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Ask the Rebellious Rhetoric Rash Anything

The Down Trotten

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Not all pony denizens of Equestria are chipper and content, want to get inside the mind of a stallion whose fed up with magic and the power of "friendship" but still isn't edgy enough to cut butter? 


If you answered yes for whatever reason then look no further then the disgruntled earth pony below! 



  • Brohoof 1


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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*Grabs a soap box* "Ahem, where do I even begin? Magic, my dear questioner has brought nothing but harm and misery to Equestria, Oh sure it veils itself with pretty rainbows and the elements of harmony, But if I were to list all the acotroties allowed by the very existence of magic we'd be here all day long. 

For starters, it divides creatures into haves and have nots. those who posses power over magic and those who don't. And don;t give me the bull that all ponies have magic... its a load of tripe, from birth we are set apart and driven into different fields simply because of magical tendencies. Furthermore it propels those who have powerful magic into positions of authority  , not giving a chance for the common stallion to have a proper voice or representation. 


Continuing, it pits creatures against each other. Changelings and Ponies are forced to be natural enemies because magic has given changelings the ability to suck the literal emotions form ponies. If magic didn't exist this need for emotions to feed wouldn't and the short Changeling-Pony war could have been avoided. but no we just magic it all away" 

*pauses for a breath* "I'm sorry, there is just simply too much to this question for me to answer properly, hopefully what little I provided you with will satisfy for now"  

Edited by The Down Trotten
  • Brohoof 1


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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"Now... Now before you throw such accusations around. We aren't exactly certain how magic operates within this world of ours. Besides, while I would like to start us all over without the nuisances of magic, and the destruction it brings realistically I don't foresee that happening, so in the mean time we really should focus on things that we can change. Things that magic has turned for the worse, there are other issues of course, but I feel as there are so few talking about this particular issue I have to focus most of my energy on the matter." 


*thinks for a moment* "but to answer your question directly, of course I don't want to end the world, even if I have had the short end of the stick at times this place as treated me fairly well, not to mention all the innocent lives at stake... and the fact I actually couldn't carry out such a scheme." 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten


You seem to be assuming that the atrocities that occur in Equestia is always the "magics" fault, that my friend is complete and utter poppycock!

Granted there is much we do not know about magic, but rounded down to it's simplest form we can at least safely say that magic is a "tool" of sorts, allow me to explain.


*Pulls a rapier out of his hat* Take this sword for example, it is a simple yet effective tool to defend ones self or others from harm, especially from an opponent who was also wielding a sword who would blatantly do harm.

In this conflict, the sword is neither good nor evil but it's purpose on which of these would depend solely on the individual.


Magic is no different, in the past many individuals have used it for both good and evil intentions, King Sombra used Dark magic to enslave the Crystal Empire and then banish it for a thousand years. whilst Princess Twilight, if memory serves, used the same dark magic to help save it.


So , to summarize, it is rather ignorant to blame magic for the bad things it was used for, rather than blaming the individual, that would be like blaming the ball if somepony kicked it into your face.

  • Brohoof 1
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*Pulls a rapier out of his hat* Take this sword for example, it is a simple yet effective tool to defend ones self or others from harm, especially from an opponent who was also wielding a sword who would blatantly do harm. In this conflict, the sword is neither good nor evil but it's purpose on which of these would depend solely on the individual



"Sir, you make some very valid points. And I must apologize, I have made magic out to be this evil entity that must be stopped... And while i most certainly think that from time to time that is not really the case, it is simply a force that acts upon our world discriminately.


However I must argue that magic is unlike your rapier, or a tool as you so put it. See a tool is something, with hard work, and diligence nearly everyone can use. Magic on the other hand, is only available to a select few. Do you see what I'm driving at. It picks a few dozen beings to make nearly powerful and the fate of the world rests within there hooves, claws, etc.


Magic puts us into groups, if I may say, rather unfairly, and those with the most magical ability wield the most power to change this world, for better or worse while the rest of us watch near helplessly from the side lines."

