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private Road to Retribution (with Raven Rawne)


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@@Raven Rawne


She nods "they like to please their international customers, sure they don't get them often but when they do, it's usually big name ponies or griffons" she says with a soft smile and starts on her scalloped potatoes and cheese sauce, licking her muzzle with a mmm "Mm this is the best food I've had in months" she says and nuzzles him lovingly "Thank you for this wonderful date"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth thought for a moment about Harley's words about the restaurant: "International, big name clientele huh? That could be another possibility..." He didn't share his thoughts just yet though - it wasn't the time to talk about work.


Then again, why he considered chasing bandits in a far away town as "work"? He already had a job, and he liked it. This was just a necessary step to getting back to his old life, without shame that he ran away from the danger, right?




A nuzzle brought him back to reality and the beautiful mare across the table. "Now I know why tables for two are so small." he thought to himself. A bite of broccolli to buy some time and think of a reply.


"You're welcome. After all, it's the least I can do. We both know what would happen if not for your timely intervention."


Time to change the topic on something pleasant, or at least neutral. The griffon started with a smile:


"So I was wondering, what do you like to do in your spare time? Any hobbies, hmm?"

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@@Raven Rawne


She nods and smiles, thinking on his question "Well I do like to read, listen to music, go out to the pub every now and then.." she starts off and tilts her head as she scratches behind her ear once or twice "And if you consider it a hobby, I do like to clean my gear and bike" she says with a giggle, "and now I should probably add flirting and being with my boyfriend as a hobby too" she says with a giggle and nods once more "I'm sure you would have done the same if the roles were reveresed"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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 Garreth listened to the mare's reply. The last part made him shake his head and smile.


"I guess you have a point with this one. My moral compass is very... Equestrian, so to speak. Aaaanyways, as far as hobbies go, I guess we have it the same - I tend to hole up in my place, read some adventure book or listen to some music... I also work out a bit, just to stay in shape for work." He tapped his beak, apparently a tick when he was recalling something. "While I'm not very outdoorsy, I have one specific hobby that just cannot be done indoors - archery. I got a real traditional Griffonstone composite bow for Heartswarming once. Pretty cool stuff." 

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@@Raven Rawne


"Oooh Archery, sounds like fun" Harley says as she continues with her food, looking as if she was in deep thought "I've done a bit at a range but not much else" she says as she then sips on her drink with a smile "Adventure books eh? Any favorite authors?" she asks 


Meanwhile, Elbow was fidgeting a little as he eats his small salad, he was rather nervous.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth took Harley's reaction as a cue that she was somewhat interested in the subject of archery. Maybe she would try it out some day? For a moment, he thought that maybe he should ask her what's on her mind, since she looked rather occupied with her thoughts, but decided against it. She was probably thinking about work, and honestly, he wanted to spend just a little time without talking about bandits.


The griffon took a break from steadily emptying his plate and replied: "A.K. Yearling is a no-brainer, of course, but I guess everypony interested in the genre reads her books. Well, maybe except archeologists..." - he couldn't resist a small laugh at the remark - "Other than that, well, I've tried a few authors, and the pony who publishes as "Sandy Mitchell" is a notable standout. His novel series is not only interesting, but also written in first person - very rare these times. Not to mention copious amounts of humor, even if somewhat dark... So, yeah, mainly these two, but I like to try something new from time to time. You?"

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@@Raven Rawne


She smiles and thinks for a moment "Well I like a wide range of genres, from the soapy romance novels to fantasy and action" she says with a smile "Like for example, I love the Riftwar series by Raymond Fiest, the Lioness and Wild Magic series by Tamora Pierce, but then I also like books like The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury and the Davinci Code by Dan Brown" she says "Then there's classics like League of Extraordinary Gentlecolts and Little Nemo"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth cocked his head a bit upon hearing the long list of favourites. He read quite a few books, but, honestly, most of the time, he just read them once and put on the shelf only to forget the story soon after - with some exceptions of course. It seemed Harley had more meaningful connection to her books...


"That's... quite a list actually. Maybe you could point me to something good once we get near a proper bookstore, huh?


