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private Escape 1x1 between cwhip9 and amorphous


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OOC link https://mlpforums.com/topic/154316-escape1x1-ooc/#entry4595290


As String Shot tortted from the toy shop in Ponyville he whistle happy tune he herd from a tv show he like as he played with his new yoyo. It matched his blue coat and stringy mane in terms of color and such. The young colt was trying new tricks he saw in a book about magic and using yoyos for it quiet oblivious to everypoy else around him. Little did he realize the atenction aside from the oohs and ahs some of the other colts and phillys were making seeing him with the yoyo one pacific pony at a table yards behind the colt spoke on his cell phone


"subject one, spotted begin shadowing" the stallion said   

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String was so focused on twirling his yo-yo, he didn't notice one silvery horn near the back of the crowd, glowing with fluid gray magic. As he reeled in his toy for another trick, it simply... stuck. Jammed, if yo-yos could do that. No matter how hard he shook it, the yo-yo's string simply refused to unravel.


Mercury giggled at his plight from her place. Sure, she had to rear on her hind-legs to see him (she wasn't the tallest filly her age) but what glimpses she did get of it were simply hilarious. The crowd leaned in, vaguely confused, as Mercury fought to stifle her giggling. She didn't want to ruin it, after all.

  • Brohoof 1


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@@Amorphous, string shots tune of happiness stopped with his yoyo jamming like that, was it broken? did he pull on it to tight or something??


The stallion in the cornor table slowly moved from it leaving a tip for the waitress "subject is distracted be ready" he said in his small mic pece to his partner who was climbing the rooftops of ponyville watching on as well. His partner a gryphon also noticed Mercury and string shots struggle chuckeling "clever girl that one"

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With a fizzling noise, the yo-yo dropped from String's telekinetic hold and bounced along the ground, rolling into the crowd that had gathered. As soon as it was out of his sight, Mercury simply picked it up and levitated it over, though she kept it well below the eye level of her peers. Gently, she set it in her outstretched hoof and discreetly walked away, flicking her long, dark-red tail in a gesture of scorn. As she walked, her magic gently undid the knot in the string that had held it in place.


Humming a quiet tune of her own, the silver-bright filly walked into an alley and vanished from sight.


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seeing the philly disaper the gryphone moved near the alley looking for a sign of a exit portal "following subject two" she said in her mic. following the magic arua


"copy" said the stailon seeing the young colt go from confusion to anoyence looking franticly for his new yoyo


"where the hey did it go?" he began to look franticly

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Mercury walked towards a haphazard pile of crates and barrels stacked in the back of the alley. Levitating the yo-yo in gray magic, she jumped onto a barrel, kicked off of a crate, and scrabbled onto the roof of a house that formed one of the alley's walls. Folding her hooves under her, she watched as String Shot searched, a smirk decorating her face. Her ears twitched, but she was oblivious to the griffon that followed her.

  • Brohoof 1


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@@Amorphous, the gryphon chuckeled she held out the blow piped and blew the tranq at the philly the effect hit her hard with how soon she got knocked out with how young she was


String shot found himself in an ally getting annoyed even more he herd the rumel of box hoaping to see something to the thif but still no dice


The stallion who followed him shook his head "too easy" and using the blow pip blew the blow dart tranq at the colt


"ow that...." the colt couldn't finish his statement being knocked out by the tranq

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Mercury slumped forward, nearly falling off the roof. The yo-yo dropped out of her telekinetic grip, bouncing to the street below as her horn went dark. She was surprisingly light in the griffon's talons. It was no wonder, really, that she'd dropped instantly.


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@@Amorphous, "subject two contained bringing to extract" the gryphon said pausing to pick up the yoyo on her way towards a café


The stallion put the colt into a back pack and moved towards the café as well......


hours later somewhere unknown


When ever the two young ponys would wake up they would find themselves in what looks like a rail cart with othe phillys and colts ether asleep, waking up, or huddeling together.


