The Pixelated Pony 883 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 OOC: A warning siren sounded through out the ship as a large meteor headed towards the hull. "This is Sparkle J Sword from maintenance" Sparkle said appearing on the bridge's main computer "at the meteors current trajectory it will hit the connection between the hull and engineering deck in precisely... Now!" a loud crunching sound echoed around the ship as the meteor ploughed its way through the corridor. the screen went black and the automatic airlocks closed before the crew were sucked out through the gaping hole in the ship. the ship began to spiral around nearing a planet which was luckily in the right place at the right time. 2! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 (edited) Redwood was in the armory when the alarm came. She dropped the plasma rifle she had been polishing and braced against the wall. She began to swear profusely as the hull buckled and shook, throwing the weapons which she had carefully arranged off their racks. "Ah'm gonna be pissed if ah die," Said Redwood. Edited February 11, 2016 by crispy fries 2 My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Bradley 1,319 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 (edited) Drakk sighed as he lighed down in his bed. He wasn't even sure why he ever agreed to this expedition. Right now, he should be safe and sound in his home, taking care of Drake, making disastroud potions that would explode in his face... "Oh Celestia, I'm not going to be able to do any of that 'til this is all over" He thought with a frown as he stared up at the ceiling of the small room he had been granted. Really, the only pieces of furniture here was the bed he was lying on, a dresser, a mirror and a gardrobe with his uniform. Not exactly what he was used to, but it would do. His eyes began to droop as he decided that a nice little rest would be useful before his break was over. Drakk awoke, startled and scared, so much so that he fell down from the bed and face-planted onto the cold, hard metal flooring. A siren was going off in the background, aswell as a voice he didn't really listen to talk about a meteor or something. Too cautious to the grumpy, he got up from the ground and trotted over to his wardrobe, ready to get his uniform on and see what the problem was. Before he got there, however, the whole room jumped and started shaking, almost as if something had collided with it. If Drakk hadn't been cautious and careful at the moment, he would have been thrown right onto the door and outside into the hallway. "Oh Dear Sisters Above, was she serious about that meteor?!" Drakk yelled out loud as he decided to forgo the uniform, exit the door and head directly to the bridge. Hopefully he'll get some more information once there. Edited February 11, 2016 by Sansley 1 Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature! Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of FriendsAh, back to the classic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Shadow sat back in the chair and then the ship shook from the impact. He said as he worked with the console trying to stop the ship from spinning, "Of all the things that could go wrong on this mission, it had to be a freaking meteor. If this doesn't stop anytime soon, I'm going to be sick." 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J.R. 3,183 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Karas was at its position outside of the captain's cockpit, as it felt the ship shake, "What the--? A meteor?" It started to perform a check around its area of operation, "We better brace for impact. If everything goes well, we should probably make it..." It pulled up its PDA, checking the status of the ship, "Come on...." 2 Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. My Youtube Channel IB's Profile Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 February 11, 2016 Author Share February 11, 2016 the ship split in the middle and the maintenance deck slammed down into a large lake covering Sparkle in rubble. with no thrusters the main hull began to fall from the sky. Sparkle looked around her PK - 45 laser pistol falling in front of her she tried to get up but a large panel was pinning her hind legs to the ground. she pushed the button on the emergency radio transmitter "T...thi...s is S....parkle j swo...rd i...m tra...pped in th...e m...antinance deck on... ES....A 56...29 ... i...m sin...king... if....yo..u ca....n hea...r thi...s s...end...he...lp." 1! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 (edited) The armory landed in a clearing a few kilometers away from the rest of hull, and Redwood wasn't seriously injured. She picked herself up from the wreck and took a look around. There were no survivors beside her, but there were some salvageable weapons lying around, and the broken ones could still provide parts. Redwood's radio crackled as she heard the distress call. She grabbed a working multiplas rifle and headed towards the signal. Edited February 11, 2016 by crispy fries 1 My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J.R. 3,183 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Karas ran into its security room just before it split apart. The security cameras, and PDAs all went out as it crashed a mile away from the other parts. It looked around; there was nothing around him but rubble and pieces of equipment, "Hm....what to do about this..." It heard the signal as well, and decided to move. It gathered some of its equipment, and started flying towards it. 1 Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. My Youtube Channel IB's Profile Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Shadow got off the floor and brushed himself off, then he checked the console. They were damaged in the crash. He slammed his fist into the wall and said as he walked out of the cockpit and walked for a bit, "This is just great, the console's busted, the ship is wrecked, we're stranded on this freakin planet." 