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private The Reapers of the battlefield 1x1 with wubs

Love Doctor Blaze

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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/148348-the-reapers-of-the-battlefield-1x1-with-wubs/



Shen was sitting by the card-playing table. He was as usual the dealer, mainly because of his card control, and probably because he was the buffest guy in the inn, so he could prevent trouble easily. He was currently playing "500" And a person was close to winning, he was 20 points away from winning, which were easily acquired in this game. While waiting for the move, Shen was doing the spring with a deck he had in his hands "500!" Shouted the winner as he finally won. Some players groaned in disappointment as they lost their money, however there was one guy who didn’t like getting his money taken under his nose “OI GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY BACK” Shouted the angry warrior as he got up, ready to start a fight. Before he could attack however, a card came flying through the air impaling his armor to the wall making him hang awkwardly. The man looked at Shen with eyes full of hate


“PUT ME DOWN, THIS BASTART TOOK MY MON-“ Before he could finish, Shen spoke up calmly and sternly “Obviously you have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit” He walked over to him “Now either pack up and get the fuck out, or start acting like someone with a brain” The man hesitantly nodded, and Shen took out the card holding him and sat down “Can I have a strawberry sundae please?” Asked Shen. If he had to be honest, he mostly asked for something because of the waitress who worked here. She was probably the most beautiful and exotic girl he has ever seen, and she was likeable compared to the other women

Edited by Love Doctor Blaze
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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


"SYRIA! Order 63 for table 8!" Shouted the manager as Syria was busy serving out the orders for the busy and starving customers. "O-okay s-Sir!" She said to the recent customer. Quickly, Syria served the orders and started heading back towards the bar. Syria started making the strawberry sundae that he requested. Grabbing one of the best serving sundae plates, Syria started putting the banana in with the strawberry ice cream on top of the sundae. Finishing it off with the cream, she grabbed a spoon and placed it into the sundae. "Order number 67, Strawberry Sundae?" She asked, waking over to his table and placing it down. "Y-your order Sid.." She mumbled, starting to head back towards the bar.

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Shen took the sundae with an apreciative smile, he was however a tad dissapointed that she walked off with saying more. He could of course have tried to engage a conversation instead, but he was too shy to do anything. It's funny really, he could storm out on a suicide mission without fear, but talking to a girl with bunny ears was just something he didn't have the balls to.


"Yo Shen, we have a celeb coming in. Hit her with your most impressive song" Shouted the manager. Shen simply nodded, and gathered at the impresive stage that was build. Or impressive in that sense that it was in a mercenary inn. The instrument players were already gathered, except a piano player "Do we have a piano player somewere?" Asked Shen with his somewhat deep voice 

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Shen took the sundae with an apreciative smile, he was however a tad dissapointed that she walked off with saying more. He could of course have tried to engage a conversation instead, but he was too shy to do anything. It's funny really, he could storm out on a suicide mission without fear, but talking to a girl with bunny ears was just something he didn't have the balls to.


"Yo Shen, we have a celeb coming in. Hit her with your most impressive song" Shouted the manager. Shen simply nodded, and gathered at the impresive stage that was build. Or impressive in that sense that it was in a mercenary inn. The instrument players were already gathered, except a piano player "Do we have a piano player somewere?" Asked Shen with his somewhat deep voice


All of a sudden, Syrias ears perked up. "I-I'm.. A piano player.. I-if you want.. I-I could join in.." She asked shyly, placing Her empty plates down on the table and heading towards the impressive stage. Alright Syr.. You've been playing piano for 9 years.. Just don't screw this up or otherwise you'll be on the animals to adopt list.. You don't want that to happen.. Don't you.. She sighed, shaking her head. "I'm in.." With a confident voice. Sitting down at the piano, she started to excise her fingers by playing a very complicated but easy rupture. Once she was ready, Syria placed her fingers into position so that when they start, she'll follow along.

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Shen mentally fistpumped at the victory YES! Thank god that she was a piano player He looked over at her "The notes are one second page, judging from your little warm up, you know your stuff" He nodded at the other instrument players, and closed his eyes to the gentle piano that started playing. 




