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private Road to Retribution (with Raven Rawne)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Raven Rawne,


She nods and smiles "Thanks hun" she says and swishes her tail a little "We should probably get the stuff with the sheriff off the list first" she says as they begin walking down the stairs from their room. She looks around at their surroundings "Honestly, as much as I do have some friends here, it'll be nice to get back home in Manehatten" she says, as they begin their walk to the sheriff's office.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"We should probably get the stuff with the sheriff off the list first"


"Ah, yes, wouldn't want to keep him glued to the window any longer, eh? I bet he's waiting like a little colt for his Heartswarming presents..." - he seemed somewhat nervous, despite cracking a joke. Humor was often a way to mask anxiety in his case.




"Honestly, as much as I do have some friends here, it'll be nice to get back home in Manehatten"


Garreth looked at his companion questioningly - "Are you thinkng of some sort of vacation? There wouldn't be much work in your trade out there, unless you'd like to branch out into the field of Private Investigators - these guys are always in demand..."


The Penthouse was located by the main street, so the pair was walking on the shaded deck towards the building around 400 metres away, across the street. It was just past noon and the air was very warm, but thankfully, shade and small breeze made it rather pleasant. The town didn't seem particularily busy, but still there were ponies everywhere, sometimes looking at the pair and exchanging gossip.

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@@Raven Rawne


"you'd be surprised what kind of work is available for a bounty hunter in Manehatten, it's one of the major cities of Equestria, so there's always one lord vying for more power or someone wronged" she says with a soft sigh, then chuckles at his remark about the sheriff, "I'll say this about the sheriff, if what he had ordered is indeed firearms and munitions, he may very well be finally taking responsibility for the town's safety" she says.


They soon near the sheriff's office and she sighs, "I'll go in first" she says and lets go of his hand and walks into the office, "Sheriff Peacekeeper?" she asks

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"I'll say this about the sheriff, if what he had ordered is indeed firearms and munitions, he may very well be finally taking responsibility for the town's safety"


"That would be a relief..." - Garreth said to himself. Moments later he was staring at the big star above some heavy iron door, ineviltably leading to the den of local justice...




"I'll go in first"


And just like that, Harley disappeared behing the menancingly looking doorway. As much as he didn't want to go inside, some things had to be done. This was one of them.


"Here goes nothing..." - he murmured as he came in a few moments later.




The interior of Sheriff's office was dim, and there was a thin veil of smoke obscuring the vision. The interior was rectangular, with stairs to the left, probably leading to the jail in the basement and sleeping quaters upstairs respectively, empty space in the middle, and what must've be the office to the right. There was a separate room behind closed doors. Oposite of the door, by the window, was a table and two chairs. One was occupied by an elderly earth pony stallion who was playing some card game with himself while smoking a pipe. The light intruding his retreat through the window shone on his golden badge, polished to a mirror quality and pinned to what must've been a brand new suit. The  Sheriff's hat was laying on the opposite chair, and between them, under the table, lied a large black dobermann.


The houd raised it's head sleepily upon the sound of opened door, which also alerted the Sheriff.


"About damn time, I was expecting you yesterday evening Deputy..." - he didn't even looked away from his cards.




"Sheriff Peacekeeper?"


"Huh?" - now he looked up. "Miss Wheels, what a surprise! Are you here to ask for reimburesemnt for bringing my deputy's remains home or something? Damn kid was supposed to check the telegraph lines, a simple task!"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley shakes her head "That cold probably got lost n a game of cards at the bar or something" she says and sighs "No, not here to return his remains, hopefully I won't have to, but I do have some equally bad news." she says as she takes a seat, motioning for Garreth to come in and take a seat too. "It would seem whatever it was you ordered to be delivered had been taken by raiders. Garreth here was lucky enough to get out alive, but these raiders..they're not the usual bandits we've been dealing with" she says, dumping a few of their firearms onto the desk "these belonged to the raiders, the ones that we killed that is"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Sheriff listened to Harley talking when the door opened again, and he saw something very unusual - a griffon, walking in. The dobermann stopped eyeing the mare and stared down the new intruder, this time unsure what it was and what to do, so it just stay put and watched. Once the bounty hunter finished and laid down the proof of the attack on the table, messing his cards a bit, Sheriff took the nearest firearm and inspected it closely.


"So that kinda answers another question: where is my damn shipment!" - he looked away from the Winchester, already knowing what he wanted. It was in good shape, no more than two years old by the look of it, and bore rows of tally marks of the stock. Far too many for comfort.


