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private Escape 1x1 between cwhip9 and amorphous


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Mercury sped up a bit before slowing down to a walk. "Think?" she muttered to herself. "Think, think, think, think, think..."


She shook her head before looking up at the ceiling, narrowing her eyes against the harsh glare of the fluorescent lights. She swept her gaze back and forth before spotting something that made her halt in her tracks. She stuck out one silver hoof to make String pause as well, before pointing it at the space near the top of one wall.


Set in the wall, painted the same sterile white as everything else, was a ventilation grate. Mercury trotted towards it, gray light gathering around her horn.

  • Brohoof 1


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stringshot nodded following the mare towards the gate as the two approached the gate a distinct smell cold be detected by the two of them


"carful" he whispered towards his friend as the approached it. then something unexpected happened when a banging was herd in the vent and then the two saw something fast, slimy, and green coming out of the vent. String shot used his magic to push Mercuray out of the way before he could move too late the slime washed over him with a surprising amount of force bring him to the ground.


He tried to get up but was stuck to the ground by the goo puddle. He grunted a bit trying to free himself to no avail. "what...is...this..." he grunted fighting it some more

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For a few seconds, all Mercury could do was stare. Her eyes darted from the vent to String and back again before narrowing in a fierce glare. "Bad!" she hissed as she pointed her glowing horn at String and pulled.


Nothing happened. Mercury would barely have been able to move String if he hadn't been stuck and she'd had her full strength. As it was, String could barely feel the push, and he didn't move at all. Mercury leaned back as though pulling something, a futile gesture as String remained motionless, stuck to the ground. Panting, Mercury released her hold on him as she stood on her hooves, desperately trying to think of something. 

  • Brohoof 1


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"yes, its not nice" he said struggling some more in the goo the unicorn tried to focus his magic on the grate, his horn lit up a light blue and a similar aura from the grate was made it seemed to be being pulled by something unseen. "let me know....if you see it...again" string shot said focusing more on the grate in front of him as an anchor. surpassingly he was abel to free one of his front hoofs, his magic faded he sat there panting, he held his hoof up for a tug  


"this should help now" he said

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Mercury hooked her own forehoof around String's and tugged, leaning backwards. Slowly, the green gel started to release its hold on String as he pushed and Mercury pulled. It was extremely slow, as String was pinned at an awkward angle and Mercury was smaller than him. Nonetheless, she managed to pull him loose, bits and strands of the gel snapping back into the main mass as String got loose. The gel had solidified , becoming more solid and sticky while String had been trapped in it.


Mercury chewed on her bottom lip as she considered that, starting forward again.


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"thanks" the young colt said shaking his hoof a bit and continued on through the maze. There was a bit of silence between the two younglings as they made their way through the maze finding one dead end followed by another.


"your magic, self taught or learned it from somwhere?" he asked getting tired of the silence

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Mercury shrugged. "Not sure why you're asking. I can pick things up, but every unicorn can do that." She tossed her head as she cantered forwards, trotting around a corner briskly, flicking her tail against the sharp angle of the wall. 


String heard a faint sigh, barely noticeable over the perpetual click-click-click of hooves. Perhaps it was nothing.

  • Brohoof 1


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@@Amorphous, "well allunicorns have difrent ways of learning" string shot followed her


"some books mostly, other teachers, me just give me a yoyo and it'll do anything" he says


"so how do you usualy learn your magic?" he asked again hopping for some interaction from the mare.  

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Mercury shrugged. "I dunno. I guess I just taught myself," she murmured. "I don't know any spells, I just pick things up. I'm not even that strong."


Raising a hoof, she put it to her forehead, just below her horn. She could still feel the faintest pulse of a headache, and she didn't like it. 

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@@Amorphous, "well you were strong enough to pull me out of what ever that was so I wouldn't worry about strength" he said with a smile. It was at that moment the lights went out all around them,


"great what this time" string shot said a small blue glow came from his horn lighting the place around them.


"i hope it not another goo thing" he says as the two began to hurry down the maze more there were loud footsteps ahead of them that sounded like stones being moved up then slamming down as the noise grew closer to them it was reveled to be a tall, stone, monitor with a great axe. The blade was as big as the beasts head also made out of stone, the eyes were light by a red glow that priced the darkness its face un moving as it aproched the two young ones slowly

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Mercury froze, dropping into a crouch. A small whine came from the back of her throat as she stared up at the beast, eyes wide. Her own horn only reflected the blue light of String's magic on its silvery surface. In fact, all she did was stare up at the beast, absolutely motionless. 


