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private Road to Retribution (with Raven Rawne)


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The griffon nodded. "Agreed, but I'm not sold on the selling part." The pun didn't gain any attention though, and he cocked his head a bit, looking curiously at the mare. "Something on your mind?" He wasn't sure whether she was recalling some memory, or contemplating the laws of Nature.

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@@Raven Rawne


"Neither am I to be perfectly honest, but there are times that I have killed something larger than I thought it was and couldn't store the left overs for whatever reasons for too long, so I go to the nearest town to sell it, No point letting it go to waste, right?" she asks as she continues to eat her seconds and smiles at him "You know, I never thought in all my life that I would find a decent man to be with, let alone one that's a griffon" she says with a gentle smile.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"I guess it's not so easy to hunt the perfectly sized animal, so it's only natural that you share it rather than let it go to waste. Even if that means selling the excess meat." The griffon would probably do the same anyway.


He then looked at his plate, and noticed he was halfway through with his meal.  Either it was so good or a day without anything decent to eat made him so hungry. No matter though, once this plate is emptied he'll be stuffed.


Harley's casual remark cough Garreth with his fork mid air, and he froze like that for a moment, cought off guard and trying to think of a clever reply. A deer in the headlights, again.


"That's... nice to hear? I-I mean, not that there are no decent ponies, or griffon for that matter, but rather that you think that way of, well, me..." Truth be told, he wasn't used to compliments and sometimes didn't know how to react to them. He also felt his crest rise and his wings unfold just a bit, so he tucked the latter back.

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@@Raven Rawne


She smiles at him "You're the first I've come across who hasn't wanted me for my money or my body, that is what I mean. I mean, you like me for who I am, you haven't tried to sleazily force yourself on me and you've been nothing but nice and respectful towards me." she says as she takes a sip of her drink "It's a nice change of pace from the stallions and male griffons who think that just because I'm female that I want a good looking mate to be with..." she shakes her head "To me, a relationship, both work and out of work, has to be based on feelings and emotions. Well work is more professional, but you get what I mean"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth's fork finally found it's destination, and the griffon replied, shrugging slightly: "Yeah, I see your point. Seen far too many of these over the years... Maybe that's why I do my best to be different. Or I was raised with too much emphasis on good manners... Anyway, it's nice that you like it in me, cause it would be rather hard to pretend I'm some macho type or whatever." He laughed at the last part - it called some ridiculous images to his imagination.


"So, have you met many griffons before me? Just curious."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley smiles "Not too many other griffons no, most of your kind does tend to stick their own kind around here" she says "Probably because most ponies do tend to treat them differently" she says and then finishes her meal and she realizes she ate too much, "whew, I think I ate too much, I'll have to let this settle before desert" she giggles

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth was finishing his own meal as he listened to the mare's reply. He couldn't help but laugh as she exclaimed about how full she felt from overeating.


"No worries,  tomorrow evening you'll probably recall this feeling with fondness.  I know I do when I work all day without a bite to eat.. And as far as griffons go, It's not so much about being treated differently. I mean,  most of us in here get along well with ponies, after all. We tend to build communities in big cities on the East coast and stay there because, well, it's kinda hard to find someone to start a family with when you're the only griffon in town..." He looked down at the table, a mix of emotions showing on his features. Even in Manehattan the competition was fierce, even though there were thousands of griffons there! Not to mention visitors from Griffonstone and other cities. And yet he was out of luck all these years...


Garreth broke free from this train of thought, raised his head and looked at the mare before him, then sad smiling. "So, about that dessert... we're going to order something or you're satisfied for tonight?

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley smiles and nods "That is true I suppose, but sometimes..." she smiles and holds his hands in hers as she sees the look on his face "Sometimes a pony and a griffon will start a relationship and sometimes it works out quite well" she says as she nuzzles him lovingly "As for desert, I think we will order something special, to commemorate this special occasion, don't you think?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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That nuzzle was enough to finally break free from the downward spiral of lonely thoughts. It's rather incredible how this mare made him feel... Maybe she was right? Maybe it was actual love, not just his brain picking cues that weren't there, mixed with immense gratitude for all she did for him these past few days... If it's real affection, then it would be the first legit griffon/pony relationship he ever heard of... Well, the City have seen all kinds of things, but interspecies love seemed to work only in fiction. If you exclude the quick hook-ups that is.