"So you were escorting my gear on the way in, right kid? You sure look like you were in a fight... and by the way, get yourself a proper holster son, that handcannon is sticking out like a cactus in the desert. Not to mention even the lousiest bar drunk will drop you like a fly before you take it out... Just some advice. Now you two, get inside my office and tell me all about it."


He got up from his chair and opened the door to his office, motioning the pair inside and then taking a seat by the desk. Garreth held the door for Harley and took a peek inside: it was well furnished, with shelves full of books and records, some heirlooms and decorations, probably gifts. The desk was made of solid wood and seemed just as old as the Sheriff himself, but somehow it gave the room that official "boss office" look. Behind the Sheriff's chair, which seemed a bit too high compared to the desk, was a big map of the local area with multiple red marks and pins. An old Winchester rifle was resting against one of the bookshelves.


Once everypony (and griffon) took their seat, Sheriff Peacemaker took out a fresh piece of paper and a pencil, then pointed at Garreth and said: "You, start cawing how it went. Just the important stuff, I don't need to know the story of your life."


The griffon nodded and, to his displeasure, he discovered why the Sheriff's chair was so high. It gave him a better look at his guests, especially the ladies...


"Well, yes, so we were on the road from Dodge Junction. Me and my driver, an earth pony called Hard Cider. We had to stop by the small wooden bridge, some 2 kilometres from the town or so." - Garreth was a bit stressed, but the Sheriff seemed to be understanding so far.


"I know the place, go on."


"So, we stopped and I went outside to check the bridge. Standard procedure when we drive the armored L-3000."


The Sheriff almost spit his pipe. "A WHAT? Are you telling me, that somewhere out there, those outlaws have theselves an armored truck?!  Mother of Celestia... Just... go on."


"Um, yes, Marecedes L-3000, custom shop. Nearly inpenetrable with smallarms... So I was inspecting the bridge and my driver was by the wheel. I was finishing the check-up when he went outside to hurry me up, and then we got attacked from both sides. I guess they used the apple trees for cover, and were very close. We fought back but I got pinned in the channel and they got my driver. He's probably dead by now, but I can't be sure. I just heard a coach gun go off inside the cab. They didn't throw him off when they fled with the truck you see. I would be done for if not for Harley here, who came to our rescue."


Peacemaker was scribbling some notes, occasionally looking at Harley. Once the griffon was finished, he looked up at them.


"Alright... sounds like they were expecting you. And by the look of it you barely made it alive. I want you to stay in town for a few days, might have s'more questions for you. Now you miss Wheels, tell me your version. Why you were there, what happened afterwards, I want a professional's opinion" - he leaned onto the desk to get a better look at her.

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley draws ina deep sigh and exhales "I wasn't there from the start, as you know, i had jsut finished the last bounty you gave me and was relaxing in my suite, feeling kind of bored. that is when I heard the gunshots, I grabbed my rifle and took a look through the scope to find Garreth here pinned down by the raiders. I grabbed some more munition and made for the tress as fast as I could" she begins and looks at the sheriff, with another sigh "i was able to kill off quite a few of the raiders, but unfortunately I didn't get there in time to save the truck or the driver" she says, "we decided to find shelter as it was getting dark when we our own way back, and only just got back a few hours ago" she finsihes off with a rub of her temple.


"I promised Garreth I'd help him find the truck and the shipment, if it is what we think it is, we can't risk them being used against the town" she says and sighs for the last time.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Sheriff Peacemaker listened to Harley's version, occasionally scribbling something in his notes. He now had a solid picture of what hapenned, and since his witnesses couldn't add much more, he dicided to finish questioning them about the incident. Stuff like number of the attackers was irrelevant anyway, considering the circumstances.




"I promised Garreth I'd help him find the truck and the shipment, if it is what we think it is, we can't risk them being used against the town" she says and sighs for the last time.


Sheriff put down his pencil and folded the note, then hid it in the drawer. Then asked the griffon with a serious look: "Is that correct? Are you two going to stir some trouble around here to find that shipment?


"Well, I can't go back home... I'll lose my job and be pretty much done for in the city so... yeah. Not like I have any other options really. " - the griffon replied, somewhat resigned.


"Alright. So what do you think was in the shipment, son?"


"They haven't told me, but I saw the crates when they loaded them. Looked like guns and ammo to me."


