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private Domain (1x1 Rp with Meson Bolt)


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(OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/145811-domain-1x1-rp-with-meson-bolt/#entry4332759) 



Luna's moon shone radiant on the black sea that was the night sky, Strongly Indicating how late it was in the day close midnight. The chilling wind of the Equestrian wasteland blew freely throughout the dark night and directly into the mane of Quiet Storm: A Grubby, Iron colored Earth pony with a navy blue and orange colored mane and tail Carrying his trusty Bow and arrow. He was currently wandering through a forest near Los Pegasus, looking to scavenging any supplies he ran out of. As continued into the forest, he spotted a small unicorn mare trotting levitating a gun with her. Quiet quickly hid in a near bush drawing his bow. Perhaps he didn't have to get to Los Pegasus "Obtain" Supplies after all


@@Meson Bolt

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Foray's ears perked up and her eyes widened as she heard a noise coming from the bushes around her. Involuntarily letting a small gasp escape her lips, she quickly dropped the satchel she was searching through and ducked behind a shrub, levitating her gun cautiously. Her eyes darted around quickly, hoping to catch a glimpse of her onlooker.


"I don't know who you are, but if you're thinking about getting anything from this stash, beat it! I found it, it's mine, and I'm not afraid to shoot to defend it!" she challenged loudly, hoping to draw him into the open and training one ear towards where she thought he was.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


Staying true to his name, Quiet stayed silent moving slowly toward her direction until he spotted a satchel on the ground, It most likely contained the "Stash" The mare was yapping about. Realising this Storm drew his bow and rocketed an arrow towards the unidentified mare, He purposely missed only trying to unnerve the unicorn. Hoping she would run away and forget the satchel so he could take it. 

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Despite his utter silence, Foray's keen eye had already drawn a bead on the aggressor. Just before pulling the trigger, she noticed his attack incoming and dodged. The arrow grazed her left cheek, leaving nothing but a bleeding scratch. Growling in rage, she aimed her gun at the stallion and opened fire, her semi-auto pistol releasing a quick flurry of bullets in his direction, though her aim was questionable.


Ducking behind a tree after releasing her shots, she shouted as she reloaded, "Whatever's in there -- is it worth your life? 'Cause if you think it is you're selling yourself short!"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt


Quiet Storm was forced to dodge the incoming bullets, He grunted as he was grazed slightly in the leg while hurrying to another nearby bush, still not responding to the mare's immensely rhetorical question. It was clear the mare was growing more agitated. Storm slowly moved toward the tree he saw the mare hide behind and sent two arrows at the unicorn's leg this time intending to injure.

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Foray wasn't aware that her leg was exposed, and as such the arrow ended up taking out a rather generous chunk of flesh. Wincing and grasping the wound, momentarily letting her guard down, she flattened herself against the tree as the second arrow whizzed by. It took all that she was to keep from crying out in pain, but she didn't want to indicate that she'd been hit.


Levitating her gun around the tree, she unleashed a storm of bullets in his general direction, while still doing her best to remain out of sight.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt



Quiet Storm didn't react quick enough and he ended up getting hit on his already partially mutilated right ear lucky for Quiet the bullet didn't hit a critical part of his ear and he could still hear out of it even if it only was ringing sound, He let out a small eep as he fell to the ground only holding to his ear for a moment before jumping to tree landing in front of it. After giving himself a minute to recover Storm immediately hopped in front of the unicorn, attempting to spin and kick the gun out of her levitation field.

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Not really up to caring about her noise now as her assailant was quickly approaching, Foray tossed the pistol at him, hoping to distract him for a moment while she grabbed her crowbar from her saddlebag. The instant he swung around the tree, he would be met with a staggering blow to the face.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt


(Clever girl)


Just as Storm went to kick the gun he was surprised to find the gun had already been tossed at him, The side of the gun hit Quiet squarely in the nose causing him to stagger back and very nearly causing him to fall. It took him several seconds to become reoriented  before he charged once again attempting to tackle the mare.

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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(She is)


Ignoring the burning pain in her rear leg, Foray let out a feral growl and charged, leaping at her opponent and swinging the crowbar again, using the blunt end and trying to connect a blow to his head. She wasn't nearly swinging with enough force to break his skull, or even knock him out, but she wanted him at least stunned so he couldn't fire another arrow at her.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,



Quiet noticed the crowbar The little unicorn was carrying, and as she swung it Storm's natural reflex kicked it as his head just narrowly ducked under the attack. Quiet immediately tried to sweep his forelegs through his opposition, Hoping take out the legs from under unicorn. 

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Foray's wounded leg was hit by the attack, which screwed with her already shaky landing, if it could even be called that. Tumbling to the ground with an audible "Oomf...", Foray's crowbar tumbled a short distance from her. She caught it in her magic to prevent it from going too far, and then quickly shot it back, sharp end first, at her attacker, buying herself some time while she struggled to stand.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt


Quiet Storm had predicted The mare retaliation, jumping back before the crowbar had even to be moved. His reaction gave him just enough time to bat the crowbar out the way, sending it flying out of the reach either pony. Quiet then stood over the mare drawing his bow aiming it at the unicorn's face, Quiet decided to speak. "Look, I don't wish to kill you. I just......really need your stuff to survive. If you could hand it over that would great, I don't want to do this." His voice was extremely deep and low. Only loud enough for the mare to hear.

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Foray's growling lowered, though it never really stopped and remained as she was subverted. Her weapons far out of reach, the only thing she could do was stare defiantly at her opponent. Locking her eyes onto his, as though the sheer power of her hatred would blind him, she slightly constricted her gaze onto the tip of the arrow, then the bow, then him again.


