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private Road to Retribution (with Raven Rawne)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Garreth waited until Harley went down and secured the ladder, just in case. Then he flexed his wings, stretched a bit, looked down and jumped off the water tower, extended his wings fully and used them like a parachute, gliding down in a spiralling trajectory until he landed next to the mare.


"Hmm, tough choice. Let's go to the gun shop first, then the tailor. Less carrying around."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Good idea, maybe we can even try to convince Ambrosia to give Elbow another shot" she says as she links arms with him. Her tail swishes somewhat as they walk.

She smiles at him "You know, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship partner" she says quoting a famous movie with a laugh and hugs him close. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The griffon nodded on Harley's remark about Ambrosia and Elbow Grease.

"Good idea, it seems they need some help to finally get along..."


Garret couldn't help but laugh at the mare's line and returned the hug. "So it would seem! To think that if somepony told me how this week would look like just a few days ago, I would tell them to lay off drinking..."


The gun shop was within sight, but they still had quite a walk ahead of them.


"So, you have a plan on how to bring your friends together or something? "

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Honestly? I'm just hoping to appeal to 'Brosia's better nature" she says with a shake of her head and a deep sigh "She can be so hardheaded and stubborn sometimes" she says as they reach the gunsmith. She pokes her head in "Oi 'Brosia! We're back!" She yells out, thinking the mare might be in the back room.


Ambrosia chuckles as she comes to the front of the shop then spots the grease spots and sighs "You've been at Elbow's haven't you? H-has he..said anything?" she asks softly


"Yeah he did, he said he's sorry he stood you up, you know he can't help it, when he gets involved in a project, he loses track of time" Harley says then walks over to her "You two obviously love each other deeply, he said he promises to turn up to a date this time if you'll give him another chance" she says softly


Ambrosia sighs "Very well, tell him I will meet him at the restaurant tonight at eight" she says then smiles "well Garreth, I've finished with your carbine"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As per usual, Garreth walked inside after Harley, since he was holding the door for her. He always thought it was rather... redundant, or even insulting to the mares, like they couldn't open them on their own, but back in Manehattan it's basic etiquette, so naturally it became his second nature, much like other habits and traditions of Equestrian society.


And so he stood in the back, listening to the mares talk. The openness of these ponies was just... Well, back at home, convincing somepony to give their love interest another chance would take a full week of theatrics, but in here everything was so... simple? Blunt, maybe? Actually, "efficient" came to mind the most. Hard conditions of the frontier made the locals adjust, and it seemed that what would be called "propriety" in a metropolis up north, down here had a serious trim to fit the lifestyle. All in all, Garreth was a bit out of his element, but for once he appreciated the local's honesty and straightforwardness.


Once Ambrosia called out his name, he straightened up and approached to the table, then made a concerned expression and asked in a worried voice: "So... what's the diagnosis, doctor?"


He just hoped the gunsmith will notice it's a joke...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Ambrosia chuckles "Well there's good news and bad news" she says with a wink "the bad news is, the make is one that always jams up no matter what ammunition you use" she says in a serious tone, "Now for the good news" she says and takes it out, putting it on the bench "I did a bit of tinkering around, now it can use any kind of ammunition with a much less chance of jamming up on you" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Seeing that Ambrosia apparently saw he was acting for fun, Garreth was a bit relieved. His schenaningas sometimes backfired.


He said with relief - "Well, it seems the surgery was succesful then. I knew you could make this toy gun a real deal."


The griffon took the carabine in his hands, removed the magazine and checked the chamber to make sure it's empty, then pulled the trigger for a dry shot while aiming at the wall. The gun worked smoothly, looked as good as previously, and now it would chew all the ammo of correct type, regardless of it's quality of manufacture. A big plus if they're going to resupply from fallen enemies for sure.


Satisfied with the inspection, Garreth put the gun down where he picked it up and looked at the gunsmith with a smile: "Thank you! Now I'm no longer worried it'll get me killed because of jamming. But if it does, I'll haunt you in your dreams for a refund!" He chuckled on the last part, since "a refund" is obviously the last thing a dead person needs.