"Maybe you're not a bird brain after all..." - the Sheriff nodded. "Thing is, kids, me and Mayor got fed up with Canterlot giving us peptalks over the cable when we were drowning in brigands in here. See that map? Every mark is a raid, robbery, kidnapping and so on. As you can see, I'm running out of pins in here, and all I got is my old rifle and a gung-ho deputy who probably got himself killed too. Post office wanted us to check the cables cause they got dead air since Wendnesday. It's Monday and still nothing. So I sent that young gun to check on it. We can guess the rest... So you were right birdie, those are guns and ammo. Mayor thought he could rally the folks and regain the initiative... Now we don't know where they're hiding but we have some leads, you see. So I won't stop you from stirring stuff around here as long as you bring me those weapons, okay?" - He then turned to Harley - "I can't offer you much of an incentive, we're flat broke after we went shopping on those guns, but I'll try to make it up for you, somehow, if you put some lead in those bandit's skulls. Get your stuff in order, get some rest, and get back to me so I can tell you what I know. I'm not going anywhere so just drop in when you're ready, cause I'm not taking "no" for an aswer on this. If you do nothing, we're done. Simple as that. Now go on with your business, I bet you have a long list already." - he got up from his seat to escort the pair to the front door.

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley nods with a resigned sigh "We will, and thank you" she says as they are shown out the door. She sighs and looks to Garreth "well, that went better than i expected it to" she says with a wry smirk on her face "But it's better than the alternative, I thought he was going to flip the table, but I suppose with the evidence we showed him, he accepted it" she says as she once again takes his hand, "Shall we get to the gunsmith now? We can at least get some more bits for all of this, and the bill for fixing up our own gear won't be so high"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Thankful for seeing the sun again, Garreth took Harley's hand and began the walk towards local gunsmith's shop. "Sure, time to cash in this stuff."


Once they weren't within earshot of the Sheriff's office, he said - "You know, it did seem like that for a second, but I guess he figured that having us chasing things for him was a better option. This whole "I won't take no for an answer" was kinda obvious that we either help him fix this mess, or we'll be prosecuted for some imagined crimes... At least we know what was inside the boxes. Poor chances we'll return the cargo in mint condition."

Edited by Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods and smiles "True, it would almost seem as if he is trying to make amends for being slack in the past" she says "as for what is in those crates, it is likely they will keep some, but also try to off load it to gain a profit" she says and shakes her head as they soon reach the gunsmith "Ambrosia is a good friend of mine, and she might even know of who they would unload the loot off to"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"True, it would almost seem as if he is trying to make amends for being slack in the past"


"More like trying to save his flank now that the raiders have an armoured vehicle and a big pile of guns..." - Garreth thought to himself. He really hoped he wouldn't have to face that truck in combat.




"Ambrosia is a good friend of mine, and she might even know of who they would unload the loot off to"


"Good idea, might give us some leads to start off. I somewhat doubt the Sheriff will have any solid intel... he's basically barricaded in his office." - the griffon smirked at the idea of that wicked old stallion barricaded in there like a foal in a pillow fort.


"Ah, finally we'll lighten the load. I forgot to ask, do you have clening kits for a 9mm pistol and 7,92mm rifle? I misplaced mine..." - the last part was accompanied by a sheepish grin. Obviously they were in the stolen truck, like most of his stuff. Garreth opened the door and held them for Harley, then came inside too.

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@@Raven Rawne,


She nods and smiles as she sees her old friend Ambrosia at the desk, "Hey 'Brosia, we got some stuff for ya" she says, as the earth pony mare looks up at her with a raised eyebrow,


"we..." she then sees Garreth "ooh, got yourself a griffon mate eh?" she chuckles, "Well lets see what you've got then" she says ,clearing some space on her work bench, and as soon as Harley and Garreth place the fire arms and munition on the bench,her eyes widen "Where in the hell did you get these? These are.." she looks them over with a careful eye.


"Raiders, not like the usual ones, they stole an armored truck" she says wryly

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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It was quite apparent the mares knew eachother, probably for a long time too. Garreth said hello once Ambrosia noticed him, then laid his loot on the workbench next to Harley's.


"She kinda saved my life the other day." - he told Ambrosia once the gear was on the table, then retreated to let her browse through the pile.


Only once the truck was mentioned did Garreth speak up: "It's a Marecedes-Benz L-3000, custom shop. Impenetrable by small arms fire, both cab and cargo compartment. Quite a beast..." - who would have thought that one day he'd miss that rumbling oven.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"you wha..!?! How'd in the hell did you let..no never mind" she says, "those things are not only powerful, but also expensive as buck!" she gasps and shakes her head "Well yeah, Harley always has made it a habit to turn up just in time to save someone in need" she says, remembering the time that Harley had saved her from a stallion at the bar who was trying to take advantage of her. "anyway, I can give you probably a couple thousand bits on these, oh and Harls, your gear is ready"


"Thanks 'Brosia, think you could put some of that thousand onto the tab? oh and I think Garreth would like you to check out his gear" she says as Ambrosia nods "Bring them over hun and I'll see what I can do"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Yes, right. Uhh, my Mauser should be fine, I haven't fired a single shot since I left Manehattan, and it never let me down. G43 is more of a concern. Very choosy about ammo, you see. Jams once in a while..."