"Thus I cannot agree with this "tool" theory you purpose, for no matter how hard many of us try, many of us could never hope to us it" 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten




"Magic is not bound solely to Unicorns, EVERYpony is capable of harnessing it's power, just not in the exact same way.

Ask yourself this, why is it do you think a Pegasi is capable of standing atop clouds with ease? An earth pony certainly couldn't do that and a Unicorn would need magical aid to achieve this, but a pegasi can do this effortlessly.


How do you propose they manage to do that if weren't capable of harnessing magic.


Further more, how do you think a Pegasi is capable of flight?

Scientifically, the wingspan of the average pegasi would not actually be sufficient enough for them to get off the ground, never mind sustain constant flight.

I mean and take a good look at these birds: 


Notice how large their wingspans are? Some can be as long as 3 to 5 times the width of their own body.

Now a pegasi is obviously larger and heavier than even the largest of birds, yet their wingspans are barely twice as long as the width of their body, unless they were capable of flapping those wings at high speed the best they would manage would be a slight hover off the ground.

It would be impossible for them to fly on their own wings, and yet..they can still fly effortlessly.


Coincidence? I think not.


*Interlocks his talons together and gives them a good stretch outward, causing them to crack satisfyingly*


Now then, let's look at Earth ponies. *Ahem*


It's not a secret that Earth ponies are often looked down upon solely because they neither have wings or a horn, this is why it is rather rare to find one within high class society.

Earth ponies do have their own talents however, for one they are more resilient, tougher and considerably stronger than their racial cousins, there's a possibility they may even live considerably longer too.

They are the caretakers of the land, they tend to nature hence why many of them work as farmers, gardeners and the like, it just comes naturally to them, the same as flight does to a Pegasi and magic in it's purest form to Unicorns, a trend I will touch on in a moment.


However, just a pegasi's wings shouldn't be able to grant a pegasi flight, an earth ponies physique wouldn't grant them this extra strength, the average earth pony is no more "bulkier" than a pegasi or unicorn, so where does this extra strength come from I wonder?


Further more, due to their affinity to the land, Earth ponies seem to find it more easier to make plants grow healthy at abnormal rates, I'm not sure how they do it but it is an admirable racial skill.


Now as I mentioned before I noted a trend with all three races, that each race has the racial capabilities to nurture the land of Equestria, Pegasi manage the skies and it's weather, earth ponies tend tot he land and it's wildlife whilst Unicorns tend to magic in it's purest form when it is needed most.


Magic is a part of Equestria that will last through the ages and was bestowed on not just one but all three races, for a reason, to protect and look after their home, for if there was no magic, then there would be no Equestria.

  • Brohoof 1
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*sighs, takes several deep breaths and collects himself* 

"Sir, if we could please refrain from petty titles as poppycock for one another opinions perhaps we'll get somewhere" *voice almost cracking in frustration "Ahem, apologies, so to adress the excellent points you brought up, yes I am fully aware that all ponies have some sort of magic. But I think we cannot deny the more obvious nature of unicorn magic. Frankly I'm more concerned with the few beings on this planet that have enough magical power to rattle the very land we walk upon. 


But I am getting a little of topic as there is really nothing that can be done about that, and fortunately we have some responsable morally upright ponies in possession of powerful magic. However as you were so kind enough to point out, ponies by birth are split up into groups by magic, and whether we like it or not that has transfered itself to our social spheres as well. 


Need I remind you that Celestia has a School for Gifted *Unicorns* and nothing else? How often are you going to find a Scholar Pegasus or a Scholar Earth Pony? Not often if at all, simply by our birth we are funneled towards certain fields and we as a culture have accepted that.  And that isn't even touching non-pony races, Donkey's Mules, Zebras, Changelings, Griffions, Minatours... granted I don't know as much about  some of these groups and cultures as much as liked to, but suffice to say I do know that a few of them have been, if you'll pardon my language, royally screwed over by whatever magic is given to them at birth. 

Granted it isn't entirely magic's fault, culture and society has a major part too, but we've grown so comfortable with magic, that we all ignore the fact that it can cause issues if we aren't careful" 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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