"Alright, so how much for the service?" - Garreth got serious as soon as he mentioned payment. it's common knowlendge that griffons are always serious about money, debts and such.

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@@Raven Rawne



Ambrosia chuckles "I'd welcome the company" she says with a hearty laugh then looks at him, "No need to pay, Some of the stuff you sold to me was more than enough to cover the bill for your carbine and for the repair of Harley's gear" she says and then straightens herself out a little "Now if you two lovers don't mind, I've got a date to get ready for" she says, playfully shooing them out of the store once more.


Harley giggles "Well that went well, now off to the bike store, to get my baby and to tell Elbow that Ambrosia is willing to give him another chance"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth was a bit surprised that Ambrosia didn't want any payment - it didn't make sense for the griffon logic, but he lived long enough to know ponies don't count bits like griffons do. He just thanked the gunsmith and let himself get escorted to the door... again.




Harley giggles "Well that went well, now off to the bike store, to get my baby and to tell Elbow that Ambrosia is willing to give him another chance"


"Yep, let's see how he's holding on against the impossible task you gave him. I still think he could use some help in there, but I guess we can't spare the time, at least for now." Then he took the opportunity for some more entertainment: raised his eybrow questioningly and asked philosophically: "Do all mares refer to their property as it were their children? It sounds... odd, you know. Like you gals had to have a baby to take care of all the time..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The mare laughs "Only those who have been alone a long time" she says "Oh come on now, don't tell me you haven't referred to one of your firearms as your baby, I've seen the way you look at your Carbine" she laughs and gently jabs him with her finger in his side.


They soon arrived at the bike shop, she smiles "It looks like he actually took my words of advice" she says softly "Hey Elbow! Got news for ya!"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The mare laughs "Only those who have been alone a long time" she says "Oh come on now, don't tell me you haven't referred to one of your firearms as your baby, I've seen the way you look at your Carbine" she laughs and gently jabs him with her finger in his side.


"Garreth laughed with Harley: "Then I better keep an eye on you, things could get weird if you tried to fill the tank with a milk bottle..." The idea was so ridiculously funny he had to wipe a tear from his eye. Once he could talk again, he replied: "It's not the same, you know! All my gear belongs to the company, and they put ridiculous fines on you if you won't return their stuff. See this tie? It's worth like, 5 bits tops. But take it home and they'll write fifty off your paycheck! I don't even want to think how many salaries would this thing cost me..." - he pointed at the carabine slung from his shoulder. "Besides, you said yourself that using a gun you know is important."




They soon arrived at the bike shop, she smiles "It looks like he actually took my words of advice" she says softly


"So it would seem..." - Garreth said in surprise.


As the pair closed to the motorcycle shop, Garreth thought there were two in town and they went to the other one. Sure, it had the same, "vintage looking" buildings and there were some rustbuckets laying around, but some of the scrap somehow... dissapeared! Once they got closer, Elbow Grease came out of the shed, now fully open, dragging a pile of rust on some kind of blanket. The stallion stopped and looked back once the mare called to him.


"Huh.. Oh hi! Nice to see you two, I could use some help with taking the irrepairable parts to the pile behind the shop. I'll sell it for scrap, you see. Oh and as you can see, I took your advice to make some spring cleaning in here. I never knew hom many things were just laying around, even though I couldn't salvage a single screw off them..." - Elbow Grease was about to start pulling his load again, but then he remembered something and let go of the fabric, then turned around to face the pair - "Did you just say... "news"?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods as she goes to one of the sides of the blankets to help "Yeah, Ambrosia said she'll meet you  at the restaurant at eight tonight" she says as she helps him carry the scrap to the back of the shop "And it's good you took my words of advice, I could actually walk into the store without tripping over anything" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth loked inside the shed and whistled: "Somepony's been busy in here..."


The progress may not have looked so impressive as id did on the outside, but that;s because the mechanic had to look over his stuff and put things on shelves and such, rather than just get rid of it all. And so, there were piles all over the place, much like previosuly, but this time they contained select items, like, just bike frames, or just tanks. It was apparent that the colt had a lot of work ahead of him, but he sure was on the right path. If he kept the pace, maybe in 2 days this place could look decent. Strange what love can do...




