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@@reader8363, @@Meson Bolt,


Second Sight oddly walked past travelture, and slumped down in the ruined house where the ponies set down their stuff. He opened his own saddlebags and took out a bottle of water, carefully washing the blood off, trying to conserve as much water as he could.


 "Foray hit me on the head by accident." he said, still nursing his head. The pain slowly ebbed away. "I'll stay here, you guys look around the ruins. Every town like this had a water pump or at least a well. Go find it. I can fix pumps.".


He shooed the ponies away, insisting that he was ok

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Foray looked worried, but still nodded, remorseful though she was. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to," she apologized again, before turning her head to face the ground for a moment. "I guess we should go look around then... Trav, care to take a short walk around town?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt

"yeah, let's go,"

He started walking. after a few minutes, He said out loud but mostly to himself,

"Ya know, this looks almost like home, before the night before."

Then he shook his head and looked at the ground.


Feeder walked out of the house and sat on the steps looking at the sky

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Foray hung her head low as she walked, keeping close to Travelture as she felt less safe alone. "What's the name of this place?" she asked, her voice low and tense. "And... and what happened to it?" She had to admit, it looked awfully similar to her own home, or rather the home she'd never been to, but she didn't feel like mentioning it. At least, not yet.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt

"I never asked my dad what it was named, I thought home had a tomorrow. There are many rumors about this village. The all left, a monster came, they disappear, but I think the village just died."

He sat down and leaned his head against the dusty glass. He smiled and said, 

"If this was home, this would be a crafting store, but this is a food store."

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"Yeah, well, if it's a food store, there's got to be something useful inside, right?" she asked, brushing past him to enter the small shop and brightening up the place with her horn. "This place looks like it was once really nice... can't believe all the ponies would just leave because of some monster attacking it. I'd like to think that they'd at least put up a fight."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt

Travelture got up and walked in and said,

"I spent years in this wasteland and saw no creatures. So the villager must have become paranoid and stopped trading with others, so they died off, but there would have been bones if they died here. What do ya think happened to this village.

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Foray stared at Trav's face intently for a minute. Did he really know where she was from, or was he just wildly guessing? After all, she'd seen at least three other villages that were wiped out -- although they'd been completely leveled rather than just laying in ruins. Shaking her head, she replied, "I haven't the slightest idea. Any food in those cabinets?" She nodded to a bank of cabinets on the opposite wall.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture shook his head and said,

"I checked everywhere there isn't anything in this village, except non-essentials, such as clothing, weapons,  blankets, bed, showers, and anything that can't be taken."

He sat down and leaned against the wall and started nodding off.

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Foray used her magic to tug at his hair gently, with the intention of waking him up. "Don't you drift off on me now, big boy. If you wanna go to sleep, we can head back to the camp." Heading towards the door, she tossed a glance over her shoulder to make sure he was following her.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt

Travelture got up and walked out of the store. When they arrived at the Brazier, he went into a nearby home and collapsed on the bed.



Feeder opened the door to see Ivy still knocked out. He walked up to Second Sight and said,

"Second Sight, could you come with me? It's about Ivy's left eye (the one that is missing) and when she wakes up."

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Second Sight got up. The bleeding had stopped, though, it still bruised. He occasionally rubbed it.


"What about her left eye? She's not gonna get it back anytime soon, though." He asked, the author of this post struggling to meet the minimum character count

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Foray looked around in the empty room, shrugged off her ammo belt and propped her crowbar in the corner, before tossing a glance at the door to make sure it was locked. "Umm, so... do you have an extra blanket, or do I just sleep on the floor, or what?" she asked.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture woke up a little, lifted his head up a little and said before going back to bed,

"There's a bed in the next room. the brown door that's open a crack." 



Feeder said as he was heading back into the house,

"I'm not talking about her getting her eye back. I'm talking about the story of how she lost her eye being wrong." 

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"Yeah, I know, but..." she shuddered, eyes darting around for a moment, before her tone of voice dropped to a whisper. "I-I'm kinda scared. This place gives me the jitters..." Clearing her throat, she added, "Also my hoodie's gone, so it's freaking freezing. Are you sure there's not something that I can curl up on the floor with? Or are we gonna have to snugglefest?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Second Sight shrugged. "I only told you what she told me. For all i know, she could have tripped and landed on a rock, and told some tall tale to keep her ego." Second explained. "Do you know the story behind her eye?" Second asked, though, he didn't really care. He idly poked the fire with his metal hoof.

