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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The first time she blushed at Redwood (1x1)


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@@crispy fries,

Banner was walking around the outpost going to the barracks after some daily training when she saw her again, Redwood. Banner considered approaching her or at least saying hi before she went in it but all she did was blush and hold her head down so that she hopefully wouldn't see her. All the while she was beating herself up in her head. This had happened for at least the past week her routine often strayed because of her, whether Redwood was there or it was just Banner thinking about it to much. She didn't want others to think of her as this clumsy, air head mare but a strong soldier capable of doing almost anything, like how she was taught. However she just seemed to be off from time to time from others perspective, they knew she was strong but they saw when she was spacing out, they also considered talking to her but if they did it would basically be suicide to there ears as she yelled or assisted suicide as she has weapons.


Anyway she's passing by Redwood hoping to get things on track with her routine again.

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Redwood couldn't help but notice Banner was always looking away from her when she walked by. At first, she figured that Banner might have just been shy, but she only seemed to do it around her. Redwood sometimes wondered if she'd done or said something to make her act like this. For the most part, Redwood didn't care too much as long as it didn't interfere with Banner's duty.

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@@crispy fries,

Banner had a sigh of relief when she got inside. Banner crashed on her claimed, slightly unconformable, bed. "It happened again" She talked into the pillow "What the hell is wrong with me, I try my best not to show the weakness I feel around her but in never stops" She was pissed at herself "How long does it take to get a spear?" A pony yelled to her from out side the barracks "I misplaced it, ok!?" She yelled back getting her spear from under the bed and going to the training grounds.

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As Redwood was walking down to the training grounds, she saw Banner walking there as well while carrying a spear.


"Howdy Banner," she casually said as she passed by her.


Redwood had barely even thought about the simple greeting and simply walked on. 

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@@crispy fries,

Banner's heart skipped a beat when Redwood spoke. Its just a normal greeting, stop getting bent out of shape because of it! Her mind yelled at her. As she walked over to dummy they practiced on she heard a pony "Ponies, look alive!" It was the pony in charge of the whole outpost, Captain, or Cap as most say it because he's very relaxed as compared to other commanders. Now is not one of those times. "There have been reports of a group of cockatrice in the area, since me and my squad have dispersed them after defeating the leader of the pack, we need you ponies to kill the remaining few that survived before they get to anywhere else" He brought out a note pad "You will all be in groups of two considering how many there are and how much of a threat there are, both are around medium level so we are going to randomize the names" He uses magic to tear out a piece of not book paper and cut it into strips with everypony's name. After it all, Banner and Redwood weren't called "This last group is going to be a group of three, Banner, Redwood, and Mail" Banner knew both of them, one she hated and one she doesn't even know how to describe. "Looks like were all in a group" Mail said with his normally obnoxious voice "I can finally show my worth by destroying those things" He flexed and looked at Banner, she was disgusted "L-lets just get this over with" She looked away from both of them "Hey, I have to be in this group, you two being mares is just a bonus" He levitated a revolver "Maybe you can use something other then melee this time?" He said to Banner "I think my throwing knifes are better, and they can be used a lot faster than gun" "This is custom made, 6 shots in one go! If a cockatrice survives that then I'd think wicked magic was involved" "Don't look into the eyes and your fine, you don't need a gun" Banner remembers that Redwood uses a shotgun "But I guess a revolver would do worst then a shotgun on a bird" Mail rolls his eyes and looks to Redwood "While we walk, want to talk about how you got your gun?"

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"Well, th' Appleoosa Buster's a real fine piece of work. Ah found it a while back, and it was just a pile of parts then. Ah fixed it up with a whole lotta high end parts, and it works like a charm. Now, we've got some varmints to hunt down. And Mail, if y'all try anythin' with me, yer gonna regret it."

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@@crispy fries,

"I get it, I won't interfere with the love Banner and you have" He joked but it hit too Banner hard "The next word that comes out of your mouth should be alerting us of a cockatrice, and if it isn't then some parents are going to get a letter" "Correct that to grandmother and your right" Mail was pissed at Banner as well now. After Mail and Banner grabbed a bag of premade supplies Cap handed out to everyone, they got two for the extra pony they have. Banner, stop thinking about it...she probably doesn't even remember so why do you care? because...because. She couldn't answer herself as they walked into surrounding forest.

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"Hush, both of y'all," said Redwood. "If y'all are too loud, th' cockatrices are gonna get scared off, and ah don't wanna have to hunt through this forest because y'all couldn't keep yer mouths shut." 


Redwood was making sure to step carefully and quietly, as well as keep her eyes peeled.

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@@crispy fries,

It was almost a half an hour of silence because Banner couldn't talk and Mail didn't want to start anything. Rustling in the bushes "Ok so were going to ambush it on 3, 1-" As Mail was getting into a position, Banner throw several knifes in the bush and stopped the moving "At least give us some warning before that" "Sorry, force of habit" It really was. They investigated the bush to find two parasprites...on one knife "Dame" She said in disappointment "Dame" Mail said in amazement. Banner picked up her knifes and it was abut 6:00 now. Mail cheaked his bag for what he had, Ammo, knifes, two boxes of food and water, and a folded tent. He realized something as he looked in it "Wait, did he expect to sleep in the same tent? If it does get late then were told to just camp out to not lose the ground but if there's only one tent in a bag then all the others are going to sleep together" Banner thought on it two "That means one of us has to be in a tent with you" She snarked "No it means I have my own tent and you two share" He smirked, Banner glared at him "Fine if you want to sleep near me then-" "I'd sleep with the cockatrice before you" Banner thought about sleeping even anywhere around Redwood, that got her to blush again but she tried to hide it from the others

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"Alright, here's an idea: Since we're out huntin' cockatrices, one of us is gonna keep watch so nothin' happens. We'll rotate every few hours. Mail, y'all was runnin' yer mouth and bein' disrespectful, so y'all are gonna take first watch. Ah can go next, and Banner can go after that."

