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Neighbours (1x1) RP

The Pixelated Pony

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

He took a breath as he stood between her and the general wind direction, cocking his head and saying, "Well they aren't wrong," Teasingly, "You are awful hard not to fawn over." Then more thoughtfully, "If you are afraid of heights, then don't go high. You have that freedom."

Sparkle giggled at the first comment and wrapped Sable up in her wings "Thank-you for understanding me." she said "most ponies mock me for my fear of hights and high places..." Sparkle then realised she was on a dam. "like this dam for instance " she laughed for not realising it sooner

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Sparkle giggled at the first comment and wrapped Sable up in her wings "Thank-you for understanding me." she said "most ponies mock me for my fear of hights and high places..." Sparkle then realised she was on a dam. "like this dam for instance " she laughed for not realising it sooner

He felt so comfortable, so very secure and safe under her wing. It took all he had not to lean against her and go to sleep. He was getting a tad tired. He noticed the height and said, "No, yeah let's get down from here. It loses its luster really quick." If he was honest, the height was making him a tad unsteady too.
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He felt so comfortable, so very secure and safe under her wing. It took all he had not to lean against her and go to sleep. He was getting a tad tired. He noticed the height and said, "No, yeah let's get down from here. It loses its luster really quick." If he was honest, the height was making him a tad unsteady too.

Sparkle began to walk down off of the dam walking slowly so she had a fighting chance against the wind if it attempted to blow her down into the valley the hill felt steeper on the way down than it did on the way up so she attempted to not fall flat on her face as she liked her nose on her face

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

Sable pressed himself against her with the words, "Lean on me, I'll help keep you up." He was beggining to hate the wind, wasn't a big fan of it in the first place, and this was only making it worse in his eyes. Then, he took a moment of thought and came to realization before he generated a magical wall between them and the wind in order to ward it off.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

Sable pressed himself against her with the words, "Lean on me, I'll help keep you up." He was beggining to hate the wind, wasn't a big fan of it in the first place, and this was only making it worse in his eyes. Then, he took a moment of thought and came to realization before he generated a magical wall between them and the wind in order to ward it off.

"Interesting plan..." Sparkle said as Sable generated the wall. "Very impressive." some leaves blew into the barrier as the only way to tell that the wind was still there. soon after a snow plough came through again and covered them both in snow. "don't suppose your barrier could stop this?" Sparkle said laughing 

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"Interesting plan..." Sparkle said as Sable generated the wall. "Very impressive." some leaves blew into the barrier as the only way to tell that the wind was still there. soon after a snow plough came through again and covered them both in snow. "don't suppose your barrier could stop this?" Sparkle said laughing

When she complimented his intelligence, he suddenly lost his ability to focus on his balance, and almost stumbled over. Saying, "Well, dear.... thank you" If he was honest, he'd heard plenty of ponies compliment him, but it caught him off guard. Then the snow covered them, he stood still for a moment in shock before laughing cheerily before focussing an overdrive of energy into his opal, begging to melt the snow, adding ,"We should probably get going."
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When she complimented his intelligence, he suddenly lost his ability to focus on his balance, and almost stumbled over. Saying, "Well, dear.... thank you" If he was honest, he'd heard plenty of ponies compliment him, but it caught him off guard. Then the snow covered them, he stood still for a moment in shock before laughing cheerily before focussing an overdrive of energy into his opal, begging to melt the snow, adding ,"We should probably get going."

"Yeah or else we'll y'know die of coldness out here..." Sparkle said shaking herself like a dog to get the snow off. some was still stuck in various small places like in her feathers,strands of hair and behind her ears "I'm not the only one whose hungry am I" Sparkle said as she got a chocolatey craving  

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Sable was left brushing himself off as bits of snow flew from his interest onto him. He wasn't getting much off, but he was okay with letting the rest melt away. As for hunger, he hadn't thought about it, but this consistent magic use was draining and food could help. ,"I could eat, however, if we are eating out, could I go grab some bits"

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Sable was left brushing himself off as bits of snow flew from his interest onto him. He wasn't getting much off, but he was okay with letting the rest melt away. As for hunger, he hadn't thought about it, but this consistent magic use was draining and food could help. ,"I could eat, however, if we are eating out, could I go grab some bits"

"I don't mind as long as Chocolate is involved in some way. I really really want chocolate... " Sparkle said as her cravings worsened. she just really liked chocolate it had nothing to do with what had been going on earlier involving MMS she just wanted Chocolate

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

He nodded and then proposed, "Well we can go to the cafe, they've got chocolaty things, but lets head back to my place so that I can grab some bits." A sense of fear started to enter his mind, nagging at him, but he was a naturally anxious pony, so he was able to shove it in the corner of his mind.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

He nodded and then proposed, "Well we can go to the cafe, they've got chocolaty things, but lets head back to my place so that I can grab some bits." A sense of fear started to enter his mind, nagging at him, but he was a naturally anxious pony, so he was able to shove it in the corner of his mind.

