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private Art in Translation (1 x 1 Love Doctor Blaze)

Buck Testa

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@@Love Doctor Blaze

At first, ponies had thought Vinyl was slow. She didn't start talking when other ponies did; nor did she ever start talking at all. As hard as her parents had tried, she never uttered her first word. They had taken her to Doctors and Otologists, Psychiatrists and Psychologists, all before she had ever started schooling just to figure out what was wrong with her. It made her mother cry that she couldn't talk, and that made Vinyl cry in turn. She wanted to make some kind of noise to make them understand that she could hear them and understand them. 


That is when she had discovered music. At first it was melodic banging of hooves on pots, and then it was learning how to make Glass bottles singing different notes with her breath, and other makeshift little instruments out of household objects. Her parents were so happy that not only was she able to articulate in this way, she had seemed to find a special talent. 


Unfortunately, Foals tend to be mean towards things that are different. A filly who either couldn't or wouldn't talk for whatever reason was weird. 


Even now that she was a Full Grown mare, a successful performer known as DJ PON3, Ponies still tend to give her odd glances at her gestures and body language that operated as a replacement of speech. It was part of why she always wore headphones now a days. Why engage in the world when the world is so awkward to engage with you unless you are some celebrity in the middle of a concert?


When she spoke through her music, everyone loved her, but with out an instrument or a turn table she didn't have a voice to connect to ponies with. That voice was valuable, apparently valuable enough to be asked by the Enigmatic Rarity to come to her Boutique over some kind of business proposition. 


She pressed her headphones off of her ears and rapped on the door with her hoof, wondering how this was going to go. 

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@@Buck Testa,


Rarity has always loved being creative. When there was asked for ideas, Rarity was always quick to share her opinions and creative insights. However, she wanted to put her creativity into something. She wanted to leave a mark, and become a part of the Canterlot elite! Thus, her interest for fashion began.


Rarity was humming a tune to herself, as she levitated a tray with beautiful blue and silver teacups there was also some small cakes that where to serve as snacks. Before she placed the tray on the table, she gasped “Oh no! These expensive teacups don’t match my table cloth!” It was there she heard the knock on the door. “I’ll be right there darling!” Called Rarity with a sing like voice, as she replaced the orange cloth with a blue one. She adjusted it slightly to make it symmetrical and opened the door. She was pleased to see that it was Vinyl “Ah Vinyl. I’m delighted to see you, come on in” Said Rarity as she moved to the side.


Truth be told, she has never spoken to the DJ in question, but she knows of her muteness. This was going to be interesting!


OOC: You should change the thread to private, just in case some new member mistakes this for an open RP :)

Edited by Love Doctor Blaze
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Vinyl Nodded graciously and gave her best smile. Usually she'd keep her headphones up and just lipread with the pony she was talking too, but when it came to business it was best that she heard them clearly to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings. Her vibrant mane swayed a bit as she swayed into the boutique and looked for a place for them to conduct their business, whatever it may be. 


Her eyes scanned the room, taking in the fabrics and tools that were both chaotic and yet seemingly organized. She was planning something big, she could spot an inspiration mill when she saw one. It kind of reminded her when she would look at pictures or listen to sounds to get inspirations for beats and melodies. Some times she would only find a scrap of a song here, a dab of a song there, and then while she was in a shower or in the middle of sleeping it would weave itself together into something that crowds would rave about for years after it was done. 


She smiled, pulling out a pen and notebook from her saddlebag and wrote out two bold words and showed it to rarity 


"Organized Chaos"


and she gestured in approval towards Rarity's inspiration room. 

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@@Buck Testa,


Rarity giggled in delight "Oh my, seems like you have quite the eye for artists, hmm?  Yes this is indeed what somepony would call organized chaos” She took out the chair for Vinyl, and sat down on the opposite end “So let’s discuss what I called you for here today” She elegantly cleared her throat “I’ve heard from ponies around town that you where a brilliant DJ, and potentially the next star. So I bought some music and gave it a go, and I must say that compared to everything else that I’ve listened to, something caught my interest.” She took out a clipboard “I noticed that compared to the empty beats I hear from some pony else, your seems to have passion in it. In addition, the music you play, it rather speaks to me. It’s as though I hear a message in your music” She put away the clipboard.

“So Ms. Scratch. I have a fashion line coming up, the theme is heroic and noble. So could I trust you to fix up some music for that? Oh and here is the contract. You probably want to read it through” She hoofed her the piece of paper

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@@Love Doctor Blaze

The contract floated up to her for her to look it over, pulling down her glasses in the process to reveal her vibrant magenta eyes. Their was a hint of an untamed energy in her scanning eyes, yet the spoke of the intelligence behind them as well. As she glanced it over the contract and its stipulations her notebook swiveled in the air, allowing the pen to scrawl out a message in front of Rarity 


May I See The 




While she took in the Contract, she also took in everything in the room that could be used for an impromptu musical instrument. It was just something she did on instinct and something that she would work into her demonstration if she liked the designs enough. 

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@@Buck Testa,


Rarity gasped "Oh yes! Of course! Excuse me for a moment darling" Said Rarity as she got up and rushed for the closet room. She pushed away the curtains revealing 3 outfits. The first outfit was made of golden tuxedo and had a dark blue cape behind it. Under the tuxedo was a blue formal shirt, encrusted with sapphires on the outside of course, or else it would hurt to wear it.

The second outfit, contrast to the other. Was a dark trench coat, with a red mask that was encrusted with rubies. On the sleeve and on the edges of the coat there were some more red to compliment the mask

The third outfit was a dress. It had all the colors of the rainbow, and for each color of cloth, there was the same colored gem. However, what truly stood out was the top hat. It was made purely out of crystals and shined when the light touched it.