Harley nods as she goes to one of the sides of the blankets to help "Yeah, Ambrosia said she'll meet you at the restaurant at eight tonight" she says as she helps him carry the scrap to the back of the shop "And it's good you took my words of advice, I could actually walk into the store without tripping over anything"


Elbow Grease grabbed the other end of his blanket and pulled together with his friend.


"Glad you noticed, Harls. I've been at it since I finished with your ride. Eight you say? What time is it now then?"


A voice from inside the shed replied - "3.17 PM"


The stallion thought for a moment, probably calculating how much time he needed to prepare. "Alright, I'll be there. Thanks for helping me out. Again." Once they dragged the rusted junk behind the shop, Harley could finally see the full extent of his "spring cleaning": a pile as tall as them, made entirely of broken, rusted or otherwise unsalveagable items decorated the backyard. Once they freed the blanket from the pile of stuff that lied on it and fed the pile with new items, Elbow paused to arch a break and said, grinning sheepishly. "I don't suppose you two would be willing to help me in here for a bit?

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley smiles and then looks at the time "3:17?" she asks herself "I suppose we have a bit more time,before we have to head back to the sheriff's then to Shrug's then to our date" she says and looks to Garreth "What do you say hun? Think we have enough time to help out a friend for a bit?" she asks


Meanwhile Ambrosia had closed up shop and had begun cleaning up for her date

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth also came to the backyard to take a look at how they were doing, and was impressed at the size of that junk pile. it looked like some serious money for all the scrap.




"What do you say hun? Think we have enough time to help out a friend for a bit?" she asks


The griffon looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded: "Sure, why not. But it would be best if I somehow remained clean... I doubt miss Shrug would appreciate our efforts if it meant her wares got dirty... Tell you what - you load, I pull. That should work, I guess?"


Elbow was relieved - "Thanks! I knew I could count on you two! Now let's get to it, I have a date to go to!" He said the last part with pride.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley smiles "So do we," she giggles as she helps finally tidy up the shop. After an hour, she was near exhausted "Whew, I think that'll do for now" she says as she then turns her attention to Garreth "Think it's time we let him get ready for his date while finish business for the day before our own date?" she asks softly

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Cleaning the shop was surprisingly hard work, but somehow the griffon managed to avoid getting dirty. Truth be told, he was quite adept at precisely that, having white fur and all... Still, doubling as a pack mule made him rather tired. He wasn't sure how Elbow made it really, must've ben that earth pony durability. The griffon learned the hard way not to understimate earth ponies and their muscles. Even after all those years, he sometimes felt that once broken rib aching, especially in winter.


All in all, between the three of them, they covered a lot of ground. For once, all the junk found it's way out. Secondly, more delicate parts found their way onto shelves or containers, and what was left in piles was arranged against walls and segregated. Cleaning the dirt and grease would be a task for another day, but even now the shop looked way better.




"Whew, I think that'll do for now" she says as she then turns her attention to Garreth "Think it's time we let him get ready for his date while finish business for the day before our own date?" she asks softly


Garreth nodded, leaning against one of the shelves. "Yeah, sounds like a plan. Just let me wash my hands and I'm ready" - he then went to the nearby sink.


Elbow Grease looked beat, but satisfied nonetheless. "Thanks again, Harls. I'd be still neck deep in scrap if not for you two. Now I can get myself ready for the date - no more distractions for today. I'm not going to waste another opportunity you gave us. Oh, almost forgot! Your motorcycle! Follow me to the shop, I moved it out of the barn so it won't get in the way."


The mechanic urged the pair outside, then closed the barn door and pulled a heavy chain across the handles and closed it shut with a big padlock. Then he invited his friends inside the bike shop, where Harley's machine found shelter. The place looked somewhat better than it might seem, based on the looked of the building from the outside. Apparently the client area recieved more attention on the regular basis. The motorcycle was parked in the middle of the shop, between two collumns of motorbikes for sale.


