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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne


"Mmm beds or bed?" Clare giggles, wiggling her eyebrows and then giggles again "so straight ahead then left, gotcha" she says as she straps on her shield and her trusted Dragon Sword. She looks to her marefriend and kisses her "In all seriousness though, I really do enjoy our time together, even if we're just snuggling and talking, it reminds me of times when we were just little fillies"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear looked to the sky in resignation. "Okay, you win... we'll take the one with double bed, consequences be damned."


She checked if her own shield is within reach on the wagon, just in case, and took the ox's reins to lead it back on the road as they walked beside it. The animal had enough to pull without them on board. The mare straightened her belt as the one and half saber weighted it down a bit.


The kiss was unexpected, but then, since when Clarissa did as she was expected to? Crys looke at her and smiled. "Well I don't know about you, but I don't recall anywhere as much snuggling back when we were little as we do now. But, I guess you're right, in a way. We could spend all night telling each other of places we visited once we had a chance to meet, or sneak out to "investigate" a ghost story we heard about... Yeah, those were the times."


Crys fell silent as she recalled their younger years and started to daydream about the days past.

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@@Raven Rawne


Crystal smiles as she walks next to her lover and companion side by side. She swishes her tail "So, I know you went off without me back to your home, did you come across the sage on your travels? I had no such luck, but then, he might be at the capitol, assisting the lord there" she says as she closes her eyes in thoughts "I still cannot believe that the Minotaurs wanted to foalnap me and kill you"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


"Nah, I haven't seen him, but it's no wonder really. When I went to Raven's Nest on the winter break I used a shortcut and didn't go through Opal Hill. Instead I had a boat waiting for me at Silverlake - you know the place, coastal town near the small lake by the same name, South-West of Opal. It took me straight home, since it was way faster than walking all the way to the strait. And don't make that sad face, you know I had to go because we had guests from the continent, right?"


The sudden mention of the attack from ten months prior took her by surprise. "Hey, stuff happens. With neighbours like them it was a matter of time before they figured some more subtle approach to get the upper hand. We may have a truce every now and then, but the idea of lasting peace eludes them. At least we showed them who's in charge here, am I right?" Crys bumped into her friend's shoulder playfully and smiled.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare sighs "I know, but I just missed you while you were gone, luckily I had Wolfy" the snuggle with, as Wolfy was her plush wolf that her sister had given her for her last birthday "Though it isn't quite like snuggling up to the love of your life" she says and laughs "Well yeah, I don't think those logheads were expecting me to have my ancestor's sword, not sure I'd be able to have survived without it"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear nodded. "Yeah, I missed you too all right. Going to the next Crystal Summit next year will be really tough..."


Her ears perked up a bit once Clare mentioned her doubts abou the fight's outcome if not for the ancient blade. Problem solving was her thing. The mare rubbed her chin in concentration with a spare hand. "Well we were in a tough situation alright. Swords are useless against full plate and I was occupied with the halberdier, so I couldn't step in with my backup war hammer. That's the reason why I take it in the first place - one handed and with one spiky end, it's useful agains armor, but not unarmored targets. My best guess would be switching sides so I would hammer the spiky brain, or finish the halberdier and hit him from both sides. Either way, we had a chance."


They reached the point where the road split in two. An old sign pointed in both directions, announcing where these paths lead. Crystal Clear took the reins and instructed the ox to follow the left one.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods "I feel we would have been done for  if not for Dragon Sword here" she says and then nods at the remark about the hammer "well I'm glad one of us is always prepared," she says as she nuzzles her and lays back on the cart, she sighs softly "At least we've got the cart this time, no twisting ankles for me this time around" she chuckles and smiles softly "However, in a way that was a lifesaver, if we weren't held up for the night, we may not have come across the ruins and the mage"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal Clear returned the nuzzle and smiled at her marefriend who climbed up the wagon to get some more rest, while the other mare walked holding the reins and led the ox. "I love it how effortlessly you explain setbacks as stepping stones of success. I'm too self critical for that... Anyway, you have any plans once we get to Opal Hill? Other than hugging your sister till she starts running away from you that is!" She smirked at the prospect of a hugging fiend terrorising the palace.


