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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Orange Sparks,


The colt's eyes went wide once Clarissa stated her proposition. Unsure what to do and even whether she's serious in the first place, he seemed to play along, even if he was obviously out of his element.


"Aye, she is very pretty indeed. Looks a lot like you, in fact." He smiled a bit as he delivered the compliment. Meanwhile the innkeeper was trying to look busy as he listened to their conversation. Such was the price of sitting near the bar...


"Suddenly self concious, the colt stood with his back straight as if on attention, and replied with all the confidence he could muster. "If you think I would be worthy of your sister, my lady, then I would be glad to meet her. And if we'll fancy eachother, then I'll do all I can to provide and protect her."


The innkeeper smiled widely and caught Crys's armor piercing gaze as she sweeped the room, and hastily got back to cleaning the mug he held in his hand. Fortunately the other guests were too far to eavesdrop, and the griffon rent upstairs to his room a few minutes earlier.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles "I'm sure she'd fancy you well enough, I never got your name though" she says as she sips on her wine, she was dead serious about getting her baby sister a good colt "and I am glad you have  a good head on your shoulders" she says and chuckles a little then shakes her head "She knows how to fight a little,but I know she'd love a good strong protective type" she smiles.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The colt smiled as Clarissa took his acceptance as good coin. "My name's Dustyhoof. Grandpa chose the name and wouldn't budge, so the rest of the family had to accept it." He chuckled as it must've been quite a story to it. "Is there anything I can do for you? I'll need to get back to the animals in a bit and took the opportunity for a small break.


Crystal Clear looked at the mare beside her. "I guess she'll want to ask you about virtually everything, but maybe later, hmm, Clare? Alternatively, you could sit with us on your break. Plenty of room by the table, even with our swords laying around."

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@@Raven Rawne


"Well once you check on the animals, especially our oxen, you could do as my companion suggests and join us for a drink on your break, I'm sure your father wouldn't object to the Princess's request" she says with a small smile,  and leans back "I did good" she says to herself once Dustyhoof leaves, "I really did good, I'm sure he'd be a good husband for Celese"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dustyhoof nodded with a smile. "Alright, I'll get back to you once I'll finish with the animals. for now, I'll take my leave." And just as he said, with a small bow, he left the inn.


Crystal Clear decided it was high time for another round, and emptied her cup. "I don't know Clare, it looked just like those arranged marriages back at Crystal Summit. I know you want the best for your sister but... once you came up with the idea you could just have a casual chat with him and later tell Celeste about it so she could make the decision herself. That's how I see it, but you know I'll support you anyway."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Oh, I'm not going to force it if they don't click, but if they do, then joyous night" she says with a giggle and empties her cup once more "sure he may not be wealthy and he may not own any land except for his family's inn, but he's a good colt, he'd make a good husband if they do click" she says and smiles once their food arrives, "thank you innkeep" she says before starting to chow down in the food.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys waved her hand dismissively "Don't worry, they'll have more than enough from Celeste's dowry alone. And once your father cools down, I bet he'll give them a small manor or some other nice place to live. He's a good father after all."


The crystal mare started emptying her own plate, after refilling the cups of course. "Mmmm, told you, fresh fish is the best. Not the dried and salted sort they have at Opal."


The mares continued emptying their plates, while the merchants paid and left, apparently to get back on the trail. Now they were alone in the common room, save for the innkeep who looked like he just recieved his weight in gold.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare let out a loud burp, and laughs "Whew boy, I'm gonna miss being able to do stuff like that without consequence back home" she says and leans back, patting her now somewhat rounder belly "and you're right there, father will settle down once he realizes I'm doing what I believe is best for Celeste, sure it may sound like I'm arranging their marriage already, but I'm just arranging for them to meet up" she says with a soft smile. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys shook her head. "I don't know what's so appealing in acting like that, but then, quite a few would call me an alcoholic so I won't hold it against you." As if to prove her claim, she raised her cup and asked with a smile. "For the success of your cunning plan?"