String shot was just coming too when Mercury was lickly awake

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Mercury winced and put a hoof to her forehead, just below her horn. Slowly, she sat up. "Where...?" she mumbled as another throb of pain went through her head. Blearily, she looked up at the ceiling before turning her eyes back to String Shot. "How?" she mumbled once again, slumping against the wall and closing her eyes.


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"string shot opend his eyes confused all the more now "where am I?" he ask outloud some of the other fillys and colts were more silent then confused one older colt looked at him


"your on a boxcart kid" said the colt  


looking towards Mercury he nudged her "hey any idea where we going?" he asked

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"No," she mumbled, putting her hooves over her eyes and laying flat on the floor. "Go away. My head hurts." Mercury flicked her tail around her and buried her face in it before going as still as a statue. The only sound from her was the faint sound of her breathing as Mercury waited for the headache to go away.


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@@Amorphous, String moved back up from the philly even more confused then looked around more he also had a headach too. soon the trolly stopped moving and the slidding door to the cart opend up a bright light filled in the space blinding pretty much everypony there "out now!" said a booming voice scaring most to do as directed  

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Mercury didn't move. Instead, she simply curled up tighter, whimpering slightly, burying her face in her tail. The tiny filly muttered something indistinct as everypony else left the car. Once everypony else had left, however, she stumbled to her hooves and walked after them, trying her hardest to keep her headache from getting worse.


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string shot was a bit shaken by the yelling slowly following the other looking back he was glad to see the philly he met before hoof followed. He turned towards the rest


"welcome to the dark circus one and all the play ground that's always open!" a voice boomed in a cheerful tone with what seemed like carnival music playing in the backround. in front of them was a stage that had a pink pony talking into the mic


"well don't just stand there silly come over and let anti pink show you the party!" she said gleefully beside the group cannons went off scarring some forward (about to go to work will expand/respond later)

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Mercury's eyes narrowed as she stepped sideways, keeping her silvery coat away from the floodlights that shone on the foals. Raising a hoof, she tugged on String's shoulder, pulling him along behind her as she wove her way through the crowd. Her hooves were nearly silent, even on the stone floor.


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@@Amorphous,(brace yourself were going to get dark not R rated more pg-13)


 The crowd of phillys and colts made ther way towards the stage where the pink pony waved the over once the moving stopped she said into the mick


"now then, welcome to the dark circus if your wondering what your doing here and not with your parents consider this a vaction! and I hope you all like games and puzzles!"


some of the crowd perked up most were confused by the pink pony and their surroundings trying to make sense of it all. String Shot even more so as he followed Mercury through the crowd "hey where are we going"


"and the reward is candy aaaaannnnd a  mystery reward. first off who can tell me where we all are?" she asked gazing the crowd


"anypony?" she asked


"I want to go home!" a small philly cried out


"you are home deer, your new one that is" the pink pony said (yes I'm trying to write pinki pie but she's a bit.....worse)


"what's you name deery?" she asked


The philly wiped her face with her hoof "star bright" she said


"don't worry star bright you'll do fine here" pinki said




The pink pony moved from the stage onto the ground towards the philly "hey now don't be scared just listen to anti pink and youll do just fine ok"


"oh...ok" said the philly "what do I do?"


"why that's simple hun, here" out of her tail or out of nowhere pink held a very large dagger giving it to the philly "you see those two scurrying off" she said nodding towards string shot and Mercury. the crowd back up exposing the two


string shot stopped moving tapping his friend? to stop




"if you kill them you can see your parents again" she said smiling at the young philly


The phillys eyes went wide "but...why?"


"rule # 1 don't question anti pinki" said the mare with the smile then shoved the young philly towards the two. String shot moved out of the way along with Mercury as well


"go on its part of the game" she said


the young philly who held the dagger in her hoof gulped "if you say so....im sorry!" the young philly charged the two again....

