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private Road to Retribution (with Raven Rawne)


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Jacquard accepted the cheque without as much as a glance at it's contents. She trusted Harley and saw no reason to inspect it. "Thanks dear. A pleasure to do business with you." Seeing Harley disappear in thr cabin, the tailor approached the griffon. "I suggest you change back to your uniform, and I'll pack your new clothes, alright?"


Garreth nodded. "Excellent idea miss Shrug, I was beginning to wonder how to take them home, since Harley's got her motorcycle back... Oh and, thanks again for helping me look like a civilised person on such short notice."


The mare smiled gently: "It's my job, after all. Now go get yourself changed,  I doubt miss Wheels will wait patiently."


Gareth didn't need to be told twice. He walked into the other cabin and changed back into his old clothes, and walked out ready to go just a few moments after Harley did. Jacquard was waiting to take his new outfit and pack it with the rest.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods as she then sees Garreth come back out in his uniform, she takes her  dress and his clothes, using her magic to make sure they didn't get wrinkled or dirty during the ride back to their hotel. She waves goodbye to Jacquard and lead Garreth back to the bike "Luckily, the hotel isn't far from here, about a five minute drive, then we can wash up, get changed and then go out for lunch"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth was about to take the packed clothes when they got wrapped in Harley's magic aura,,so he simply said goodbye to the tailor and followed the unicorn to her infernal machine. It must be cool to have magic,  he thought to himself.  Wings aren't very useful back home... His thoughts were interrupted by Harley, who spoke to him as she sat on her bike. 


"With your driving skills, I'll wager it's closer to three." He replied laughing, then took his seat. He still had to decide what to wear...

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@@Raven Rawne


She smiles and kisses his cheek "I'll drive slower for you" she says with a soft giggle as she revs the engine, but not so loudly, as she knew that Jacquard hated loud noises, then sped off back towards the hotel.


It took no less than four minutes to get there and she smiles "well, guess you were right, four minutes flat" she says as she parks the bike and gets off, leading the way towards the check in desk and the elevator.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth decided that having a beak had one distinct disadvantage, one he never really thought about... you couldn't kiss back! Griffons tend to nuzzle their partner's beak with their own as a substitute, but it wasn't the same... Still, maybe he should tell her about his kind's habits, so he wouldn't seem so unresponsive to her affection. Well, it would have to wait for now, as the engine came to life and they were off towards the hotel. 


Once they arrived at their destination and got off the bike,  Garreth checked the time. "Four minutes indeed, must've been rush hours, huh? Or perhaps our date made it harder to concentrate on speeding,  huh?" It was already 7.12 PM... how a simple errand around town took the whole day? Nevermind that, he was in good company after all.


They walked through the hall and towards the elevator, stopping for a moment by the check in desk to get the room key, which they received from a young stallion, in his early twenties by the look of it. Maybe the owners family? The griffon didn't bother to ask. Once they were in the elevator,  alone, he extended one of his wings and took the mare in a wing hug, gently bringing her close to him. He looked into her eyes, then said. "I guess I should give you a crash course on griffon culture eh? I must look like I got lobotomy when you kiss me and not respond, for example..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


She smiles "I just thought you were really shy when it comes to that sort of thing" she giggles and  nuzzles him "Plus that beak of yours would make it kind of hard to kiss me without nipping me" she giggles and takes the key then makes her way to the elevator. "You know Garreth, thinking about everything, it makes a lot more sense, the whole organized crime angle on all of this" she says "Guerrilla forces are usually only somewhat organized, but this is just too..well organized for the likes of them"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth briefly considered the mare's comment, then replied: "Well, yes and no, actually. You got me like deer in the headlights, to be frank. Mares in Manehattan aren't so... straightforward. As for the beak, well, griffons substitute kissing with gently rubbing with each other's beaks. Beak nuzzles we call them. Other than that, I guess we're somewhat like pegasi as far as body language is concerned."


Aww, job talk again... He did his best not to show disappointment at the change of topic.


"It does provide a better explanation for this mess, sure. It also makes them more predictable, so that's a good thing. I mean, they have concrete ways of income that can be shut down, most probably structured internal organisation too, so we could try to catch one if the low level leaders for interrogation... It's not all bad you know." He smiled reassuringly as they left the elevator. 