Since both their plates and the bottle were empty, Crystal Clear took them and approached the bar. "Thanks for the meal, it was as good as I remembered. How many for the food and the room?"


The innkeeper took the tableware and counted in his head. "That'll be... seventy five bits. With the bath, as you asked." Crystal smiled and reached for her purse. "A fair price, here." Once she paid their dues, the mare walked back to the table and picked up her hand and a half saber. "I'll get something more comfortable from our wagon and get some rest in our room. It's the last one in the gallery. Will you join me or you have other plans?"

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles "I sure do hope those two click though" she says she raises her glass then downs it quickly "Well, you know me, I'll be the first to the bath" she says kissing her cheek before picking up her Dragon Sword and smiles at her "Feel free to join if I'm not out by the time you get back from the cart" she says with a wink then disappears to their room with a happy skip to her step and a giggle.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Suddenly alone in the common room, Crystal Clear strapped her saber back to her belt and walked outside to reach the stables and her cart hidden therein.


The mare walked to the far side of the building, since the stables were located behind the kitchen.  The sun was high and the wather was good, but as she walked, she spotted a lone fishing boat on the shore. She was pretty certain that it wasn't there when they arrived. "Huh, a bit too soon to come back from the catch. Maybe they had an accident..." She thought to herself as she entered the stables through the open doors.


There was a ruckus inside, as the merchants were getting ready to go. The poor stablecolt was doing his best to send them on their way as fast as he can. Crys made use of the commotion and walked to their wagon unmolested, picked some clothes from one of the packs and gave everything a good look over to make sure nopony's been poking their head in their stuff. Satisfied with the outcome of her little inspection, she walked back to the inn, this time getting a better look at her surroundings. Something was... off, with that boat, but she couldn't place her finger on it. Everything seemed normal, aside from that. "Must be my paranoid imagination..." she thought to herself as she entered the inn.


Once inside, Crystal Clear noticed some newcomers - ponies-at-arms of a local lord by the look of them, about ten total. The innkeeper was doing his best to bring them their orders before they got impatient. They took notice of the mare however, and one hollered: "Oi, you, shiny! You need help with that iron? Mares wear dresses, not jacks and swords." Another tried to silence him. "Shut up, can't you see she's some noble? Look at the crest idiot, she ain't from here."


Crys shot them her patented armour piercing look and went to her room, trailed by a few cat calls.


As usual, she knocked to the door with the agreed melodic sequence to notify Clare it was her, then entered the room. It was as she remembered it - a big, double bed in the corner, a large chest at it's foot. A table with three stools near the window, a cabinet by the wall... nothing fancy. What was new however, was a wooden bathtub in the center of te room with a mare inside it.


"Seems like I made it after all..." She said as she locked the door. "How's the water? Wet, I presume?" Crystal Clear waked to the bed and took off her gambeson, then laid out her fresh clothes on the cabinet. "I see some room for one more in there..." the mare smiled and got ready to join her companion.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles and moves over to make room "Having trouble with the local mercenaries darling?" she remarks, eyeing her marefriend up and down as she got undressed for the bath "If they saw me there, they wouldn't have said anything, oh there weren't any minotaurs in that group was there?" she asks, then shakes her head "Listen to me, rambling on about our mission before it's even truly started. I'm a true knight Commander" she giggles and sighs, sinking into the warm water and closing her eyes. "I promised I'd help take the little ones out for a oxen ride in the cart in the morning.." she smirks "and don't give me that look dear, you know I can't resist little ones, besides it's my duty to the crown to help the civilians know that my family isn't part of the stuck up royalty. Even father entertains little ones from time to time, as much of a hardcase as he is, he's a big softie on the inside"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear replied with a dismissive hand wave as she entered the tub. "Nah, just the usual idiocy. Judging from their liveries they're not mercs, but rather soldiers of a local lord. And don't worry, they were all earth ponies. As long as they eat and go someplace else things will be fine. if they get drunk, well, better stay up here, or we'll have a brawl..." She made herself comfortable and sighed as she relaxed. "I always lliked a warm bath."