"no it's okay I can pay for it..." Sparkle said getting her purse/wallet/money holder out of her pocket and giving Sable around 40 bits. "I've been saving for no apparent reason..." She said smiling "for a long while... six months to be exact..." she put her purse away before he could give them back

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"no it's okay I can pay for it..." Sparkle said getting her purse/wallet/money holder out of her pocket and giving Sable around 40 bits. "I've been saving for no apparent reason..." She said smiling "for a long while... six months to be exact..." she put her purse away before he could give them back

He was about to reject the bits like a bad blood transfusion, but she put away her purse away to quickly, and now that he had been given them, he thought it might have been awfully rude to insult her hospitality by denying them. He nodded, kissed her on the cheek and said, "Thank you," Then regained composure and said, "Let's go to that cafe."
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He was about to reject the bits like a bad blood transfusion, but she put away her purse away to quickly, and now that he had been given them, he thought it might have been awfully rude to insult her hospitality by denying them. He nodded, kissed her on the cheek and said, "Thank you," Then regained composure and said, "Let's go to that cafe."

"Okay then!" Sparkle said smiling wider as Sable kissed her cheek "so where is this place? do we live near it? do we have to walk far? is it high?"Sparkle gulped as she said the last one. "hopefully not... anyway back to the dilemma of where this place is..."Sparkle shook her head trying to get the thoughts out.

(Shaking the head to get rid of thoughts is something I do a lot.)

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@@The Pixelated Pony

"Its about a couple of kilometers away, its kinda halfway between our places and this dam, i suppose its an okay walk and it is firmly planted about twelve feet above sea level." He said with a smile. She was kind, and knew how to laugh at herself, quite a catch. He was quite proud of himself.

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@@The Pixelated Pony

"Its about a couple of kilometers away, its kinda halfway between our places and this dam, i suppose its an okay walk and it is firmly planted about twelve feet above sea level." He said with a smile. She was kind, and knew how to laugh at herself, quite a catch. He was quite proud of himself.

"alright then should we head off?" Sparkle said twiddling her wings like she was bored because in effect she was.


en route Sparkle made note of a poster advertising a carnival arriving in March the following year. she took one of the tabs which was a coupon for a free ticket and put it in her pocket."you want one?" she said reaching for another

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

They began their walk, when about halfway their she stopped at a flier for the carnival, which came to town very once in a while. He stood by her side and when she offered, he almost reflexively said no. He never went to the carnival before, always thinking of it as a waste of time. But now he had a different incentive. This could help the two bond, so he nodded, saying, "Yes, thank you." 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

They began their walk, when about halfway their she stopped at a flier for the carnival, which came to town very once in a while. He stood by her side and when she offered, he almost reflexively said no. He never went to the carnival before, always thinking of it as a waste of time. But now he had a different incentive. This could help the two bond, so he nodded, saying, "Yes, thank you." 

Sparkle pulled off another tab and gave it to Sable. "here ya go!" she said smiling as she was glad that she was able to keep Sable away from his work for at least one day and have him to herself whilst still having fun "and Sable no working whilst were out somewhere" she followed up with

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

He took it in his glow and  let it slip into his pack and then felt kinda chastised by her last comment, letting his head hang down and confessing, "Well, I'm sorry but those deliveries... Were..." mumbling quietly, "work related..." He wish he knew the rules. It could have helped.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

He took it in his glow and  let it slip into his pack and then felt kinda chastised by her last comment, letting his head hang down and confessing, "Well, I'm sorry but those deliveries... Were..." mumbling quietly, "work related..." He wish he knew the rules. It could have helped.

"Geez Sable those were before the rules came into effect you don't have to worry about those only after today. silly unicorn" Sparkle kissed him apologetically "sorry you didn't understand how the rules work" she said whilst taking  his hoof "now c'mon I'm starving"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

He perked up as they trotted on, "Oh..." Then sung spontaneously, "Aaa-Aaaaalriighteee theeeeen...." Then more modestly, "Well I guess I can be better," Then looking back up to her, "But I've never shared my affections, or even time with any other pony. It never even crossed my mind before."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

He perked up as they trotted on, "Oh..." Then sung spontaneously, "Aaa-Aaaaalriighteee theeeeen...." Then more modestly, "Well I guess I can be better," Then looking back up to her, "But I've never shared my affections, or even time with any other pony. It never even crossed my mind before."

"well you should! it's umm... fun because you get to explore different places that you would've never been before you met them" Sparkle said smiling at him and bringing him in for a surprise hug "It'll be fine just do whatever feels natural and I probably won't hate you!"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

He nodded, a tad unsure but still able to try. He wrapped his hooves around her and after a few moments of her warmth a physically shocking occurrence racked him. He hadn't held another pony in years, not even his own parents. But seize the day, he held her fast, this was their moment, might as well let it work. 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

He nodded, a tad unsure but still able to try. He wrapped his hooves around her and after a few moments of her warmth a physically shocking occurrence racked him. He hadn't held another pony in years, not even his own parents. But seize the day, he held her fast, this was their moment, might as well let it work. 

"see? your a born natural! " Sparkle said following the hug up with a kiss. "now c'mon food time!" she said pulling Sable after her as she walked which was surprisingly harder than it looked as he was heavier than he looked and Sparkle was just a bit weaker than she had thought

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

He would help her out. He didn't understand why she was trying to pull him, he was perfectly willing to walk himself. He brought himself to motion next to her and said, "We're almost there. Don't worry, you'll get your chocolate." Not much longer, about five minutes.

"heck I better I'm bloody hungry" Sparkle said not letting Sable's hoof go even if he was walking in all fairness it was hard to keep their hooves together as ponies kept heading towards them Sparkle eventually flapped  her wings and flew above all of them 

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