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private Thundy and Lunar (1x1 RP between C.Thunder Dash and Miss Reaper)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/158461-introductory-rp-for-new-oc/


It was a nice and sunny day in the town of Ponyville. Thundy was taking a drive on the streets with his 2015 Mustang GT350R. He was headed for a nearby cafe to get some lunch, before he went back to his house to jam on his keyboard. His windows were down and he had his music turned up. 


Edited by C. Thunder Dash
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@@C. Thunder Dash,


Lunar Symphony was on the sidewalk, heading for home after purchasing a few bare necessities from the local shops around Ponyville. It was a nice day, she could tell; it felt warm and temperate, ideal weather. She had never known the sight of sunlight, but she most certainly felt its warmth through her pale coat.


And all the time, she was listening. Hearing the cars on the road, the hooves on the pavement. Idle chatter. Every little sound around her, sensitive ears heard clearly. Most importantly, she "listened" to the feedback from her echolocation, giving her an idea of objects' locations in relation to her. If only so she didn't run into anything, or end up walking into the road on accident. It helped her "see," in a manner of speaking, though it would never replace that missing sense.


The bat pony paused when she heard music nearby, ears perking. Inevitably, it drew her attention - she, with a love for music. She turned towards its source, taking another moments' pause as she produced soft clicks to determine the source of its location. The closest thing she could identify was a car. Interesting...

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Thundy had stopped at a stoplight and noticed a mare who seemed quite fixated on his car, yet struggling a bit to walk toward him. Thundy sort of knew the mare could be or was blind. He parked his car. "Miss?" He called out looking through his window and lowering the volume of his music seeing if that could draw the mare in.

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


The bat pony's ears twitched when she heard a voice, presumably calling out to her. It was coming from the same direction as the music, so she could reasonably assume that the owner of the voice in question was likely the one responsible for the source of the music. He was in the car. Sounded like a male, at least. Now that he had her attention and she knew where he was - confirming as much with echolocation - she walked towards him.


"Yes, sir?"

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"Y-you seem a bit...lost...are you okay?" Thundy asked looking at the batpony, wanting to help her. Roaming on the streets was pretty dangerous, especially for a pony that was blind. He awaited an answer from the mare, but blushed very lightly, because she looked so beautiful. 


@@Miss Reaper

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


Lunar tilted her head, fluffy ears perked. She couldn't help but wonder what the cause for concern was - unless, of course, he noticed she was blind. It wasn't hard, once one looked closely enough at her and saw her clouded red eyes peeking through her bangs or, less commonly, recognized her use of echolocation. Or maybe he just genuinely thought she was lost. She could seem like she was wandering, she supposed.


The bat pony shook her head in answer. "No, no, I'm not lost," she assured. "I was just trying to figure out where that music was coming from... I can safely assume that it's coming from you car?"

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"Yep...that's where it was coming from." Thundy said now knowing that she was blind. "I'm Thundy. What's your name." Thundy asked the bat pony as he turned down his music a little more, so he could hear her. He felt like restoring her sight, but didn't want to surprise her.


@@Miss Reaper

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


Lunar's bangs shifted as she flicked her head; though it made no difference one way or the other as far as sight, sometimes stray hairs could still bother her unseeing eyes. She looked in Thundy's general direction, seemingly at him but failing to make eye contact for obvious reasons. She wasn't even sure if he was a pony or not, seeing that she had only shapes to work with as far as what she "saw" with her echolocation. He was a little big to be a normal pony, at least, but some stallions were just bigger. The head shape, though...


She shook off the line of thought. Introductions, that came first. "I'm Lunar Symphony, but you can call me Lunar. Nice to meet you, Thundy."

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"Nice to meet you Lunar, and if you're wondering what I am...I'm a griffon...with pony ears..." Thundy said. If you take a few steps forward, you'll be able to lean on my car and feel around for my features." Thundy said as he waited for Lunar to take the steps needed to reach his car.

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


The offer gave the bat pony pause for a few moments. Well, apparently he knew now that she was blind - but then again, she was close enough that he probably noticed her clouded eyes, her lack of definitive knowledge concerning her immediate surroundings. It wasn't that hard to figure out when one was observant. She still didn't like knowing that he knew, though.


However, it wasn't often that someone offered to let her feel their features so she could get a better idea of what they "looked" like. She had no concept of sight, being essentially blind since birth, but learning of others through senses aside from her echolocation was always a good experience.


After a few more clicks to check the distance between herself and the car, she took a few more steps forward, then brought herself up to her hind legs and leaned against the car. "Alright, then... If you're sure you won't be weirded out by my feeling around your face, then lean this way."

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Thundy leaned forward and waited, blinking his eyes at the bat pony. He was able to get a better glimpse at the beauty of this new bat pony he encountered. Though she couldn't see, a light blush appeared on his face, giving him an urge to chirp cutely. Nonetheless he held it in, knowing that it would be a giveaway. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


Lunar's hooves came up to the griffon's face, gentle as she started to feel around his features. Soft pony ears; velvety fur and sleek features, she quickly discovered. Over his forehead, delicately across where his eyes probably were, the hard surface of his beak. And finally, her hooves rested on his cheeks, her head tilting slightly as she noted the warmth. "Hmm? Your cheeks are a little warm..."


The bat pony then smiled, flashing her pointed teeth for a brief moment as her hooves patted his cheeks. "Is it because I'm this close? Or am I just imagining things?"