The road led towards the coast, as expected. To the left, just a rick throw away, was a cliff dropping straight into the sea. Another island was visible about a mile away. To the right were the golden fields, dotted with boulders or bushes where the farmers couldn't reach with their plows or move the huge stones. A light wind from the sea carried the cries of seabirds that were feeding in the water. The sun was high and the sky was dotted with only occasional clouds here and there, but it wasn't hot. The Isles were colder than mainland Equestria, for which Crystal Clear was grateful. They still had a few miles to the village though, and she couldn't even see the telltale smokes of a settlement.


"Ahh... I'm so lucky to live here... The austere beauty of this land is breathtaking, you know."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Well something my father told me before my first day at the academy was that if you only see set backs as set backs or obstacles, you're bound to get nowhere, but if you see them as something to get over as a stepping stone to greater achievements, then you'll go far. I never truly knew what he meant until then" she states and nods "I do envy how you live in countryside, with all this peace, quiet and fresh air. 


Clare sighs softly as she closes her eyes "I'd give anything to live in a place like this" she says and smiles as she dozes off for a short nap.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The crystal pony smiled as she listened to the other mare. "You'd give anything for so many things as of late, I'm starting to wonder when you're going to propose we escape on the continent and buy a small house in the middle of nowhere... um, Clare? Ah, she's asleep. Probably mustering her strengths for the night. Knowing you we won't sleep at all..." Crys shook her head at the idea, but she also smiled. Despite the prospect of a sleepless night it was still something to look forward to...


The one cart caravan continued in silence as half of the passengers were fast asleep, while the other half admired the sights. Crystal Clear soon began to wonder why she didn't meet anypony on the road. Normally there would be a travelling merchant or some peasants going someplace, but today,  nothing. It wasn't a cause for alarm,  but it felt a bit odd.


She walked like that for nearly two hours, and Clare stirred a few times but didn't wake up just yet. Finally, the mare saw chimney smokes in the distance - they were getting closer to the village and a warm meal. Maybe if they ate fast, they would continue the journey and make it to Opal late at night?

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare mumbles something in her sleep, but about half way through their journey, the cart hits a large rock and she is jolted awake "mmpf, are we there yet?" she asks with a cute yawn and a stretch, looking around at the scenery "It's no wonder I slept so well, and you know I heard your remark earlier, the thought had crossed my mind, but I need to see if I'm going to be crowned Princess of if my sister is" she says as she scratches behind her ears a litlte.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crys heard her marefriend wake up and replied. "Not yet. Still a few miles to cross. Sorry for the rock by the way."


The mare made a very surprised face and looked at Clare. "Are you serious?! Move out of your country, leave the titles and riches, and for what? The lauded life in simplicity? Too much philosophy, I'm afraid. I can get through a tough patch for a cause but seriously,  I would go crazy living in a hut somewhere, tending to crops and the like..."


Crystal Clear urged the ox to get moving. She wanted to reach that village already.

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@@Raven Rawne,


She smiles "Yeah you'e right, still a nice thought though, a nice little country manor, the two of us, some servants to make sure we're comfortable and maybe just lords over a small town or something?" she suggests and closes her eyes again "oh well, a mare can dream right?" she chuckles and goes back to rest, "wake me when we get there"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal Clear thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I can live like that." As her marefriend fell asleep again,  she continued guiding the cart towards the distant buildings.


It took another hour to reach the Flounder Cove. First,  they were greeted by the telltale stench of smoked fish mixed with the sea breeze and smoke from fires used to smoke and dry the fish before transport. The hamlet consisted of around twenty houses, some sheds by the shore, several smokeries and countless racks on which the cleaned up fish dried in the sun. A larger building in the center had many purposes, but on most days it was an Inn and today was no different. 


Crystal took in the sight of wooden houses with thatch roofs, mares fixing nets and doing house chores while stallions were fishing at sea. The community was rather poor, but they seemed to be doing more or less okay. The appearance of an armed mare with a loaded wagon turned quite a few heads, and Crystal decided to wake up her companion before she went inside the inn to ask where she could safely leave the ox and their cart. She parked near the inn entrance and climbed the wagon. Seeing the other mare was still asleep, she leaned and nuzzled her lovingly. As Clare stirred up,  Crystal said quietly into her ear. "We're in the village dear. Wake up and keep an eye on our stuff while I get that big bed for you alright?" Seeing that Clarissa was waking up, she jumped off the cart with a metallic clang as the metal pieces of her minimal armor struck each other. One last look to make sure Clare wouldn't doze off again and she strided confidently into the inn. 


