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private Legend of The Guardians


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Apples nodded in agreement, "Ah guess it's all we can do t'find some place safe n' sanitary for all'a these ponies. An' warm. Legend has it that those darn Windigoes will only stop when everybody makes peace- alive or not." He paused for a second, thinking.

"Are those caverns safe? Last ah heard, they were used as dungeons for the nastiest of things."

Phoenix groaned as he came to in the infirmary, his hoof reaching towards his throbbing skull. The unicorn glances around the gloomy interior, before slumping back and trying to recall the events before his unconsciousness.

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The Canterlot refugees, led by the remaining Guardians, continued their exodus to a new sanctuary. They had finally reached the great Underlot passages. The march was long, tiresome and boring. Endless tunnels seemed to stretch for miles with no suitable spot to set up a more permanent camp. All they could hear at the time was the echoes of their own hoofsteps.  But those echoes grew louder and louder. Nopony batted an eye at first but eventually the echoes became too loud to ignore. Imp stopped in front of the group and shouted: “HALT!”. Everypony suddenly stopped in their tracks and waited. The sounds of hoofsteps still continued. He recognized the rhythm; many ponies trotting in a synchronized fashion. It came from the darkness ahead of them. Imp readied his shotgun.


-“Something’s coming from the shadows. Brace yourselves!”


The Guardians positioned themselves in front of the refugees with their weapons pointing at the darkness. The sounds grew louder and louder. The passage in front of them lit up from torches and soon they could see what they were up against. Soldiers, but not from the Canyon. Their banners and the appearance of the sparkling soldiers gave away their allegiance; they were crystal ponies from the Crystal Empire. Imp slowly lowered his weapon in disbelief while muttering “What in bloody blazes?” The soldiers didn’t respond in a hostile manner despite weapons being drawn at them. Like they were expecting them. They halted in front of the Guardians in salute. A figure in impressive, blood red crystal armor stepped out of the crowd. It was a middle aged stallion with auburn coat, silver eyes and long, combed, golden man. At first he didn’t say anything and just quickly glanced over the entire group. After a quick examination, he finally spoke in a soft and calm voice:


o”You have nothing to fear from us, Equestrians. I am general Bladefall, chief-commander of the Imperial Guard of the Crystal Empire. We come on behalf of Empress Cadence to offer our aid.”


Imp gestured to the others to holster their weapons. He was still suspicious that an entire battalion of soldiers from the Crystal Empire would be so deep into Equestrian territory. The relations between Equestria and Crystal Empire have been very strained with the death of one of their ambassadors and collateral damage from the war into their borders. But he knew that he was in no position to ask question and needed their help. So he decided to respond humbly:


-"Sir, it's a delightful surprise to see that our old ties have not been broken. There are many here who're hungry, sick and wounded, and needs help immediately. We’d appreciate any support you can offer us."


Bladefall remained polite, yet one could sense the slight disinterest in his voice.


o"Yes, we had been expecting to find refugees down in the tunnels. But rest assured. Not far from here, we have set up a shelter for you. You will find food, water, newly built lodges and fuel for fires to keep you warm. We have also cleared the area of any hostile creatures lurking in the dark. I recommend you stay there for the time being. It is very cold above. I will have one of my scouts lead you all to safety."

Edited by Ironwood
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Rearguard nodded silently, following the Crystal Empire ponies into the tunnel towards the Unterlot Cavern. She looked at the shelters as they entered the cavern. Refugees from all over Equestria, and even some former Canyonites like herself, were sprinkled through the dwellings. She quietly stepped into an empty dwelling, laying her head down on the cold stone. She knew that whatever was happening up above, the Guardians were powerless to stop it.


Suddenly, shouting brought her ears to attention as she looked around. Staring out the door, she watched as Hidalgo, the one that had left before the battle that had claimed Hirsan, Deadwood, and Skytracker, stepped into the cave, flanked by somewhat heavily-burdened ponies.


"Set up heat generators over there, there, and one in the center here. Get the material fabricator set up over there, the aqueous accumulator here, and the hydroponics station as far from that cave wall as possible- Wait. Engineer, is that a door?" A pony next to him nodded, dragging what looked like a control panel to the door. Rearguard stood up, looking at the door.


"Hidalgo, don't open that door. I don't know why, but every fiber of my being says to keep that door shut." Hidalgo raised an eyebrow looking at her, then motioned at the massive door.


"It's a door to the surface, Rearguard. Someday, we might have to send ponies up if we are to survive down here. Unterlot isn't the only underground dwelling. Ponyville took cover in the Everfree Caverns, with heat generators, and the Canyon still lives, though barely. No pony was prepared for this winter, Rearguard. No one could have seen that even with the end of the war, the winter would still come." Rearguard looked to the side, frowning.


"Hirsan would have." Hidalgo looked to the side in anger.


"Well, he's not here now, is he?!"


signature by John Washington

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  • 4 months later...

Apples frowned, "No, he ain't. An' bickering ain't gonna change that. Hell, all it's gonna do is feed those damned windogoes!" He exhaled, exasperated.