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Thundy blushed. "Could be me..." Thundy said purring lightly as the bat pony felt around his face softly. Thundy then reached a talon and gently stroked the bat pony's head lovingly. "You're also very soft..." Thundy said gently nuzzling the bat pony's hoof with his beak. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"That's what I thought." Lunar smirked for but a moment, listening to him purr, though she faltered when she felt the griffon's talon rub against her in turn; her fuzzy ears twitching in mild surprise. "H- Hey, that's not how this works. I'm supposed to be the one doing the touching..." The bat pony did nothing to keep him from doing so, though. She wasn't used to being touched with such affection, and she could feel her cheeks warm with a blush.


"Thanks," she murmured after a moment, noting the beak nuzzling against her hoof. She brushed her hoof over his cheek again, feeling soft feathers. "I could say the same of you, you know."

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Thundy ended up letting out a soft chirp blushing. "So...want to go for a drive with me? I'm kinda lonely and would like some company..." Thundy said as he gazed into the batpony's eyes. Her beauty was beyond words for Thundy. He felt really bad for her being blind, and in time, hoped he could restore her sight. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


Lunar couldn't help but giggle when she heard the chirp from Thundy. It was such a cute sound to hear. She could only imagine the look on his face - and she imagined he was blushing a fair bit, seeing that she could feel the warmth in his cheeks with her hoof lingering on his face. Slowly, she pulled her hoof back, and her ears perked at the offer he proposed. The bat pony wasn't sure. It wasn't exactly every day she met someone, and then that someone asked if she would go with him on a drive.


Then again, it wasn't like she was expected anywhere else. She didn't have any pressing obligations; she had the time to spare. And, truth be told, a large part of her was saying, "why not?" So she smiled, nodding her head. "Yeah, sure... I wouldn't mind some company myself."

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


Lunar couldn't help but giggle when she heard the chirp from Thundy. It was such a cute sound to hear. She could only imagine the look on his face - and she imagined he was blushing a fair bit, seeing that she could feel the warmth in his cheeks with her hoof lingering on his face. Slowly, she pulled her hoof back, and her ears perked at the offer he proposed. The bat pony wasn't sure. It wasn't exactly every day she met someone, and then that someone asked if she would go with him on a drive.


Then again, it wasn't like she was expected anywhere else. She didn't have any pressing obligations; she had the time to spare. And, truth be told, a large part of her was saying, "why not?" So she smiled, nodding her head. "Yeah, sure... I wouldn't mind some company myself."

Thundy waited patiently. He turned off his engine so the mare could concentrate on getting to the passenger door. He had an urge to restore her sight, but was able to control it. "Have you eaten lunch yet?" Thundy asked still waiting for Lunar to get into his mustang.

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


It took only a few moments, a few soft clicks and chirps from the back of her throat, for Lunar to reaffirm where she was in relation to the car, and the passenger seat she needed to get to. She easily walked around the car, reaching the passenger side. There was another brief pause as she located the door handle, and then she was opening the door and hopping into the car seat; after which, she pulled the car door closed.


"Nah, not yet," she answered once situated. "I was going to just eat at home or something, probably. But I don't mind a change of plans."

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"Ok." I think I'm gonna get lunch now...it's great I got someone to chat with while I eat..." Thundy said smiling. "We're heading off now." He said hitting the gas. The mustang jolted off smoothly as the signature mustang V8 engine increased in rpms. Thundy let off when the mustang hit 50mph.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Sounds good to me," Lunar responded with a smile in turn.


It wasn't often the bat mare found herself in a car - she couldn't drive, for obvious reasons. As effective as her echolocation was in helping her find her way around obstacles, it would be too difficult to stay constantly vigilant as one must do when driving. Her blindness probably disqualified her from even trying for a license, anyway.


She stiffened for only a moment when the car took off, startled by the sensation. It was a powerful car, indeed. She could feel the rumble of the engine; she could hear it roar, then settle into a purr once the griffon let off the gas. The wind rushed through the open window at her side, stirring her hair as she turned towards it. A lovely feeling, as the bangs were brushed away from her clouded eyes.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"You good?" Thundy asked as he continued to drive. He then stopped at a stoplight. A few carriage taxis passed by slowly. Thundy turned his music back on. A light rock song came on. It was one of Thundy's favorites. Thundy lightly tapped his other paw to the beat of the song. 


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  • 1 month later...

@@C. Thunder Dash,


Lunar looked to the griffon, and gave him a smile as she nodded her head. "Doing just fine." At the stop light, the thestral took a few moments to simply listen again. To the rumble of Thundy's car engine idling; the taxis passing by; all the sounds around her. When one lacked sight as Lunar did, sound became the most important thing. She was always aware of sounds, always listening, always alert for any noise.


Her ears flicked up when she heard the music again, attention immediately drawn back to it. She knew now it was his radio, and she listened to the song that came on. A nice song. She was also aware of Thundy's paw tapping to the beat, not that she minded. In fact, she was almost tempted to follow the beat herself and tap her hoof, though she resisted the impulse.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thundy smiled at Lunar. "You could've tapped if you wanted too..." Thundy said. The light then turned green and Thundy went off the line rather quickly, sort of pinning them back to their seats. He let off the gas after a bit. Another one of Thundy's favorite songs came on. It was slower. Thundy sang along to the lyrics with his amazing voice.


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