The crystal mare eyerolled a bit once Clarissa disclosed her plan to entertain the foals. "Okay, I know you like being a good princess, but first we'll need to empty that cart of all our war gear and other stuff. I'll keep an eye on our things when you'll entertain the youngsters.


The mares relaxed in the warm water for a bit, when Crys got an idea. She gently tapped her marefriend with a hoof so she would open her eyes. "Hey, turn around, it's your preening time." She smiled at the other mare as she made that offer.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles as she turns around spreads her wings "sounds like a good plan, and you're right, I do enjoy being a good princess, it makes me smile, knowing that I can help others be happy" she says as she closes her eyes  and sighs softly "It makes it all the worth while, to see those who normally don't have much to live for smiling as if they had everything to live for" she says softly.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Once Clare turned around, Crys knew exactly what to do. Months of practice allowed her to learn the ins and outs of those particular wings. First, a gentle massage of the shoulders and aroundthe wings proper, to relax the muscles and make it easier. And more enjoyable.


The crystal mare nodded, even though Clarissa couldn'r see the gesture. "I know, right? I like it when you go the extra mile for another pony just because you can make them happy. It's so rare these days, and all the more precious because of it. Alright, brace for the funny part." As she issued her warning, she began rubbing the left wing at it's base, and in turn, it started flapping a bit on it's own accord. Crystal Clear always found it funny how wings can move on their own. Luckily today she wasn't tense, so the preparations for the actual preening would be short. Just a couple of minutes to relax the muscles and work out a few kinks, then she could start setting the feathers in shape. For Crys, preening her friend was very enjoyable - it put her mind at ease as she worked her magic, and pegasi seemed to feel great pleasure from a good preening, so doing something nice for her marefriend was also a bonus.


Crystal Clear was about done with the left wing when she rekindled the conversation. "So, once we have some rest in our room, maybe we could go someplace quiet and have some light blade training? Just shadow duels, stances and the like. What do you think?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles and nods "Some shadow blade practice sounds nice," she says as she nearly moans at the feeling of the massage "You have really gentle fingers love, I loove your massages and preening sessions" she says and closes her eyes "Before mother passed, you know that she asked me that I would do my best to make sure that my future citizens are happy and living well. I sure have the means to do it, so why not" she says softly and sighs "i sure do miss mother"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys smiled as Clare agreed on her plan. "Alright, so it's set. After I have a nap that is..." She moved to the other wing, this time without any warning. The other mare's reaction was... priceless. "Thanks for the compliment, I really like taking care of them." She traced her fingers on the upward edge of both wings, causing them to flutter a bit. "Your wingies are just the best. Makes me wish I was a crystal pegasus myself..."


Crystal Clear stayed silent as Clarissa recalled her mother. She was glad her folks were still around...


"I know you do... But I'm sure she would be proud of you and the way you treat every pony, irregardless of their social or economic standing."


A moment of silence passed, and Crystal took care of the other wing. Once she was done with them, she moved up to massage the neck and shoulders.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare nods "I could imagine that, we could go flying together" she says and sighs "And I know sweetheart, father always tells me that wherever she is now, she is watching over me and is very proud of what I've been doing, in fact the other reason that he allowed me to join the academy, is because it was her wish for me to be happy" she giggles and moans this time with the neck and shoulder massage "mm ooh yes, the magic Crystal Clear touch"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear was very pleased with Clarissa's reaction. "Months of practice love, it's safe to say I'm your personal massouse by now." She shifted her attention to a small knot in the left shoulder. "I know that wearing armor all the time, no matter how well fitting, causes your wings and upper back to go stiff after a while, so I do my best to keep you in good shape." after a few minutes Crystal couldn't feel any knots or stiff muscles under her fingers, so she asked her marefriend while gently rubbing her shoulderblades, right between the wings. "Seems like I'm done here. Are we going to get dressed or you want me to take care of something more?"

