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private a curious adventure 1x1 between cwhip9 and emeraldbolt


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OOC link https://mlpforums.com/topic/146072-a-curous-adenture-ooc-1x1-between-cwhip9-and-emerald-bolt/


The thief was in his sights and coolwhip was close on the heels


"The goose is mine coppers!" said the angry unicorn as he dogged his way through the main streets hustle and bustle.


Coolwhip the blue earth pony was getting annoyed, "why dose every chase need a corny line?" he said thought out loud.


The blue earth pony  dogged what obstacles that came his way soon seeing and opening as the suspect made an mistake. While this bandit was a decent galloper levitating a annoyed goose in a cage was wearing the unicorn down. Coolwhip jumped from one taxi pony roof to the other zig zagging in between the cars and jumped on the suspect pinning him down.


"Please shut up as I read the Miranda, and stop saying badly written cop show lines. You under arrest for stealing the righteous goose of canterlot anything you say now will be a bad idea in court unless you have one hey of a good lawyer" said the blue pony


The crowd that soon gathered were half amazed and perplexed at what looked like a young colt pinning down a full grown stallion.

Edited by cwhip9
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A youngish Crystal mare made her way to the scene, "come on now folks nothing to see here move along let the cop do his work." The crowd dispersed somewhat in a few moments. She walked up to the pair as the suspect continued to squirm. "you need any help with this fella?"   

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coolwhip didn't even look up addressing the mare that aproched "if you could secure the goose before it flys away that would save me a hey of trouble mam"


"ge off you little colt!" said the squirming thief


coolwhip rolled his eyes "what did I say shut up!" he head butted the thief knocking him out. the earth pony got off the suspect rubbing his head with his hoof


"ow...that wasn't as painful as I planed gah, why do ponys do that to each other" he rubed his head. a phone was herd and coolwhip pulled out the cell phone from his scarf


"yes, ya I have him, no nopony else was hurt now get over hear and bring some ice cream" he looked at the mare holding the phone away "by the way what street am I on mam?" he asked

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"um one moment" Crystal looked at the street corner to see the street name, she turned back. "we are on Luna's Avenue, on the intersection with Pegasus Drive." She walked over and looked at the goose in the cage and put her hoof on it. "it's not going anywhere." With a smile. What's up with the goose anyway?

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"luna's ave by pegisi drive" the young looking pony said back into the phone there was a brief pause "right, yes he's unharmed just knocked out....he called me a colt what else was I supposed to do...shut up and get over here already" he closed the phone looking at it annoyed


"and this is why im not a cop to many strings" he shook his head getting up it still hurting."thanks names coolwhip hope I didn't interrupt your jam sound session during that whole chase" he said turning towards the mare extending a friendly hoof to shake  

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"Um not a cop, ok then." She shook his hoof, "Um well then I'm not really either but I do have some police powers from my contractor status, so anyway names Crystal Note, yeah I know it's not very original, don't mind the music." taking her earphone out of her ear. "I am always listening to music I go nuts otherwise, so what's with him?" pointing to the pony on the ground. 

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Cresent turned towards the thief "just wrapping up a case really, ever sense that goose went missing iv been in a very unexpected case evolving the thief before us or mr full shoes timber, a rather iriate reporter" coolwhip paused smiling a bit at the memory


"and now literally a goose chase and on hey of a head ach, want some ice cream after they pick him and the goose up? office meetings are boring" said the pony looking at crystal's head phones listening to the music blaring from them


"ah DJpony3 aka vinel wubs been meaning to see her concerts for a while" he said looking closely at them "also with heavy use you keep using them like that you might need new ones in...two months or just get your money back and canablize them into a finer head set" he said looking back up at the mare     

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"yeah I use them a lot, I have never paid for more than one pair always out use them before the warranty goes. So there is no need really, but sure I like Ice Cream when are the police due then?" Crystal now looked down at the cage looking at the goose. "A goose well tickle me pink."

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"well depending on traffic and the populance I will say about 4 more minuets, but waiting is boring" he said picking up a random newspaper that flew by, he found some gum on the ground and put the news paper on the thief. He then found a pen near by and wrote something on the paper


"the goose should be calmed down now lets get some ice cream" he said setting forward leading the way to, well he didn't know where


"ice cream after a case always is a goof treat espicaly after a boring one like this one was you wouldn't think a goose would be so important, but that must be the mare problem, goose he's trying really hard to save the marriage" coolwhip said looking up at the buildings they passed  

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"ok then, you seem rather keen to keep well your mind busy, that is kinda cool, like me and my music. Should we of just left him there I mean what if he wakes up?" Crystal keeps trotting next to him, "Why do I have a feeling you don't live here?" She gives him a good looking at.

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coolwhip smiled "ya I try to keep my mind working, getting bord is dangerous and, well boring and he wont wake up I hit him hard enough for this head ach to set in. and your right I'm actually from ponyville" said coolwhip feeling the crystal ponys eyes on him.


a side of him did admit she was pretty looking. based off her attitude she looked single, yet he was rarely and somties wrong on that end. His rational side also said she thought he was still a colt, he kicked that side of him to shut up and stop being a boring sour puss  


"and I trust you know your way around here being abel to drive away the unwanted crowd that followed me to their" he said still trotting and looking up. He hopped to not get a crane in the neck  

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"Um no actually, I just a rather commanding voice, one of the perks of being able to sing I suppose, I well don't all crystal ponies come from the Empire, I travel alot so I don't get back home too often, Ponyville?" Crystal has a puzzled look on her face. "there is something about that town that rings a bell, never been there passed it on the train." 