"Look, we could be down here for a long time. Only way t'help ourselves is to stay civil. Sing songs, build or repair friendships. Re tell tales. Hirsan... would have wanted that. He's still here, he never left and never will." Apples' face screwed up momentarily, as if he were holding back a sneeze. "We're here now, that's all that matters."

Phoenix stared at the infirmary ceiling, every fibre of his body and head telling him to return to the numbness of unconsciousness. His mind, however, was rushing through the previous day's... if even, events. The underground wouldn't tell him the time, and his watch was broken, should he have the strength to look at it. All he could think about was whether the rest of his team was still alive... and Blue Rose...

Meanwhile, Jex sat next to a lantern, methodically cleaning his rifle of stains that would never come out, and scratches that were now part of it. What was normally with unnatural concentration, now the sniper was distracted; smiling like a school colt at the thought of Rearguard's impromptu kiss.

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Rearguard slid down against the wall, sighing as she stared up at the ceiling.

Hidalgo was right. Hirsan was not there, and this time, he was never coming back from the dead. Deadwood had even given his life for the cause, and had cast off the Elements one final time. Sighing, she stood up, and sat down next to Jex, nuzzling up beside him.

"It's probably going to be a long time before we can even go to the surface. I doubt we'll ever be ready to live up there again if we stay down here forever."



signature by John Washington

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  • 1 month later...

Imp and Bladefall walked side by side while inspecting the refugees. Imp couldn't contain himself over asking question of the presence of the Imperial Guard on Equestrian soil. But he was also deeply concerned due to the strained relations between the two nations. He went to about it carefully:

-"It is good to have some relief. The Wendigos are relentless and we have nothing to combat them. I hope lady Cadence sent you with a plan?"

Bladefall looked back at Imp with an ounce of distrust, but answered politely.

o"Well, in a matter of speaking. We will liberate the surface world from the Wendigos. But first there are many preparations that need to be done. One thing is for sure; we need end the hostilities from above. That is why the Empress sent us here..."

Bladefall stopped at his tracks and glanced over all the refugees in a line. He closed his eyes and held his hoof at his head. His head slowly turned over each and every refugee until he stopped at Manachin being carried by two others. He was deep in focus for 10 seconds until he opened his eyes again with a smile: "You thought you could hide from us beneath the earth, Manachin? Big mistake.” Bladefall signaled to a group of soldiers that quickly joined him. He continued: “For your crimes, not just to the Crystal Empire, but the entire world as whole, I am taking you in to face the Empress’ justice. Sieze him!” This caused to Imp to panic, as his worst fears has come to pass.

-“No wait! He is not your enemy! Manachin is of no threat to anyone. We need to…”

Bladefall quickly turned to Imp and interrupted him.

o”So you are all with him then? Good. His loyal subjects will not be spared either. Arrest them as well!”

The soldiers quickly surrounded the Guardians with their weapons draw, intent to make sure they could not escape. It was at that point Manachin finally broke the silence and exclaimed:

x”Hold it! There is no need to do that, general Bladefall. I shall come quietly, but none of these ponies have anything to do with me or my rule”.

Bladefall looked at him with utter disgust.

o”Why should I believe you, scumbag?”

x”You will hear me out first. I have information you will find useful. And then, you can do whatever you want with me. It would be in both our interests to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed.”

Bladefall didn’t seem convinced, but still intrigued enough to listen.

o”Hmm… Very well.” He ordered two guards to take over the two ponies carrying Manachin's stretcher. ”We will discuss this in a more private place.” Bladefall conjured up a dome of magic from his horn that separated him and Manachin from everyone else. The rest of the soldiers surrounded the Guardians, keeping a keen eye on them. They could do nothing, except watch as they talked to each other inside the sound insulated dome. Minutes after minutes went by until the magical dome dispersed. Bladefall seemed fairly pleased with the conversation. Even Manachin, as stern as he always looked, was pretty relieved too. Bladefall signaled to the soldiers to break formation around the Guardians and get back to their posts.

o”We have had a constructive conversation and has come to a few agreements. For one; I shall not arrest any you.”

Imp couldn’t tell if he was relieved or even more concerned to hear that.

-“Well, that’s always something…

Bladefall continued:

o”Manachin has surrendered and will be taken to the Crystal Empire for trial. He has also stepped down from his position as ruler. Equestria will become a part of the Crystal Empire, under the rule of Empress Cadence, from now on. Our objective is complete.”

Shock and confusion overtook Imp and everypony else.

-“That’s it? That is why you were sent here? To conquer Equestria? What about the Wendigos?!”

o”We have gotten a step closer to that. But there is one more thing that needs to be done…"

-“You mean…?”

o”Yes. Equestria was just one nation that needed to be dealt with. There is still the matter with Great Canyon. Either they submit willingly to the Crystal Empire, or we will take it by force. Either way, they cannot be allowed to be off leash. Once peace and order is restored, we can finally take steps in driving out the Wendigos and bring back warmth to the surface.”

-“This is foolish! Your priorities are completely misguided. The Canyon is covered in ice by now. How are you even supposed to survive on the surface?”

o”The Empress would disagree, whelp. It is important that all opposition is neutralized. And don’t you worry. Our magics will keep the cold away as we do our work. All we expect from you is to stay out of our way…”

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