"Ladies first."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Shes smiles as she hugs him and giggles, skipping over to their room,  She doesn't even bother about closing the door as theirs was the only room on the floor and she just begins to start getting undressed to get ready for their date "I'm gonna have a shower" she calls out and rushes off to the bathroom, 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth shook his head as he closed the door behind him. It would appear that his date was looking forward to their, well, date. To think they knew each other for just 2 days...


Fortunately, Harley left their clothes on the bed, so the Griffon could take a better look at his new wardrobe and pick an outfit for their date. He took out his packed clothes and laid them on the huge bed, trying to decide what to wear. He quickly settled on the red waistcoat&cravat duo, paired with the white buttoned shirt - the same he tried at the dressmaker. That was a no brained really, he liked it from the start. Then he chose black pants and the frock coat, which was also black.  He would look like the undertaker but he always thought that black looked well with his own monochrome palette of colors. Satisfied with his pick, Garreth put away the rest of his new clothes, emptied the uniform's pockets, and sat waiting for his turn in the shower.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley took about five minutes in the shower and about another ten getting her makeup done. She then walks out of the shower and walked into the room wearing her new dress and makeup on her  face and nails. She had light purple eyeshadow and lipstick on along with some fancy earrings "w-well how do I look?" she asks somewhat nervously

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Harley went out of the bathroom just a moment after Garreth took his seat. He stood up as soon as the door opened and was about to grab his outfit when he noticed the uncertainty in Harley's voice. It was rather... odd for her, and so demanded extra attention. He walked to her and said reassuringly as he took her hands: "You look great. I bet you'll be the most beautiful mare in the whole restaurant. Chin up girl, I'll be ready in a few minutes, okay?" And then he went to the bathroom, before she could hug him and get her dress dirty from his dusty uniform. If only he could just throw it out...

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@@Raven Rawne,


She blushes "thank you" she says softly as she looked around for a decent pair of shoes to wear, as she believed her normal boots would not go well with the dress. She finally finds a pair of heels she had stowed away, "Never thought I'd actually wear these" she chuckles to herself and puts them on as she waits for Garreth.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth had a quick shower,  however it still took him ten minutes to get dry again. He also took the opportunity to clean his injured arm and put fresh bandage on, as it seemed to heal nicely. It would leave a small scar but in a week's time it would be just a memory. Then he dressed up in fresh clothes and got the feathers on his head and neck just right. Wings would have to wait again, since he didn't have the time. Finally satisfied with his look, the griffon vacated the bathroom,  put away his uniform and got rid of the old bandage, and finally announced he's ready.


"Okay, it took a while,  I know, but once I put on the coat and the hat I'm ready for anything. So, how do I look? Like a native,  or rather like a bad  Nightmare Night cowboy?"


He hesitated whether to grab the pistol or leave it, and looked if Harley took hers.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"You look very handsome darling, though you always look handsome to me" Harley says as she leans into kiss him, she then offers her arm to him "Let's make it a proper date, you can chaperone me to the restaurant" she says with a giggle and a slight blush, as this was the first ever date she'd been on, and despite her looks and personality, she was actually a lover of romance novels, mainly because she never thought she'd find someone to be with.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth thanked for the compliment, and returned the kiss with a beak nuzzle of his own. The pair then walked out of the hotel, holding hands like a proper couple on their way to a proper date. The griffon however haven't had the opportunity to acquaint himself with the local restaurants, so he had to ask his date where to take her.


He leaned slightly to her and asked in a low voice, hoping it wouldn't kill the mood. "Could you give me a clue where would you like me to take you? I'll handle the rest."

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@@Raven Rawne


She smiles and nods "Of course darling, the restaurant is.." she shields her eyes from the sinking sun with her hand as she looks around "ah there it is" she says, pointing into the direction "Just one or two blocks down that way" she says, blushing softly at the beak nuzzle. She could feel her fur fluff up a little, which was odd but she paid not much attention to it.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth looked where Harley pointed, and saw the restaurant in the distance. He had to admit, this hat was rather useful, shielding his eyes from the sun so he could actually see something. They walked at a relaxed pace towards their destination, navigating the narrow deck that doubled as the sidewalks of main street. Garreth had an opportunity to take a look at various businesses that resided on this street, but nothing really caught his attention. Except the post office and local department of Bank of Equestria, which he needed to visit eventually.