Then he decided to ask another question.


"I was wondering... why motorcycles? I mean, not that there's something wrong with them, but if you need personal transport, cars offer much more than bikes: storage space, extra seats, a place to sleep inside if needs be or to hide from bad weather... There's some kind of story behind it, perhaps?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


She nods "It was a motorcycle that got me out of that slave camp" she says "I stole the leader's bike after I had drugged them and somehow managed to ride it to safety" she says "And while you are right about the things like more storage space, a place to sleep and shelter from bad weather, I prefer the speed of a bike. That and you can zip in and out and hide it when needed, a car is a lot harder to hide"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth listened to the mare's reply and nodded. "Hmm, I still can't believe such things happen in Equestria these days... Well, I guess it's more about preferences then. Riding solo, you can pack your things in the saddle bags and it will be enough for the trip. If you know the terrain, you can find shelter rather than depend on your ride to provide one, and so on. Although I guess it makes live bounties a royal pain to bring back..."


The griffon took his glass and looked at the candle light playing on it's surface. "I always wanted a car, myself, but I could never afford one. I have a licence though. I had to in order to get into convoys - the best paid job in the company. Paid sightseeing they call it, could you believe? There's just something... I don't know, personal, in driving. You decide where you go, how fast and in what company, if any. No crowds, no pickpocketers to watch out for... Just you, the machine, and the road ahead. I like driving so much they had to order me to let go of the wheel this time. Seems like I won't drive anything anytime soon..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods in agreement "well in all honesty, both types of vehicles have their pros and cons" she says "and as for live bounties, that's what magic is for, but you are right, magic aside, it's a pain to get them back to where I need to get them" she says then looks to him "Aaand, if we are to enter into a partnership, a car would be better, though I'll be keeping the bike, makes it easier to scout the area" she says and looks at him "That is, if you do take up the offer"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth let go of the juice glass, now half empty. Or was it half full? This one time in history, it seemed the latter if you ask him. The griffon rested hs elbows on the table and supported his head on his hands, then looked at his date intently. He made up his mind.


"If I live through this mess and you won't kick me out for incompetence, I'll happily take it. I don't think my current life holds much in store for me anyway." - He smiled - "As for the car vs bike dilemna, I have an idea that would satisfy us both, I think."


The coin was tossed, let's see how it lands.

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@@Raven Rawne,


She nods with a smile "Excellent, well so far you haven't given me me any reason to kick you out and I'm sure with the two of us, being as experienced as we are, we will survive this" she says with a soft smile, "and alright lets hear your idea on the car vs bike thing" she says, leaning over and nuzzling him lovingly. She truly never felt this way about anyone before, so while it was still new to her, she still felt like everything she did and said somehow came naturally to her.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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If he had any doubts about his decision, that nuzzle was enough to dispel them. Adventuring couples always seemed so cliche to him, yet that's precisely what it seemed to be evolving into. Not that it was a reason to complain, far from it. The griffon returned his date's nuzzle, mindful of the fact that his beak wasn't exactly built for that. Maybe they'll figure it out eventually. Thus reinfonced in his decision, he explained his idea.


"If we decide to buy a car, we could buy a 4 seat pickup or something else with enough room to store supplies, loot and live bounties there. We could also ask our friendly bike magician how to safely strap your ride to the car, so you won't have to drive it all the time, just when you want to. So we'll have the big pack mule to get from A to B, and your nimble bike for scouting and easier approach to the target. So what do you think? Yay or nay?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods in thought "That sounds like a good idea, our gear will be better protected from the elements that way as well" she says "and a 4 seat pickup is lightweight enough that we won't have to make stops at many bridges to check if we can cross, plus quiet enough if we get a newer model" she says and pats his hand with hes gently "also I'm sure that Elbow can find a way to strap the bike to our car, whichever one we choose and to keep it safe from the elements as well"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gareth sighed: "I'm not stopping before any bridge anytime soon, so I guess that would be a good pick... But I'd have to sell my apartment to buy one anyway, so for now, it's just a plan, I suppose. Which reminds me, I could be able to access my account if we fix the cables... Saw a local department of Bank of Equestria on the way here."