Once the heavy oak door gave in, the mare walked inside the main chamber. A fireplace was set up in the middle, but it was warm enough so it wasn't lit. Several tables were laid by the wooden walls, and a few ponies were eating and chatting. Mostly merchants by the look of them.  A lone griffon on the far corner, drinking to the proverbial mirror was more interesting, maybe because they rarely visited the Isles,  or maybe because of the prominent bludgeon that rested against the table beside him. The customers turned to see the newcomer, but none went to greet her. Such was the way of the road - you mind your own business. Crys approached the bar and greeted the innkeeper.


"Greetings innkeeper,  me and my companion would like to dine under your roof, maybe spend the night if she feels so inclined. We would be also grateful if we could park our cart and feed our ox. We can pay upfront." With that last remark she reached under her gambeson and fished out a bit pouch that was strapped to her belt, and laid it on the bar, then smiled warmly. The innkeeper gave her a good look over and nodded. "I remember you m'lady, been here a few months back right?  Don't be surprised, a pony like you is hard to forget. I'll get my son to tend to your cart right away, you can take what you need from it while you wait. It'll be 30 bits for taking care of your stuff and ox for today." Crys nodded and paid for the service, then went outside to get Clare. Seeing their wagon surrounded by fillies and colts as the mare sat on the cart and talk to them was a bit strange, but with Clarissa, you get used to all kinds of things.


"Getting acquainted with the youngsters already?  The innkeeper's son will take our cart under the roof and rake care of our Betsy." She patted the animal as she walked to it. There are a few ponies inside,  merchants by the look of it. What's interesting is that there's a griffon in there, all by himself.  Maybe some envoy or a mercenary, he looked like he could take care of himself. Alright, here's the colt, take what you need and let's get this thing out of the street."


They took the cart into a shed by the inn and parked by three other wagons, most probably belonging to the merchants. Crys left the colt with their Betsy and took the other mare inside the inn. "Let's order something to eat and decide what to do next" she said to Clare as they were approaching the oaken door.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles as Crystal comes back from inside the inn "It isn't my fault I'm popular with the little ones" she says with a smile and a chuckle as she gets off of the cart and awaits for the inn keepers son to arrive, when he does, she couldn't help but whistle "Well, well, well, he's quite the handsome colt, if I weren't a lesbian.." she says while poking her tongue out at Crystal before laughing "Don't you worry sweetie, he's a little young, about the right age for my sister though" she says thougthfully

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear held the door to the inn and as Clarissa passed her, she whispered into her ear. "If you want to test that colt for your sister, then go for it, but I'm not interested." She made a sly smile and pushed her marefriend in playfully with her hip.


The guests looked at the door again, and quickly returned to whatever they were doing. Crys thought that the merchants were talking a bit more lively than when she came in first.


The crystal mare showed her companion a free table bear the bar, and walked to the innkeeper. "We'd like to have a plate of grilled halibut for two, and a bottle of wine please." The eart pony stallion looked at both mares and nodded. "In a few minutes, m'lady."


Crys thanked the innkeeper and sat next to Clare. They could see most of the inn from their spot. "So what do you have in mind? A quick meal and a dash to Opal or we stay here for the night?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Hmm,  I'd like to scope out this colt for sis, o staying the night it is, besides, it'll be fun to entertain the little ones," she says as she stretches and takes a seat, placing the Dragon Sword next to her chair and relaxing for a bit, She sighs and closes her eyes "You gotta learn to loosen up babe, you're so tense" she remarks and smiles, "We're in a safe place, surely the ponies here wouldn't let anything or anyone harm the Princess of the realm and her beautiful companion"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear shooked her head. "I don't know really. With you around, it's hard to tell if I should be worried about you or everypony around." She leaned and said quietly. "Speaking of which, don't test that colt too hard."