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles as she turns around kisses Crys "I'm good for now sweetheart, thank you for the offer" she says as she gets out of the bath and begins to dry off, "seeing as we're only shadow practicing, I think breeches and tunic should be fine right?" she asks as she gets out her breeches, slacks and tunic before strapping her boots on and smiling but then as an eerie song is heard being sung in the wind, she shivers.


"Impartial is my battle cry
For here we stand or here we die
A firefight to light the sky;
The time for reckoning is nigh

Their ships outman us one to three
Your choices now could set you free
I ask you all to fight with me;
A challenge for the world to see"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys cocked her head a bit, suddenly alone in the tub. She shrugged and got out herself, then grabbed a towel and patted her coat to dry off.


A sudden question broke her train of thought as she was appreciating the other mare's figure. "Huh? Ah, yes, no need for armor, regular clothes should be fine." Since Crystal toweled herself sufficiently, she walked to the cabinet and donned the set she had prepared: a white long sleeved shirt, tucked inside charcoal breeches and covered by a navy blue, short sleeved tunic. All well tailoerd and form fitting. The getup was supplemented by a belt, leather gloves and hoofboots, all black.


Her ears perked up at the unfamilliar sound. She stood by the bed, too far from the window to see anything. "What's that? You see anything outside?"


One of the reasons Crys chose this room was that she could see most of the village, along with the "harbor".

Edited by Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare looks out the window "Nothing as yet darling, but it's kinda spooky, it reminds me of a story we heard about the hundred year war, when my ancestor begun to regain his sanity and questioned his motivation and reasons for the war in the first place" 


"Nobody saw our sails on the horizon

Nobody heard propellers in the dawn
Nobody smelt our coal fires were burning
Nobody knew--under the radar we crept on.

Here we come, on the run, our coal fires are burning
Here we come, fife and drum, propellers in the dawn
Here we come, on the run, our coal fires are burning
Here we come, fife and drum, under the radar we crept on!"


As she finishes she smiles "Remember that song? It was one of the first we learned when we started out as pages" she asks before putting on a jacket to keep warm.

Edited by Orange Sparks
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear nodded. "Yeah, now I remember it. Never liked it though, it's too... dark, for my tastes." She walked to the window and peered out. "Huh, I was half expecting a minotaur longship to suddenly materialise by the beach, but it seems that our brave ponies-at-arms had their fill of booze and went on their way. The coast should be clear downstairs then."


She grabbed her favourite toy, the hand and a half saber, and held the door for Clarissa. "The beach will get crowded soon by the fisherponies, so I guess we'll have to walk out of the village altogether, so we son't disturb anypony."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods "It is a little dark, yes, but it also kind of keeps us alert. You know, to keep our eyes and ears open under the radar, not to just look at the surface" she says and grabs Dragon sword before following Crys "A little moonlit walk never hurt anypony, I find them to be quite romantic" she says with a little giggle as she hooks arms with Crys and kisses her softly. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear smiled as they walked out of the room and down into the common room. A cursory glance was enough to tell it was, in fact, empty. Even the innkeep was nowhere to be found. Crys shrugged "Not much business it seems. This village is off the main travel routes so it's not that surprising though..." They walked outside and were met by a slight wind from the sea, making the air cooler and carrying the sounds and smells from the beach, where the first fishing boats already landed with their catch. Crys scrunched her muzzle a bit. "We're definetly going out of the village. Come on, I saw a good spot on the way in."


The sun was still high but the mares could tell it was already late afternoon.Just a few hours of sunlight were left for today. Crystal Clear led Clarissa through the main road, outside the village. A few ponies saw them going, but nopony bothered them. About a slingshot away from the last buildings, Crystal stepped off the road and deeper into the land, onto a small hill. Once they reached the top, which wasn't taller than the first storey of the inn, she stopped and showed the spot to her marefriend with a wide open gesture. "What do you think? A bit off the road, and away from the smell of gutted fish too." She unsheathed her saber and gave it a good look over, then tried the blad against a blade of grass. Satisfied with the result, the mare gave it a few sideway 8 swings, one and both handed. "Alright, let's have some fun then."

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