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"It might have to do with it being the home of princess twilight and the mane 6 but that number might change to 7 if my sources are right on that bit but that's another story" he gave the crystal pony


"something tells me your still seeing the world after sombra's whole rulling. and that kind of makes you probably the oldest pony I know counting being frozen in time which the empire really was all this time if you think about the whole wedding going down like it did as well. no you came to manhatten for if not music related then to see what has changed if im not correct and im letting you know, a lot really so im not sure about ice cream tho" said coolwhip seeing there wandering did pay off by ending up at a ice cream shop   

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"Um yeah you kinda nailed it on the head, I want to see the world like it is now, since technically i'm 1025 years old, but 25 is my real age a thousand years ago, I never left the Empire until we came back from where ever we actually went so it's all new I mean I lean't classical music at home, you know like the guitar and violin but I love techno it's awesome. You don't know where the ice cream shop is do you?"

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"no, no I don't know where the ice cream shop is but this city is big enough for more then 5 I would say, this looks like a decent one over here" coolwhip said leading the crytsel pony to the door opening it for her. Once the two ponys were in they both scaned the wall behind the cash pony


"your turn on deductions, its a fun game I play to get to know other ponys but I will admit I did have you peged younger around 24ish do to not knowing any crystal pony's. also let me know if you recognize any flavors if not always go for the mint coco best for the brain really" the earth pony said  

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"Um strawberries haven't changed in all this time, but neither have well all the other fruits, what is chocolate though I have not tried that yet, food has been a bit of a interesting journey on top of me exploring everyplace, food has changed since well. Wait since never I mean this is all new to me still is even now I mean I have been traveling around a lot in the past three years but well there is still so much that I am learning about." Crystal walks over to the counter, "one chocolate one please."  

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"make that two chocolates" said coolwhip moving behind the mare putting the bits on the counter

the cash pony did his thing with the money and ice cream, once the ice cream was out the two pony's found themselves a chair and table to sit at


"so your turn on deductions, lets see what you got on me" he said taking a lick from the ice cream

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"um let's see, your older than you look and have a temper about it, you work with the police but not for them, you are cocky, you like to keep mentally active your a gentlecolt paying for my Ice cream, your curious like me, and that's all right now." Crystal licked her ice cream.

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"not bad but, you still havnt gussed my age nore the origin of the scarf now have you. and i try to be a gentelcolt not going to lie the size thing is more of genetics then anything else really. but yes im a PI." coolwhip said pulling out a busness card from the scarf he had


On the card it said "coolwhip PI 332 ponyvill"


"odd question what were PI's like back then" he asked meaning the 1,000 years before hoof

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"I'm sorry what is a PI? The guard just handled all law related matters, before Somb..." A visible look of anger crossed her face, ",,,before the Empire fell, and I don;t know how to guess your age or anything about you scarf." Crystal took an aggressive lick of her ice cream, Sombra made her furious.  

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"Privite inestigator think a cop but with more flexibility or a detective if you will. then again most of my case's don't have me stay in ponyvill for long do to the nature of them. As for the age and scarf bit i'll let you think over them more as you get to know me. pluse you haven't slapped me yet with this game going on so you'll find out eventually" he winked at her.


Seeing the anger in her swell made him place a hoof on hers "and relax, he wont come back" he said trying to relax the mare

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"If he does I kill him my self or I'll fucking try...grr...calm down..." She took a few deep breaths and her face look a bit more relaxed than before, "just those mines aw I can't talk about it." then she raised an eye brow, "why would I slap you what for pray tell." She blushed a little from him touching her hoof.

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coolwhip smiled "well most mares when I play this game do when I do this" he looked at the mare hoof


"your still pissed off at sombra for doing what he did, its understandibul what pony wouldn't be but with that being said you need to be carful on how you watch that anger swelling at the mention of his name. And I know sometimes that's impossible at most when you have a reporter dogging you for questions on the crystal empire life that could lead into a scuffle if not a black eye which your not unfamiliar with giving" he then looked up at the blushing mare


"also, your single and not because you were surrounded by colts its mostly because you did have a lover at one point but after he tried to get to 2nd base with you he had a tamper tamprum about it, which happened before sombra had his fun hence why you haven't thought of a special sompony sense then" he paused looing at the ice cream giving it a lick


"then again you don't strike me as the slapping type of mare the more I think about it" he said

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Crystal licked her ice cream then gave him a grin, "nope you got that wrong there mister PI pony." but the smile went away again, "the truth is a little more sad than that so I will just stick with your guess it's nicer to think about, and no I'm not really the violent type I mean I'm prepared for it but I would prefer words to violence."

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Coolwhip was wasn't expecting that from the crsytel pony, but then again he still hadn't met many before that didn't involve a case, to change gears he said


"ok so i was 30% off or so, but enough about that soap opra stuff they have on the telly being sad is boring. you know i think half of those writers just write that stuff do to bad ice cream or lack of good flavors out there. speaking of how do you like the chockolet?" he asked

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