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@@Meson Bolt,


"Hey hey, stay with me" He opened the water and close it to her mouth "Easy now" Cyan looked at Second sight




"Help me put her in the crib" He carfully hold her by her arms when she done drinking " Travel how long is to your home with her in the crib?" Cyan asked at looked at Ivy, he still cannot trust her, but bashing barrel with hammer is not going to threat his life.

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Foray took in a generous amount of water before gently pushing it away from her, gasping for air as she was done drinking. "I-I'm sorry... guys..." she mumbled slowly, clearly still disoriented. "I knew I'd... just... slow you do-" A gurgling noise cut her off before her stomach rejected the water she'd just consumed, shooting out the liquid a few feet in front of her. Another pained groan was followed by a mumbled, "I don't... think I can take much more... of my insides churning around like that..."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,@@Orbit,  

Feeder said as he help Cyan with Foray, 

"I might have something that should help, but it's pretty nasty to eat, trust me."

He helped Foray into the crib, then he went to his bag and started digging through it to find the ingredients that were needed for it.

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@@reader8363@@Meson Bolt


Cyan shooved his arms and looked at her, she didn't look well and because of it the danger to all of them was growing, what if she is infected with some weird disease or everybody will just get sick "I dunno if she agree to that but give it a try Feeder, her chances are low anyway" Cyan stepped aside.

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@@Orbit,@@Meson Bolt,

Feeder grabbed a few leaves and powder, Then he started grinding them, mixed them together, and placed it in one of his water bottles. He said as he shook the water bottle,

"So this will have to be digested."

He turned to Foray and said, 

"If it has a chance to help you with vomiting, would you try it?"

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Foray looked up, surprised to find herself laying on something soft, but right now she was more focused on what Feeder was offering. After a pair of quiet yet obviously painful coughs, she nodded slowly. "Y-yeah... I, thanks... a lot, Fe-" Again she was cut off by gurgling noises, when suddenly her mouth was filled with another dose of half-digested food. Forcefully swallowing the vomit again, she was left panting for air, with a sickened expression on her face.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,

Feeder nodded and said, as he handed it over,

"Just a word of caution, it has a really bad taste, but you don't have to drink it all at once, just a routine of it, like every hour or so."


Travelture said as he opened the door,  

"It will probably take a day to get there. I suggest we get moving."


Ivy nodded and after hooking the wire to the battery and taping it on, she placed it back into her bag.

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@@reader8363,@@Meson Bolt,@,@,


"Fine by me" Cyan helped with taking the crib out and reload his rifle "will keep a eye for danger, and.. This is probably yours" He put hood with bullet's holes next to Foray" Thought ya would want it, Travel, ya mind?" he take him a little way to front, so nopony could hear, well probably vampire will hear it anyway but he didn't care.




"Don't think she's gonna make it" He looked back at rest of the ponies and crib "Im not a doctor but when I see sick pony, it's dead in few days..." Cyan scratch his back and look at the wasteland "Getting to emotional..." he whispered "Hope ya paying well" He smurked and look at the road.

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"My blood will heal her, fully of everything that ails her, full stop but I won't force to have it, it must be her choice if she somehow dies with the blood in her system she will come back as one of my kind and the first thing she'll do is kill you all." 


@@Meson Bolt,


"You must want it, Foray I will not force it on you if if that means your death." 

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At this point Second Sight had seen enough. He turned to travelture.


"Travelture, I don't know what's so important about this village, whether it's abandoned or not, but she needs proper medical attention ASAP."


Second Sight paused half a second to think.


"We need to stop by a proper settlement and wait for her to recover. The wasteland is merciless."


He snatched travelture' snap and spread it on the ground, beckoning Ivy over.


"There's a major settlement nearby that I've been hiding from Ivy here. This place is more than a toxic dump. It's a standing village"


"We'll head there first and wait for Foray's recovery, unless you want a dead pony in your hooves"

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Feeder said as he placed the water bottle in and walked up to Second Sight,

"I may not look like it, but I'm an actual doctor, I travel around Equestria, helping any living creature, so I know about sicknesses, diseases, and the anatomy of every living creature. "


Travelture grabbed the map and said, 

"I've been here in my younger years and it's fine, but I haven't been here for years. So I don't know what changed in the past few years."

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"we need to still move her though to this town and even then what of it since you have last been, living things that does not include me then haha, I can carry her if needed it should not be too hard for me or what but she is in no condition to move so it's not going to be easy regardless of what happens."