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I checked the socket for any infection. There is no sign of even having an eye. I think she was born without is. If she had her left eye, there would be scars. Could you watch over her? So she doesn't escape or try to kill us



@@Meson Bolt,

Without opening his eyes, his horn glowed, the door open and a blanket and a pillow floated to Foray.   

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Foray snorted. "Fine, I wasn't looking forward to that much either..." Letting down her braids, she took the bedding and curled up in the corner next to her gear. For a few minutes she simply stared into space, lost in deep thought, before slinking down as she fell asleep.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Second Sight waved a hoof and scooted over next to Ivy. "Sure, I'll keep an eye on her.". He looked around, furrowing his eyebrows in thought. "Is it ok if I move her over to the house i was in just now? I want to work on something there to pass the time. There is a locked door there that has managed to withstand the test of time."

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(my god what do I even post, there has been too much going on um...)


Summer had been sitting on a cloud above what was left of the small town, watching for anything coming she a rather commanding view from her little cloud. As time passed she got bored and flew down to the others.


@@reader8363,@, @@Meson Bolt,


"is that mare still asleep? She took a hell of a hit then, find anything good around here?" 

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"thanks,  and that will be fine if you move her."



Feeder shook his head,

"I don't think there's anything here like Travelture said,  the whole village is empty. I found blankets, but that won't be useful, well it might be when we are sleeping,"

He went over to the house and sat against it.

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Most of the time Cyan was checking burned houses, most of the stuff in were burned but there was one building with was still standing (most part of it). It have to be sheriff office, or somepony have a armory and custody.


Desk was full of papers, old and bearly readable, but there was also a little key. After checking the whole building Cyan find one canned beans and some ammo revolver and five bobby pins from custody, the only locked up place was iron door to armory.


"Why not" Cyan broke two bobby pin's on the lock "You dang thing!" Before he decide to punch door he remind himself that little key, he pulled it out from bag and try to open the door. It worked door was open, inside most of stuff was rusted or burned "Junk..." Cyan whispered and looked around some more, the only things worth taking was half-rusted shotgun, combat knife and some ammo for 9mm pistol and shotgun shells. After checking everything again Cyan go back to camp.



"Hey doc!" Cyan shouted to Feeder and hand him the shotgun "Think that will fit ya" He looked at laying raider mare "She's going to be ok? Hope not..." He whispered second part.

Edited by Orbit
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Second Sight nodded his head in acknowledgement and carried Ivy over his back, trudging to the abandoned building from before. He brought a lighted splint from the main fire and lit several abandoned candles.


He then returned to the door.




"Hope this doesn't wake her ( ivy and everypony trying to sleep ) up..."


Second Sight drew back, and slammed his mechanical hoof into the door.




The loud, metallic noise rang through the air. Second Sight stumbled back clutching his ears.


"Arghh, what the HELL!"


The wood of the door splintered away to reveal a stronger, metal layer beneath.


"Back to picking the lock."


He looked around, and heard the telltale tinkle of lockpicks. He perked his ears looking around the houses when he noticed Cyan waking out of another ruined house. He turned just in time to see a door swing in the wind. Putting 2 and 2 together, he walked over to Cyan.


"You gotta any lock picks on you?"

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Cyan still don't like Second, not after that stuff with raider "Maybe I have, maybe I don't, what ya will do with them?" Cyan looked at the building with locked up door "ahh that..." He walked to the closed door ald looked at them "Tell you what, I got 4, give ya 2 and maybe we will make a little competition" Cyan looked at the lock "we will look around for more lock, pony who will open more without breaking bobby pin will win... "He looked around "Hm... Maybe stuff from that room, what'ya say?"

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Second Sight didn't like the idea of losing at the most, 2 lockpicks, but he had an idea to work around the challenge.


"Alright. I accept the challenge." 


He glanced around.


"You mean, any lock here is fair game? Or am i limited to a specific area... There can't be that many locks still functional after these years."

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