Garreth offered his carabine to Ambrosia.


"Say,  if you hear about somepony who wants to sell factory fresh firearms, could you give us a heads up? Pistols, rifles whatever."

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@@Raven Rawne


"So it's Firearms and ammo those bastards nicked off with? Just great, but sure,I know a few dealers that deal blackmarket goods, I'll see what I can find out for ya" she says with a smile, "So I saw Shrug walking over to your house Harls, you got a date?"

Harley giggles and nods "Yep, with Garreth here, he's taking me out for breakfast"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Noticing that Ambrosia just figured everything out, Garreth decided to salvage the situation.


"Thanks, any help is appreciated. Just... could you keep the news to yourself? I wouldn't want it to be public info, you know. Things seem tense already. "


He couldn't help but eye roll at the casual mention of their date. "Speaking of which, seems like we're going to reschedule it for dinner. We still have a few places to visit... I hope it's not a problem?" - he turned to Harley to check her opinion on the matter.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley smiles "Of course it's fine dear, gives us a bit more time to get ready, and also more time to skulk around and see what else we can find" she says  as she hugs him while Ambrosia begins to look over the Carbine.


"Hmm, these things can be temperamental at best" she says "Very temperamental" she says once more and sighs "Sometimes expensive isn't always the best" she then looks more at it then shakes her head "Mind if I give it a few test shots?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth returned the hug, but then a prospect of poking around town some more without a real meal beforehand dawned upon him, and it wasn't something to look forward to.


"That's great. Although maybe we could take a bite of something in a casual setting before we scratch the next place off our list? I'm not exactly running on sunlight, you know, even if my figure would make it look plausible." - he smiled at the witty remark, hoping Harley will schedule a tiny detour to some market stand.


Then he heard Ambrosia disproving of his weapon.


"Truth be told,  we are usually issued with flashy gear to look the part, and actual performance comes second, but I thought it's just the dirt cheap ammo that it finds disagreeable... Oh and by all means, take as many shots as you need. I'd like to hear your opinion whether it can be depended on or not."

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley nods "Good idea, I'm pretty hungry myself" she says and smiles at Ambrosia "We'll go do the rest of the stuff done" she says as Ambrosia nods


"Honestly, sometimes all you're paying for is a shiny chrome finish and size" she says as she hugs her friend "you go and have fun," she says as she continues to carefully inspect the carbine "when you come back, I'll give you the verdict, but I've had bad rep with this company, so my verdict may not be good" she says with a serious tone,

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth seemed relieved now that Harley picked on his idea, but something told him Ambrosia would advise him to scrap the shiny boomstick in favour of some local treat.


"Alright, I know I'm leaving my gun in good hands. Just... if it won't pass your evaluation, do you have something else I could use? Ideally with a box magazine, those Winchesters with their tube mags are a pain to load quickly... But I'll take whatever's availible. See you soon then."


Then he turned towards Harley and offered his hand: "Shall we?"

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@@Raven Rawne


Ambrosia nods "I should do, come back in an hour or so, I'll have my verdict by then and if it isn't good, I'm sure to have something for ya" she says then playfully shoos them out of the store "Now go on you two, scat, have fun": she says with a giggle "Oh and don't put Garreth through too much trouble now ya here" she giggles


"I won't, come on now darling" she says as she takes Garreth's arm and taking him out of the store.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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GGarreth was now sure that Ambrosia would take a good look at his gun, and if needs be, provide something in it's place.  As for the little play on their way out, well, there was only one appropriate reaction.


"Mares..." - he shook his head and walked out with Harley.


Once they were outside,  he asked, doing his best to imitate a Canterlot noble - "Miss Wheels, what us your heart's desire? Would you be interested in accompanying me for some refreshments, or perhaps you'd prefer to take your faithful steed from the stables? "

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley giggles "Let us get my bike out of the shop first, I've missed her" she says as she begins to lead the way and giggles once more "Oh and pay no mind to 'Brosia, she's always been a bit silly" she says with a smile "It's her coping mechanism after losing her father to the war" she says with a soft sigh.


They soon reached the bike store and shed, she pokes her head in to see if the mechanic was in.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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