While his mind was working double time, trying to make sense of what eluded rational explanation,  the griffon returned the nuzzle, this time without messing his date's cheek fur. All things considered,  he was getting better at it...


"Why of course we will!" - Garreth said with conviction as he reached for the menu to check the desserts. "Although I don't suppose they would have Panacotta in heart shaped bowls sprinkled with gunpowder, am I right?" He looked at Hatley brim Bohune the card, in order to conceal his grin. That was a good joke, as far as he was concerned 

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley giggles at the joke "that'd be some desert, but eh, even something like Crepe Suzette could be quite dangerous, Cinnamon is quite explosive at times" she giggles and shakes her head "It's why a lot of ponies and griffons I bet, use it mixed in with their gunpowder" she says and looks at the menu "hmmm, what to get?" she ponders out loud and smiles at him

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The joke seemed to be well received, which was always a good thing. The griffon inspected the dessert menu, but he quickly found a good pick, so he decided to ask about that cinnamon business. 


"Seriously? Cinnamon can blow up? I never heard about exploding spices before... Or spiced gunpowder for that matter, but I guess it's to be expected, since I get my ammo from the company. Well, used to at least.  Things will be much different now, I guess, but I'm pretty sure for the better." The last sentence was accompanied with a knowing wink. "As for the dessert, I propose number five: french pastry heart cake with raspberries and raspberry mousse." He had to admit, he was rather proud of that choice.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods "Well I think a lot of ponies use it so it leaves a nicer smell than burnt gunpowder, but only for the really old muzzle load muskets, which I don't quite understand why they still use those" she explains and shakes her head "that sounds delictable and rather cute, lets go for it" she says, hailing the waiterr

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth was visibly happy that Harley accepted his proposition. After all, a love heart shaped dessert was an excellent pick, considering what seemed to be happening between them. As they waited for the waiter to approach,  the conversation continued.


"Glad you liked my pick, it just spoke to me the moment I saw it on the menu. As for the cinnamon flavoured powder, well, last time I saw a muzzle loaded firearm I was in a museum, where it belongs." He thought for a moment. "Although I bet some of the more stuck-up noble families may still keep some for duels and decoration. And some poor frontier ponies may have no funds for an upgrade but that's it. "


Speaking of old guns, could you teach me how to use some of the local favourites? I guess I shouldn't rely on my issued gear for too long if I am going to give it back eventually..." He never knew how to pull off puppy eyed look, so he just laid his crest flat in a pleading display.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods "I know some families that keep theirs as heirlooms of their families fighting in the first world war and the civil war" she states as she tells the waiter their order and then smiles at him "As for some of my favorites, I'd be more than happy to teach you" she says as she looks at him "the benefit of working with me, is you won't have to return anything" she giggles

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The griffon exhaled with somewhat comically exaggerated relief: "Phew, I was worried you'll formally hire me, and then cut every spent shell off my paycheck... Let's just hope those guys we're about to jump on by the cables will have something interesting. It would be much cheaper than buy something new."


The desserts arrived, and Garreth had to admit, they looked great. Especially those rows of whole raspberries on the outer edge.


"It's a shame we have to eat them. They looks so great. What do you think... partner?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley smiles and nods "They look so beautiful, but I bet they also taste divine" she says and then giggles at his joke "I wouldn't do that to you, our partnership should be built on trust and equality, kind of hard for you to trust me if I'm always docking your pay right?" she asks as she picks up her fork and begins to cut at the cake a little, and you're right, with the economy as bad as it is right now, sometimes it is better to use salvaged gear than to buy new..Repairs often cost as much buying new anyway, we're just lucky I know a mare who does good work and gives a good discount to repeat customers" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth reluctantly cut his cake as he listened to the mare's reply - the pastry was just too good looking. Unsurprisingly, it tasted just as good as it looked.