When the song started picking up intensity, so did Shens voice. He was putting his entire soul and passion on the line. He was nearly out of breath when the song came to it's end "And whispered in the sounds of silence" Sang Shen as he let the instruments finish the piece

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


As soon the instruments died down, Syria quickly faded the music, hearing the applause grew louder and louder. She smiled and stroked her hair back, receiving a couple of Awww from the crowd. She blushed gently, looking away from the crowd. Syria let out a gentle sigh and turned her head towards him. "Your voice was amazing.. I-I didn't know you could sing like that.." Syria said with a smile across her face. "Hey! Bunny sis!" A couple of tough strangers came walking in, calling Syria what she didn't like. "N-not them again.." Syria shivered. "Bunny girl! Get us a table now or we'll make you unable to walk for 10 years!" They shouted, a tear escaped her eye as she started walking over. "F-follow me.." She whimpered, leading them towards a 5 seated table.

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Shen smiled at her compliment, he rarely sang, but because of that he just might start singing more... His mood was however broken by some morons entering the bar and shouting mean comments at her, she started leading them to their table but Shen was not going to have any of that. With a speed that broke the sound barrier, a card flew and landed in front of the thugs. They looked shocked at the card, as Shen slowly approached them. He was adjusting his tuxedo as he talked "Manners maketh man." He picked up the card "Do you know what that means?" No answer "Then let me teach you" With those words Shen threw the crad directly in the foot of the first one, making him cry out in pain. The cry was however soon silenced by a knee to the face. He adjusted his tuxedo again "You fools have no manners, meaning you are not even men. You are a bunch of morons" He took out the card from the foot. It was stained with blood. So with a whip like movement he removed all the blood, in the face of the offenders. "Take that as a lesson. A man doesn't talk like that to a woman, now get the fuck out of this bar before i decide to rip a few heads off"

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Syria was surprised on how he protected her from the morons she had to deal almost Everyday of her life. Her ears went down as she felt so embarrassed of herself of being too weak in front of her personal enemies. "T-thank you... S-sir.. You.. Protected me from them.. I.. Don't know what you want in return for protecting me but.. I.. Can promise you it's free.. On the house!" She smiles, looking away from him. The morons decided that they were gonna come back later for the girl and then.. The stranger that protected her won't have a chance to protect her since she'll be.. Vanished out of nowhere. "Come on gang.. Let's get out of here before we deal with this guy here.. Using cards is just basically getting paper cuts over.. And over.. And over.." The leader chuckled, leaving with a terrified group of men behind him.

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,

Syria was surprised on how he protected her from the morons she had to deal almost Everyday of her life. Her ears went down as she felt so embarrassed of herself of being too weak in front of her personal enemies. "T-thank you... S-sir.. You.. Protected me from them.. I.. Don't know what you want in return for protecting me but.. I.. Can promise you it's free.. On the house!" She smiles, looking away from him. The morons decided that they were gonna come back later for the girl and then.. The stranger that protected her won't have a chance to protect her since she'll be.. Vanished out of nowhere. "Come on gang.. Let's get out of here before we deal with this guy here.. Using cards is just basically getting paper cuts over.. And over.. And over.." The leader chuckled, leaving with a terrified group of men behind him.

Shen shook his head "Repay me? Nope, this was obligatory for a man. However i do recommend that you change your patrols, to the card playing room just incase those thugs try to do something nasty" He bowed "My apologies, i forgot to introduce myself. The name is Shen AKA Twisted Fate. I'm a card dealer and sometimes singer. Ranked A on the mercenary list. As you saw i use cards as a weapon." He took out his hand "Can i have your name miss?"

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Shen shook his head "Repay me? Nope, this was obligatory for a man. However i do recommend that you change your patrols, to the card playing room just incase those thugs try to do something nasty" He bowed "My apologies, i forgot to introduce myself. The name is Shen AKA Twisted Fate. I'm a card dealer and sometimes singer. Ranked A on the mercenary list. As you saw i use cards as a weapon." He took out his hand "Can i have your name miss?"

Syria looked at him and took her hand out slowly. "T-the name is S-Syria.. Aka.. The master Breed.. It's nice to meet you too.. I'm ranked b on The mercenaries list and ranked 1st for most powerful girl on the planet earth.. So.. I'm kind of rare to find but.. Normally.. I would say these ears are a cosplay.." She sighed gently, shaking his hand gently.

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Syria looked at him and took her hand out slowly. "T-the name is S-Syria.. Aka.. The master Breed.. It's nice to meet you too.. I'm ranked b on The mercenaries list and ranked 1st for most powerful girl on the planet earth.. So.. I'm kind of rare to find but.. Normally.. I would say these ears are a cosplay.." She sighed gently, shaking his hand gently.