Meanwhile the innkeeper showed up with a big plate of fish and a clay bottle with two cups. "Here's your order, is there anything I can do for you?" Crys nodded and replied. "Thank you, we'd like to rent a room. Is the big one, where I stayed last time, availible?" She smiled at him gently. "I know there's one big bed there and I don't mind. I liked the view. A warm bath in the evening will be nice too." The innkeeper nodded and went into the kitchen, apparently to make the arrangements. A few minutes later his wife walked out and into the gallery to prepare the room.


The crystal mare turned to her companion and poured them a shot. "All done, we're staying. I know I could've asked you for your order but that's the best they've got in here anyway. Fresh catch."

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@@Raven Rawne,


She smiles and opens her eyes "I don't mind a bit of fish here and there" she says with a nod then looks to the innkeeper "there is something I'd like to ask you, your son, how well do you think he'd fit my sister? I mean, suitor wise, to be honest, I'd much prefer her be with a hard working colt than a stuck up entitled one" she says with a soft smile "I'd say they're about the same age, if your son isn't maybe a couple years older" she says with a smile then winks to Crys "and thank you for the room, we'll have a bottle of your finest please"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The innkeeper was taken aback by the princess's opennes. He stammerred for a bit, but managed to give a reply. "I-uhh... we'd be honored, of course but, we're just a common folk, with nothing to their name. Surely she can have anypony she desires..." Since Clarissa seemed serious, he carried on. "He's a good kid, hard working and all. We thought he'd carry on the business, in fact. He would be a loyal companion for your sister, m'lady, if she chooses him that is. I'll get right back with my finest then." With that he took his leave.


Crys whistled. "Ice and snow Clare, what would your father say about that?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


"To hell with him, I want my baby sister to have a good colt and not some colt who thinks her place is in the kitchen, and if he can't see that, then I'll remind him that we have a powerful mage at our aid" she says and smiles as she leans back a bit "Besides, most noble born colts are too prissy unable to fend off a single raider, while the keeper's son, he looks strong and that he could fight well if trained...he's quite handsome too" she chuckles

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear eyed her ranting marefriend with a curious look, then drank her cup of wine in one swing. "I'm too sober for this... Let's have it your way, but you could at least bring her here to decide for herself. He may not be in her type, after all..." She poured herself another and held the cup in the air. "Are you going to let me drink by myself?

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles and raises her mug "To a budding relationship for my baby sis" she says and smiles with a nod "You're right, though I think he's her type, I've caught her eyeing the stablecolt back home,  Shame that colt's a bit like us, likes the same gender" she chuckles and nuzzles her friend as she drinks her wine, she then sees the colt walk in, and waves him down "Stablecolt, over here a moment"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear grinned and clicked her cup against her friend's. "That's the spirit!" Another cup downed in one swing. "This stuff's weak, but still better than water." The mare refilled their cups for another round when she saw she innkeeper's son walk in, and mentally braced for more Clare being Clare.


The colt looked around for a moment, unsure who called him. Crys lend him a hand and waved. "In here!" The stablecolt nodded and walked to the table, unsure what it's all about. He had brown coat, like a well seasoned oak wood. His charcoal mane and tail were cut short for practicality, but were kept in rather good shape. He had green eyes that reminded Crystal of the bottles of Erveluce, a premium brand of Equestrian wine. Overall he looked like early twenties and was fairly muscular, no doubt from physical labor. He wore a simple blue tunic and black pants, but no hoofboots. Most ponies didn't, unless for some specific reason, or to show off.


"Yes, m'ladies? How may I help you?" - he looked at both of them in turn, somewhat shy, standing in front of them.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles "Too right, water is dull after a while" she says then eyes the stallion and smirks "mmm handsome indeed, tell me stablecolt, you've heard of my baby sister haven't you?" she asks and shows him a small portrait of her "She's pretty isn't she?" she asks then leans back a bit "I'll be upfront with you, I'm looking to hook Celeste up with a good, strong, hard working stallion who could fight if need be. I don't want her being with a weak, prissy noble born who doesn't know which end of a sword to grip and ends up cutting their hands off" she smirks a little "So how about it? Once we go see her in Opal Hill, I bring her down here to meet you?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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