"Fine... fine... you don't have to..." she muttered, still panting. She was doing her best to make her voice seem calm, despite the fact that she was trembling not only with fear but out of exhaustion. "Just... please... stop pointing that thing at me..."


Almost an instant after she made the request, her horn glowed brightly as she applied pressure to the bowstring. From the way he was holding it, it wouldn't take much to snap it, and she was forcing all her energy into making sure it did.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


 Quiet instantly caught on to the unicorn's attempt to break his Bow and Arrow, He sighed disapprovingly before jerking weapon back under his control and tossing it out of the mare's range. "So be it then." Quiet said faintly and somewhat glumly. He leaped twisting in the air attempting to send his right hindleg crashing into back of the unicorn's skull. The maneuver was likely to knockout his opponent as it was pulled off flawlessly and would be difficult to evade.

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Attempting to catch his hind leg in her magic only served to change the trajectory of the blow -- she took the brunt of the hit on her muzzle, jarring her face sideways and knocking her over. Tumbling down a steep incline into a ditch, her midsection smacked audibly into a tree, which abruptly halted her descent. The crack that she'd heard and the burning pain in her chest spelled out who was the victor. At this point it she knew it was useless to keep fighting, and only hoped that he would spare her.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


Quiet Storm watched on stoically as the mare tumbled down the slope before being crudely halted by a tree. The sound of a wicked crack was easy to be heard shortly after the collision, confirming that The Stallion had won the bout. Quiet then went to retrieve his bow and arrow and the satchel before shortly returning to the mare lifting her up his back. He started walking off, intending to find the mare some kind of treatment for her injuries 

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Fortunately, Foray's cracked rib hadn't punctured her lung, but she didn't feel very well as she was hoisted up onto his back. Still conscious even though she was in enormous amounts of pain, her heavy and forced breathing indicated that she was still hot-headed and volatile, albeit confused as to where he was taking her.


She feared he was a slaver taking her back to his camp, or worse, to a prison camp, but at this point she was at his mercy.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt


Quiet Storm walked aimlessly throughout the forest, examining his surroundings carefully wishing to find a medic that might have inhabited the forest though that was unlikely. After a little more wandering Storm started to talk, opening his muzzle and softly saying: "Do you know any medics around here?"

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Trying to speak only served to sharpen the pain in her guts, and Foray ended up coughing rather than saying words. Gritting her teeth, she shook her head slowly.

Why was he concerned? She thought that he'd just kill her, or at least incapacitate her, take the caps stash and leave. What he wanted with her was undiscernable, but she still didn't want to trust him.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


Quiet sighed and began searching the forest once more. Minutes passed when Quiet and the mare stumbled upon a small village made up entirely of tents. Storm softly laid The unicorn down and investigated one of the marquees, fortunately the tent was empty bar a few haystacks scattered inside the place.


Quiet returned to his companion hoisting her up on his shoulders before trotting inside of the tent and laying the mare out on a stack of hay. The Stallion went back outside and ripped a wad of grass out of the earth, spitting on it. He reentered the tent and pressed the wad of grass on the mare's most prominent cut halting most of the bleeding


"This is the best I can do, tomorrow I will hope to get you a medic. For now we rest."  

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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The initial shock had worn off, and though the area in her chest was still sharp and painful as ever, Foray managed to get her breathing under control, save for a few infrequent coughs. Feeling relieved as she was set down, she took a few minutes to wrap her mind around what just happened before scanning her surroundings. Propping her wounded leg up on a crate, she turned her head towards her assailant and mumbled, "Th-thanks..." before a cough cut her off.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt


Quiet didn't say anything, continuing to hold down the grass on her wound. After about two minutes passed, he stopped applying pressure, leaving the lump of turf on the cut. Quiet got up and exited the tent, taking his bow and arrow with him, Storm trotted cautiously into the open, peeking inside each tepee in an effort to see if any other ponies lived in the encampment. The first two were empty, but as he looked into the third he spotted a pony, Said Stallion was very grimy and covered in a armour with sharpened spikes placed on it.


"Raiders I should have known." Storm remarked quietly, He went back to the tent he found.


"There are raiders, we'll have to wake up before them if we wish to get out of here unsathed." He said to the injured mare, plopping himself down on the one of the haystacks. 

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"So he brought me to a raider camp. Great, just great..." she thought, momentarily able to take her mind off the pain in her chest and leg. "Celestia, do you hate me? I get attacked by a moron, break a rib, get carried to who knows where, and now am sleeping in the same tent as some bloody raider? Is it some kind of joke, or am I just getting due karma?" Taking a moment to look him over, she thought, "Well... may as well get to know him, he's not going anywhere." 


Shrugging off her saddlebag to prop her head up on it, she turned towards him and asked, "What's your name?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


"I'm a nobody, And I know what you're thinking: No, I'm not a raider, no I didn't mean to bring you here, and no I didn't want to hurt this bad. I just needed some bits to pay for a tiny scrap of food, If I'm not able to pay I'll likely starve though I doubt you really care." Quiet sighed, shaking his head thinking about the injuries he gave the poor mare and the situation he put her in.  "Not that I blame you anyway, I shouldn't have done this. I should have just let you go, but......you know what." He said pulling out the gun he batted away earlier, having grabbed it just before the two left their initial meeting place.  He passed it to the mare.


"I checked the gun there's a few bullets left, Just shoot me I don't even want to live anymore."

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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