Shen nodded "Not bad. But why didn't you bust their facw in? As far as i know rank b is a pretty powerfull rank as well. Considering the fact we have to rank-H." He cleared his throat "Anyways, i was about to head out for a job, want to join me?" Asked Shen. Just barely hiding his blush under his hat. This was so out of character for him! He is a lone wolf!

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Shen nodded "Not bad. But why didn't you bust their facw in? As far as i know rank b is a pretty powerfull rank as well. Considering the fact we have to rank-H." He cleared his throat "Anyways, i was about to head out for a job, want to join me?" Asked Shen. Just barely hiding his blush under his hat. This was so out of character for him! He is a lone wolf!

Her ears went down gently, he was right. Why didn't SHE bust their faces? "I-I.. Don't know.. I'm just so... Scared that people might recognise me as a powerful being and.. Might try to steal my power away from me.." A depressing sigh parted from her lips before looking up at him. "S-sure.. It'll take off the stress from the work I've been doing so far.." Syria smiled lightly.

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Shen smiled and did another mental fist pump "Alright, let's depart then" Said Shen as he made his way over to the door. This was probably the most he have said in an entire day! He usually always said quietly since he didn't really care about other people. He opened the door for her "Ladies first" 

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Shen smiled and did another mental fist pump "Alright, let's depart then" Said Shen as he made his way over to the door. This was probably the most he have said in an entire day! He usually always said quietly since he didn't really care about other people. He opened the door for her "Ladies first"


A very soft blush spreaded across her adorable face as she gladly accepted the offer, leaving the building first. Once she was outside, Syria felt like this is the first time in her life.. She felt free from anything. No shouting, orders, complaints and violence.. Just gentle winds that whip her hair back and a purpose to live.

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A very soft blush spreaded across her adorable face as she gladly accepted the offer, leaving the building first. Once she was outside, Syria felt like this is the first time in her life.. She felt free from anything. No shouting, orders, complaints and violence.. Just gentle winds that whip her hair back and a purpose to live.

Shens footsteps were confident and had a sense of purpose in them. "Our mission is a simple goblin elimination in the western border, there are estimated about... 150 goblins, should be pretty easy" He suddenly started to feel nervous because of her being so keqr, so he took out his card and started doing the spring to ease his nerves

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Shens footsteps were confident and had a sense of purpose in them. "Our mission is a simple goblin elimination in the western border, there are estimated about... 150 goblins, should be pretty easy" He suddenly started to feel nervous because of her being so keqr, so he took out his card and started doing the spring to ease his nerves

Syria had a confident smirk across her face, ready to overtake whatever came in her way. Well, with help this time. "Hmm, seems kind of boring to fight them.. Can't a normal person fight them off than using up our power?" She asked, looking at the sky above her and back down to herself.

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Shen shook his head "Nah, soldiers are needed alive on the battlefield, so it's easier to hire us for a cheap job" Now that he was calm again he put away the cards "So, i have yet to see your weapon. Every mercenary in the inn has one" He took out his cards again "As i showed you earlier, my weapons are my cards"

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Shen shook his head "Nah, soldiers are needed alive on the battlefield, so it's easier to hire us for a cheap job" Now that he was calm again he put away the cards "So, i have yet to see your weapon. Every mercenary in the inn has one" He took out his cards again "As i showed you earlier, my weapons are my cards"

She nodded her head lightly and closed her eyes. "KAMA KAMA HA!!" She shouted. Suddenly the ground opened up a portal and a flaming sword appears from the depths of hell. Syria's eyes turned red as she grabbed the handle, the portal disappearing immediately. "Akateko!" Syria shouted, thunder clashing down onto it.

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She nodded her head lightly and closed her eyes. "KAMA KAMA HA!!" She shouted. Suddenly the ground opened up a portal and a flaming sword appears from the depths of hell. Syria's eyes turned red as she grabbed the handle, the portal disappearing immediately. "Akateko!" Syria shouted, thunder clashing down onto it.

Shen had already backed away, sensing strong magic. He heard her summoning words, and Shen instantly knew he had heard that somewere... Perhaps from an anime? "Impressive, my cards aren't that flashy when i summon them, but that would ruin my stealth so i'm fine with that"

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