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private Just an RP (1x1 with LonnaKitty)

Sir Xarthas VI

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OOC Link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/154464-1-x-1-rps-or-other/


Dark Blood walks through the Everfree Forest, looking for something to do to cure his boredom. He's heard rumors of a black alicorn that lives in the forest, but has never seen it. His horn glows dimly, and his eyes start to change color, from all black to a white and cyan-like mix. He scans the area with his magic-sensing eyes, and to his amazement, finds nothing out of the ordinary. His eyes fade back to black, and his horn loses the light. As he continues to walk through the forest silently, he steps on a thick branch and snaps it in two. Thinking nopony heard it, he continued walking silently, avoiding stepping on anything else that could cause such a loud noise.



(OOC: I just wanted to give you some details of my OC:
Name: Dark Blood
Age: Immortal*
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown
Sub-Species: Alicorn**
Height: 10' 3" *
Weight: 305 lbs. *
Hair color: Black (dark red highlights)
Coat color: Black (dark red tribal-like tattoo's)

Eye color: Black (his entire eye is black)

Personality traits: Ask him.
* : Value fluctuates with the use of his magic.

** : Not confirmed. )

Edited by Magos Amphrose
No OOC Link

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Argante walked through, checking the new barrier slowly, the process of building a new one that would keep things out was very slow indeed. She sighed and sat down, resting her body. She was bored and tired. She felt like she was going to be on the verge of a small nap when she heard a twig snapping in the distance.


She sat up quickly, alert and almost hyper aware. She stepped out of the small bubble of magic and started to the sound, hoping what she would find was a friend and not a foe. She kept going and found the branch in question that she was positive was the source of the sound, she looked around, looking for signs of which way this creature went. Her curiosity was piqued and she became extremely excited, even with the possibility of danger. She followed the trail, looking at the forest floor to make sure she stayed the right way. 

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He continued walking along until he suddenly stopped. Right ear twitching slightly, he hears someone approaching him from behind. Seems they've been following his trail. Quickly erasing what trails are visible on this side of a few bushes, he turns himself invisible and waits for the pony to show themselves.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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"S-stupid...root...let...me...go!!!" she zapped the root that had her tangled a bit and as she did so she flung backwards landing upon her rear. She groaned in pain. "Stupid tree root..." she pouted and stood up dusting herself off. She then looked around trying to find the trail again but coming up short entirely. "Oh no." 


She sighed and sat down a bit dejected. If there was one thing she hated, it was not satisfying her curiosity. She closed her eyes and pondered for a bit, wondering what she should do next, if anything at all.

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Laughing to himself quietly, he circles the alicorn, figuring out whether it was friend or foe. Deciding that it at least wasn't foe, he appears before the alicorn, standing tall. "Why, exactly, have you been following me? Let me guess... Consumed by boredom, you heard the sound of a snapping branch and came to investigate, and found my tracks, yes? So you followed them, trying to figure out who/what I was? Intriguing..." He says to the alicorn. Seeing the bracelets on the creatures legs, Dark starts to grin, realizing exactly what they are.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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She glared a bit at the pony that had startled her and stood as tall as she could muster. She was about the height of Princess Luna. "As true as that may be, it is also close to my border so I was making sure it wasn't anything bad!" a small blush had crossed her features, she was pretty embarrassed at the situation she was placed under. She kept her guard up, she wasn't about to just take anything this pony threw at her. 

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Dark's grin faded away slowly "Me? Bad? I may have been somewhat devilish last time I had entered the Everfree, I am all but evil this time around. I had grown bored as well, rotting away between the pages of ancient books. So I figured I'd have a bit of outside time, so I started walking through the forest." He says as he moves his right hoof to exclaim the vastness of the forest.


(OOC: Just to clarify. A standard pony is about 4' 0" - 4' 8" tall. Alicorn's are usally 5' 5" - 6' 2" tall. I just felt I needed to clarify that since Dark is substantially taller than most ponies, being 10' 3", and almost having to duck to walk through the forest...)

Edited by ~ Akatsuki ~

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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She tilted her head at the tall pony. "Well even so, not many ponies just take a casual meander through this forest." she kept close eye on him, she was normally a very trusting pony, but she just didn't feel quite right. Like something was off.


"Well as long as you cause no mischief I can't really do anything, so I will leave you be." she backed away slowly, only to be tripped up by another tree root and falling flat on her back. She groaned in not just pain, but in embarrassment.  

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Dark let out a quiet chuckle, and looked at the alicorn "You should really watch where you're going. Oh, and by the way, the name's Dark Blood. I figured I should at least tell you it now, so in case you feel you have to fight me later on, you know what to call me." He says as he lends out a hoof to help the alicorn up.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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She blushed and took his hoof with reluctance. She stood up and looked away and then back to him. "My name is Argante, and no I won't fight you. I...I don't like fighting." she replied to him as she trailed a hoof along the forest floor. She felt appalled that she wasn't being princess like at all, not only did she trip in front of him once, but if he was watching her earlier, as she is sure he was, he saw her fall twice. Oh if the council could see her now she is pretty sure one of them would have fainted.  

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"You don't like fighting? That's too bad. Judging by those bracelets you're wearing, I'd say you're quite powerful. Nothing like me, of course, but compared to other alicorns, you're above Celestia when it comes to total power." He says as he sees the expression on her face, flushed with embarrassment. "Oh, and don't worry. Most ponies who see me end up tripping on something because they run away from me. You're... the eight pony who hasn't run from the sight of me." He says with a deep sigh. "Honestly, I'm quite sick of them running away. I'm not evil anymore! I'm the one who stopped the Kaitan invasion, for Celestia's sake! If doing that doesn't make up for my evil past, I don't know what will..." He says, sitting down with a loud thump.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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She looked at him with curiosity and sat in front of him. She just stared at him and tilted her head. "Well I guess lucky for you, I don't really know much of Equestrian history. Being trapped in a bubble prison for three thousand years does that to a mare." She leaned back and shrugged, the side way glance to him and smiled. "I judge ponies by there actions they do in front of me." 