Rarity pushed the dresses out for Vinyl to see. She walked dramatically over to the first one “A retired war hero attending the last gala with the love of his life.” She progressed to the next one, and made a mask like hoof gesture over her face “The dark and mysterious, masked assassin. Sneaking through the night with his blood stained sleeves” She then went over to the last one, and took off the hat and pointed it towards the window. Making the sun, shine on the crystals, which created a rainbow like illumination “The love of the first mentioned outfit, and a kind and generous former queen who also helped a lot during the war”


Rarity looked excited at Vinyl "So, what do you think?" Asked Rarity, restlessly moving her hooves around. She loved to make a bit of backstory for her dresses, it gave them some character which is something she loves! Plus they were kind of inspired by a novel she read.

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@@Love Doctor Blaze

Vinyl looked at the three of them, getting lost in the melody that was forming in her head. Her horn glowed, lightly vibrating crystals and gemstones around the room that contributed to the organized chaos, starting off a build up of notes that harmonized together. her hooves began to move and signaled a deep percussive sound in the floor that was stretched out, accentuated in powerful notes singing from Wine glasses and gemstones before all of it calming down to a soft hum. 


Thread grew taunt and began to strum like a deep bass as one of the particularly fine crystals sang out its warbling notes so clearly you could almost hear words accompanying it. It was like the voice of a mare, Powerful yet feminine that seemed to almost come from the rainbow dress, accompanied from notes from nearly everything else that composed themselves into something awe inspiring, conjuring images in Vinyls head about heroic efforts on the battlefield, passionate love, betrayals long past, and lives well lived. 


the music built up intensity as the Mare like notes grew in intensity, the percussion picked up as well, all of the different notes blended together, a bedrock of culture and power melded with the warbling melody of the Crystal. It was as if Vinyl had painted the life story of these Three outfits with each note that was stroked with the objects around her house. 


When she found the natural end to it, she concluded it with finesse, setting everything in the room exactly as it was while some of the last flavors of the exotic music wafted for the last time through the air. 


In the silence that followed, she lifted her note pad and scrawled out 


How's that for a 

Rough draft?     

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@@Love Doctor Blaze

Vinyl looked at the three of them, getting lost in the melody that was forming in her head. Her horn glowed, lightly vibrating crystals and gemstones around the room that contributed to the organized chaos, starting off a build up of notes that harmonized together. her hooves began to move and signaled a deep percussive sound in the floor that was stretched out, accentuated in powerful notes singing from Wine glasses and gemstones before all of it calming down to a soft hum. 


Thread grew taunt and began to strum like a deep bass as one of the particularly fine crystals sang out its warbling notes so clearly you could almost hear words accompanying it. It was like the voice of a mare, Powerful yet feminine that seemed to almost come from the rainbow dress, accompanied from notes from nearly everything else that composed themselves into something awe inspiring, conjuring images in Vinyls head about heroic efforts on the battlefield, passionate love, betrayals long past, and lives well lived. 


the music built up intensity as the Mare like notes grew in intensity, the percussion picked up as well, all of the different notes blended together, a bedrock of culture and power melded with the warbling melody of the Crystal. It was as if Vinyl had painted the life story of these Three outfits with each note that was stroked with the objects around her house. 


When she found the natural end to it, she concluded it with finesse, setting everything in the room exactly as it was while some of the last flavors of the exotic music wafted for the last time through the air. 


In the silence that followed, she lifted her note pad and scrawled out 


How's that for a 

Rough draft? 


Rarity was flabbergasted. That music was so refined! So full of passion and character! She could feel herself tear up a bit, so she quickly whiped it off to preserve her makeup. "That... That was amazing..." She looked down on the note "Rough draft?! That was already amazing!" She poured herself some tea and drank it. She let the refreshing warm liquid run down her throat, and into her stomach. This made her relaxed and let her regain her common sense "Sorry about my little, uhhh... Freakout." She folded her hooves together and looked into her magneta eyes with her brilliant sapphire ones "So shall i take that as a yes? If so then i shall relay the location for the show, and other details"

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@@Love Doctor Blaze

Vinyl smiled warmly and applied her signature to the contract, seeing nothing out of sorts or underhanded about it. She could count only a hoof full of times when she didn't have to request some revisions on stipulations on ponies whom tried to write in loop holes to swindle her out of her money. With Rarity being an artist as well as a trusted friend of the Princess, she supposed she shouldn't be to shocked at how genuine a contract from her would be. 


She looked up to see that Rarity had teared up at her display and gushed over it. She rubbed the back of her head and waved it off, blushing slightly at how much she appreciated her song. Vinyl jotted down another note on her Paper 


 The notes were already there,

Woven into these brilliantly 

Crafted garments


She looked into Rarity's eyes. 


I may not be able to speak

but the world around me

Speaks their rhythms

and patterns every day.

Life speaks art.

Artists can only try to translate it's



she smiled warmly, passion for the arts evident in her eyes as she lightly ripped out the page from the note book and set it on the table, scrawling another message on a fresh piece of paper. 



I can tell you have the

eye to spot the language

of art as well. You speak

it quite fluently.

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@@Buck Testa,


Rarity blushed at the statement "Oh my, you are making me blush!" Said rarity with a dismissive hoof, she leaned in closed "But please do continue" Said the elegant fashionista. Her eyebrows lifted in curiosity at her next statement "The language of art? Hmm... That is quite the interesting topic. But i think you must have seen wrong, i am not THAT talented" said Rarity as she put away her beloved clothes. Happy that Vinyl has signed the contract, Rarity smiled in appreciation "Well, thank you for your time today miss Scratch. It was an honor communicating with you. You are welcome to stay if you don't have anything to do" Said Rarity, carefully avoiding the word speak because of obvious reasons

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