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@@Amorphous, String shot said "h-hold on you really don't want too smash us mr...mr stone....sir I mean....think of the...the mess that happens on your'r b-blade" he said stuttering and getting in front of Mercury


The stone giant stoped looking at the two


"if you just,t let us out maybe we could...be friends?" string shot said still shaking. The colt was tired of running and worn out from the goo maybe this could help them

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Mercury herself was too busy looking like a deer that had been caught in a headlight to do anything. Except... Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but it seemed that Mercury's horn was alight, if weakly. She didn't move or say anything, simply stared with gray eyes filled with terror. 

  • Brohoof 1


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@@Amorphous, the stone giant leaned in looking at coolwhip both ponys could smell years on this beast as it seemed to look and smell older then anything they've herd or known. maybe older then the princess's themselves. The heat from its eyes seemed to be radiating making string shot take a step back "you......look....board.....not many...friends huh?".....String shot was still shaking but it was slowly going away

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"Are you crazy?!?!" Mercury hissed quietly as String Shot grew nearer to her. "Do something! Anything!"


It seemed as though she was trying to do something herself, but her magic was depleted and too weak to accomplish anything at all. It was impossible to tell what she was even trying to do. Slowly, she started to join String in his retreat. 

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@@Amorphous, "you got any better ideas?" string shot whispered back still trying to keep a steady gaze with the beats in front of him. The stone beast aproched the two ponys another wall shaking step just about made the colt turn and run...but this hadn't attacked yet...with his big stone....string shot stoped looking at the axe looking back at the beasts eyes


"maybe....we could..help you....get....home?" he tried. The stone beats red eyes turned blue at the word "home" his stone hard face began to crack into a grin  

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Mercury only pulled back, drawing her mane over her face and curling up into a small, silvery ball. "No," she whimpered, her voice sounding very small and weak. "I don't have any ideas."


She didn't see the change in the stone beast. It probably wouldn't have reassured her even if she had.

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 The beast pointed behind it then started walking the way it came, the shaking colt sighed seeing it walk away "luna, im surprised that worked" string shot thought outloud then looked back at Mercury in her ball of fear.


"hey, hey come on now" he said prodding the philly


"its not going to hurt us, pluse its nice to have another friend no?" he said with a cheerfull smile

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Mercury peeked out from under her hooves before shakily stumbling onto them. "I thought we were going to die there," she confessed weakly, her voice still small and trembling. "I'm still not sure we won't…"


Even so, she found potentially being crushed by the stone monster to be better than being stranded alone in the tunnels, and she followed String quietly, slowly regaining her composure.

  • Brohoof 1


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@@Amorphous, seeing her like this the colt helped her up giving her a hug "same, but we'll find a way out I promise" he says letting go of the mare then following there new giant friend down the hall way.


It seemed it couldn't really talk just more smile and point where to go and turn where not to go "why would aunti pinki have one like our friend here" string shot thought outloud

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Mercury flinched slightly at String's touch before giving in. As they continued, her stone-faced determination started to come back. Small silver hooves click-clacked against tile as she pressed forward, her hooves clicking at a noticeably faster pace than String. "Because he's scary?" she suggested, her voice still rather small and shaky.

  • Brohoof 1


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string shot had to admit there new friend was scary looking so Mercury couldn't be too far off. He was also still shaking and surprised that his idea worked.


"well...it worked" he said almost in a squeak.


They followed the gint in silence, well silence wasn't the correct term as every step their friend made shook the walls itself it was then a a loud thud stoped their silent guied leaving it stone still. String shot forward


"hey whats wong?" he said inspecting what happened


The Stone Monitor held its huge hand in a stop sign, then point towards his own foot. String shot looked at where the foot was and found it seemingly through the floor


"oh boy" the colt said

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Mercury peeked around the stone creature warily, wondering why they had stopped. Her first presumption was that something had gone horribly wrong; Nothing good could come from stopping in a place like this, she felt. Nothing at all.


Upon seeing the stone golem's stuck foot, she frowned. Personally, she did not care to try to pull it out. Her magic was too weak, and she was tired. String could try, but Mercury, oh so slowly, started to move on, forward, farther into the maze.

  • Brohoof 1


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@@Amorphous, "hold on a second mercury" string shot said seeing the youngster move forward, the soiund of the PA came on


"you know what keep going this has been to easy say good by stringy" a familer voice said


between the two the floor began to seperat at alarming speed reveling a spike pit bellow sepreating the two

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