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 February 11, 2016 Author Share February 11, 2016 The water had begun to slowly trickle into the maintenance deck and started on its way towards the radio equipment causing it to short out and shut off the radio. nothing could be heard from sparkle or the remains of the maintenance deck. in one last attempt to make the crew aware of her position she fired the deck's laser cannon up in the air to act like a flare of sorts and then she blacked out. 1! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Redwood saw a laser blast go up in the distance. It looked like somepony was calling for help, and it was in the direction of the distress call. She rushed over to it as fast as she could, and came to a large lake with the maintenance deck of the ship sinking into it. Redwood swam towards the wreck and saw a crew member in one of the windows. She dove down into the ship and grabbed her, pulling the crew member out of the sinking wreck and bringing her to shore. To Redwood's relief, she was still breathing. 1 My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 (edited) @@crispy fries, @, Shadow saw the beam of light and walked over to it. He watched someone jump into the water and drag a body out. He walked over to the two and said as he rotated his neck and reached into a portal and produced two blankets, "Are ya two okay and do ya need a blanket to warm up." Edited February 11, 2016 by reader8363 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 February 11, 2016 Author Share February 11, 2016 Sparkle woke up when she felt hooves dragging her away from the ruins. her legs weren't in good shape if the metal had gone any deeper it may have completely severed her one of her legs. luckily the bone got in the way and prevented her leg becoming amputated it was only then that she realized how much pain she was in. she looked at the Capitan "a med kit would be nice sir." Sparkle said as she held onto her injured leg. 1! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Bradley 1,319 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Drakk slowly fluttered his eyes open as a mild headache wormed it's way into his head... Where was he? Drakk wasn't sure. He remembered running through a hallway and, then... Just black. Did he pass out? Get knocked unconscious?... ..."Yeah, that's probably what happened" He concluded as he pushed some rubble off of him to stand up on his hooves. Once that was done, he looked around, only to see pitch-black darkness. Well, situations like these are why he finds his horn useful. A simple concentration of magic directed to the horn, and the whole place was lit up. Though, it wasn't that large of a place. It seemed really small, actually, about the size of a shed. Checking out the place now that he had a source of light, he noticed that there were no exits. No ways out. He was trapped between the rubble of the hallway, sealing him in an eternal prison. "... Luna damn it" He muttered as he trotted around the small space. He did not have enough strength yet to break the rubble loose, and even if he did, the whole thing would collapse on his head. After a bit of looking through the rubble that could be moved, he found some interesting things. A pack of playing cards, a box filled with cookies, a bottle with the name "Applejack Daniels" on it, and finally, one of those "guns" that sends a bit of electricial discharge through the Tesla-Coil-Like front. Nothing dangerous, but could seriously disable something's neural systems for a while. "... Alright then, guess some good 'ole fashioned Solitaire should pass the time" He said to himself as he opened the pack of playing cards, even stopping for a moment to admire the Queen of Clubs, which had a picture of Princess Luna painted on. And so, he began wasting his time, waiting for something to come to his rescue... And hopefully not eat him. Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature! Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of FriendsAh, back to the classic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 @, Shadow nodded and said as he reached into the portal and pulled out a medical kist, "This will hurt." He removed her hooves off the legs to look at the wound, then he cleaned the wound and then wrapped it up. He laid down and said to himself as he look at the sky, "This is going to be a long time being here." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 February 11, 2016 Author Share February 11, 2016 @, Shadow nodded and said as he reached into the portal and pulled out a medical kist, "This will hurt." He removed her hooves off the legs to look at the wound, then he cleaned the wound and then wrapped it up. He laid down and said to himself as he look at the sky, "This is going to be a long time being here." Sparkle gritted her teeth as Shadow applied the bandages. "yeah i suppose it is and with no engines i doubt we'll ever leave this bloody rock." Sparkle said watching the thrusters slowly sink into the lake until they dissapered never to be seen again (well at least until the plot needs them) " sir? can i ask you something? do you have any idea why we weren't alerted to the presence of a giant floating space rock earlier? surely the equipment in the bridge should've told you about it."! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J.R. 3,183 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 @,Karas would continue flying until one of the crew members were located. Karas looked down, and saw a giant pile of rubble on the landscape. It decided to investigate and see if he could find anypony in there. It flew down to the rubble, and trotted along the sides. It tapped its hoof along the mangled metal, causing an echo, "Hello? Is anypony in there?" Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. My Youtube Channel IB's Profile Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 @, "Don't know, must have had a bug, glitch, interference, or was tampered with. Forget the last one, there's no possibility with that one." He sat up and said, "do ya think you're alright to head back to the ship? If not, I could make a sled-like thing and have ya ride on that." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Redwood stood at attention and saluted when she saw the captain. "Sir, sergeant 1st class Redwood, master-at-arms, reportin'. Ah found this maintenance tech in th' wreck after she used a laser cannon to call fer help. What's left of th' armory is a few klicks out and there are still some salvageable weapons," She said. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 February 11, 2016 Author Share February 11, 2016 @, "Don't know, must have had a bug, glitch, interference, or was tampered with. Forget the last one, there's no possibility with that one." He sat up and said, "do ya think you're alright to head back to the ship? If not, I could make a sled-like thing and have ya ride on that." Sparkle beat her wings." i don't think i'll be needing either." She lifted herself off of the ground " don't worry about me Cap'in i'll be okay. i've survived worse... much worse..." Sparkle held her PK - 45 in her mouth her tongue wrapped firmly around the trigger so she didn't drop it! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 @@crispy fries, Shadow nodded and said, "How many weapons are salvageable and do ya think you can get them all by yourself?" @, He said, "Why don't you go see if ya can find the others, but push ya too hard." He got up and stood up on his hind legs and turned his back to make it less stiff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Bradley 1,319 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 @@J.R., Drakk was interrupted during his tries to fit a 3 of hearts somewhere by a loud metallic echo, aswell as a voice. He didn't know what the voice said, just that it was a voice. "Y-Yeah, Hello?! Is somepony there!?" He yelled as he quickly packed everything up and held it up in his telekinesis, aswell as the stun gun, just incase whoever knocked was hostile. He trotted up to the part of the rubble where he heard the clangs, and knocked the rubble, hoping whoever was outside heard it. Might aswell be his only hope out. He couldn't live on biscuits and this thing called "Alcohol" forever, now could he? "Ey, I'm in here! Get me out, please!" He pleaded to whoever was outside, hoping to the two sisters that they weren't a monster that could imitate voices. Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature! Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of FriendsAh, back to the classic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J.R. 3,183 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 @,Karas spoke out, in its voice that had an unintelligible gender, "Head of Security Officer Karas here. I'm gonna ask you to take 10 hoofsteps back away from the wall." Among the supplies he had, were C4 plastic explosives that were used for breaching purposes. It the C4 on the side of the rubble and flew back the same distance it told the pony inside. It held the C4 detonator with its wing, "Let me know when you've backed away. This is gonna be a big explosion!" Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. My Youtube Channel IB's Profile Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 February 11, 2016 Author Share February 11, 2016 @, Karas spoke out, in its voice that had an unintelligible gender, "Head of Security Officer Karas here. I'm gonna ask you to take 10 hoofsteps back away from the wall." Among the supplies he had, were C4 plastic explosives that were used for breaching purposes. It the C4 on the side of the rubble and flew back the same distance it told the pony inside. It held the C4 detonator with its wing, "Let me know when you've backed away. This is gonna be a big explosion!" "WAIT!!!!!!!!" Sparkle noticed what Karas was doing. "don't blow that part! do this one instead! trust me I'm a maintenance pony. i know what i'm doing." she said " try one of the more intact hull pieces your less likely to bring the roof down on him. it is probably for the best if we don't lose anymore crew members"! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 (edited) @@crispy fries, Shadow nodded and said, "How many weapons are salvageable and do ya think you can get them all by yourself?" Redwood thought for a second, and said, "Sir, ah'm not sure exactly how many are usable, but ah do think there's enough to go around, but ah don't think ah can get 'em all mahself. Ah can go back and get what ah can, but ah need a rendezvous point. Ah think it'd be best if th' pegasus came with too after he's done with blowing th' hull." Edited February 11, 2016 by crispy fries My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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