she had anticipated. "Ohh my Celestia..." she breathed. "Are... are you okay?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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By the time Second Sight could slow his perception of time to avoid the attack, it was too late; it was physically impossible to dodge the attack, he simply wasn't fast enough.


'So, i'll just have to take the hit, then?' Second sight resigned. 'This is gonna hurt'


Time for him resumed it's normal pace, and the crowbar hit him at the side of his head, knocking off his hat.


"Argh, what the HELL was that for?"


Choosing to fall to his side rather than take the full force of the blow, Second Sight flopped to the ground, clutching his head

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"My bad, I'm sorry... I'm sorry!" she pleaded, releasing her weapon and dropping to his side. "Y-you snuck up on me... I... I guess I'm just really jumpy..."


"Yeah, stupid excuse Foray," she told herself, doubting that he'd believe her. She hoped he would just accept her apology and explanation without question, rather than pressing further into the issue. "You gonna be okay?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt


"Alright, It's ok, I'll be fine" Second muttered loudly, still clutching his head with his good hoof while hit metal one reached out for his hat. With his maroon hair, it was hard to tell if he was bleeding. However...


'Shite. Bleeding a little. Got to account for blood loss... It's minimal. Got to clean it before it clots, though.'


He staggered to his hooves, head still ringing.


"I think... I think I'll head back to the camp for a while."

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@@Meson Bolt,@,  

Travelture got up and walked around. He went to the village brazier and lit it. 

As He stared into the fire, he remembered the day when he got his name and then shook his head. There was no point to remember what's gone. He looked up and said as he seen Second Sight bleeding, 

"What happened."

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