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@@cwhip9,(Don't worry, it's fine.)


Mercury's eyes widened fractionally, but she urged String on all the same. "Anywhere but here," she whispered. "This place is bad."


Twisting her head around as she started to gallop, Mercury locked eyes with Star Bright. Though the tiny filly was a unicorn, she was still too young to use magic and the knife was clutched tightly in one hoof. Mercury gave the filly a wink as her horn lit with gray radiance. A similar glow wrapped around the knife's handle.


With a skill she'd learned from pickpocketing, Mercury gently twisted the knife from Star's awkward grip and levitated it into her mouth, ignoring the spike of headache it caused. She'd been so gentle taking it, it took several seconds for the filly to realize her hoof was empty. Mercury twisted her head back so she was facing forward, giving String another shove as she did.

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@@Amorphous, String shot didn't ask twice with the shove from mercury as he ran with her but the two were block by the ground giving away underneath them. String shot tried to focus on teleporting the two out but his magic wasn't that good yet, once the hit the ground string shot looked up seeing bones all around him.


"what the!" he moved back panicking  


A gunshot went off above them followed by creams from the other phillys and colts above them "rule number twooo, do what aunti pinki says" they herd above them String shot looked worried at Mercury

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Mercury herself walked slowly backward until she was standing back-to-back with String Shot. Nervously, she glanced back at him. Her eyes darted back and forth a few times, her brow furrowing as she made her decision. Telekinetically, she gently tugged one of String's ears, eyes narrowing. Lifting one silver hoof, she pointed to a gap between two of the bones. It was barely large enough for String to fit through, if he tried hard enough.


Abruptly, Mercury kicked off of the ground, taking off at a gallop. Leaping lightly, she vanished into the inky darkness behind the gap. The tip of her tail curled around one of the bones before vanishing into the darkness as well.

  • Brohoof 1


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@@Amorphous, "wait up" string shot said following the mare as the two rounded the cornor they found a gint walled hallway looking like it connected to more hallways.


"well then as you two seem to be more troubling then I thought. well then lets play a fun gaaame. find your way out of this maze and you will get rewarded" a intercom spoke to them


"get us out of here!" string shot yelled at the ceiling


"now what fun would that be dear stringy, don't worry you wont be the only ones in here I have brought some friends in here too keep you two company have fuuuun!" pinki said and the sound of the PA silenced


String shot looked wide eyed at the cealing annoyed "this isn't funny, this isn't funny!" he shouted at the cealing

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Mercury snorted, flicking String with her tail. "That's not gonna help," she said. "What will help is picking up your hooves and moving. So do that." Tossing her head, she started to move forward at an even canter, her hooves clip-clipping across the clean, white tiles that reflected the harsh lighting of the tunnels. Mercury didn't even glance back, though she kept an ear turned towards String. She clearly expected him to follow.


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(on mobil) string shot pouted following the young Philly and catching up. "This isn't fair one moment I have a new yoyo and now I loose it and find myself here" he looked at the Philly seeing her resolve impressed him not knowing many other phillys to act like this. "Well guss we have a maze to go through. Names string shot" he said holding out a hoof to shake.

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"Mine's Mercury," the filly replied, extending a silvery hoof and shaking. Her eyes were narrowed and hard as steel, but they shimmered faintly with tears and String could hear her ragged breathing as she marched ahead. Gradually, as they rounded corners and turned at dead-ends, Mercury was speeding up into a canter, each hoofbeat the smallest bit faster than the last as she struggled to find the way out.

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As much as they searched they still didn't makee too much progress "slow down, we need to think this through" string shot said almost keeping up with the mare as he gathered his breath from the running around and over all shock of what's happens the young colt asked "so, any idea why were here?" he said looking around at the walls around them giving no answers. "this can't be the same as miss pinky at sugar cube corner could it? No it would not make any sense why she of all pony's would do this she must be possessed or something" he thought out loud

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