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In the midst of all the talking and discussion, Foray had managed to take a few sips of Feeder's tonic. In a few minutes her queasy stomach had been relieved, though she still wasn't feeling any stronger as she was clearly both dehydrated and hungry. "I told them to leave me... the fools..." Slowly she raised her hoof, as though she were vying for attention, before another wave of pain shot through her stomach. A gurgling noise came from her guts, but she wasn't able to puke anything as she hadn't had anything to eat.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Second Sight noticed Foray's gesture, and waved a hoof to shush the other's.


"Quiet, you all, Foray wants to speak: it's her call after all"


He brought a bottle of water to her mouth, in case she needed it. All that vomiting would have dehydrated her pretty quickly

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@@, @@reader8363, @@Orbit


Taking another quick sip from the water bottle to temper the burning acid in her throat, she mumbled, "I... just wanted to warn you guys, that... I don't think the big scorpion thing... ever stopped following us." She turned her head ever so slightly and nodded towards some oddly-shaped tracks behind them.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture looked behind them and said with a nod,

"You might be right. Those tracks look like the scorpions."


Ivy grabbed her shotgun and filled it with spiral carved shell and said as she went to the back of the group,

"If the scorpion pokes its head up, it won't like what these shells can do."

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@@reader8363@@Meson Bolt,@,@,


"Soo, are we going? Don't want to stand in the open" he reloaded his rifle one more time, in case he will need it, this rifle have some issues, one of them was jamming, and fixing this was pissing him off. Cyan looked around at ponies, and at the scorpion marks, nah not really a theat.

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Second Sight nodded his head in response.


"I agree with Simon." He stated, starting carry his end of Foray's makeshift 'Carriage'. "Let's get a move on. Standing around isn't gonna bel anything. We wait around too long, and the scorpion might just call it's friends."


He pulled out his revolver from under his cloak, the stainless steel shining in the sunlight. He spun the barrel, satisfied by the clicking sounds it made.


"Forget shotgun shells, let's see what a .45 shot can do to Scorpion shell."




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@@@Orbit,@@Meson Bolt,@,

Ivy turned to Second and said,

"These shells will have electricity running through them, "


Travelture said as he got moving,

"Yeah, let's go."


The Scorpion ducked under the sand and started following them without a trace of it moving towards them, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.


A few hours passed and the sun was high in the air, the scorpion kept following them as they headed to Travelture's home.


Beast got out of the bag and started moving with them, making holes from entering and exiting the sand. 


Travelture looked  at his map and said, 

"We're almost there and has anyone been to the badlands. That is probably my next place to visit"

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After about half an hour of an on-and-off cycle of vomiting and coughing, Foray had managed to sleep through a few hours without waking up, however Travelture's announcement awoke her. The sun beating down on her only served to worsen her already blazing fever, but didn't help warm up her freezing body either.


Murmuring something unintelligible as she stirred, she lifted her head slightly, jade-green eyes half-open and asked, "Wh-where... are we?" A few coughs followed, and then, "Are-e... are we there yet?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt@,@@Orbit,@,

Travelture turned around and said as he sat down and looked at the sky 

"Not yet, just one or two hours to the landmark, then 10 to 20 minutes to the bed. Are you feeling any better?"


Ivy sat down and said, "Well the scorpion hasn't shown its head in a while. I guess it took off." 

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The mare groaned. "A couple more... hours?" She didn't mean for it to come out whiny, but at this point, she didn't care enough to change her tone of voice. "I'm feeling... a little bit better... don't feel like vomiting anymore... I'm really... really hungry though..." She coughed once more, jarring her insides painfully.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt@@reader8363@,@,



Sun was hot, wasteland without shadow, Cyan was sweating and almost empty his canteen "Egh... Hours ya say? We should look for some place to rest" He rub off sweat from his forehead and heard Foray "Just don't vomit it a'right? Don't have mutch of it" Cyan put half of his bread on crib next to her "Got lucky finding it" Cyan looked behind to see that scorpion track disappear, no way he just leave after all this tracking.

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Summer just stopped and looked at Cyan, "really, REALLY?! grrr, why I ought  to,,," Summer kept grumbling as she flew up grabbed a cloud then brought it over them all and then kicked it a bit to make it rain a little at the back, she comes back down and rants to everypony there.


"Oh she's a vampire, oh she's gonna do vampy stuff, oh no pony ask her anything, oh what is it oh nothing I just you know work as a weather pony as a career or something pay no attention to me not only can she cure Foray or anything no I'm not here or anything."


Summer lowered her head and resumed walking, "you're welcome."

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Welp, it's probably radioactive but Cyan don't want to upset vampire more "Um... Thanks..." He cough a little and walk next to her "Soo... How did ya end up like it, I mean vampire... It's... out of the ordinary to se pegasus here, hell haven't seen one in years. And you are pegasus and vampire in one soo...." He scratched his head, yeah, better shut up

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