The griffon smiled as he was about to start his own reply: "You know,  I feel like a home schooled kid going to a public school for the first time... After years of employment, being given tasks and tools, it's just so new and kinda weird even to suddenly make your own decisions... Guess I'll need a bit to step out of the employee mindset, but I'll adjust."


He looked at his plate, and discovered that half of his cake was gone. Gooooone! That would make a good one if not for the fact that Harley saw him paddling with the fork all this time.


"Now I know why the desserts are usually very sweet - to give you a small sugar rush, enough to counter the post meal laziness. I bet some customers would just sit by their table nursing a glass of tea if not for the tiny sugar bombs..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods "Mhm,  Disorientation, I believe is what it is called" she says and smiles, looking down at her own plate "Wow, I've already a third? It's really good though, so I should probably savor the rest" she says seemingly to herself, she then blushes "Uhm..sorry, thinking out loud there" she giggles with a slight blush and then looks to him "After this, we should probably head back to the suite and rest for the night, what do you say?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Garreth rolled his eyes at the mares embarrassment, then smiled reassuringly: "Don't worry, I can get used to all kinds of things. Even mares talking to themselves. (He winked to show he's being tongue in cheek)  I'm actually surprised you don't do that more often, since you probably spend a lot of time alone when on the job... Aa for the plans for tonight, sure, we better get back and get some rest. I know I need a good night's sleep after all that happened."


As he finished his sentence, he did the same with his cake.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods "Actually I do, I've just been trying to restrain from it when around you" she says with a chuckle "Wouldn't want you thinking that I'm crazy or something now, would I?" she says and finishes her cake and asks the waiter for the cheque and looks at it "Wow, looks like the Sheriff told them to give us a discount, he must be really counting on us" she says as she stands up and pays the bill. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth waved his hand dismissively. "No need to really. I like you the way you are, there's no point in tormenting yourself with self restraint over something so trivial,  really. Everypony has their quirks,  after all. "


He was surprised when Harley paid the bill though. Once the waiter wandered off and they got up from their chairs in order to leave, the griffon said quietly "You do remember that custom dictates that a man pays for the date, right?"


Now that he wasn't sitting with his back to the other pair he knew in this locale,  he could finally shoot a glance in their direction. Strangely enough, the table was empty.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley smiles at him as she holds his arm in hers "Come now dear, do I really look like a mare who follows such silly things like dating customs?" she asks "besides you did say that you were short on bits didn't you? So how about you just pay me back when you can get the bits?" she asks, trying to make a compromise for him. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth shook his head as they walked outside of the restaurant. " You're right as always...  Alright, I'll pay you back once I get my hands on my cash, but I need to get in touch with the bank, so I could access my account. I reckon once those cables are fixed, they could get an update on my finances and allow to get some cash. Say, would it be okay if I went to the bank and the post office before we head outside town? I reckon you need to buy some supplies anyway, right?"

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley nods "Just some basic necessities, food, ammo and the such" she with a small smile "but we will discuss that tomorrow, for now, let's just enjoy this lovely evening that Luna has given us tonight" she says, leading him towards the park.


"The night is still young and so are we"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth would gladly put that huge bed in Harley's suite to the test, but it seemed that the mare had other plans, and he didn't object. For once, he wouldn't expect to see a park in a place like this. Or maybe he just underestimated this town and it's inhabitants?


The park itself seemed old, but well kept. It was surrounded by an iron fence, probably made by a local blacksmith many years ago. They came inside through an open gate, and followed a cobblestone path deeper in. The trails were illuminated by gas lamps, equally ancient and intricately made as the fence. Some other ponies, paired and single,  could be heard and seen in the park too, but it wasn't crowded, oh no.


"I'd never expect to find anything quite like this in Appleloosa..." the griffon said aloud as he took in the scenery. "Seems like even this seemingly forsaken town has hidden depths."

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