"There it is, all ready." - Elbow motioned Harley towards her bike.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley smiles "She's beautiful, as always Elbow, you've done a wonderful job" she says, hugging him before letting go of him "And good, I'm not going to always be around to help you get back into Ambrosia's good books" she says as she looks to Garreth, motioning him over to see her bike. "Isn't she a beauty? Now we can ride home in style" she says as she then looks to Elbow "How much do I owe you?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"She's beautiful, as always Elbow, you've done a wonderful job" she says, hugging him before letting go of him "And good, I'm not going to always be around to help you get back into Ambrosia's good books"


Elbow returned the hug and replied: "You know I would never do a poor job on your bike, right? it's the best ride to ever come out of my shop, after all."




"Isn't she a beauty? Now we can ride home in style"


Garreth inspected the motorbike and nodded: "I'm more into cars myself, but, yeah, it's a cool bike alright."




"How much do I owe you?"


The mechanic seemed somehow embarassed with the question. "We both know that I owe YOU, and a lot too, so... just enjoy the ride, really. Consider it a VIP discount for best friends." He then took out the keys from behind the counter and presented them to Harley. "If I recall correctly, I'm not the only one who has plans for today. Have fun you two, and thanks for the help."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley hugs him again "I know, but remember, if you ever need anything, let me know, even if I'm in Manehatten" she says and  kisses his cheek as she takes the keys "you will tell us how it goes, won't you?" she asks before she starts to wheel the bike out of the shop, "Perhaps we're even going to the same restaurant" she says before she gets on the bike and waits for Garreth "Off to the sheriffs then the tailors"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"I know, but remember, if you ever need anything, let me know, even if I'm in Manehatten" she says and kisses his cheek as she takes the keys "you will tell us how it goes, won't you?


Elbow Grease walked to the door and opened them to let Harley outside. "Sure will! Wait, weren't you two supposed to go earlier? Nah, what am I saying, it's nearly five. The sheriff alone will keep you in his castle till dusk. Just don't doze off..."


Meanwhile, Garreth said goodbye to the mechanic and followed the mare outside. He rolled his eyes when she said that they'll go to the sheriff first, but he was in no position to argue, so he just let her know his displeasure: "Riiight, I'm dying to see the old man..." He then sat on the back seat and grabbed the handhold behind it.


"I'm ready, just don't make me fall you hear me? I know that look in your eyes!"

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@@Raven Rawne,


"what look? I'm not a maniacal speed demon.. promise" she says, putting on the innocent act then laughs as she revs the engine "aah listen to her purr!" he yells as she then speeds off towards the sheriff's office. 


About fifteen minutes later, they arrived at Peacemaker's office "Oh my gawd, I've missed that feeling so much!" she says as she parks her bike.  She then smiles at Garreth "how'd you like that love?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"what look? I'm not a maniacal speed demon.. promise"


Garreth thought to himself as Harley put the innocent display "No siree, who would ever accuse you of such thing eh? Maybe I'll break my neck and get away from all this..." The sudden acceleration cut his thoughts short, however, making room for holding on for dear life.




She then smiles at Garreth "how'd you like that love?"


Garreth got off the bike, shook his head and said: "Two words: Never. Again. I'm preening my wings and flying on my own, even if it takes me whole night to sort them out." Then he said to himself: "Speed freak..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley laughs "Oh come on, don't be such a wuss" she says as she playfully shoves him before walking up to the office doors and walking in "Sheriff? We've got some news and some ideas to share with you, you in?" she calls out. as she walks to the desk and sits down to wait for him.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth was taken aback. "A wuss?! I dibs on the first car we steal back, and then we'll see!" She paid him no mind though, already opening the heavy door to the local den of Justice.


Somewhat resigned, Garreth went inside and sat in the other chair by the Sheriff's desk. A moment later they heard the door opening on the first floor, followed by squeaks of old wooden stairs as the building's sole occupant descended on the ground floor.


"Ah, it's you kids. Thought I heard that infernal machine of yours, miss Wheels... So what's these news, huh? Let's hear it."

Edited by Raven Rawne

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