The griffon suddenly noticed something and facepalmed. "And here we are, talking about work again..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


She giggles "It's okay darling, sometimes it is better to say what is on your mind right away so that you don't forget it later on" she says "but I fear I've made that a habit" she giggles again and finishes her dinner but was still hungry "well, I'm going for seconds, how about you?" she asks as she stands up and straightens out her dress a little "by the way, if you do have to sell your appartment, that's alright, we still have my place"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"I guess you're right, but it kind of killed the "date mood". Maybe next time we'll fare better." - He also got up to load his plate, since eating more before work was a habit by now.


The griffon was taken aback by the mare's proposition - "I was.... joking? I haven't really considered selling that matchbox... Maybe someday, but exchanging an apartment for a car is not exactly the best trade, don't you agree?" He offered a reasurring smile so she wouldn't think he was angry or something. For a second he considered a wing hug but decided against it - somepony could get "offended" by such display and cause a ruckus.


As they walked towards the buffet, Garreth decided to experiment a little and asked for advice. "Do they have any specialties in here? I admit, my diet is rather boring so I'm not a very culinarily inclined."

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@@Raven Rawne,


She giggles "Of course dear, was just a thought really" she says and points to the other end of the table "Over there, feel free to experiment, I tend to stick to what I know, that way I like what I have...though I do sometimes experiment to try and expand my pallet" she says with a smile and kisses his cheek once more.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth looked at the far end of the buffet, where Harley was pointing. Then he felt another kiss.


"And for all those years I thought that beaks are better than muzzles... Now I'm at some real disadvantage in here, eh? Or maybe I just need to... experiment?" He raised his eyebrow as he asked the question, then went off to the adventurous side of the buffet.


Truth be told, the restaurant didn't dissapoint. Some of the dishes were rather... outlandish. Seems like the griffon got more than he bargained for, but he couldn't just turn back now could he? After some thinking, he opted for some cuts of boar in mead, and rounded up the plate with some asparagus and baked potatoes. Back in Manehattan, that plate would cost all his bits, so it was a one of a kind oppportunity really. He returned to Harley, satisfied with his picks.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley smiles "That's some selection you've got there" she says with a giggle, piling up her plate with what she had before but this time adding some of the braised boar and decides to go without the asparagus. She flicks her tail somewhat "This boar does smell delicious, so I thought I'll give this a try, plus, if we both like it, then that widens our range of what we can eat if and when we get stuck in the forest and woods" she says with a smile.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth smiled somewhat uneasily: "Riiiight... I haven't thought about it. But I don't suppose we'll also have an oven and mead bath at hand, or a skilled butcher at least. I never ate venison, especially so... fresh." Note to self, always pack double rations.


The pair went back to their table and Garreth had an opportunity to shoot a glance at the other date. Elbow Grease seemed out of his element, but apparently he was managing to stay afloat.


As previously, the griffon made sure to assist his date with her chair, then sat down himself, ready to face the wild beast on his plate. A small cut to get a taste... Well, it wasn't like any other meat he tried in his life, to be honest, and in a good way. Now the high price tag on venison made sense.

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley nods "No oven or mead bath no, but we could still cook it on a spit over a campfire" she says with a smile, blushing as she sits down and looks at him, She then takes a bit of the boar and her eyes widen "Oh my gosh! This is absolutely delicious" she exclaims, making an attempt to actually savor the meat in her mouth. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth pointed with his fork for emphasis while swallowing another cut of the boar. "And THAT's why you should experiment every once in a while. Sure, you'll be dissapointed sometimes, but other times you get something like this." He stopped eating for a moment to take a look at his date, then smiled. "And that's how Harley Wheels got into poaching..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


She chuckles "Only law of the forest and woods is the law of nature. It is okay to go hunting there, so long as you don't go overboard. Only kill what you can eat or sell, and don't go killing animals that obviously have families to look after" she says softly, "self defense though is another story" she says as she continues to chew on her meat with thought.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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