The pair reached their destination soon enough, and thankfully, unmolested. Garreth opened the door for his date and walked inside after her. The restaurant looked very pleasant, he had to admit. Candles on every table provided most of the light, leaving the establishment in the air of romantic dusk. He took off his coat and hat, giving enough time for a waiter to approach them and show them to an available table, and then bring the menu for both his guests. He stood waiting to take their orders as they made up their minds.

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley smiles as they sit down and she looks at the menu, she already knew what she wanted and places the menu down "I'd like the buffet please" she says and looks to Garreth "What about you love? Buffet as well? And should we order some drinks?" she asks him as she picks up the drinks menu "there's flavored milk, soft drink, juice and water as part of the buffet, but we have to order alcohol separately"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth quickly looked up the buffet in his menu, since a cursory glance confirmed his assumption that they didn't serve salmon in Appleloosa, not even in a high end restaurant like this one. Guess you can't have it all...


"Actually, why not. (He turned to the waiter) Two times buffet please, as for the drinks..." - He paused to look up the drink menu - "I'll have some fresh apple juice please.  How about you, Harley?" He secretly hoped she would pass on the alcohol, since she was going to drive tomorrow.

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@@Raven Rawne


"I'll have strawberry and chocolate milkshake thank you" she says to the waiter as she gets up to grab a plate and smiles at Garreth "come on dear, I'm pretty starving, so lets pile up the food" she giggles "Plus,this may be the last time for a while that we can enjoy a nice meal like this"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The griffon got up too and replied, smiling: "You got me with this one! If we're supposed to live off berries again, then I'll miss this evening veeeery soon..."


Garreth followed Harley to the buffet. Truth be told, he wasn't a frequent guest in such places, preferring to eat at home or going to a fast food with his few friends back in Manehattan. Funny how his life from just a couple days ago felt more like a novel he read than his own memories... Maybe this sudden change of circumstances was actually an opportunity, rather than tragedy? 


The griffon shook himself from his thoughts as the pair approached the buffet. Harley had a good idea, they had all kinds of good stuff on display. He loaded his plate with fried chicken cuts, fresh broccoli and  some fries. Maybe it wasn't sophisticated,  but he was satisfied with his picks. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley smiles as she piles up her plate with some of her favorites including scalloped potatoes with a cheese sauce, chicken skewers,  some spiral pasta with sauce and cheese and some berries. She smiles at him "Been a while since I've been here last," she says and then she sees two ponies she recognizes and smiles, "Hey Garreth, looks like Elbow finally got his act together" she says with a smile.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth looked at Harley's plate for comparison - his own looked plain boring compated to hers, but whatever. Maybe he'll get more accustemed to eating out and experiment.




She smiles at him "Been a while since I've been here last," she says and then she sees two ponies she recognizes and smiles, "Hey Garreth, looks like Elbow finally got his act together" she says with a smile.


"I can tell by the Mount Delicious on your plate!" - he replied jokingly. They were about to return to their table when Harley noticed her friends, and the griffon saw them too, once informed about their presence. He said: "Indeed, that's good news. I don't know how you could fix their relationship again if he didn't. Even duct tape couldn't do the trick... it seems they haven't noticed us, so maybe it would be best not to announce ourselves? I guess they could feel... under observation, if we did." Easier said than done, he was sticking out like, well, a griffon in a pony town. Meaning a lot. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


She nods and smiles "Yes, lets let them enjoy their date without us interupting, they don't need my randomness right now" she giggles as they walk back to their own table and sits down. "You also wouldn't be wrong with the other thing, I'm just glad that Elbow finally got his act together" she says softly with a sigh.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth laid down his plate and walked across the table to pull Harley's chair as she took her place. Old habits die hard, one could say, but in this case, for once it seemed appropritae - it was a date, after all. Gentlegriffonly duties fulfilled, he took his own seat.


He took a glance at the other table, where Harley's friends were having teir own date. "They seem to be doing fine as far as I can tell. I'll start to worry if the plates start flying, other than that, you can't hold their hands all the time, or they'll never learn to act on their own. Let's just hope that your intervention will be enough to set them on the right course..."


Well, if it really was to be his last good meal for some time, then better enjoy it while it lasts. Garreth tried the chicken first, and it didn't dissapoint.


"Hmm, they really do know how to make some good meat in here..." - one of pros of having a beak was that you can talk while eating, since you don't chew anything. Funny how ponies get quiet by the table, while griffons talk the most during meals...

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