She completely ignored his comment about her bracelets. It tended to be quite the subject for her and she had to deal with questions from her own citizens for a thousand years about it, so she tended to ignore them.

Edited by LonnaKitty
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He looked at her with a troubled look on his face. "You don't know Equestrian history? Even from before you were imprisoned? I've lived here for at least eight thousand years now. I've changed my name a few times, but I still look the same. That's why every time the princesses see me, they usually keep their distance... They know who I am, but not whose side I'm on..." He says with another sigh. "Just to make sure you really don't know who I am... Let me ask you this: Does the name Demonic Shadow sound familiar?"

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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She only shook her head in denial. "I am afraid not, even when we were known we didn't have much to do with our neighbors. We stayed to ourselves, protecting the Great Tree and giving it power." She tilted her head to the side for a moment, "My parents might have known but they have long since passed on."

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Dark just sighs again "There's nothing to be said then. I could explain my past, but I don't want you to run in fear either. I'd like to have at least one pony to talk to occasionally. That damned watcher only comes around when he needs help with something, and bass... Well me and her have our differences..." He explains.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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"Well I always say to myself, ones past does not define ones now." she said softly, her eyes clouded with some far off memory before snapping back to her present. "Well how about instead of being out here in the forest you follow me, we can sit at least on something other than branches." she giggled softly and stood up, turning around heading in the direction of her little hidden town. Looking back to see if he was following her.

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Dark got up and started following her "I could use a comfy seat right about now... Been so long since I've been home..." He says as his voice trails off. Thinking of his homeland in his mind, he accidentally hits his head on a thick branch. The branch snaps loudly and falls to the ground as he just continues walking. "I would also care for some space... I don't like to have to duck when I walk.." He says with an irritated look on his face.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Argante tried EXTREMELY hard not to laugh at the scene that just happened. She only nodded and kept walking to a thicket just beyond. "Come on, I am sure there will be plenty of room for you." she smiled as she pushed through the thicket, disappearing behind it.


What laid beyond it was an open clearing, houses large and small dotted around, made from stone and thatch, it was like looking back in time. In the middle was a small stage surrounded by carts filled with different fruits and veggies that ponies would come and take from. Some small shops were here and there, a large tavern on one end, and on the very far end stood a large stone keep. The walls were covered in ivy and the large doors remained open for ponies to go to and fro. All the ponies were dark in color ranging from blacks to dark blue.


"Welcome to Tree Haven." 

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Dark stepped out onto the other side of the thicket, and sniffed the open air. He then stretched his legs and stood completely upright. "Tree Heaven? I think I've heard of this place before. Was a long time ago, though. About... what was it... 1600 years ago? That seems right..." He says looking around the town. "You said something about a comfy chair?" He asks with a grin.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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She looked back and grinned, "Yes, we will go the the tavern over there, get some snacks and stuff." She walked across the courtyard, ponies would occasinally stop and place their hoof over their chests and bow to the alicorn, then continue walking. "I am surprised you would have heard about us, we have been gone from equestrias history for well over 3000 years, then again, we were probably a legend 1600 years ago, but like most legends, died with time."

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Dark grinned "There is nothing that escapes my mind. Being around for millennia makes you experience a lot of different situations. I remember every single one, down to the finest detail. I remember every book I've read, down to every period, comma, parentheses, and dash. I remember every... You get the point. But somehow I don't remember hearing about a 'Tree Heaven' except for once 1600 years ago. Has this place gone by different names?" he asks. He looks around the town, noticing the darkly-coloured ponies. He doesn't question it, but instead realizes he would fit in here if not for his size.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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She giggled at his ramblings, it reminded her a bit of herself when she gets too excited. She nodded in answer to his question though. "Yes once back in a very old time, we renamed ourselves shortly after we were trapped but this kingdom used to be known as Tranquil Hallow. When the incident happened though, it was unanimous that we change our name, for various reasons." 


They arrived at the tavern and Argante sat on one of the comfy chairs that was sitting outside. Music could be heard indoor along with laughter and singing.

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Dark looked at the chair, and realized it was a bit small. He sighed, and suddenly the chair started to grow. After getting to a decent size, he sat down. "'Tranquil Hallow' ? That name also sounds familiar... I think I might've heard Shining talk about it sometime... Something about him finding a long lost ancient book... I don't care much for these things." He says, though his expression told a different story.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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She giggle at him and looked towards a dark orange mare approaching them.


"Good afternoon Princess, hope your doin well, would you like the usual?" she asked, her voice bright a cheerful.


"Yes please Orange Blossom." Argante nodded to her, Orange Blossom nodded and then looked to the large stallion. She was only shocked by his size for maybe a moment before asking him the same question. After getting his answer she would trot away to go get what they asked for.


"So what is a pony like you doing wandering all by your lonesome anyways?" 

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Dark sighed and relaxed in his chair "Boredom. Pure boredom. I find it's the most powerful force in the universe. Want proof? It can drive even the most powerful of creatures to do things they wouldn't normally do. Like wandering the Everfree with no goal, and agreeing to come to a long-lost town." He leans in close and whispers in Argante's ear "And if you're interested in some juicy gossip, I've got some of that." Chuckling as he leans back.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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