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private The Chronicles of Equestira


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A cryx bane colored mare covered in dirt stood at the top of a wilted hill. The grass no longer lush and green, dried out from the drought that had plagued her homeland for three years.

Her family's farm had long since stopped producing edible food. 


She kicked a lump of dirt, looking at it contemptuously. It was all HIS fault. She turned and reluctantly trotted down the hill, back to work. Work for the Empire. The stupid Empire that takes and takes. Never giving back to the ponies who starve, break their backs to support the heart of the Empire. 

No. The greedy bastard kept everything to himself. 

It disgusted Blu, the mare. It was unjust.  The thousands of ponies who were starving at the hoof of the tyrant was simply deplorable. 


Blu entered the farm. Harnessing herself to the plough. It was time to try to plant seeds again. 

After her family starved, all she had was the farm and the work she'd done since she was a filly.

   The plough pinched her wings, always had and made the job more uncomfortable than it already was. But she had no ponyelse to help her. Gritting her teeth she began to take the plough from one end of the large crop area to the other. 

It wasn't overly tiring for her, she was lithe and strong. She wasn't a big town pony by any means. 


Noon came and half her field was done. Taking this chance she dropped what little seeds she had left in the tilled earth. Willing, praying to Celestia that they would sprout this time. 

If she didn't start producing the King would have either her neck. Or her farm. And at this point she didn't know which was worse.

Edited by Crecious

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Agaricus grunted as he swung a heavy pick ax, into a large dark violet crystal. A small piece was chipped off, as it fell several smaller shards of crystal, hit the ground beneath him. It had almost been a year sense he lost his parents and the farm, during the siege of Canterlot. When Sombras Army began its invasion, Canterlot was its first target. The Canterlot guard had barley any time to mobilize its forces, or prepare any defenses. No pony was ready for a invasion. War had come to Equstria and Agaricus home was in the center of the initial battle.


When the battle began. Agaricus and his parents, hid inside the cramped cellar beneath the farm house. The sound of battle raged out side, the sound of collapsing timbers and stone signified the destruction of the home above them. The ceiling of the cellar, shuttered with each explosion that could be felt out side. Puffs of grey dust and chunks rock fell from the cobble stone ceiling above, threatening to collapse on top of the Earth Pony family


When the sound of war had vanished, as quickly as it appeared. Fighting could no longer be heard, nothing remained but a deathly silence. No pony in the cellar dared to make a sound above a low whisper. All they could do was cower in the corner listening to the silence above. Suddenly the sound of hoof steps could be heard, out side the cellar door. The hearts of the ponies in the cellar dropped. Whether the sound was of friend or foe, was impossible to distinguish. The door of the cellar suddenly and violently swung open. All that could be seen was the dark silhouette of two ponies with glowing green eyes.

Edited by Sporemane




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Once Blu had finished, she eyed her handwork with exhaustion. The seeds were planted, and the fields watered with what little water she had available. Even the nearby stream was running low.

She sighed and went to her cottage to make herself some oats. Something to fill her belly. Something that was sorely needed.


"I hate him..." She mumbled, referencing the King.

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Agaricus did not remember much after that. All that he knew now, was that he' a prisoner of war and his parents were missing. Shaking his head, Agaricus returned to his dreaded reality. He had enough of this prison life. Agaricus was going to bust out of the prison camp and find his family. Even if he didn't know where they were.


The prison camp was surrounded, by dark violet crystals that rows several feet in the air. Guards armed with spears were posted on top of the high walls, over looking the camp. Agaricus could not tell his plans for escape, to any pony in the camp, spies were every where. Bribed by extra rations, they would sell out there closes friends just for a little extra bread and water.


Agaricus had been studying the guards patrol patterns, for the past several months now. He discovered a blind spot in the south west corner of the wall. He would only have a few seconds, to pull off his escape, but that was plenty of time. Agaricus had been chipping away at the bottom of the crystal that supported the corner wall, while the guards were not looking. It had taken months of covert work, but with his last pick ax strike the wall was ready to give way. All the wall needed now was a good solid push and it would come crumbling down.


Agaricus gazed up at the wall and at guards rhythmic patrol pattern. Now was his chance while the guards were patrolling away from the corner wall. Agaricus summoned what little strength he had left in him and galloped full speed towards the wall. Agaricus hit the wall and a cracking sound was heard. The corner wall toppled over, hitting the ground with a loud audible thud. Rising back up Agaricus bolted through the gap in the wall. Agaricus actions had not gone unnoticed by the other ponies in the camp. Seeing a large hole in the wall of the prison, a stampede formed and charged for the gap.


Agaricus would not look back, as he made his way out of the prison camp. The sound of the screaming sirens and the shouts of the other prisoners escaping. Was all the information he needed. He had created pure chaos in his escape. Witch was exactly what he wanted. While the guards were busy rounding up the escaping prisoners, he would slip away in the confusion.

Edited by Sporemane




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