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@@crispy fries,

"Got it Red" Banner started setting up the tents as Mail helped by making a fire "R-Red would you uh...set up the other tent? I need to make the rations for tonight" Banner's heart was pounding but she got throw it. After a meal it was around 8:00, the time where they would normally get to sleep to wake up early. Banner entered her tent for now and tried to get to sleep. Mail sat on a log beside the two tents, switching positions every so often.

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"Sure thing Banner," Redwood said as she set up the tent. "Now, it's gettin' late about ready to turn in fer now. Too bad ah gotta be up in a few hours to take watch. And Mail, ah know ah'm givin' y'all crap, but try to make sure a cockatrice don't make its way into the tent while yer takin' a piss or somethin'."


(Gotta go to bed now)

Edited by crispy fries
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@@crispy fries,

"Don't worry, I don't piss until right before bed...ok even I can see how I said to much" He sat at the log. Mail checked his gun for the third time "1 more hour" he sighed, he wished he had a book or something. By the time he was supposed to be in the tent he was almost passed out but he kept trying to keep himself awake by starring into the fire and adding wood to it. "Red, please, allow me to sleep now" He said going up to her tent after the time was done, desperation in his voice.


(Its three hours long, starting on 9:00pm to 6:00am)

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Redwood was roused from her sleep by Mail. "Is it time for me to be on watch?" she groggily said. "Alright, y'all can sleep now."


Redwood got out of the tent and went to sit on the same log Mail had sat on. She'd have to be vigilant, and it would only make her look bad if she let a cockatrice in after what she had said to Mail.

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@@crispy fries,

Nothing unusual for the most part happened till it was about 15 minutes till banner was supposed to take the shift. Banner exited her tent and sat on the log Redwood was. You want to do this? Its just talking to her, say something if you want to. Banner was deciding what she should say in her head while she sat there looking bothered.

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Redwood noticed that Banner had sat next to her, and said, "Hey, y'all are a few minutes early fer guard duty. Is there somethin' on yer mind?"


It seemed odd that Banner was a bit early, but maybe Redwood was just overthinking it. They were in the middle of woods hunting cockatrices after all.

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@@crispy fries,

Banner looked a little flustered as she looked to Redwood "I was just wondering about how much different ponies are, how they can collide, and how there goals can end up the same" Banner thought this was a good segway to talk about Redwood's life outside of duty "Like us, we have the same goal of hunting those cockatrices but I doubt are lives are very similar"

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Redwood wasn't expecting Banner to suddenly launch the into a deep discussion about life. It seemed she was right to think it was a bit odd that Banner was early for guard duty.


"Sure, ah guess," replied Redwood. "Are y'all bringin' this up fer any particular reason?"

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@@crispy fries,

"I guess I wanted to know more about you? And vice versa with me" She admitted "pretty stupid to think about when were hunting for a killer animal right?" Banner's brain was scolding her for even considering this, she got up early for nothing but a bad attempt at talking "Sorry" She sat there looking at the fire and throw a twig in it

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"Well, maybe it's just nerves or somethin'," said Redwood. "Anyways, ah'm gonna hit th' sack. Keep yer eyes open."


With that, Redwood went back into the tent and went back to sleep. Hopefully things would be as quiet with Banner as it was with her. Redwood didn't want to have wake up early to shoot any cockatrices.

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@@crispy fries,

Banner sat there looking at the fire. Nerves, yeah, nerves. That's the only reason why this is happening...but I'm not nervous, I basically have nerves of steel from what I've been told. But why is this happening and only around her?! I don't get it! I just don't get it! Banner was not sad, she was angry and throw more wood into the fire making it glow brighter. in the moment that she did that a shadow ran some trees, it was bigger than there target to Banner assumed it was just some wildlife. She sighed and got bored, she put all the food and water in one bag but that's all that really happened. It was morning and Banner Yelled "Get the heck up, we got get going!"

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Redwood blinked and opened her eyes, nudging Mail in the side as she got up.


"Ah'm up," Redwood said, exiting the tent and rubbing her eyes. "Ah guess nothin' happened durin' yer shift. Alright, let's pack it up and hike back to base. We don't wanna get there too late."

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@@crispy fries,

"They should be tallying up the cockatrices gotten by now" After some walking they got back to in much less time. Cap was sitting at a desk and a line of ponies with some cockatrice in hoof, all dead of course "Better at least say something" She walked up to Captain "Hey no skipping!" "I don't even have one" "A team of three couldn't get one?" :"Hey, you know its practically luck when you don't know where they are" "Uh, Banner?" "Yes Captain?" "Could you come back with you team after 3?" "Why?" "Your holding up the line as it is, I'll tell you then" Banner walked away from the line and back to the two "Captain wants us later at 3" "Did he give a reason?" "Uh...no, he might talk about how we failed to get a cockatrice" "Or he'll give us another challenge to make up, maybe it will be even more important for me and my talents...you two can contribute too" "So...Redwood, what do you think?" Banner sounded nervous again. Mail looked bothered.

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"Well, ah think we should tell Cap that we didn't find nothin'. If nothin' showed up, then nothin' showed up. Ah'm sure he'll understand. If we do hafta do somethin' to make it up, well so be it, long as we don't hafta do it with Mail," Redwood said as she shot Mail a dirty look.

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@@crispy fries,

"Sadly I think we have to do it with Mail" "Ok, if something serious happens then I will chip in as much as I can, weather that be more or less then you two can be decided after we do it" Banner rolled her eyes "I feel we should just go throw are day till 3:00pm" Banner walked away and her heart was relived from beating near Redwood.

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